6145 Repositories
Rust rust-in-100 Libraries
2d collision test for game-development in rust (with optional integration and example for bevy)
impacted 2d collision test for game-development in rust (with optional integration and example for bevy) This provides a low-level "narrow-phase" coll
Tricking shells into interactive mode when local PTY's are not available
Remote Pseudoterminals Remote Pseudoterminals or "RPTY" is a Rust library which intercepts calls to the Linux kernel's TTY/PTY-related libc functions
Mac App/CLI that automatically adds project logos to your locally cloned GitHub repos
Download the app Automatically adds project logos to your locally cloned GitHub repos. Youtube Video This repository contains the source code for the
A toolkit for building your own interactive command-line tools in Rust
promkit A toolkit for building your own interactive command-line tools in Rust, utilizing crossterm. Getting Started Put the package in your Cargo.tom
Fully typed access to the Erigon db in rust
Overview Fully typed access to the Erigon database in rust. use erigon_db::{Erigon, env_open}; use ethereum_types::Address; fn main() - eyre::Result
🦀 Rusty DLL Injector with GUI
DLL Crab Rusty DLL Injector with GUI Screenshot Why? Because I can't find a GUI DLL Injector that written in Rust. And i wrote it myself! Methods Crea
🐳 📦 Bringing docker containers to your AUR helper since 2022
zeus Releases | CI | Issues | Installing | Building Zeus. A simple AUR helper which utilizes docker containers allowing developers and users alike to
The fallen leaves tell a story... of a colorful file tree visualizer for the command-line.
Erdtree A bLazInGlY fAsT, simplified version of the ancient tree command which displays a colorful depth indented listing of files with their memory s
MyCitadel Wallet app for Linux, Windows & MacOS desktop made with GTK+
MyCitadel Desktop Bitcoin, Lightning and RGB wallet MyCitadel is a wallet for bitcoin, digital assets and bitcoin finance (#BiFi) smart contracts. It
An abstract, safe, and concise color conversion library for rust nightly This requires the feature adt_const_params
colortypes A type safe color conversion library This crate provides many methods for converting between color types. Everything is implemented abstrac
API tool,but egui style and rusty
WEAVER About Weaver is a simple,easy-to-use and cross-platform API tool.Inspired by hoppscotch . It uses the Rust egui GUI library. Features Get,Post
A Rust library to manipulate AArch64 VMSA EL1 page tables.
aarch64 page table manipulation This crate provides a library to manipulate EL1 page tables conforming to the AArch64 Virtual Memory System Architectu
A collision editor for Guilty Gear -Strive-, written in Rust
ggst_collision_editor_rs A collision editor for Guilty Gear -Strive- and other Team Red Arc System Works games, written in Rust. Uses a customized ver
🎮 A Realtime Multiplayer Server/Client Game example built entirely with Rust 🦀
Example of a 🎮 Realtime Multiplayer Web Game Server/Client built entirely using Rust 🦀
Rust Axum+SQLx Sample
rust-axum-sqlx-sample Install git clone https://github.com/web3ten0/rust-axum-sqlx-1.git cd rust-axum-sqlx-1/local docker-compose up -d sh scripts/exe
Envwoman is an application, to sync your .env-files across multiple machines
Envwoman is an application, to sync your .env-files across multiple machines. The main goal is to make Envwoman secure and trustworthy, so everything is open-source and the data will never in plain-text on the server. Encryption happens client-sided via aes-gcm.
