6186 Repositories
Rust rust-native-tls Libraries
A boringssl-based rustls crypto provider
boring-rustls-provider This is supposed to be the start to a boringssl-based rustls crypto provider. Status This is just a dump of me figuring out how
This is a command line utility written in Rust that helps you plan factories in Satisfactory.
Satisfactory Factory Planning Utility This is a command line utility written in Rust that helps you plan factories in Satisfactory. Tell it what you w
Frost in Rust (Study only)
FROST (Study only) This implementation was part of the contribution for the following paper: Chelsea Komlo, Ian Goldberg. "FROST: Flexible Round-Optim
SQL/JSON path engine in Rust.
sql-json-path SQL/JSON Path implementation in Rust. 🚧 Under development 🚧 Features Compatible with SQL/JSON Path standard and PostgreSQL implementat
An over-simplified version control system written in Rust, similar to Git, for local files (Incomplete)
Vault Vault will be a command line tool (if successful) similar to git which would have multiple features like brances etc etc. __ __ _ _
Hopper is a tool for generating fuzzing test cases for libraries automatically using interpretative fuzzing.
Hopper Hopper is an tool for generating fuzzing test cases for libraries automatically using interpretative fuzzing. It transforms the problem of libr
A beautiful, tiny traceback and logging library supporting #![no_std] rust.
breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs is a beautiful, tiny traceback and logging library for Rust that offers seamless integration with #![no_std], multi-threading
Elkodon - true zero-copy inter-process-communication in rust
elkodon - Zero-Copy Lock-Free IPC Purely Written In Rust Introduction Performance Getting Started Publish Subscribe Events Custom Configuration Suppor
Global-Scale Media Server written in Rust (WebRTC/RTMP/SIP)
Decentralized Ultra-Low Latency Streaming Server A decentralized media server designed to handle media streaming at a global-scale, making it suitable
Fix broken crates instantly 🏃🏽♀️💨
Patch-Crate patch-crate lets rust app developer instantly make and keep fixes to rust crate dependencies. It's a vital band-aid for those of us living
Hyperswitch Card Vault is an open-source sensitive information storage system built on Rust.
Tartarus - Rust Locker Overview The Hyperswitch Card Vault (Tartarus) is a highly performant and a secure vault to save sensitive data such as payment
Derive forms from structs.
leptos_form: Derive leptos forms from rust structs Documentation Docs GitHub repository Cargo package Minimum supported Rust version: 1.75.0 or later
Rust boids simulation using Reynolds model running with Bevy engine.
example.mp4 About Rust boids simulation using Reynolds model running with Bevy engine. The following parameters can be updated while the simulation is
High-level, optionally asynchronous Rust bindings to llama.cpp
llama_cpp-rs Safe, high-level Rust bindings to the C++ project of the same name, meant to be as user-friendly as possible. Run GGUF-based large langua
Umpteen is a general-purpose programming language currently in active development being bootstrapped from Rust
The Umpteen Programming Language This repository provides the reference implementation for the Umpteen Programming Language, bootstrapped from Rust. U
The Zero Knowledge Whitelist Tool is a powerful utility for managing an address whitelist using Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs.
zk_whitelist: A Zero Knowledge Whitelist Tool The Zero Knowledge Whitelist Tool is a powerful utility for managing an address whitelist using Zero-Kno
The fastest bloom filter in Rust. No accuracy compromises. Use any hasher.
b100m-filter The fastest bloom filter in Rust. No accuracy compromises. Use any hasher. Usage # Cargo.toml [dependencies] b100m-filter = "0.3.0" use b
Boursorama / BoursoBank unofficial API and CLI
Bourso CLI This app aims to be a simple CLI powered by Bourso API to log in to your BoursoBank/Boursorama account and achieve some basic tasks. The fi
A simple command-line application to securely store secrets using encryption
rust-secret-vault A simple yet robust command-line tool designed to safely encrypt and store your sensitive information. Harnessing the power of AES-2
Personal experiments with genetic algorithms and neuroevolution, in Rust, with the Bevy engine.
