6143 Repositories
Rust rust-todomvc Libraries
Usable, easy and safe pure-Rust crypto
orion About Orion is a cryptography library written in pure Rust. It aims to provide easy and usable crypto while trying to minimize the use of unsafe
WebPKI X.509 Certificate Validation in Rust
Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust
The write-once-run-anywhere GPGPU library for Rust
The old version of Emu (which used macros) is here. Overview Emu is a GPGPU library for Rust with a focus on portability, modularity, and performance.
Collection of Optimization algorithm in Rust
rustimization A rust optimization library which includes L-BFGS-B and Conjugate Gradient algorithm. Documentation The simplest way to use these optimi
Statistical computation library for Rust
statrs Current Version: v0.13.0 Should work for both nightly and stable Rust. NOTE: While I will try to maintain backwards compatibility as much as po
Scientific Computing Library in Rust
SciRust Scientific computing library written in Rust programming language. The objective is to design a generic library which can be used as a backbon
Rust wrapper for ArrayFire
Arrayfire Rust Bindings ArrayFire is a high performance library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. It enables users to write scientific c
gmp bindings for rust
Documentation The following functions are intentionally left out of the bindings: gmp_randinit (not thread-safe, obsolete) mpz_random (not thread-safe
BLAS bindings for Rust
RBLAS Rust bindings and wrappers for BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). Overview RBLAS wraps each external call in a trait with the same name (b
Mathematical optimization in pure Rust
argmin A pure Rust optimization framework This crate offers a numerical optimization toolbox/framework written entirely in Rust. It is at the moment p
Zip implementation in Rust
zip-rs Documentation Info A zip library for rust which supports reading and writing of simple ZIP files. Supported compression formats: stored (i.e. n
Tar file reading/writing for Rust
tar-rs Documentation A tar archive reading/writing library for Rust. # Cargo.toml [dependencies] tar = "0.4" Reading an archive extern crate tar; use
Snappy bindings for Rust
Snappy [ Originally forked from https://github.com/thestinger/rust-snappy ] Documentation Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] snappy = "
DEFLATE, gzip, and zlib bindings for Rust
flate2 A streaming compression/decompression library DEFLATE-based streams in Rust. This crate by default uses the miniz_oxide crate, a port of miniz.
A Rust implementation of the Zopfli compression algorithm.
Zopfli in Rust This is a reimplementation of the Zopfli compression tool in Rust. I have totally ignored zopflipng. More info about why and how I did
SIMD Floating point and integer compressed vector library
compressed_vec Floating point and integer compressed vector library, SIMD-enabled for fast processing/iteration over compressed representations. This
libbz2 (bzip2 compression) bindings for Rust
bzip2 Documentation A streaming compression/decompression library for rust with bindings to libbz2. # Cargo.toml [dependencies] bzip2 = "0.4" License
Brotli compressor and decompressor written in rust that optionally avoids the stdlib
rust-brotli What's new in 3.2 into_inner conversions for both Reader and Writer classes What's new in 3.0 A fully compatible FFI for drop-in compatibi
A Brotli implementation in pure and safe Rust
Brotli-rs - Brotli decompression in pure, safe Rust Documentation Compression provides a Read-struct to wrap a Brotli-compressed stream. A consumer
Rust implementation of the termbox library
Rustbox Rustbox is a Rust implementation of termbox. Currently, this is just a wrapper of the C library by nsf, though my plan is to convert it to be
A Rust curses library, supports Unix platforms and Windows
pancurses pancurses is a curses library for Rust that supports both Linux and Windows by abstracting away the backend that it uses (ncurses-rs and pdc
A low-level ncurses wrapper for Rust
ncurses-rs This is a very thin wrapper around the ncurses TUI lib. NOTE: The ncurses lib is terribly unsafe and ncurses-rs is only the lightest wrappe
BearLibTerminal FFI for Rust
BearLibTerminal.rs BearLibTerminal FFI for Rust. Requirements You need to compile/get a precompiled version of BearLibTerminal yourself and put it som
Build terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust
tui-rs tui-rs is a Rust library to build rich terminal user interfaces and dashboards. It is heavily inspired by the Javascript library blessed-contri
Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/termion
Documentation Examples Changelog Tutorial Termion is a pure Rust, bindless library for low-level handling, manipulating and reading information about
Rust library for putting things in a grid
rust-term-grid This library arranges textual data in a grid format suitable for fixed-width fonts, using an algorithm to minimise the amount of space
A Text User Interface library for the Rust programming language
Cursive Cursive is a TUI (Text User Interface) library for rust. It uses ncurses by default, but other backends are available. It allows you to build
Cross platform terminal library rust
Cross-platform Terminal Manipulation Library Crossterm is a pure-rust, terminal manipulation library that makes it possible to write cross-platform te
(Rust) Coloring terminal so simple you already know how to do it !
