6186 Repositories
Rust rust-native-tls Libraries
INA219 and ESP32-C3 / bare-metal Rust
ESP32-C3 Current Sensing with INA219 Read the current measured by INA219 (Adafruit breakout board) on ESP32-C3 (bare-metal Rust) and print it to be vi
Cross-architecture utilities for temporarily disabling interrupts and signals.
interrupts Cross-architecture utilities for temporarily disabling interrupts and signals. Use disable to disable interrupts with a guard: // interrupt
Pollard's p - 1, in rust, with python bindings
Pollard's p - 1 algorithm for factorization Written in rust, using pyo3 to provide python bindings and primesieve for fast prime enumeration. libprime
Create custom ID types that are guaranteed to be valid `RecordID` in SurrealDB
surreal-id The surreal-id crate offers a standardized way to create and validate IDs in your application for usage with SurrealDB. Using the NewId tra
Rust Open Source Login/Register API
Actix Web API with Rustls (OpenSSL available/Without SSL/TLS too) This API uses Actix Web to serve secure HTTP endpoints, utilizing Rustls for TLS enc
A lisp-like language written in Rust
Lispy A lisp-like language with an implementation written in Rust. Usage Open a repl with: $ lispy repl Run a file with: $ lispy run ./examples/hello_
Pure Rust Fault Proof Program that runs the rollup state-transition to verify an L2 output from L1 inputs.
palmtop palmtop is a fault proof program that runs the rollup state transition to verify an L2 output from L1 inputs. The verifiable L2 output can the
A beautiful and feature-packed Apple Music CLI
am A beautiful and feature-packed Apple Music CLI! Written in Rust. Installation Nix (recommended) This GitHub repository contains a flake. Add github
Macros for candle-lora.
candle-lora-macro This library makes using candle-lora as simple as adding 2 macros to your model structs and calling a method! It is inspired by the
Open sourcing a profitable MEV Arbitrage Bot written in blazing fast Rust.
Dex Arbitrage - MEV Bot Open sourcing a profitable MEV Arbitrage Bot written in blazing fast Rust. Before Starting I am a self-taught programmer, a co
A SQL query parser written using nom.
sqlparser-nom A SQL query parser written using nom. Query Select From Where Order by Limit CTE Group by Having Aggregate Window Pratt Parsing Friendly
A simple Iced application that I wrote as a learning activity, which allows you to browse the full list of regular Material Icons.
Iced Material Icon Browser Iced Material Icon Browser is a simple Iced application that I wrote as a learning activity, which allows you to browse the
usysconf - now with extra rust
usysconf-rs A rewrite of the usysconf package trigger management system from Solus - designed to be shared between Solus and Serpent OS The initial fo
Fast package resolver written in Rust (CDCL based SAT solving)
Resolvo: Fast package resolver written in Rust Resolvo implements a fast package resolution algorithm based on CDCL SAT solving. If resolvo is unable
API bindings, CLI client and FUSE filesystem for Wiki.js written in Rust.
wikijs-rs API bindings, CLI client and FUSE filesystem for Wiki.js written in Rust. What's inside? Library: Rust bindings to Wiki.js's entire GraphQL
A Cortex-M simulator written in Rust
cmsim - A Cortex-M Simulator I had a need to run a Rust program (well, an OS) which was compiled for an Arm Cortex-M0+ on my Windows/Linux/macOS deskt
Count number of ifs in your rust project!
A long awaited solution for a widely encountered problem! The will count the number of ifs in your rust project! (it can also collect some other numer
An API project using Rust, Actix Web and JWT. *WIP*
Actix-web REST API with JWT (WIP) A simple CRUD backend app using Actix-web, Diesel and JWT Require Rust Stable Postgres Or using Docker How to run Ma
Unofficial Rust SDK library for Uniswap smart contracts.
uniswap-rs Unofficial Rust SDK library for Uniswap smart contracts. Quickstart Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] uniswap-rs = { git = "https
OptionCell: OnceCell but derivable from Option
OptionCell: OnceCell but derivable from Option This library provides an equivalent of OnceCell, but it guarantees layout compatibility with OptionT,
Rust implementation of the negentropy set-reconcilliation protocol.