The Tango Problem Personal experiments with genetic algorithms and neuroevolution, in Rust, with the Bevy engine. A number of "Psychics" are placed in
🛠️ An experimental functional systems programming language, written in Rust and powered by LLVM as a backend.
An experimental functional systems programming language, written in Rust, and powered by LLVM as a backend. 🎯 Goal: The intent is to create a program
🔨 A JSON parser that will return span informations
Spanned Json Parser This crate is a json parser that will return span information for values, which mean lines and column number. It is also compati
Pet project to get acquainted with Rust, and mess around with symbolic expressions.
Symba Pet project to get acquainted with Rust, and to mess around with symbolic expressions, hence the name 'Symba'. Example: use asg::{deftree, r
A peer-to-peer database in Rust
rustp2p A simple yet powerful Peer-to-Peer key-value database implemented in Rust. This project also includes a CLI (Command Line Interface) that enab
PyO3's PyAny as a serde data format
serde-pyobject PyO3's PyAny as a serde data format Usage Serialize T: Serialize into &'py PyAny: use serde::Serialize; use pyo3::{Python, types::{PyAn
Rust bindings to the tg geometry library
tg-sys tg-sys provides unsafe bindings to the tg library. See the documentation at https://github.com/tidwall/tg/blob/main/docs/API.md for details. Us
A more compact and intuitive ASCII table in your terminal: an alternative to "man 7 ascii" and "ascii"
asciit A more compact and intuitive ASCII table in your terminal: an alternative to man 7 ascii and ascii. Colored numbers and letters are much more e
Signed distance functions + Rust (CPU & GPU) = ❤️❤️
sdf-playground Signed distance functions + Rust (CPU & GPU) = ❤️❤️ Platforms: Windows, Mac & Linux. About sdf-playground is a demo showcasing how you
A tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates and write in Rust!
anew A tool for adding new lines to files written in Rust. The tool aids in appending lines from stdin to a file, but only if they don't already appea
Rust flavor of the popular cron scheduler croner.
Croner Croner is a fully featured, lightweight, efficient Rust library for parsing and evaluating cron patterns. Designed with simplicity and performa
Calc: A fully-featured minimalistic configurable calculator written in Rust
Calc Calc: A fully-featured minimalistic configurable rust calculator Install You can install the latest version from source git clone https://github.
A* Pathfinding Visualisation in Rust
astar.rs A blazingly-fast A-Star search algorithm and visualisation written in Rust. GUI powered by egui. Allows for dynamic grid sizes and user-chose
Go to Rust calls with Apache Arrow datatypes.
🔎 Overview alloy is a standalone Go module that enables calls to Rust code with Apache Arrow datatypes through its defined C data interface. The over
Minimal, blazing fast Node.js script runner
nrr Minimal, blazing fast Node.js script runner. Why? nrr initializes and resolves scripts way faster than package managers. It achieves this by provi
Byte is a blazingly fast🚀 Discord Bot with a user-friendly design using twilight written in rust🦀.
Byte Byte is a blazingly fast🚀 Discord Bot with a user-friendly design using twilight written in rust🦀. How To Run There is a public version of the
CosmWasm/Sylvia counting contract w/ IBC enabled (Cosmos, Rust, CosmWasm, Sylvia)
CosmWasm/Sylvia counting contract w/ IBC enabled (Cosmos, Rust, CosmWasm, Sylvia) This repository contains counting contract created during the study
Translations of a simple C program to Rust.
Translations of a simple C program to Rust This repository contains several translations of Russ Cox's Thompson NFA C program to Rust. Cox's program f
Get up-to-date departure times for Munich public transport in your terminal.
MVG Fahrinfo MVG Fahrinfo is a CLI tool to keep up-to-date with latest departure times of Munich public transport. The app is a native binary and uses
A Lightning-Fast DNS Resolver written in Rust 🦀
dnsresolver A Lightning-Fast DNS Resolver Table of Contents Installation Usage Basic Usage Resolving Hosts with Ports Virtual Host Enumeration Using U
An inline SIMD accelerated hashmap designed for small amount of data.
Small-Map An inline SIMD accelerated hashmap designed for small amount of data. Usage use small_map::SmallMap; // Don't worry about the 16 here. // Wh
Video Management System. Mirror of Codeberg.