Colored Coloring terminal so simple, you already know how to do it! "this is blue".blue(); "this is red".red(); "this is red on blue".red(
A dead simple ANSI terminal color painting library for Rust.
yansi A dead simple ANSI terminal color painting library for Rust. use yansi::Paint; print!("{} light, {} light!", Paint::green("Green"), Paint::red(
Cross-platform Rust library for coloring and formatting terminal output
Coloring terminal output Documentation term-painter is a cross-platform (i.e. also non-ANSI terminals) Rust library for coloring and formatting termin
Rust library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)
rust-ansi-term This is a library for controlling colours and formatting, such as red bold text or blue underlined text, on ANSI terminals. View the Ru
Low-level Rust library for implementing terminal command line interface, like in embedded systems.
Terminal CLI Need to build an interactive command prompt, with commands, properties and with full autocomplete? This is for you. Example, output only
🛎 60+ Elegant terminal spinners for Rust
Spinners - 🛎 60+ Elegant terminal spinners for Rust ❤️ Shameless plug Charts, simple as a URL. No more server-side rendering pain, 1 url = 1 chart Lo
Console progress bar for Rust
Terminal progress bar for Rust Console progress bar for Rust Inspired from pb, support and tested on MacOS, Linux and Windows Documentation Examples s
A command line progress reporting library for Rust
indicatif Documentation A Rust library for indicating progress in command line applications to users. This currently primarily provides progress bars
Rust port of pexpect
rexpect Spawn, control, and respond to expected patterns of child applications and processes, enabling the automation of interactions and testing. Com
a Rust library for running child processes
duct.rs Duct is a library for running child processes. Duct makes it easy to build pipelines and redirect IO like a shell. At the same time, Duct help
Execution of and interaction with external processes and pipelines
subprocess The subprocess library provides facilities for execution of and interaction with external processes and pipelines, inspired by Python's sub
Readline Implementation in Rust
RustyLine Readline implementation in Rust that is based on Antirez' Linenoise Supported Platforms Unix (tested on FreeBSD, Linux and macOS) Windows cm
Configurable, extensible, interactive line reader
linefeed linefeed is a configurable, concurrent, extensible, interactive input reader for Unix terminals and Windows console. API Documentation linefe
A readline-like library in Rust.
liner A Rust library offering readline-like functionality. CONTRIBUTING.md Featues Autosuggestions Emacs and Vi keybindings Multi-line editing History
😱 Panic messages for humans.
human-panic Panic messages for humans. Handles panics by calling std::panic::set_hook to make errors nice for humans. Documentation Crates.io Why? Whe
▁▂▆▇▁▄█▁ Sparklines for Rust apps
rspark ▁▂▆▇▁▄█▁ Sparklines for Rust apps. Rust port of https://github.com/holman/spark Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] rspark = "0.2
A minimal CLI framework written in Rust
seahorse A minimal CLI framework written in Rust Features Easy to use No dependencies Typed flags(Bool, String, Int, Float) Documentation Here Usage T
Quickly build cool CLI apps in Rust.
QuiCLI Quickly build cool CLI apps in Rust. Getting started Read the Getting Started guide! Thanks This is only possible because of all the awesome li
Docopt for Rust (command line argument parser).
