Grimsby is an Erlang Port written in Rust that can close its standard input while retaining standard output (and error)




An Erlang Port provides the basic mechanism for communication from Erlang with the external world.

From the Ports and Port Drivers: Erlang Reference Manual:

The Erlang process creating a port is said to be the port owner, or the connected process of the port. All communication to and from the port must go through the port owner. If the port owner terminates, so does the port (and the external program, if it is written correctly).

The external program resides in another OS process. By default, it reads from standard input (file descriptor 0) and writes to standard output (file descriptor 1). The external program is to terminate when the port is closed.

An Erlang Port will work exactly as they are designed to, closing the port, terminates the program. A lot of times this is just exactly what you need. Sometimes, however, you need to close standard input (file descriptor 0) and still allow the program to continue running.

For example, the following using just erlang:open_port/2 works because standard input remains open:

1> Port = erlang:open_port({spawn_executable, "/bin/cat"},
                           [binary, eof, use_stdio, exit_status, stream]).

2> erlang:port_command(Port, "hello world!").

3> flush().
Shell got {Port, {data, <<"hello world!">>}}

4> erlang:port_close(Port).

5> flush().

Whereas sum will not, because requires its standard input to be closed before responding with the checksum:

Port = erlang:open_port({spawn_executable, "/usr/bin/sum"},
                        [binary, eof, use_stdio, exit_status, stream]).

2> erlang:port_command(Port, "hello world!").

3> flush().

4> erlang:port_close(Port).
stdout: Broken pipe

5> flush().

The erlang:port_close/1 closes standard input, but also closes standard output (and error). The data message is never received with the checksum as a result.

Grimsby Command

Grimsby is an Erlang Port written in Rust that can close its standard input while retaining standard output (and error).

With grimsby_command, an executable can be spawned, closing stdin if and when necessary, while capturing output on both stdout and stderr:

1> {ok, Spawn} = grimsby_command_sup:start_child(#{executable => "/usr/bin/sum"}).

%% send iodata to the spawned process...
2> ok = grimsby_command:send(Spawn, ["hello", <<" world!">>]).

%% close stdin...
3> ok = grimsby_command:close(Spawn).

%% important to wait for the spawned process to exit...
4> {ok, 0} = grimsby_command:wait_for_exit(Spawn).

%% output is captured from stdout and stderr as iodata:
5> grimsby_command:info(Spawn).
#{exit => 0,
  eof => [stderr, stdin, stdout],
  stderr => [],
  stdout => [[],<<"3785 1\n">>]}

6> grimsby_command:stop(Spawn).

The following parameters can be supplied to the spawned executable with grimsby_command:

%% mandatory full path of the executable to spawn
#{executable := string(),

  %% optional list of arguments (default [])
  args => [string()],

  %% optional map of environment variables
  envs => #{string() => string()},

  %% optional arg0 name
  arg0 => string(),

  %% optional working diretory of the process
  cd => file:filename()

Grimsby Port


The module grimsby_port orchestrates the port protocol between Erlang and the Rust process using BERT framed in BURP (32 bit big endian length). It is used by grimsby_command, and can be used by an application that needs asynchronous notification on receiving data, or the exit of the spawned process.

Note that, notifications are sent using gen_statem:send_request/4 and must be replied to! An 'ok' will continue processing, while {error, term()} will stop the process.

The parameters supplied to spawn a process are the same as for grimsby_command, with an additional (optional) parameter of send_to:

%% mandatory full path of the executable to spawn
#{executable := string(),

  %% optional list of arguments (default [])
  args => [string()],

  %% optional map of environment variables
  envs => #{string() => string()},

  %% optional arg0 name
  arg0 => string(),

  %% optional working diretory of the process
  cd => file:filename()

  %% optional pid/name of process to send messages
  %% default to pid of caller:
  send_to => gen_statem:server_ref()}

An example:

1> {ok, Spawn} = grimsby_port:run(#{executable => "/bin/cat"}).

2> ok = grimsby_port:send(Spawn, ["hello", <<" world!">>]).
3> ok = grimsby_port:close(Spawn, stdin).
4> flush().

