CosmWasm/Sylvia counting contract w/ IBC enabled (Cosmos, Rust, CosmWasm, Sylvia)


CosmWasm/Sylvia counting contract w/ IBC enabled (Cosmos, Rust, CosmWasm, Sylvia)

This repository contains counting contract created during the study of CosmWasm/Sylvia and IBC based contracts development for Cosmos blockchains written using Rust.

The IBC implementation attempt on Sylvia is based on as at the time of writing this the section is empty. Moreover Sylvia does NOT support natively IBC, see maintainer comment CosmWasm/sylvia#19 (comment).


Rust library skeleton generated using:

cargo new --lib ./counting-contract
cd ./counting-contract
cargo check


Besides regular dependencies like Go, Rust and CosmWasm binaries, we need additional software to deploy and operate the contracts...

As the IBC relayer is used

cargo install ibc-relayer-cli --bin hermes --locked

To deploy and operate the contracts on Juno we need junod (

git clone
cd juno
git fetch --all --tags
git checkout v18.0.0-alpha.2
make install

To deploy and operate the contracts on Osmosis we need osmosisd (

curl -sL > && python3

Choose option #2 (Client Node) and #2 (Testnet) in order. You may run with sudo but don't forget to chown afterwards...


Aliases in .cargo/config

Built contract to artifacts:

// cargo wasm-debug
cargo wasm
cosmwasm-check target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/counting_contract.wasm

Generate contract schemas:

cargo schema

Build optimized deployment version (run in repository root!):

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
cosmwasm-check artifacts/counting_contract.wasm

Unit Testing

cargo test

Deploying (Testnet)

First we need to configure Juno node:

junod config node
junod config chain-id uni-6

You may explore the testnet tools here:

We will create two Juno wallets first:

junod keys add wallet
// wallet address: juno1dkgs7ymhmnnu3c874wyaakh03jn9l3fes52jxg
junod keys add wallet2
// wallet2 address: juno1qqkj8r6hfqh93jq65jermsmq288je7873jmjh5
junod keys add wallet-ibc --output json > .wallet.junod
// wallet-ibc address: juno1hhfw77usyd6t8y9xuj6xlmqq5nkuqyc9vkcsha
// wallet-ibc explorer:

Latest faucet working is{replace-with-your-address} (e.g.

May you want to query wallet balances use junod query bank balances juno1dkgs7ymhmnnu3c874wyaakh03jn9l3fes52jxg

...and create two Osmosis wallets:

osmosisd keys add wallet
// wallet address: osmo1kzd8am90ktcye0yrf7p6z5z4lgz3pg6sp9qu6s
osmosisd keys add wallet2
// wallet2 address: osmo1xdk392u7y36s4fe06eu04e6mt7x4kt5793takz
osmosisd keys add wallet-ibc --output json > .wallet.osmosis
// wallet-ibc address: osmo1fywaxmn73dja3kmd5deuv2gf46ktna6f6el3aw
// wallet-ibc explorer:

The faucet address is

May you want to query wallet balances use osmosisd query bank balances osmo1kzd8am90ktcye0yrf7p6z5z4lgz3pg6sp9qu6s

We will deploy the contract to uni-6 and osmo-test-5 using junod binary.

First we upload the code:

// Chain A
junod tx wasm store artifacts/counting_contract.wasm --chain-id=uni-6 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox" -b sync

// Chain B
osmosisd tx wasm store artifacts/counting_contract.wasm --chain-id=osmo-test-5 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo" -b sync

To get contract code ID you must query the txhash, e.g.: junod q tx 0C911A8A7790470297CB5A17C2198F2FD5321BCA9DF8B92D62781745EEBD3F37 --output=json and osmosisd q tx 8A8E552A55D24D0068647BEE6B03E04EC069272F341467955E1FABE37720BAFB --output=json

Than we instantiate the contracts on both networks:

// Chain A
junod tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID_A" '{"count":0,"admins":[]}' --label "counting-contract" --chain-id=uni-6 -y --from wallet --admin wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox"

// Chain B
osmosisd tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID_B" '{"count":0,"admins":[]}' --label "counting-contract" --chain-id=osmo-test-5 -y --from wallet --admin wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo"