THIS CRATE IS UNMAINTAINED This crate is unlikely to see significant future evolution. The primary reason to choose this crate for a new project is if
A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust
clap Command Line Argument Parser for Rust It is a simple-to-use, efficient, and full-featured library for parsing command line arguments and subcomma
Coroutine I/O for Rust
Coroutine I/O Coroutine scheduling with work-stealing algorithm. WARN: Possibly crash because of TLS inline, check https://github.com/zonyitoo/coio-rs
Coroutine Library in Rust
coroutine-rs Coroutine library in Rust [dependencies] coroutine = "0.8" Usage Basic usage of Coroutine extern crate coroutine; use std::usize; use co
Rayon: A data parallelism library for Rust
Rayon Rayon is a data-parallelism library for Rust. It is extremely lightweight and makes it easy to convert a sequential computation into a parallel
Abstract over the atomicity of reference-counting pointers in rust
Archery Archery is a rust library that offers a way to abstraction over Rc and Arc smart pointers. This allows you to create data structures where the
Tools for concurrent programming in Rust
Crossbeam This crate provides a set of tools for concurrent programming: Atomics AtomicCell, a thread-safe mutable memory location.(no_std) AtomicCons
memcache client for rust
rust-memcache rust-memcache is a memcached client written in pure rust. Install The crate is called memcache and you can depend on it via cargo: [depe
Rust cache structures and easy function memoization
cached Caching structures and simplified function memoization cached provides implementations of several caching structures as well as a handy macro f
Rust binary memcached implementation
bmemcached-rs Rust binary memcached implementation (ON GOING) Usage extern crate bmemcached; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use bmemcached::Me
Linux SocketCAN access in Rust
Rust SocketCAN support Maintenance status: This crate is in the process of entering renewed joint maintainership with @fpagliughi. Please stay patient
Rust dbc parser
can-dbc A CAN-dbc format parser written with Rust's nom parser combinator library. 1. Example Read dbc file and generate Rust structs based on the mes
Rust DLT (Diagnostic Log and Trace) packet parser
dlt_parse A zero allocation rust library for basic parsing & writing DLT (Diagnostic Log and Trace) packets. Currently only the parsing and writing of
A OAuth2 server library, for use in combination with actix or other frontends, featuring a set of configurable and pluggable backends.
oxide-auth A OAuth2 server library, for use in combination with common web servers, featuring a set of configurable and pluggable backends. About oxid
JWT lib in rust
jsonwebtoken API documentation on docs.rs See JSON Web Tokens for more information on what JSON Web Tokens are. Installation Add the following to Carg
Rust bindings for the soloud audio engine library
soloud-rs A crossplatform Rust bindings for the soloud audio engine library. Supported formats: wav, mp3, ogg, flac. The library also comes with a spe
A music theory guide written in Rust.
Rust Music Theory A library and executable that provides programmatic implementation of the basis of the music theory. Table of Contents Overview Usag
PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust.
rust-portaudio PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust. PortAudio is a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library. rust-portaudio is still
Rust audio playback library
Audio playback library Rust playback library. Playback is handled by cpal. MP3 decoding is handled by minimp3. WAV decoding is handled by hound. Vorbi
Cross-platform audio I/O library in pure Rust
CPAL - Cross-Platform Audio Library Low-level library for audio input and output in pure Rust. This library currently supports the following: Enumerat
High-level PortMidi bindings and wrappers for Rust
portmidi-rs High-level PortMidi bindings for Rust. PortMidi website: http://portmedia.sourceforge.net/portmidi/ Installation Add this to your Cargo.to
Idiomatic Rust bindings for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX).
alto alto provides idiomatic Rust bindings for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX). WARNING Because Alto interacts with global C state via dynam
Easy Api in Rust to play Sounds
ears ears is a simple library to play sounds and music in Rust. Provides an access to the OpenAL spatialization functionality in a simple way. Accepts
A rust binding for the FMOD library
rust-fmod This is a rust binding for FMOD, the library developped by FIRELIGHT TECHNOLOGIES. FMOD website : www.fmod.org You can also find it on crate
rust stackful coroutine library
May May is a high-performant library for programming stackful coroutines with which you can easily develop and maintain massive concurrent programs. I
Metal IO library for Rust
Mio – Metal IO Mio is a fast, low-level I/O library for Rust focusing on non-blocking APIs and event notification for building high performance I/O ap
Zero-cost asynchronous programming in Rust
Zero-cost asynchronous programming in Rust Documentation | Website futures-rs is a library providing the foundations for asynchronous programming in R
Monad/MonadIO, Handler, Coroutine/doNotation, Functional Programming features for Rust
fpRust Monad, Functional Programming features for Rust Why I love functional programming, Rx-style coding. However it's hard to implement them in Rust
[no longer maintained] Scalable, coroutine-based, fibers/green-threads for Rust. (aka MIO COroutines).