Shell got {'$gen_call',
Shell got {'$gen_call',
                      <<"hello world!">>}}}
Shell got {'$gen_call',
Shell got {'$gen_call',


Assuming the following type definitions:

-type stream() :: stdin | stdout | stderr.
{grimsby_port, {error, Spawn :: reference(), Stream :: stream()}}

This is sent when an error has occured on a stream.

{grimsby_port, {Stream :: stream(), Spawn :: reference(), Data :: binary()}}

This is sent when data is received on stdout or stderr from a stream. Line buffering is present on the Rust streams (which can't currently be disabled).

{grimsby_port, {eof, Spawn :: reference(), Stream :: stream()}}

This is sent when end of file has been reached on a stream.

{grimsby_port, {exit, reference(), integer() | signal}}

This is sent when the processes exits (with a status code) or is killed by a signal.


The protocol between the Erlang port and Rust is BERT framed in BURP with a 4 byte unsigned big endian packet length.

The following messages are exchanged over the port:


 ChildId :: reference(),
 InteractionId :: reference(),
 #{executable := string(),

   %% optional list of arguments (default [])
   args => [string()],

   %% optional map of environment variables
   envs => #{string() => string()},

   %% optional arg0 name
   arg0 => string(),

   %% optional working diretory of the process
   cd => file:filename()}

On receipt of this message the Rust port controller will spawn a new process using executable as the full path to the executable, with threads monitoring stdin, stdout and stderr, associating ChildId with the new process.

In response:

{InteractionId :: reference(), ok}

If the process has spawned without error, where InteractionId is the correlating reference for the request.

{InteractionId :: reference(), {error, term()}}

If the process failed to spawn for some reason, where InteractionId is the correlating reference for the request.


{eof, ChildId :: reference(), Stream :: stream()}

This message is received by the Erlang side indicating end of file for stdout or stderr. Where ChildId is the reference used to identify the spawned process in the spawn message.


{stdout | stderr, ChildId :: reference(), Output :: binary()}

This message is received by the Erlang side indicating the output from the spawned process either from stdout or stderr. Where ChildId is the reference used to identify the spawned process in the spawn message.


{exit, ChildId :: reference(), integer() | signal}

This message is received by the Erlang side indicating that the spawned process either exited normally with a status code, or has been killed by a signal. Where ChildId is the reference used to identify the spawned process in the spawn message.


{error, ChildId :: reference(), Stream :: stream()}

This message is received by the Erlang side indicating an error on a stream of the spawned process. Where ChildId is the reference used to identify the spawned process in the spawn message.


{send, ChildId :: reference(), InteractionId :: reference(), Data :: binary()}

On receipt of this message the Rust port controller will send Data to the stdin of the spawned process identified by ChildId from the spawn message.

In response:

{InteractionId :: reference(), ok}

If the data was queued to be sent to the spawned process. An error may be sent asynchronously if the data cannot be written later.

{InteractionId :: reference(), {error, term()}}

If the data could not be queued to the process.


{close, ChildId :: reference(), InteractionId :: reference(), Stream :: stream()}

On receipt of this message the Rust port controller will close the stream of the spawned process identified by ChildId from the spawn message.

In response:

{InteractionId :: reference(), ok}

If the request was queued to be sent to the spawned process.

{InteractionId :: reference(), {error, term()}}

If the request could not be queued to the process.

wait for exit

{wait_for_exit, ChildId :: reference(), InteractionId :: reference()}

On receipt of this message the Rust port controller will wait for the exit of the spawned process identified by ChildId from the spawn message.

In response:

{InteractionId :: reference(), ok}

If the request was queued to be sent to the spawned process.

{InteractionId :: reference(), {error, term()}}

If the request could not be queued to the process.


{kill, ChildId :: reference(), InteractionId :: reference()}

On receipt of this message the Rust port controller will kill the spawned process identified by ChildId from the spawn message.

In response:

{InteractionId :: reference(), ok}

If the request was queued to be sent to the spawned process.

{InteractionId :: reference(), {error, term()}}

If the request could not be queued to the process.



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