Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script



Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script.

Using rust-script to run Rust like a shell script is great! This crate provides an opinionated set of extensions tailored towards common patterns in scripts. These patterns include file reading, argument parsing, error handling. The goal is for script writers to focus on the business logic, not implementing parsers, handling errors, parsing arguments, etc.

$ cargo install rust-script
$ cat ./template.rs
#!/usr/bin/env -S rust-script -c
//! You might need to chmod +x your script!
//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies.rust-script-ext]
//! git = "https://github.com/kurtlawrence/rust-script-ext"
//! rev = "4fe5b852eb2daffb8c188774961dd9baeb7b0c72"
//! ```

use rust_script_ext::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // fastrand comes from rust_script_ext::prelude::*
    let n = std::iter::repeat_with(|| fastrand::u32(1..=100))

    println!("Here's 5 random numbers: {n:?}");
$ ./template.rs
Here's 5 random numbers: [28, 97, 9, 23, 58]

Template Quickstart

template.rs contains a simple scaffold for a rust-script[-ext]:

curl -L https://github.com/kurtlawrence/rust-script-ext/raw/main/template.rs -o my-script.rs
chmod +x my-script.rs

What's included?

What rust-script-ext provides is continually evolving. It is best to review the API documentation. At a high level, the crate provides helpers and data structures which are common in a scripting environment, such as easy error handling, file reading, serialisation/deserialisation, etc. If you find something lacking, I encourage you to open a PR!


Versioning does not follow semver as would a normal crate. Instead, it is best to pin a script to a revision number of the repository. As most scripts are ephemeral, or at least not pushed to a large userbase, this encourages a simple versioning scheme where you will be mostly guaranteed that when you run the script, it will compile! Leaving off the revision number should also be fairly safe (cargo should lock it to a revision), but moving the script to another system or clearing the cache could potentially break compilation.

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    Needs thought about the API since this is extremely common in scripts.

    • [ ] Research existing options
    • [ ] Develop API
    • [ ] Implement
    • [ ] Test
    • [ ] Document
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Kurt Lawrence
Mining Engineer and Software Developer. Specialised in 3D spatial math and programming languages.
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