Documentation mioco Mioco provides green-threads (aka fibers) like eg. Goroutines in Go, for Rust. Status This repo is a complete re-implementation of
Coroutine I/O for Rust
Coroutine I/O Coroutine scheduling with work-stealing algorithm. WARN: Possibly crash because of TLS inline, check https://github.com/zonyitoo/coio-rs
A Rust library for calculating sun positions
sun A rust port of the JS library suncalc. Install Add the following to your Cargo.toml [dependencies] sun = "0.2" Usage pub fn main() { let unixti
Astronomical algorithms in Rust
astro-rust Contents API Docs About Usage Contributing References About astro-rust is a library of advanced astronomical algorithms for the Rust progra
Rust bindings for the C++ api of PyTorch.
tch-rs Rust bindings for the C++ api of PyTorch. The goal of the tch crate is to provide some thin wrappers around the C++ PyTorch api (a.k.a. libtorc
Machine learning crate for Rust
rustlearn A machine learning package for Rust. For full usage details, see the API documentation. Introduction This crate contains reasonably effectiv
Rust language bindings for TensorFlow
TensorFlow Rust provides idiomatic Rust language bindings for TensorFlow. Notice: This project is still under active development and not guaranteed to
Rust library for Self Organising Maps (SOM).
RusticSOM Rust library for Self Organising Maps (SOM). Using this Crate Add rusticsom as a dependency in Cargo.toml [dependencies] rusticsom = "1.1.0"
Machine Learning library for Rust
rusty-machine This library is no longer actively maintained. The crate is currently on version 0.5.4. Read the API Documentation to learn more. And he
A Rust machine learning framework.
Linfa linfa (Italian) / sap (English): The vital circulating fluid of a plant. linfa aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit to build Machine Learning
Rust implementation of real-coded GA for solving optimization problems and training of neural networks
revonet Rust implementation of real-coded genetic algorithm for solving optimization problems and training of neural networks. The latter is also know
Genetic Algorithm library in Rust
RsGenetic Summary and Features RsGenetic is a framework for executing genetic algorithms in Rust. It is designed to have a simple but modular API. Exa
darwin-rs, evolutionary algorithms with rust
darwin-rs This library allows you to write evolutionary algorithms (EA) using the Rust programming language. Written by Willi Kappler, License: MIT -
Execute genetic algorithm (GA) simulations in a customizable and extensible way.
genevo genevo provides building blocks to run simulations of optimization and search problems using genetic algorithms (GA). The vision for genevo is
Fast, parallel, extensible and adaptable genetic algorithms framework written in Rust
oxigen Oxigen is a parallel genetic algorithm framework implemented in Rust. The name comes from the merge of OXIdación (Rust translated to Spanish) a
C to Rust translator
Corrode: Automatic semantics-preserving translation from C to Rust This program reads a C source file and prints an equivalent module in Rust syntax.
Migrate C code to Rust
C2Rust helps you migrate C99-compliant code to Rust. The translator (or transpiler) produces unsafe Rust code that closely mirrors the input C code. T
Rust mid-level IR Abstract Interpreter
MIRAI MIRAI is an abstract interpreter for the Rust compiler's mid-level intermediate representation (MIR). It is intended to become a widely used sta
A library for generating fake data in Rust.
Fake A Rust library for generating fake data. Installation Default (rand is required): [dependencies] fake = "2.4" rand = "0.8" If you want to use #[d
Travis CI and AppVeyor template to test your Rust crate on 5 architectures and publish binary releases of it for Linux, macOS and Windows
trust Travis CI and AppVeyor template to test your Rust crate on 5 architectures and publish binary releases of it for Linux, macOS and Windows Featur
🐇 Fuzzing Rust code with American Fuzzy Lop
afl.rs Fuzzing Rust code with AFLplusplus What is it? Fuzz testing is a software testing technique used to find security and stability issues by provi
Testing Framework for Rust
Polish Polish is Test-Driven Development done right Getting Started Installing the Package The crates.io package is kept up-to-date with all the major
HTTP mocking library for Rust.
httpmock HTTP mocking library for Rust. Documentation · Crate · Report Bug · Request Feature · Changelog Features Simple, expressive, fluent API. Many
An intrusive flamegraph profiling tool for rust.
FLAME A cool flamegraph library for rust Flamegraphs are a great way to view profiling information. At a glance, they give you information about how m
Generate CPU FlameGraphs based on DWARF Debug Info
torch A script that glues perf CPU sampling and Brendan Gregg's visualizer to generate FlameGraphs. Requirements Usage Examples License Requirements L