To get initiation info you must query the txhash, e.g.: junod q tx BF1862AD34C328A30D0CE99DD684E71E015FB2E95D29D55AD603B24A7324EB14 --output=json and osmosisd q tx 197AC7FA66DA0E5E35EDE2F822F8DC6A54DDD5936D28B7812DC2DC7DE3A41414 --output=json

Now we need to query the instantiated contracts:

// Chain A
junod query wasm contract "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A"

// Chain B
osmosisd query wasm contract "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B"

Look at ibc_port_id in the output. Should the contract have IBC entry points enabled it will contain a value e.g. wasm.juno1wjjx974u9j80wazvxsx3ukr85jmazk7szk37qn0kmelu98gl620qwxqxz0

Before starting the relayer we need to configure it:

mkdir ~/.hermes && touch ~/.hermes/config.toml
cat .hermes.config.toml > ~/.hermes/config.toml
hermes config validate

...and generate wallets for relaying:

hermes keys add --chain uni-6 --key-file .wallet.junod
hermes keys add --chain osmo-test-5 --key-file .wallet.osmosis

May you want to query balances use hermes keys balance --chain osmo-test-5 and hermes keys balance --chain uni-6. .wallet.* contain sensitive data— make sure you keep them in .gitignore!

Afterwards, in order to get IBC running we need to create the relayer channel:

hermes create channel --a-chain uni-6 --b-chain osmo-test-5 --a-port "$IBC_PORT_A" --b-port "$IBC_PORT_B" --channel-version counter-contract-1 --new-client-connection

After successfully running hermes create channel you should see smth like:

SUCCESS Channel {
    ordering: Unordered,
    a_side: ChannelSide {
        chain: BaseChainHandle {
            chain_id: ChainId {
                id: "uni-6",
                version: 6,
            runtime_sender: Sender { .. },
        client_id: ClientId(
        connection_id: ConnectionId(
        port_id: PortId(
        channel_id: Some(
        version: Some(
    b_side: ChannelSide {
        chain: BaseChainHandle {
            chain_id: ChainId {
                id: "osmo-test-5",
                version: 5,
            runtime_sender: Sender { .. },
        client_id: ClientId(
        connection_id: ConnectionId(
        port_id: PortId(
        channel_id: Some(
        version: Some(
    connection_delay: 0ns,

Before starting the channel relayer you need to update ~/.hermes/config.toml and add proper channel list (see create channel command output— to allow created channels):

// UPDATE [[chains]]: list = [["wasm.juno1wjjx974u9j80wazvxsx3ukr85jmazk7szk37qn0kmelu98gl620qwxqxz0", "channel-839"], ["wasm.osmo1xz00vhlm7e3ysj9f2v3jtcjpqvectwgdkkxuau8rw290ys087s6qtk24hy", "channel-4347"]]
cat .hermes.config.toml > ~/.hermes/config.toml
hermes config validate
hermes start

Interacting with contracts (Testnet)

Check our counters states on both chains:

// Assuming addresses were set during the steps above...
// CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A=juno1wjjx974u9j80wazvxsx3ukr85jmazk7szk37qn0kmelu98gl620qwxqxz0
// CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B=osmo1xz00vhlm7e3ysj9f2v3jtcjpqvectwgdkkxuau8rw290ys087s6qtk24hy

junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"count": {}}' --chain-id=uni-6
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"count": {}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5
osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5

Let's try to increment counts directly (on Juno):

junod tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"increment_count": {}}' --chain-id=uni-6 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox" -b sync
// Now query the contract on Juno and check results
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"count": {}}' --chain-id=uni-6
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

And use IBC called on Osmosis contract (local channel_id=channel-4347) to increment Juno contract count... remotely!:

osmosisd tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"increment_ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5 -y --from wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo"
// Now query the contract on Juno and check results
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

You might do call increment vice-versa, from Juno using junod tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"increment_ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox" -b sync let's decrease count in Juno contract through Osmosis:

osmosisd tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"decrement_ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5 -y --from wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo"
// Now query the contract on Juno and check results
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

...after all let's check what happened to Osmosis IBC related states:

osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5

In case your relayer was not working you might have some ibc_channel_timeouts stored... If not— stop relayer for a while and repeat the steps above; you will see NO increase in counter states on remote contract and ibc_channel_timeouts number increasing with every call to increment_ibc_count or decrement_ibc_count.

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