Screenshots | Changelog | Codeberg | Matrix Overview Full resolution live view with sub 2 second delay 24/7 recording to custom database TFlite object
Hopper is a tool for generating fuzzing test cases for libraries automatically using interpretative fuzzing.
Hopper Hopper is an tool for generating fuzzing test cases for libraries automatically using interpretative fuzzing. It transforms the problem of libr
A 3dprinter/cnc firmware framework powered by rust embassy
Printhor: The highly reliable but not necessarily functional 3D printer firmware If you are using this product or like the project, please ★ this repo
A Rust macro for quickly unwrapping a refutable pattern.
unwrap_let! A Rust macro for quickly unwrapping a refutable pattern. Install Add unwrap_let to your dependency by running cargo add unwrap_let or edit
A secure CLI password generator written in rust.
Rust CLI Password Generator Overview This Project is a secure CLI password generator written in rust. This generates a secure password with three diff
Level up your shader game with the GPU + Rust advantage!
Gravy (WIP) Ya know, my momma always said everything's better with Gravy... Gravy is a shader programming framework and toolkit built on the union of
Smooth pixel-perfect camera for Bevy
bevy_smooth_pixel_camera A bevy plugin that adds a simple smooth pixel camera. The smoothing is based on this video from aarthificial which explains h
Global-Scale Media Server written in Rust (WebRTC/RTMP/SIP)
8xFF Media Server: Global-Scale Ultra-Low Latency Streaming Server written in Rust A media server that supports multiple protocols, including WebRTC,
A tool to export TiDB database data to files in cases where the TiDB server can't be restored.
tidb-exporter TiDB uses RocksDB as default storage engine(in fact, TiKV uses it). tidb-exporter can export data from pure RocksDB data files even when
A Rust implementation of V8's ValueSerializer and ValueDeserializer
v8_valueserializer This module implements the V8 ValueSerializer and ValueDeserializer API in Rust. It can serialize and deserialize any value that ca
Sero is a web server that allows you to easily host your static sites without pain. The idea was inspired by surge.sh but gives you full control.
sero Lightning-fast, static web publishing with zero configuration and full control 📖 Table Of Contents 📖 Table Of Contents 🔧 Tools ❓ About The Pro
Fahrenheit-celsius converter using actix
fahrenheit-celsius-converter Simple http Fahrenheit/Celsius/Kelvin converter using actix-web. Note This is a toy project, not yet finished. It's not r
💫 List-rendering component utilizing FLIP position transitions for Leptos
AnimatedFor / component for Leptos FLIP animations for element and component groups inspired by Vue's TransitionGroup. This crate exports a compon
Dead simple, memoized cargo subcommand to hoist cargo-built binaries into the current working directory, written in Rust.
cargo-hoist Dead simple cargo subcommand to hoist cargo-built binaries into scope. stable Install | User Docs | Crate Docs | Reference | Contributing
Dash is a CLI tool that rapidly sets up new projects by running a series of pre-defined commands.
Dash Dash is a CLI tool that rapidly sets up new projects by running a series of pre-defined commands. Features Quick Initialization: Initialize the c
Bindings for jsonpath-rust library
jsonpath-rust-bindings This package contains Python bindings for jsonpath-rust library by besok. The details regarding the JsonPath itself can be foun
MMRL Command Line Interface is a free tool to install Magisk/KernelSU modules
Magisk Module Repo Loader CLI MMRL comes now as command line interface, with multi module install support! Repositoreis You can use any repo you want,
"Last Mile" streaming server and client
TSLM - Terminal Stream Last Mile This is an asynchronous WebSocket server written in Rust using tokio-tungstenite. It allows a WebSocket client to per
General matrix multiplication with custom configuration in Rust. Supports no_std and no_alloc environments.
microgemm General matrix multiplication with custom configuration in Rust. Supports no_std and no_alloc environments. The implementation is based on t
Trait that allows comparing a value to a range of values.
range_cmp Docs This Rust crate provides the RangeComparable trait on all types that implement Ord. This traits exposes a rcmp associated method that a
Rust based magic-string with source map chains support
enhanced-magic-string Rust implementation of https://www.npmjs.com/package/magic-string with original sourcemap chain support. license. This project i
A reconciliation service to sync a key-value map over multiple instances.
reconcile-rs Docs This crate provides a key-data map structure HRTree that can be used together with the reconciliation Service. Different instances c
zk-rollup in rust for the advanced security and privacy course
Efficient zk-Rollup Implementation in Rust This repository contains a simple, single transaction, zero-knowledge rollup made in Rust. We have combined
A rust crate can find first `Err` in `IteratorResultT, E` and iterating continuously, without allocation.
