6208 Repositories
Rust rust-compiler Libraries
A rewrite of my first Password generator in rust.
PGen-Rust Getting Started You can get the latest version of PGen from the github actions artifacts or from one of these links: linux, windows, macos U
A basic rust QOI decoder/encoder
libqoi A basic rust QOI decoder/encoder. Why QOI QOI is a lossless image format with a one page specification. It can achieve better compression than
Index-Oriented Programming in Rust
id_collections: Index-Oriented Programming in Rust Download: crates.io/crates/id_collections Docs: docs.rs/id_collections It is common in Rust to defi
Rust binding for WFA2-lib
Rust bindings for WFA2-Lib Rust language bindgings for the excellent WFA2-Lib library. Work in progress. Tests and features are not yet complete. Usag
💣 SMH – a computer vision project for automatic, precision mortar strike calculations in Squad
💣 Squad Mortar Helper (SMH) SMH is a computer vision toy project aimed at automating mortar calculations in the game Squad Download demo.mp4 Requirem
Rust Sandbox [code for 15 concepts of Rust language]
Rust-Programming-Tutorial Rust Sandbox [code for 15 concepts of Rust language]. The first time I've been introduced to Rust was on January 2022, you m
NSE is a rust cli binary and library for extracting real-time data from National Stock Exchange (India)
NSE Check out the sister projects NsePython and SaveKiteEnctoken which are Python & Javascript libraries to use the NSE and Zerodha APIs respectively
Tool written in rust to read for file changes and accordingly run build commands.
Sniff A simple tool written in rust to read for file changes and accordingly run build commands. Note this tool is for linux and linux only. If it hap
😎 A custom invoke system for Tauri that leverages WebSockets
😎 tauri-awesome-rpc This is a crate provides a custom invoke system for Tauri using a localhost JSON RPC WebSocket. Each message is delivered through
Durudex Near Protocol Token.
Durudex Near Token 💡 Prerequisites Rust Near CLI ⚙️ Build To build a token you will need to use this: cargo build --all --target wasm32-unknown-unkno
A HashMap/Vector hybrid: efficient, ordered key-value data storage in Rust.
hashvec A HashVec is a hash map / dictionary whose key-value pairs are stored (and can be iterated over) in a fixed order, by default the order in whi
Renderer-agnostic toolkit for Indie Game Developers
Indie Toolkit Renderer-agnostic toolkit for Indie Game Developers Features Not yet implemented: app_kit debug_kit input_kit asset_kit audio_kit Implem
Reverse proxy for HTTP microservices and STDIO. Openfass watchdog which can run webassembly with wasmer-gpu written in rust.
The of-watchdog implements an HTTP server listening on port 8080, and acts as a reverse proxy for running functions and microservices. It can be used independently, or as the entrypoint for a container with OpenFaaS.
Learn programming with Rust as a first language (book)
Learn programming with Rust as first language This is a book to learn programming from scratch. Read the book here: https://deavid.github.io/lprfl/ LI
Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently).
rudg Rust UML Diagram Generator Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently). Usage $ rudg.exe --help rudg 0.1.0 USAGE:
gpt3_rs is a rust library for interacting with OpenAi's gpt3
gpt3_rs is a rust library for interacting with OpenAi's gpt3
Turns running Rust code into a serializable data structure.
WasmBox WasmBox turns running Rust code into a serializable data structure. It does this by compiling it to WebAssembly and running it in a sandbox. T
Rust environment for Stellar Jump Cannon.
rs-stellar-contract-env Rust contract-environment interface and (optional) host implementation for Stellar Jump Cannon. This crate contains elements o
GZTime's GGOS for OS course project.
GZTime's GG OS OS course project. The basic development of this course operating system has been completed. Using JetBrainsMono as console font. Usage
x86-64 virtualizing obfuscator written in Rust
A toy x86-64 virtualizing obfuscator I plan on writing a blog or something about this soon going into more detail. Mostly used to familiarize myself w
Edgelord is a library for Cloudflare Workers. You can scaffold a basic bot for discord, slack, etc.
Edge Computing + chūnibyō = Edgelord ✨ 👿 Edgelord Edgelord is now working. You can contribute for it. Edgelord is a Rust library for cloudflare worke
Rust crate for linking against the RDKit C++ API
RDKit-Sys Rust code that binds to the C++ rdkit library! How does it work? RDKit is a C++ mega-library, full of cheminformatics wisdom. We don't want
Command-line tool to make Rust source code entities from Postgres tables.
pg2rs Command-line tool to make Rust source code entities from Postgres tables. Generates: enums structs which can be then used like mod structs; use
Cross-platform (including wasm) persistent key value store plugin for rust games/apps
bevy_pkv bevy_pkv is a cross-platform persistent key value store for rust apps. Use it for storing things like settings, save games etc. Currently, it
Rust SDK for Stellar XDR.
rs-stellar-xdr Rust SDK for Stellar XDR. This repository contains code that is in early development, incomplete, not tested, and not recommended for u
Type-safe IPC for Tauri using GraphQL
Tauri Plugin graphql A plugin for Tauri that enables type-safe IPC through GraphQL. Install Rust [dependencies] tauri-plugin-graphql = "0.2" JavaScrip
A cpu-based raytracer written in rust.
mini-raytracer A cpu-based raytracer written in rust. This project was written by me to learn about computer graphics, specifically rayracing. Feature
Aftermath - a high-performance JVM for the TapVM framework written in the Rust
Aftermath Welcome to the source, my friend! Note - This README is targetted towards users, not contributors. Please read the docs present at docs/for
Shows how to implement USB device on RP2040 in Rust, in a single file, with no hidden parts.
