Solrstice: A Solr 8+ Client for Rust and Python
Solrstice is a SolrCloud aware client library written in rust. It also provides a wrapper to python.
Use the Rust documentation or the Python documentation for more information.
- Config API
- Collection API
- Alias API
- Select Documents
- Grouping Component Query
- DefTypes (lucene, dismax, edismax)
- Facet Counts (Query, Field, Pivot)
- Json Facet (Query, Stat, Terms, Nested)
- Indexing Documents
- Deleting Documents
Upload a config, create a collection, index a document, select it, and delete it.
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use solrstice::clients::async_cloud_client::AsyncSolrCloudClient;
use solrstice::hosts::solr_server_host::SolrSingleServerHost;
use solrstice::models::auth::SolrBasicAuth;
use solrstice::models::context::SolrServerContextBuilder;
use solrstice::models::error::SolrError;
use solrstice::queries::index::{DeleteQuery, UpdateQuery};
use solrstice::queries::select::SelectQuery;
use std::path::Path;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct TestData {
id: String,
pub async fn example() -> Result<(), SolrError> {
//Create a solr client. You can also use a list of zookeeper hosts instead of a single server.
let context = SolrServerContextBuilder::new(SolrSingleServerHost::new("http://localhost:8983"))
.with_auth(SolrBasicAuth::new("solr", Some("SolrRocks"))).build();
let client = AsyncSolrCloudClient::new(context);
// Upload config
.upload_config("example_config", Path::new("/path/to/config"))
// Create collection
.create_collection("example_collection", "example_config", 1, 1)
// Index document
let docs = vec![TestData {
id: "example_document".to_string(),
// Search and retrieve the document
let docs = client
.ok_or("No response provided")?
// Delete the document
import asyncio
from solrstice.clients import AsyncSolrCloudClient
from solrstice.hosts import SolrSingleServerHost, SolrServerContext
from solrstice.auth import SolrBasicAuth
from solrstice.queries import UpdateQuery, SelectQuery, DeleteQuery
# A SolrServerContext specifies how the library should interact with Solr
context = SolrServerContext(SolrSingleServerHost('localhost:8983'), SolrBasicAuth('solr', 'SolrRocks'))
client = AsyncSolrCloudClient(context)
async def main():
# Create config and collection
await client.upload_config('example_config', 'path/to/config')
await client.create_collection('example_collection', 'example_config', shards=1, replication_factor=1)
# Index a document
await client.index(UpdateQuery(), 'example_collection', [{'id': 'example_document', 'title': 'Example document'}])
# Search for the document
response = await['title:Example document']), 'example_collection')
docs = response.get_docs_response().get_docs()
# Delete the document
await client.delete(DeleteQuery(ids=['example_document']), 'example_collection')