Learning rust with the olc Pixel Game Engine.
olc rust sketches Learning Rust with the olc Pixel Game Engine. This project is based on olcPixelGameEngine-rs, a Rust API by Ivan Sadikov for the olc
Discord RIch Presence in Rust, with native Bevy support
Discord Presence The root project for both Bevy Discord Presence and regular Discord Presence, both contained in the crates directory. TODO Allow invi
Tools to feature more lenient Polonius-based borrow-checker patterns in stable Rust
Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't. More context Hamlet: For yourself, sir, shall grow old as I am – if, like a crab, you could go back
A Telegram bot to watch animes
AmimeWatch A Telegram bot to watch animes. Re-written version of AmimeWatch in Rust. Preparing Configuration Create a file named config.toml and fill
Custom deserialization for fields that can be specified as multiple types.
serde-this-or-that Custom deserialization for fields that can be specified as multiple types. This crate works with Cargo with a Cargo.toml like: [dep
Smarter brute-force password searching for PKZIP encrypted files
Zip Blitz Motivation This program was created for a very specfic problem I had. I had a large encrypted zip file that I lost/forgot the password for.
Make data-driven table rendering easy with Dioxus
Dioxus Table Make data-driven table rendering easy with Dioxus Installation Until the next release of Dioxus this requires Dioxus nightly from git. Th
Rust SDK wrapper for the Mystic Light SDK
mystic_light_sdk Rust SDK wrapper for the Mystic Light SDK Requirements Any MSI device with RGB support Only Windows 7+ Dragon Center or Msi Center in
Mewl, program in cats' language; A just-for-fun language
Mewl The programming language of cats' with the taste of lisp 🤔 What,Why? Well, 2 years ago in 2020, I created a esoteric programming language called
Playing with web dev in Rust. This is a sample Rust microservice that can be deployed on Kubernetes.
Playing with web dev in Rust. This is a sample Rust microservice that can be deployed on Kubernetes.
A simple cross-platform remote file management tool to upload and download files over HTTP/S
A simple cross-platform remote file management tool to upload and download files over HTTP/S
A small CLI tool to query ArcGIS REST API services, implemented in Rust. The server response is returned as pretty JSON.
A small CLI tool to query ArcGIS REST API services, implemented in Rust. The server response is returned as pretty JSON.
A template for creating services in Rust using Axum and Prisma.
A template for creating services in Rust using Axum and Prisma. This uses the super cool Prisma Rust Client.
Rust no_std, embedded_hal board support package for the Electro-Smith Daisy platform.
Daisy Rust no_std, embedded_hal board support package for the Electro-Smith Daisy platform. This project was forked from antoinevg/daisy_bsp. Supporte
Bit fields and masks for rust!
ubits Bit fields and masks for rust! Provides a macro for generating bit field types complete with flags and some helpful trait implementations. Suppo
Simple Sudoku solver written in Rust.
Simple Sudoku solver written in Rust. Method is inspired by a method briefly outlined in a CS lecture I had that I decided to try and implement based only on my understanding from the lecture.
Yet another package manager for Rust.
Rpip Installing. Make sure you have just (packages) installed! Once you have just installed move into the root directory (where this file is) and run
A rust bencode encoding/decoding implementation backed by serde.
Bende A rust bencode encoding/decoding implementation backed by serde. About This is one of a few bencode implementations available for rust. Though t
Galleries of NFTs using Solana and Rust for contracts
About this Package created to simplify the process of parsing NFTs on Solana. It consists of: Package basic things like fetch all NFTs for specific wa
A stack based, virtual machine language written in Rust
Stackyy A stack based, virtual machine language written in Rust Description: Stackyy is a stack based, virtual machine language inspired by Forth and
Quickwit - the next-gen search & analytics engine built for logs
Quickwit is the next-gen search & analytics engine built for logs. It is a highly reliable & cost-efficient alternative to Elasticsearch.
A CLI spelling corrector for when you're unsure
DidYouMean DidYouMean (or dym) is a command-line spelling corrector written in rust utilizing a simplified version of Damerau-Levenshtein distance. Di
Safe OCaml-Rust Foreign Function Interface
ocaml-rust This repo contains code for a proof of concept for a safe OCaml-Rust interop inspired by cxx. This is mostly optimized for calling Rust cod
An easy-to-use TUI crate for Rust, based off of the Elm architecture.
