derive(Code) simplifies error handling by providing an easy-to-use enumeration of error codes


enum-code GitHub


enum-code is a derive macro for enum types. This library generates code that associates error codes with error types. It can be used in conjunction with the thiserror crate. Developers can quickly retrieve error codes by calling the get_code method.


enum-code is published on Cargo and can be installed using:

$ cargo add enum-code


  1. Add the Code attribute to the enum type:

    enum TestError {
        Struct { message: String },
  2. Code Generation

    For the TestError enum above, an associated impl TestError struct is generated, which includes a get_code method that returns the corresponding error code based on the variant value.

    impl TestError {
        pub const fn get_code(&self) -> u32 {
            match self {
                TestError::Tuple(..) => 1u32,
                TestError::Struct { .. } => 2u32,
                TestError::Simple => 3u32,
  3. Retrieving Error Codes

    Error codes can be retrieved by calling get_code:

    let err = TestError::Tuple("error message".to_owned());
    let code = err.get_code();
    println!("error code: {}", code); // should print 「error code: 1」



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