Negentropy Description Implementation of the negentropy set-reconciliation protocol. Project structure The project is split up into many crates: negen
Druid Exporter plays a fundamental role as a receiver of metrics events coming from Druid clusters, adopting the HTTP format as a means of communication
Druid Exporter plays a fundamental role as a receiver of metrics events coming from Druid clusters, adopting the HTTP format as a means of communication. In addition to this capability, its primary function is to export these metrics to Prometheus, thus allowing the creation of meaningful graphs and visualizations.
A Rust crate for parsing HID Report Descriptors.
Project Mu HID Crate Repository This repository contains a library crate that provides parsing services for HID Report Descriptors. This repository is
The first web framework in Rust to adopt the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
Integra Web Framework Integra is a sleek, performant web framework for Rust, harnessing the power of the hyper library. Will become the first highly p
Find Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors with Rust using UMFPACK + ARPACK
eigs (Rust/Python Package) Find Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors with Rust/Python using UMFPACK + ARPACK. Packages Rust Library: eigs @ crates.io: cargo a
A working, tested example for how to use Rust with warp and JWT
rust-jwt-example Example of JWT authentication and authorization in Rust using Warp Login curl http://localhost:8000/login -d '{"email": "user@userlan
A reimplementation of the minecraft server framework in rust.
FerrumC About FerrumC is a Rust-based reimplementation of the Minecraft server, designed to be fast and efficient, optimized for low memory usage and
Exploratory work on abigen in rust for Starknet 🦀
Starknet abigen for rust bindings This exploratory work aims at generating rust bindings from a contract ABI. Before the first release, we are termina
🦚 A web-app pentesting suite written in rust .
Kanha - A web-app pentesting suite written in rust 🦀 Installation ⦾ Subcommands ⦾ Contribute Kanha is a tool that can help you perform, a variety of
Rust Server Components. JSX-like syntax and async out of the box.
RSCx - Rust Server Components RSCx is a server-side HTML rendering engine library with a neat developer experience and great performance. Features: al
A Windows virtual display driver written in Rust (works with VR, etc)
Virtual Display Driver This is a Windows driver made in Rust which creates a virtual desktop. It has many uses, such as: A private virtual desktop for
A fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool written in Rust
fisher-rs fisher-rs is a Rust library that brings powerful data manipulation and analysis capabilities to Rust developers, inspired by the popular pan
A fediverse compatible forum and link aggregator. Downstream from Lemmy.
Pangora A fediverse compatible forum and link aggregator. Downstream from Lemmy. About The Project Pangora is a forum and link aggregator. You can pos
A rust crate to view a structure as raw bytes (&[u8])
rawbytes A Rust crate to view a structure as a plain byte array (&[u8]). Super simple. Tiny. Zero dependencies. This is a safer interface to slice::fr
Actix-web wrapper for garde, a Rust validation library.
Garde-actix-web Actix-web wrapper for garde, a Rust validation library. Installation Usage example Feature flags About us Installation [dependencies
Implementation of sentence embeddings with BERT in Rust, using the Burn library.
Sentence Transformers in Burn This library provides an implementation of the Sentence Transformers framework for computing text representations as vec
Build and deploy cross platform bioinformatic utilities with Rust.
The Bioinformatics Toolkit RUST-backed utilities for bioinformatic data processing. Get started The fastest way to get started it to download the appl
Contain an energetic quantum particle by strategically placing walls in this 48-hour jam game
Contain an energetic quantum particle by strategically placing walls in this 48-hour jam game. Made with Bevy Engine.
Rust client library for Flashbots MEV-Share
Flashbots MEV-Share Client Rust client library for Flashbots MEV-Share. Based on the MEV-Share specs and the TypeScript reference implementation. Us
Rust vs C: Software Graphics Challenge
Rust vs C: Reto de Gráficos por Software Aprende Rust y C programando gráficos por software con efectos de demoscene clásica de los años 80. Episodios
A lightweight async Web crawler in Rust, optimized for concurrent scraping while respecting `robots.txt` rules.
