Rust implementation of real-coded GA for solving optimization problems and training of neural networks



Rust implementation of real-coded genetic algorithm for solving optimization problems and training of neural networks. The latter is also known as neuroevolution.


  • real-coded Evolutionary Algorithm
  • NeuroEvolutionary tuning of weights of Neural Network with fixed structure
  • supports several feed-forward architectures

  • automatically computes statistics for single and multiple runs for EA and NE
  • EA settings and results can be saved to json
  • allows defining user-specified objective functions for EA and NE (see examples below)


Real-coded genetic algorithm

let pop_size = 20u32;       // population size.
let problem_dim = 10u32;    // number of optimization parameters.

let problem = RosenbrockProblem{};  // objective function.
let gen_count = 10u32;      // generations number.
let settings = GASettings::new(pop_size, gen_count, problem_dim);
let mut ga: GA<RosenbrockProblem> = GA::new(settings, &problem);   // init GA.
let res ="Error during GA run");  // run and fetch the results.

// get and print results of the current run.
println!("\n\nGA results: {:?}", res);

// make multiple runs and get combined results.
let res = ga.run_multiple(settings, 10 as u32).expect("Error during multiple GA runs");
println!("\n\nResults of multple GA runs: {:?}", res);

Run evolution of NN weights to solve regression problem

let (pop_size, gen_count, param_count) = (20, 20, 100); // gene_count does not matter here as NN structure is defined by a problem.
let settings = EASettings::new(pop_size, gen_count, param_count);
let problem = SymbolicRegressionProblem::new_f();

let mut ne: NE<SymbolicRegressionProblem> = NE::new(&problem);
let res ="Error: NE result is empty");
println!("result: {:?}", res);
println!("\nbest individual: {:?}",;

Creating multilayered neural network with 2 hidden layers with sigmoid activation and with linear output nodes.

const INPUT_SIZE: usize = 20;
const OUTPUT_SIZE: usize = 2;

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();   // needed for weights initialization when NN is built.
let mut net: MultilayeredNetwork = MultilayeredNetwork::new(INPUT_SIZE, OUTPUT_SIZE);
net.add_hidden_layer(30 as usize, ActivationFunctionType::Sigmoid)
     .add_hidden_layer(20 as usize, ActivationFunctionType::Sigmoid)
     .build(&mut rng, NeuralArchitecture::Multilayered);       // `build` finishes creation of neural network.

let (ws, bs) = net.get_weights();   // `ws` and `bs` are `Vec` arrays containing weights and biases for each layer.
assert!(ws.len() == 3);		// number of elements equals to number of hidden layers + 1 output layer
assert!(bs.len() == 3);		// number of elements equals to number of hidden layers + 1 output layer

Creating custom optimization problem for GA

// Dummy problem returning random fitness.
pub struct DummyProblem;
impl Problem for DummyProblem {
    // Function to evaluate a specific individual.
    fn compute<T: Individual>(&self, ind: &mut T) -> f32 {
        // use `to_vec` to get real-coded representation of an individual.
        let v = ind.to_vec().unwrap();

        let mut rng: StdRng = StdRng::from_seed(&[0]);

Creating custom problem for NN evolution

// Dummy problem returning random fitness.
struct RandomNEProblem {}
impl RandomNEProblem {
    fn new() -> RandomNEProblem {
impl NeuroProblem for RandomNEProblem {
    // return number of NN inputs.
    fn get_inputs_num(&self) -> usize {1}
    // return number of NN outputs.
    fn get_outputs_num(&self) -> usize {1}
    // return NN with random weights and a fixed structure. For now the structure should be the same all the time to make sure that crossover is possible. Likely to change in the future.
    fn get_default_net(&self) -> MultilayeredNetwork {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        let mut net: MultilayeredNetwork = MultilayeredNetwork::new(self.get_inputs_num(), self.get_outputs_num());
        net.add_hidden_layer(5 as usize, ActivationFunctionType::Sigmoid)
            .build(&mut rng, NeuralArchitecture::Multilayered);
    // Function to evaluate performance of a given NN.
    fn compute_with_net<T: NeuralNetwork>(&self, nn: &mut T) -> f32 {
        let mut rng: StdRng = StdRng::from_seed(&[0]);
        let mut input = (0..self.get_inputs_num())
                            .map(|_| rng.gen::<f32>())
        // compute NN output using random input.
        let mut output = nn.compute(&input);

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  • Refactoring


    Currently there is something wrong with the way EA, GA and NE are organized. Can not say exactly, but one of the problems is that some generics are defined locally (for functions in EA), while GA and NE define those generics per implementation. Overloading functions becomes a headache. Need to find a better way.

    opened by yurytsoy 2
  • Improvement for GA infrastructure

    Improvement for GA infrastructure

    • [x] Add GA context
    • [x] Make reproducible by enabling seeded rng and passing rng in the context
    • [x] Implement EA trait
    • [x] Add saving/loading settings/results to json
    • [x] Add support for more crossover and mutation operators
    • [ ] Add speciation
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  • Add possibility to create ANNs with skip connections

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    compute_with_bypass(inputs: &[f32], bypass: &[f32]) -> Vec<f32>

    the layer computes output using inputs and returns output vector concatenated with the bypass. Concatenation is performed right before the return.

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    • use layer output as a bypass for the next layer to propagate outputs of all layers forward throughout the network.
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