Api Document first-err Find the first Err in IteratorResultT, E and allow iterating continuously. This crate is specifically designed to replace t
String processing with file/line/col information and the regular rust `str` API
Simple span handling for str and &[u8] This crate exposes some of the methods that exist on str or bstr. If you are missing any you need, please open
Channel some Ki with Lua scripts for sending transactions to Starknet, powered by Rust.
Kipt Kipt is leveraging the simplicity of Lua scripts to manage Starknet contracts using starknet-rs under the hood. With few lines, you can declare,
A rust chess implementation using a neural network scoring function built on huggingface/candle + rust + wasm
Rusty Chess What is it? Rusty Chess aims to be a high quality embeddable chess engine that runs entirely locally in the browser (no backend required).
A small CLI utility for helping you learn japanese words made in rust 🦀
Memofante (Clique aqui ver em português) Memofante is here, a biiiig help: Do you often forget japanese words you really didn't want to forget? Do you
zink! is a library for developing ink! smart contracts with useful Rust macros that extend functionality and reduce boilerplate code.
zink! Smart Contract Macros This is a helper library for developing ink! smart contracts. It contains useful Rust macros that extend functionality and
HTTP client/libcurl TUI front end in Rust, with request + key storage
Rust TUI HTTP Client with API Key Management This project is still in active development and although it is useable, there may still be bugs and signi
Catch Tailwindcss Errors at Compile-Time Before They Catch You, without making any change to your code! Supports overriding, extending, custom classes, custom modifiers, Plugins and many more 🚀🔥🦀
twust Twust is a powerful static checker in rust for TailwindCSS class names at compile-time. Table of Contents Overview Installation Usage Statement
A single-binary, GPU-accelerated LLM server (HTTP and WebSocket API) written in Rust
Poly Poly is a versatile LLM serving back-end. What it offers: High-performance, efficient and reliable serving of multiple local LLM models Optional
Blog de la comunidad en Español, promovemos el contenido de la comunidad e integramos el contenido oficial
🤝🏼 Agrega tu articulo Pasos: Haz fork de este proyecto Crea un archivo Markdown en la carpeta articles Escribe tu articulo con este formato --- titl
A light-as-air client/server networking library for Rust
aeronet A light-as-air client/server networking library with first-class support for Bevy, providing a consistent API which can be implemented by diff
Automatic HTTPS certificates for trillium.rs, via Let's Encrypt and ACME tls-alpn-01 challenges
trillium-acme helps you serve HTTPS with Trillium using automatic certificates, via Let’s Encrypt and ACME tls-alpn-01 challenges. To use trillium-acm
DevNot Summit 2023 etkinliğindeki Programcıdan Programcıya Rust konulu sunuma ait örnek kodları içerir.
DevNot Summit 2023 - Programcıdan Programcıya Rust DevNot Summit 2023 etkinliğindeki Programcıdan Programcıya Rust konulu sunuma ait örnek kodları içe
Slack chat bot written in Rust that allows the user to interact with a large language model.
A Slack chat bot written in Rust that allows the user to interact with a large language model. Creating an App on Slack, first steps Go to https://api
DHCP Server programmed in rust with zero dependencies and unsafe.