Rustea An easy-to-use TUI crate for Rust, based off of the Elm architecture. This is a re-implementation of Go's Tea, created by TJ Holowaychuk. Featu
WIP / POC for using the ESP32C3 and ESP32 wifi drivers in bare-metal Rust
Wifi on ESP32C3 and ESP32 (on bare-metal Rust) About This is experimental and work-in-progress! You are welcome to experiment with it and contribute b
Rust SDK for writing contracts for Stellar Jump Cannon
rs-stellar-contract-sdk Rust SDK for writing contracts for Stellar Jump Cannon. This repository contains code that is in early development, incomplete
An x86-64 kernel with ~100% Rust (originally) in a week
litchi-rs An x86-64 kernel with ~100% Rust (originally) in a week. The continuation of Litchi. Try it Make sure the Rust toolchains and qemu-system-x8
A Rust-based dropper for shellcode payloads.
A Rust-based dropper for shellcode payloads.
Rust Lean Image Viewer - Fast and configurable image viewer inspired by JPEGView by David Kleiner
Rust Lean Image Viewer - Fast and configurable image viewer inspired by JPEGView by David Kleiner
RisingWave is a cloud-native streaming database that uses SQL as the interface language.
RisingWave is a cloud-native streaming database that uses SQL as the interface language. It is designed to reduce the complexity and cost of building real-time applications. RisingWave consumes streaming data, performs continuous queries, and updates results dynamically. As a database system, RisingWave maintains results inside its own storage and allows users to access data efficiently.
An async autocompletion framework for Neovim
⚡ nvim-compleet This plugin is still in early development. 📖 Table of Contents Installation Features Configuration Sources Commands Mappings Colors R
Replibyte - a powerful tool to seed your databases
Seed Your Development Database With Real Data ⚡️ Replibyte is a powerful tool to seed your databases with real data and other cool features 🔥 Feature
🚀 Fleet is the blazing fast build tool for Rust
Fleet is the blazing fast build tool for Rust. Compiling with Fleet is up-to 5x faster than with cargo.
⚡ A blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete.
Turbo Delete A blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete. Turbodelete is a blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete functio
A flexible, simple to use, immutable, clone-efficient String replacement for Rust
A flexible, simple to use, immutable, clone-efficient String replacement for Rust. It unifies literals, inlined, and heap allocated strings into a single type.
API-agnostic audio plugin framework written in Rust
Because everything is better when you do it yourself - Rust VST3 and CLAP framework and plugins
Command-line DNS client using bitvec, nom and RFC 1035
Dingo Domain INformation Gatherer, Obviously. Installation Install cargo, see instructions on the Rust website Run ./install.sh (it just does cargo bu
lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.
lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.
Neovim GUI written in Rust, using relm4 and gtk4-rs
Reovim Neovim GUI written in Rust, using relm4 and gtk4-rs. Thanks Neovide Configuration To setup font add next line to init.vim set guifont=Cascadia\
Martinez is vNext Ethereum implementation written in pure Rust with Erigon architecture as design.
🧬 Martinez 🧬 Next-generation implementation of Ethereum protocol ("client") written in Rust, based on Erigon architecture. Why run Martinez? Look at
Toolbx Tuner is a tool to improve the experience with toolbx.
Tuner Toolbx Tuner is a tool to improve the experience with toolbx. Project Roadmap The project is currently only a user-interface concept. The
A cargo subcommand that displays the assembly generated for Rust source code
cargo-show-asm A cargo subcommand that displays the assembly generated for Rust source code.
Brotlic (or BrotliC) is a thin wrapper around brotli.
Bindings to the brotli library featuring a low-overhead encoder and decoder, Writers and Readers for compression and decompression at customizable compression qualities and window sizes.
Rust implementation for Thippy -- a Substrate parachain for smart contracts.
