Hyperswitch Card Vault is an open-source sensitive information storage system built on Rust.


Tartarus - Rust Locker


The Hyperswitch Card Vault (Tartarus) is a highly performant and a secure vault to save sensitive data such as payment card details, bank account details etc.

It is designed in an polymorphic manner to handle and store any type of sensitive information making it highly scalable with extensive coverage of payment methods and processors.

Tartarus is built with a GDPR compliant personal identifiable information (PII) storage and secure encryption algorithms to be fully compliant with PCI DSS requirements.

Here's a quick guide to Get Started with setting up Tartarus.

How does Tartarus work?

  • Your application will communicate with Tartarus via a middleware.
  • All requests and responses to and from the middleware are signed and encrypted with the JWS and JWE algorithms.
  • The locker supports CRD APIs on the /data and /cards endpoints -
  • Cards are stored against the combination of merchant and customer identifiers.
  • Internal hashing checks are in place to avoid data duplication.

General Work Flow

Key Hierarchy

  • Master Key - AES generated key to that is encrypted/decrypted by the custodian keys to run the locker and associated configurations.
  • Custodian Keys - AES generated key that is used to encrypt and decrypt the master key. It broken into two keys (key 1 and key 2) and available with two custodians to enhance security.

Key Hierarchy

Setup Guide

Follow this guide to setup Tartarus - Get Started

  • feat(middleware): add a middleware to verfiy the communication between tenant and locker

    feat(middleware): add a middleware to verfiy the communication between tenant and locker

    This pr is to add the middleware that verifies the communication between locker and the tenant is JWS signed and JWE encrypte.

    -> I have tested it through postman image

    -> test case

    curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/data/add' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID.130f0e8f=node01ix1y16yw8z3v1m3nwkr4qbiwb6.node0' \
    --data 'eyJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiUlNBLU9BRVAtMjU2In0.tIsj8UjaA5xAY_yytYrc94PZS4Ma3RWn5kZAG5lWZXbkwwmjvCoG-26m9DWnd5ZBMl97OiZNTi7-LVBCEyczRkqZ25vYhqvRhHr2WDuksGEIl1i9rui93tbMmf4UWeeVD3S_6lw5GQLc7jXyyWVzKS1J-hxZ2ZXBGiOlSoo0Ua8Njhh0DkzUq6tO5ttBbYqQf7vAhI-AaRu4W7dlC8LKNhZAmPNKn9diQ5Aae75M7606gvdVFlwXTTdWAERdA-7NyMMhJxpgt2bU7C4DZKGdEWEDKe89SqEzIC0dCJ2gLgOnqFHOuwKaCUVV6T10kuUdATqCH_r9CBuXdXgJadpGKQ.jjy9UvpqGuQ52pE1.xdIJWCVoSREhR1nA2bOnJXT3Pnm4P50Oe-WNOTwWDos0cS1b-45TdtFlnB9OZi-eNX7LixMh3cIV6bP2UJ3K5BDRUamcT55J95M5VQ5MBX9ywu47mE-e4VYRRB52VzRebND6tAGP4z8jWUIVYRr9375QFFJY4lt7jSn-7FWNeKVWyh9x8_vGMAjFIUIgbuvXO-OvPB-pNyRXESzBLkb_oODhxMRzJhr6uyzMOPG_sCGIvorPAWiFIsPMNgLacKD8J1McusaioGjP1a6IS3GW8QUiONgZC6JRUTypJTixehOpVZ5JFFgT-JDc_FEqSCLkDoiub2cD0rS3WeXYbpolKn4YbXV34NXSB3iSy04iaTi54IRXwzW7x7iEcF2BZsuI7GegbPktMIkTx5cZ7O6hASE9nQ2Finy0axzeeDVcySqe6M4Ox3s-u8Qo0XxZ_vXeWBotQ8EaN5rddGn_3q6PoBr6_71rO9dUzHLTWsxatAib2HU12lZNqJj2sRT0yd38qbr_M38kl5bV69X8G_zuxvB70PCB9t0Q925-ril8glG-IbFruo8DivrJqLVp_WAatlQV7SvHYy5E0tLofreU5g3SsyvKX5qQ4s_vev7i2cSEUKaBHjM42lnfMA-ZJJaoWXfmFKTKgCu00lo_kHaQX3i4BZhM4Et1-hVgKYgARS-CO5muWTkYGhHUvQ.NrNzu_vsH8s3DFo-4NPfGw'
    opened by ShankarSinghC 2
  • CI: add workflow for releasing new version with building and pushing image to dockerhub

    CI: add workflow for releasing new version with building and pushing image to dockerhub

    This PR adds 2 workflows

    • Release new version (Triggered manually): This workflow will create a new tag, generate changelog and release notes
    • Build and push docker image (Triggered manually, on pushing tags): This workflow will build a docker image and push it to docker hub
    opened by Chethan-rao 0
  • fix(error): rewrite the error framework with custom change contexts

    fix(error): rewrite the error framework with custom change contexts


    Introducing a new framework for handling error, this framework internally converts the error while maintaining the log trail, this reduces the need to manually perform change context while providing more details around how the error needs to be propograted

    opened by NishantJoshi00 0
  • feat(utils): add utils binary for key generation

    feat(utils): add utils binary for key generation


    Adding CLI tool to generate keys and any future external requirement of the locker.