RustyDHCP A simple and zero-dependency DHCP server written in Rust, with credit to Richard Warburton for contributions to parts of the code. Features
SquareDB - A new database
SquareDB The idea behind this was to create a new database, focusing on the data structures and algorithms behind it. I am also really interested in l
🦎 Prototypes on polymorphic, metamorphic and poly-metamorphic malwares in Rust 🦎
chameleon-rs Prototypes on polymorphic, metamorphic and poly-metamorphic malwares in Rust. Disclaimer This project is for educational purposes only. I
Access German-language public broadcasting live streams and archives on the Linux Desktop
Deutsche Version Televido Televido (“Television” in Esperanto) lets you livestream, search, play and download media from German-language public televi
Tools to use Axon Server with rust, by leveraging Synapse.
Axon Rust This contains a Axon Synapse rust client, based on the open api generated code. For now, we didn't publish this crate, to forking this proje
miners is a fast Rust library for the Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration (MIC and MINE family)
miners miners is a fast Rust library for the Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration (MIC and MINE family). miners using rayon and vectori
Bindings for the etherscan API and other block explorers.
foundry-block-explorers Bindings for the etherscan.io web API and other block explorers. Examples use ethers_core::types::Chain; use foundry_block_exp
Druid Exporter plays a fundamental role as a receiver of metrics events coming from Druid clusters, adopting the HTTP format as a means of communication.
Druid Exporter plays a fundamental role as a receiver of metrics events coming from Druid clusters, adopting the HTTP format as a means of communication. In addition to this capability, its primary function is to export these metrics to Prometheus, thus allowing the creation of meaningful graphs and visualizations.
Utilities for integrating Datadog with opentelemetry + tracing in rust
Non-official datadog tracing and log correlation for Rust services. This crate contains the necessary glue to bridge the gap between OpenTelemetry, tr
For a hackers in rust.
My Leetcode Solution in Rust Run cargo run {id} to initialize the template submission file of "question #id". Run cargo test test_{id} to test the sol
Blazing fast, memory safe & modern Linux package manager written in Rust.
paket Blazing fast, memory safe & modern Linux package manager written in Rust. Roadmap Version: 0.1 Paket.toml file parsing. (#1, #2) CLI handling (p
A benchmark of Rust/serde deserializers on configuration files
This program compares the time some serde deserializers take to deserialize some string into a configuration-like struct deriving Deserialize. The ben
🦀 A Rust CLI to find the optimal time to meet given a when2meet URL
when3meet 🦀 The Rust when2meet CLI Install | Usage | Contributing & Issues | Docs Built with ❤️ and 🦀 by Garrett Ladley Install cargo install when3m
A sample API Gateway built in Rust (work in progress) for learning purposes
rust-api-gateway A sample API Gateway built in Rust (work in progress) for learning purposes. You can follow along by reading the tutorial articles: P
MCUboot, but in Rust
MCUboot - In Rust This project is the beginnings of a fresh implementation of MCUboot in Rust. At this point, it implements SHA256 image verification,
Minimalistic volume mixer.
Mixxc Mixxc is a minimalistic and customizable volume mixer, created to seamlessly complement desktop widgets. Currently, it supports only pulseaudio
🚀 A universe in progress
Verse Download Get the latest release! Controls Action Keyboard Controller Thrust W, ↑ RT Turn left A, ← LS ← Turn right D, → LS → Fire Space A/X Paus
Flexible Rust implementation of the MuSig2 multisignature protocol, compatible with Bitcoin.
MuSig2 This crate provides a flexible rust implementation of MuSig2, an optimized digital signature aggregation protocol, on the secp256k1 elliptic cu
A procedural macro to generate a new function implementation for your struct.
Impl New 🦀 A procedural macro to generate a new function implementation for your struct. 🚀 Add to your project Add this to your Cargo.toml: [depende
A file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...
Dufs Dufs is a distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav... Features Serve static
📚 flow state reading in the terminal
fsrx 📚(f)low (s)tate (r)eading e(x)change – flow state reading in the terminal Inspired by (but not affiliated with) Renato Casutt and his revolution
E-mail delivery library for Rust with DKIM support
mail-send mail-send is a Rust library to build, sign and send e-mail messages via SMTP. It includes the following features: Generates e-mail messages
A fast llama2 decoder in pure Rust.
llama2.rs 🤗 This is a Rust implementation of Llama2 inference on CPU The goal is to be as fast as possible. It has the following features: Support fo