Macros for candle-lora.



MIT License Continuous integration

This library makes using candle-lora as simple as adding 2 macros to your model structs and calling a method! It is inspired by the simplicity of the Python peft library's get_peft_model method. Like candle-lora, the supported concrete layer types are Linear, Conv1d, Conv2d, and Embedding.

candle-lora-macro exports 2 macros: AutoLoraConvert and replace_layer_fields.

The AutoLoraConvert derive macro automatically creates a method get_lora_model, when called which selects and swaps all supported layers for their LoRA counterparts. This method is the equivalent of peft's get_peft_model method, and modifies the model in place. It expects all layers of the supported types to be a dyn type, that is Box<dyn ...LayerLike>.

In addition, AutoLoraConvert also defines a method get_merged_lora_model which does everything get_lora_model does, but also merges the weights of the LoRA layers to improve inference performance.

To further automate the process of using candle-lora, candle-lora-macro also provides an attribute macro called replace_layer_fields. replace_layer_fields swaps out the concrete types for dyn types. If this macro is not added to the model structs, be sure to change the member types to Box<dyn ...LayerLike>.

replace_layer_fields is able to swap:

  • Linear to Box<dyn LinearLayerLike>
  • Conv1d to Box<dyn Conv1dLayerLike>
  • Conv2d to Box<dyn Conv2dLayerLike>
  • Embedding to Box<dyn EmbeddigLayerLike>
  • Option<Linear> to Option<Box<dyn LinearLayerLike>>
  • Option<Conv1d> to Option<Box<dyn Conv1dLayerLike>>
  • Option<Conv2d> to Option<Box<dyn Conv2dLayerLike>>
  • Option<Embedding> to Option<Box<dyn EmbeddigLayerLike>>
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