Use HuggingFace's Candle with Go.


An example on using huggingface/candle with Golang. For educational purposes only. The implementation is thread-safe and uses multilingual-e5-large model.

On of the use cases for text embeddings is to provide semantic search:

> go test -run TestEmbeddings
top3 for 'query: burnouts and how to deal with them':
dist: 0.212324  'query: overworking leads to depression'
dist: 0.228119  'query: protein shakes and other stuff'
dist: 0.231076  'query: the cause of bad behaviour'
top3 for 'query: feline anatomy':
dist: 0.111701  'query: cat's body'
dist: 0.241103  'query: protein shakes and other stuff'
dist: 0.245675  'query: the works of Francis Bacon'
top3 for 'query: 16th century philosophers':
dist: 0.092926  'query: 18th century philosophers'
dist: 0.230078  'query: Critique of Pure Reason'
dist: 0.236497  'query: the works of Francis Bacon'
top3 for 'query: overworking leads to depression':
dist: 0.186588  'query: the cause of bad behaviour'
dist: 0.212324  'query: burnouts and how to deal with them'
dist: 0.239519  'query: what the reason for being not nice'
top3 for 'query: Critique of Pure Reason':
dist: 0.181644  'query: the cause of bad behaviour'
dist: 0.225016  'query: 18th century philosophers'
dist: 0.226892  'query: what the reason for being not nice'
top3 for 'query: the books of Immanuel Kant':
dist: 0.188276  'query: the works of Francis Bacon'
dist: 0.250316  'query: Critique of Pure Reason'
dist: 0.252901  'query: 18th century philosophers'


  1. Compile this project with Rust:
cargo build --release
  1. Navigate to go/ directory and build the Go binary there:
go build

The cgo code references Rust library in a relative path:

#cgo LDFLAGS: -L../target/release -ltxtvec

So the relative path should be the same for go build to work. 3. Now you have a single fat binary that can download and cache e5-large-multilingual model and serve the text embeddings:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '["hello", "world"]' http://localhost:8080/embeddings

This requires 2.4 GB of RAM to serve the model.

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