Dead simple, memoized cargo subcommand to hoist cargo-built binaries into the current working directory, written in Rust.



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Dead simple cargo subcommand to hoist cargo-built binaries into scope. stable

Install | User Docs | Crate Docs | Reference | Contributing | License

What is cargo-hoist?

cargo-hoist is an ultra lightweight, dead simple cargo subcommand that memoizes cargo-built binaries using a global toml cache file. Since the global toml file contains a memoized list of the built binary paths, the hoist subcommand can then be used to manipulate cargo-built binaries in a whole variety of ways.

Primarily, binaries can be pulled into the current working directory using cargo hoist <bin name> (the default, flagless hoist command). To load the binary into path, you can run cargo hoist <bin name> --path.

Often, it's added overhead to remember where your binary is built within the target/.. directories. cargo-hoist makes it easy to find locally built binaries using the --list (or -l shorthand) flag.


Install cargo-hoist using cargo.

cargo install cargo-hoist

CLI Flags

Below is a manual output for v0.1.11. To generate a more up-to-date output, run cargo hoist --help.

Dead simple, memoized cargo subcommand to hoist cargo-built binaries into scope.

Usage: cargo hoist [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  hoist     Hoist dependencies
  list      List registered dependencies
  search    Search for a binary in the hoist toml registry
  nuke      Nuke wipes the hoist toml registry
  register  Registers a binary in the global hoist toml registry
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbosity...  Verbosity level (0-4). Default: 0 (ERROR)
  -q, --quiet         Suppresses standard output
  -h, --help          Print help
  -V, --version       Print version


Contributions of all forms are welcome and encouraged!

Please check existing issues for similar feature requests or bug reports.

Otherwise, feel free to open an issue if no relevant issue already exists.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Free and open-source, forever. All our rust are belong to you.

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    Currently, the search (aliased to find) subcommand does a simple exact comparison to search for existing registry binaries.

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    anyhow_ext = "0.2.1"                       # Extension of anynow
    anyhow-std = "0.1.4"                       # Wrap std APIs with anyhow error context.
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