🕷️ crawly A lightweight and efficient web crawler in Rust, optimized for concurrent scraping while respecting robots.txt rules. 🚀 Features Concurren
Experimental OS, built with rust
You can support this night time project by hiring me for a day time job ! Fomos Experimental OS, built with Rust output.mp4 Fun fact: there are 3 apps
Use any async Rust library from PHP!
php-tokio - Use any async Rust library from PHP! Created by Daniil Gentili (@danog). This library allows you to use any async rust library from PHP, a
Stable Diffusion XL ported to Rust's burn framework
Stable-Diffusion-XL-Burn Stable-Diffusion-XL-Burn is a Rust-based project which ports stable diffusion xl into the Rust deep learning framework burn.
This rust compiler backend emmits valid CLR IR, enambling you to use Rust in .NET projects
What is rustc_codegen_clr? NOTE: this project is a very early proof-of-concept This is a compiler backend for rustc which targets the .NET platform an
Enhance Rust errors with file and line details using the `#[wherr]` macro for clearer debugging.
wherr Crate Discuss wherr on Hacker News Enhance Rust's ? operator by appending file and line number details to errors, simplifying the debugging proc
Code template for a production Web Application using Axum: The AwesomeApp Blueprint for Professional Web Development.
AwesomeApp rust-web-app More info at: https://awesomeapp.dev/rust-web-app/ rust-web-app YouTube episodes: Episode 01 - Rust Web App - Course to Produc
Create `.gitignore` files using one or more templates from TopTal, GitHub or your own collection
gitnr A cross-platform CLI utility to create .gitignore files using templates. Use templates from the GitHub & TopTal collections Use local files and
An interactive JSON tree visualiser for egui, with search and highlight functionality.
egui_json_tree An interactive JSON tree visualiser for egui, with search and highlight functionality. Usage use egui::{Color32}; use egui_json_tree::{
Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script
rust-script-ext Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script. Using rust-script to run Rust like a shell script is great! This crate provide
Library for Unix users and groups in Rust.
uzers-rs Adoption and continuation of the unmaintained ogham/rust-users crate. Big shout-out to its creator Benjamin Sago. This is a library for acces
Rust low-level minimalist APNG writer and PNG reader with just a few dependencies with all possible formats coverage (including HDR).
project Wiki https://github.com/js29a/micro_png/wiki at glance use micro_png::*; fn main() { // load an image let image = read_png("tmp/test.
Dechrome is a tool written in Rust for batch removing Chromium-based browsers.
Dechrome Dechrome is a tool written in Rust for batch removing Chromium-based browsers and installing Firefox as a replacement. Warning The script is
Captcha based on SVG.
BioSvg Captcha based on SVG. Original idea SVG绘制原理与验证码 Usage cargo add biosvg let (answer, svg) = BiosvgBuilder::new() .length(4) .difficulty(
Experimental web UI library for Rust.
tachys This is an extremely experimental web UI library for Rust, exploring concepts of compile-time, trait-based, low-allocation patterns for UI temp
Let's pretend that life-before-main exists for Rust targeting WebAssembly
Let's pretend that life-before-main exists for Rust targeting WebAssembly. Installation Add a dependency on wasm-init. This crate intentionally provid
🪄 Shader art using webgpu
✨ Shader art using webgpu ✨ This is the implementation of An introduction to Shader Art Coding in Rust using webgpu. 🔌 Setup You need: Rust compiler
Rust bindings to llama.cpp, using metal on macOS
llama-rs Rust bindings to llama.cpp, for macOS, with metal support, for testing and evaluating whether it would be worthwhile to run an Llama model lo
A collection of mapping suites and useful algorithms, implemented in pure Rust
Unstable API Note that this crate is in early development, breaking API changes are to be expected. Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies]
Estratto is a powerful and user-friendly Rust library designed for extracting rich audio features from digital audio signals.
estratto 〜 An Audio Feature Extraction Library estratto is a powerful and user-friendly Rust library designed for extracting rich audio features from
Perspective projection of a spinning cube, using just ASCII characters.