Thippy ‒- A Smart Contracts Parachain This is a node implementation of Thippy, a Substrate parachain for smart contracts. Developing Smart Contracts f
An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like stackoverflow) fast, efficient and asynchronous from the terminal.
Falion An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like StackOverFlow) fast, efficient and asynchronou
Rust-port of spotify/annoy as a wrapper for Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage.
Fareast This library is a rust port of spotify/annoy , currently only index serving is supported. It also provides FFI bindings for jvm, dotnet and da
A blazingly fast, ShareX uploader coded in Rust (using actix web) which utilizes AES-256-GCM-SIV to securely store uploaded content.
Magnesium Oxide ❔ What is this? Magnesium-Oxide (MGO) is a secure file uploader with support for ShareX. 🌠 Features 🔥 Blazingly fast uploads and enc
Lazerpay SDK for Rust 🦀
💳 Lazerpay Rust SDK This crate integrates the Lazerpay payment gateway for accepting cryptocurrency payments. Usage Add the following to your cargo d
Rapidly iterate and build Bevy UI's with existing web-based technologies
bevy_webview WIP Rapidly iterate and build Bevy UI's with existing web-based technologies It is currently very early days of this plugin - only Linu
A cross-platform serial port library in Rust. Provides a blocking I/O interface and port enumeration including USB device information.
Note: This is a fork of the original serialport-rs project on GitLab. Please note there have been some changes to both the supported targets and which
A rust library built to support building time-series based projection models
TimeSeries TimeSeries is a framework for building analytical models in Rust that have a time dimension. Inspiration The inspiration for writing this i
69-key split mechanical keyboard (PCB, case, firmware)
ErgoNICE An open source 69-key column-staggered split mechanical keyboard with a rotary knob, extra connectors, a 3D printed case with "floating key"
🦀 Rust support library for semaphore
🦀 semaphore-rs Rust support library for using semaphore. It's mostly a Rust rewrite of zk-kit, but just focuses on semaphore (for now) and still cove
Unicorn Emulator Debug Server - Written in Rust, with bindings of C, Go, Java and Python
udbserver - Unicorn Emulator Debug Server When you do emulation with Unicorn Engine, do you want to inspect the inner state during every step? udbserv
Free Rust 🦀 course in English 🇬🇧
Learn Rust 🦀 Free Rust 🦀 course in English 🇬🇧 This course was inspired by Dcode Before starting to learn a programming language, you need to under
Do is a rewrite of Gnome To Do in Rust.
Do Do is a rewrite of Gnome To Do in Rust using gtk-rs and Relm4, we aim to improve on the existing set of features provided by To Do to provide the u
A simple quote-based code generator for Rust
flexgen A flexible, yet simple quote-based code generator for creating beautiful Rust code Why? Rust has two types of macros, and they are both very p
Faster and better alternative to Vtop written in Rust.
Rtop Faster and better alternative to Vtop written in Rust. Work in Progress Features Lightweight 1MB Responsive UI Sort Process by Memory, CPU Usag
Rust library for build smart contracts on Internet Computer, by the Spinner.Cash team.
Spinner Rust library for building smart contracts on the Internet Computer. More specifically it is used by Spinner.Cash, a decentralized layer-2 prot
rusty-riscy is a performance testing and system resource monitoring tool written in Rust to benchmark RISC-V processors.
rusty-riscy rusty-riscy is a performance testing and system resource monitoring tool written in Rust to benchmark RISC-V processors. Objectives To cre
🔥 Firebase authentication for Rust 🦀
Fire Auth Rust wrapper for Firebase Authentication REST API Installation Add the following to Cargo.toml: fireauth = "0.1.5" How to use First you need
A CLI test program for HNU Cloud Computing Lab 2, built with Rust.
HTTP Server Tester This is a CLI test program for HNU Cloud Computing Lab 2. Install For most student, you don't neet to rebuild this project. We prov
Set Shell Environment Variables across multiple shells with a single configuration file.
