todo-or-die provides procedural macros that act as checked reminders.



todo-or-die provides procedural macros that act as checked reminders.

Build status Documentation


1.0.9000"); // its over 9000! ">
// trigger a compile error if we're past a certain date
todo_or_die::after_date!(3000, 1, 1); // its the year 3000!

// or a GitHub issue has closed
todo_or_die::issue_closed!("rust-lang", "rust", 44265); // GATs are here!

// or the latest version of a crate matches some expression
todo_or_die::crates_io!("serde", ">1.0.9000"); // its over 9000!

More information about this crate can be found in the crate documentation.

The name was shamelessly stolen from the ruby gem todo_or_die.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

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