Spinning Cube Perspective projection of a spinning cube, using just ASCII characters. spinning_cube.mp4 Instalation cargo install spinning_cube Basic
A fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool written in Rust
fisher-rs fisher-rs is a Rust library that brings powerful data manipulation and analysis capabilities to Rust developers, inspired by the popular pan
Rust library for stability.ai
stabilityai Rust library for stability.ai Overview stabilityai is an unofficial Rust library for stability.ai It's based on OpenAPI spec Current featu
Drop-in replacement for the Actix Web HTTP Logger middleware
actix-contrib-logger Logger middleware for the Actix Web framework. Actually it's a copy & paste from the official Logger middleware (original source
Indeed, an ORM library, not a framework, written in Rust
Ormlib Indeed, an ORM library, not a framework, written in Rust Features The main idea that I put into my ORM library is a minimum of stupid code and
A Chess Engine written in Rust .
Kelp Kelp is a UCI compatible chess engine written in Rust Using standard chess algorithms. Kelp is work in progress. Currently, it can be used as a U
Tiny CLI application in rust to scan ports from a given IP and find how many are open. You can also pass the amount of threads for that scan
Port Scanner A simple multi-threaded port scanner written in Rust. Usage Run the port scanner by providing the target IP address and optional flags. $
A Solr 8+ Client for Rust and Python
Solrstice: A Solr 8+ Client for Rust and Python Solrstice is a SolrCloud aware client library written in rust. It also provides a wrapper to python. U
Fork of the Official Python3 API connector for Bybit's HTTP (bybit) and WebSockets APIs to rust
Fork of pybit python libary in Rust For the rust lovers and creators for bybit exchange version 5 Official Python3 API connector for Bybit's HTTP and
Transform jsx/tsx files to reactive views in js/ts to use in Web Components, insert into DOM or integrate with other libraries/frameworks
viewmill Features | Installation | Getting Started | Notes | Examples viewmill is aimed to create complex UIs from a simple form of JSX. It statically
Rust library for whisper.cpp compatible Mel spectrograms
Mel Spec A Rust implementation of mel spectrograms aligned to the results from the whisper.cpp, pytorch and librosa reference implementations and suit
💫 This program allows you to do requests in Rust without reqwest !
Zapros 💫 This program allows you to do requests in Rust without reqwest ! Usage : Get use crate::http_client::HttpClient; use crate::http_client::Htt
It's like monkeytype but from your terminal
DoggyType It's like monkeytype but from ur terminal (ik very unoriginal lmao) Preview doggytype-preview.mp4 Requirements: Rust Build: git clone https:
Rustle: a powerful download manager and accelerator written in Rust
Rustle Rustle: a powerful download manager and accelerator written in Rust. Preview Features Resumable Downloads: Allow interrupted downloads to be re
Game Of Life using webgpu, written in Rust
Game of Life using webgpu ✨ Description This is the implementation of the tutorial Your first WebGPU app in Rust where we're using webgpu to implement
Twitch Bot Project (Rust)
This is a Twitch bot written in Rust that connects to the Twitch IRC server and allows users to interact with the bot via chat messages. The bot can join multiple Twitch channels and respond to commands.
🧮 Boolean expression evaluation engine. A Rust port of boolrule.
coolrule My blog post: Porting Boolrule to Rust Boolean expression evaluation engine (a port of boolrule to Rust). // Without context let expr = coolr
Macro to print variable(s) with values nicely (stripped from release builds)
log_macro Macro to print variable(s) with values nicely (stripped from release builds) Install cargo add log_macro Use Add this to top of file: #[mac
A perfect smoother; A discrete time version of spline smoothing for equally spaced data
Whittaker Smoother Aka Whittaker-Henderson, Whittaker-Eilers Smoother is known as the perfect smoother. Its a discrete-time version of spline smoothin
June's standard rust library
Azalea June's standard libraries for rust projects. Has a lot of common code that is often important, or copied to many places in a project. Only work
A performant but not-so-accurate time and capacity based cache for Rust.