Xshe – Cross-Shell Environment Vars xshe allows for setting Shell Environment Variables across multiple shells with a single TOML configuration file.
Simulator for the pioneering TX-2 computer
TX-2 Simulator We are trying to create a simulator for Lincoln Lab's historic TX-2 computer. Notably, this is the computer on which Ivan Sutherland's
🦞 Rust library of natural language dictionaries using character-wise double-array tries.
🦞 Crawdad: ChaRActer-Wise Double-Array Dictionary Overview Crawdad is a library of natural language dictionaries using character-wise double-array tr
A cross-platform file sorting program
Cabinet Cross-platform file sorting system that sorts files based on their attributes, such as file type, file name and date modified. Disclaimer: Not
CLI application to run clang-format on a set of files specified using globs in a JSON configuration file.
run_clang_format CLI application for running clang-format for an existing .clang-format file on a set of files, specified using globs in a .json confi
lightweight and customizable rust s-expression (s-expr) parser and printer
s-expr Rust library for S-expression like parsing and printing parser keeps track of spans, and representation (e.g. number base) number and decimal d
Rust DDC/CI high level library
ddc-enhanced-rs ddc-enhanced-rs is a cross platform Rust crate and Node package for controlling monitors with DDC/CI. Documentation Rust: https://docs
Incremental hashing based on curve25519-dalek
A toy project on building an incremental hash function using the Ristretto elliptic curve for me to learn Rust. Example code from examples/main.rs: us
UnoLife is a project made solely in rust for the Timathon jam.
UnoLife, the way of unordinary life This is the perfect app for anyone looking to spice up their life! It has a bunch of apps and features to help you
Coppers is a custom test harnass for Rust that measures the energy usage of your test suite.
Coppers Coppers is a test harness for Rust that can measure the evolution of power consumptions of a Rust program between different versions with the
Switch windows of same app with alt + ` on windows pc.
Windows Switcher Switch windows of same app with alt + ` on windows pc. 250k single file executable downloaded from Github Release. No installation re
Lightweight parsing for Rust proc macros
Lightweight parsing for Rust proc macros Venial is a WIP parser for Rust proc macros. When writing proc macros that need to parse Rust code (such as a
"goto" implementation for Rust
Goto/Label for Rust Tired of using newfangled control flow mechnisms like "loop," "while," and "for"? Well worry no more! Finally, "goto" and "label"
Composable WebSockets made easy, for Rust 🦀
ezsockets Have you ever struggle with creating a WebSocket server or a client in Rust? This crate is for you. High level abstraction of WebSocket, han
cargo-lambda is a Cargo subcommand to help you work with AWS Lambda.
cargo-lambda cargo-lambda is a Cargo subcommand to help you work with AWS Lambda. The new subcommand creates a basic Rust package from a well defined
🖊️ // Just a place to paste
Just a place to paste Features ✨ Code highlighting and line numbers (default) 📖 Markdown rendering (click the button) 🔥 Single-view pastes (click th
RakNet Protocol implementation by Rust.
rust-raknet RakNet Protocol implementation by Rust. Raknet is a reliable udp transport protocol that is often used for communication between game clie
Minty is an amazingly fast file deduplication app built in rust with a rust user interface.
minty Project Minty has a new look and feel!!! Minty is an amazingly fast file deduplication app built in rust with a rust user interface. I say super
Lightweight websocket implement for stream transmission.
Lightws Lightweight websocket implement for stream transmission. Features Avoid heap allocation. Avoid buffering frame payload. Use vectored-io if ava
Texting Robots: A Rust native `robots.txt` parser with thorough unit testing
Texting Robots Crate texting_robots is a library for parsing robots.txt files. A key design goal of this crate is to have a thorough test suite tested
Find and clean heavy build or cache directories.
ProjClean Find and clean heavy build or cache directories. ProjClean finds directories such as node_modules(node), target(rust), build(java) and their