    Currently supports

    • Generating master key
    • Generating key custodian keys
    opened by NishantJoshi00 0
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Implement Metrics framework to be used in the locker

    [ENHANCEMENT] Implement Metrics framework to be used in the locker


    Implement the metrics framework for the locker including the appropriate metrics required to track the health, liveliness and the usage of the locker

    opened by NishantJoshi00 0
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add columns in database tables to mention the encryption and hashing algorithm used

    [ENHANCEMENT] Add columns in database tables to mention the encryption and hashing algorithm used


    The encryption algorithm used for any database related encryption is GcmAes256 and the hashing algorithm used is sha512. That being said, in future if we decided to change the hashing algorithm and or the encryption algorithm it would be difficult to maintain backwards compatibility. This can be mitigated by having an identifier of the encryption/hashing algorithm used along side the encrypted/hashed data.

    opened by NishantJoshi00 0
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Improve the error propagation and define a standard structure to handle them

    [ENHANCEMENT] Improve the error propagation and define a standard structure to handle them


    Due to error-stack its easy to simply change the context and propagate errors without much effort, but this definitely reduces the quality of the error propagation as there is no strict standard that the errors need to adhere to. This issue addresses this discussing upon a more standardized way of handling error removing change_context from the code based promoting a more declarative way of error handling instead of the current imperative way.

    Possible Approaches

    • Wrap the current error into a custom defined struct, create a specific context for all the layers/APIs and then define TryFrom implementation for them, internally handling the change contexts
    opened by NishantJoshi00 0
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add Support for Metrics on the APIs and other necessary components to track

    [ENHANCEMENT] Add Support for Metrics on the APIs and other necessary components to track


    Add support for exporting program level metrics outside the application. The preferred framework for adding metrics includes opentelemetry or exporting prometheus metrics.

    Sub Issues

    • [ ] #31
    • [ ] #32
    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by NishantJoshi00 0
  • [FEATURE] Multiple Tenants: Storage Layer for Multiple Tenants

    [FEATURE] Multiple Tenants: Storage Layer for Multiple Tenants


    This will require use to create a tenant table which will store the public key that will be used to communicate with the locker.


    • Create database schema with the appropriate fields
    • Create Interface to provide API to communicate with the database
    opened by NishantJoshi00 0
  • v0.1.3(Nov 24, 2023)

  • v0.1.2(Nov 21, 2023)

    0.1.2 (2023-11-21)


    • card+config: Add cards API and config pulling feature (1c9569c) by @NishantJoshi00
    • cargo: Add limiting and release build improvements (22bdcdd) by @NishantJoshi00
    • db: Add variable pool size (#45) (0f6ee81) by @NishantJoshi00
    • docker:
      • Add Dockerfile (107f53b) by @NishantJoshi00
      • Add docker file and test it (031d813) by @NishantJoshi00
    • hash: Add support for detecting data duplication (6a23a7d) by @NishantJoshi00
    • key_custodian: Encrypt master key with 2 custodian keys (064dcca) by @Chethan-rao
    • kms:
      • Integrate kms feature (ead558d) by @Chethan-rao
      • Integrate kms feature (00bf1ae) by @Chethan-rao
    • loadtest: Add support for loadtesting (fcb0428) by @NishantJoshi00
    • logging: Add logging framework (427db97) by @Chethan-rao
    • ratelimit: Add rate limit to delete api (845296e) by @NishantJoshi00
    • trace: Add tracing middleware for tracing requests (2b00866) by @NishantJoshi00
    • utils: Add utils binary for key generation (c3edc13) by @NishantJoshi00

    Bug Fixes

    • error: Rewrite the error framework with custom change contexts (af78b58) by @NishantJoshi00
    • loadtest: Add jwe to loadtest (afcfd8c) by @NishantJoshi00
    • validation: Add key validation and card number validation (250ebfa) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Fix clippy errors in main (93d9eb4) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Clippy lints (083e2f2) by @Chethan-rao


    • kms: Enable kms feature for configs (18fb1fa) by @Chethan-rao
    • Address requested changes (39b53c6) by @Chethan-rao
    • Add logs to existing routes (6525abe) by @Chethan-rao
    • Address requested changes (3ae7a9c) by @Chethan-rao
    • Hex decode master_key (b85d656) by @Chethan-rao


    • crypto: Add tests for jwe (8744683) by @NishantJoshi00


    • crate: Add documentation for functions and interfaces (5d9ab51) by @NishantJoshi00
    • openapi: Add openapi spec to docs (9b58830) by @NishantJoshi00
    • setup: Add setup guide for locker (6f30ce6) by @NishantJoshi00
    • setup + readme: Improved database setup guide and added title to readme (#43) (0e311a7) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Create LICENSE (#44) (e7f7db4) by @NishantJoshi00

    Miscellaneous Tasks

    • tartarus: Bump the crate version to 0.1.2 (ecaa860) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Minor fixes (d23284b) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Fmt check (40ce145) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Minor fixes (6755d82) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Remove unnecessary clones from routes (b4bdb10) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Fix clippy + fmt errors (94c93c3) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Fix dockerfile (3794d99) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Fix error message and and custom status code mapping (e29650f) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Fix minor bugs after adding stricter linting (f8d7ac0) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Address comments and fix cargo hack (88ca5ee) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Format yaml files (678ae44) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Remove commented code (f16c841) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Remove redundant keys (5898755) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Remove cargo.toml changes (f548350) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Add formatting for markdown (c67b4c1) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Remove commented code and println (d2b5873) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Update README.md (65cc26d) by @ShankarSinghC
    • Add semi-colon in migrations to make it work (5c10107) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Remove default changes (34c376c) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Add env variables in setup.md (ef998a2) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Move allow blocks to functions (379ad8a) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Add example config (fe8ea20) by @NishantJoshi00
    • Fix merge conflicts (c5c57f6) by @NishantJoshi00
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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