fastcache A performant but not-so-accurate time and capacity based cache for Rust. This crate provides an implementation of a time-to-live (TTL) and c
Reactive components in rust, designed to make GTK more manageable
gflux gflux is a tiny experimental reactive component system for rust, designed to make GTK more manageable. gflux: is about 300 lines of code contain
Automatically dim windows in Hyprland when switching between them.
hyprdim hyprdim is a daemon that automatically dims windows in Hyprland when switching between them. Features Easily see which window has focus, even
Authentication and authorization service, written in Rust
auth-rs auth-rs provides a simple authentication and authorization service for use in other services. The service is written in Rust and uses the acti
Very simple Rust binary that can turn on/off a TP-Link L920 led light strip in your local network
TP-Link L920 on/off script This is a (very) simple Rust binary that can turn on/off a TP-Link L920 led light strip in your local network. Installation
Rust port of c-kzg-4844
KZG Rust Rust port of https://github.com/ethereum/c-kzg-4844 . Uses the blst rust bindings for all BLS functionality. Tries to be almost a line to lin
XP rust rewrite "v8" with serenity, focused on maintainability, stability and performance.
XP v8 The official XP v8 rewrite built with Rust and serenity-rs. Contributions We're always looking for contributors! If you want to contribute, plea
LLaMA2 port for Rust inspired by llama2.c
llama2-rs LLaMA2 port for Rust inspired by llama2.c. TODOs: Implement loading of the model Implement forward pass Implement generation Implement token
Simple OpenAI CLI wrapper written in Rust, feat. configurable prompts and models
Quick Start git clone https://github.com/ryantinder/ask-rs cd ask cargo install --path . Example ask tell me about the Lockheed Martin SR71 The Loc
Maniplate `&'static str` (e.g., `concat!`, `format!`) in Rust without pain!
static_str_ops The static_str_ops crate solves a longstanding issue about how to perform non-const string operations, e.g., format!(), concat!(), etc.
Single and multi-threaded custom ingestion crate for Stellar Futurenet, written in Rust.
rs-ingest Ingestion library written in rust for Futurenet rs-ingest Ingestion library written in rust for Futurenet Features Running offline Single-th
A highly extensible runner that can execute any workflow.
Astro run Astro Run is a highly extensible runner that can execute any workflow. Features Workflow runtime for Docker Support for gRPC server to coord
Windows Native Undocumented API for Rust Language 🔥
Windows Native The Windows-Native Rust library provides a convenient and safe way to access the native Windows undocumented APIs using the Rust prog
Get your github contributions right in your terminal, blazingly fast!
GitColorScripts Get your github contributions right in your terminal! Installation Install via yay yay -S gitcolorscripts Install manually Download t
Tool and framework for securely reading untrusted USB mass storage devices.
usbsas is a free and open source (GPLv3) tool and framework for securely reading untrusted USB mass storage devices. Description Following the concept
OpenAPI-based test coverage analysis tool that helps teams improve integration test coverage in CI/CD pipelines
Ready-to-use OpenAPI test coverage analysis tool that helps teams improve integration CoveAPI is an advanced test coverage analysis tool based on the
Fixing Discord shortcomings (for our internal server) with Chuckle
About Chuckle is our in-house Discord bot for our internal company server. We weren't a huge fan of Slack and, most of our target demographic uses Dis
The high-speed IAPWS-IF97 package in Rust with C and Python binding
SEUIF97 This is the Rust implementation of the high-speed IAPWS-IF97 package seuif97 with C and Python binding. It is suitable for computation-intensi
A very tiny terminal snake game, purely implemented in Rust.
tiny-snake.rs A very tiny terminal snake game, purely implemented in Rust. Features Optimized binary has only 2760 bytes. No dependencies. Not even li
⚡️(cd with env) Is a configurable cd wrapper that lets you define your environment per directory.
⚡️cdwe (cd with env) A simple configurable cd wrapper that provides powerful utilities for customizing your envionment per directory. (For ZSH / BASH