Rust RP2040 USB Device Example This is a worked example of implementing a USB device on the RP2040 microcontroller, in Rust. It is designed to be easy
Neofetch but in Rust (rust-toml-fetch)
rtfetch Configuration Recompile each time you change the config file logo = "arch.logo" # in src/assets. info = [ "", "", "yellow{host_n
Modular FFXIV data toolkit written in rust.
ironworks Modular FFXIV data toolkit written in rust. ironworks is pre-1.0, and as such its API should be considered unstable. Breaking API changes wi
A simple allocator written in Rust that manages memory in fixed-size chunks.
Simple Chunk Allocator A simple no_std allocator written in Rust that manages memory in fixed-size chunks/blocks. Useful for basic no_std binaries whe
Stardust XR Reference Server, now in Rust :D
Stardust XR Reference Server This project is a usable Linux display server that reinvents human-computer interaction for all kinds of XR, from putting
Mini operating system with a graphical interface, for x64 platforms, in Rust and Assembly
osmini Mini operating system with a graphical interface, for x64 platforms, in Rust and Assembly Build Don't forget to install the dependencies. This
🪐 An out-of-this-world greeter for your terminal
Draconis 🪐 An out-of-this-world greeter for your terminal Requirements pacman-contrib for pacman Important This program uses the openweathermap API f
Rust/Javascript interop demo with miniquad
Rust/Javascript interop demo with miniquad
This experiment shows connecting wasm-bindgen generated code to a good-web-game application.
GWG + wasm-bindgen example This experiment shows connecting wasm-bindgen generated code to a good-web-game application. It uses simple_logger crate to
Bevy engine + miniquad render plugin
Bevy engine + miniquad renderer This is a plugin for Bevy engine that replaces default windowing and rendering plugins with miniquad based one. Usage
Egui bindings for macroquad
egui bindings for macroquad This is the easiest way to use egui. Just two functions! Web demo. Usage You need to call ui when you need to get informat
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library written in Rust
femtovg Join the femtovg Discord channel Work in progress! Antialiased 2D vector drawing library written in Rust.
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library in Rust for Android, Web, Desktop
nonaquad Vector anti-aliased graphics renderer for Android, WASM, Desktop in Rust, using miniquad. This library started as a port of NanoVG for miniqu
Cross-platform audio for Rust
quad-snd High-level, light-weight, and opinionated audio library. Web: WebAudio Android: OpenSLES Linux: Alsa macOS: CoreAudio Windows: Wasapi iOS: Co
Little 2D physics engine used for my game Crate Before Attack.
Circle2D Circle2D is a little physics library used for my game CrateBeforeAttack. Live demo: https://koalefant.github.io/circle2d/ It is not productio
Rust client for Apache Kafka
Kafka Rust Client Project Status This project is starting to be maintained by John Ward, the current status is that I am bringing the project up to da
A binary encoder / decoder implementation in Rust.
Bincode A compact encoder / decoder pair that uses a binary zero-fluff encoding scheme. The size of the encoded object will be the same or smaller tha
Prost is a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language.
PROST! prost is a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language. prost generates simple, idiomatic Rust code from proto2 and proto3 files. Com
An auxiliary library for the serde crate.
An auxiliary library for the serde crate.
Generic extensions for tapping values in Rust.
tap Suffix-Position Pipeline Behavior This crate provides extension methods on all types that allow transparent, temporary, inspection/mutation (tappi
▦⧉□▣ A curated list of links to miniquad/macroquad-related code & resources
Awesome Quads A curated list of links to miniquad/macroquad-related code & resources. Game engines miniquad - main crate, engines below build on top o
The Roguelike Toolkit (RLTK), implemented for Rust.
The Roguelike Toolkit (RLTK), implemented for Rust.
Client library for the Challonge REST API
Client library for the Challonge REST API
A rust library for toornament.com service
A rust library for toornament.com service
A fast, offline, reverse geocoder
Rust Reverse Geocoder A fast reverse geocoder in Rust. Inspired by Python reverse-geocoder. Links Crate Changelog Latest Docs v2.0 Docs v1.0 Docs Desc
🚢 Battleship game implemented in Rust
🚢 Battleship game implemented in Rust. Fully playable between 2 players on the terminal. To play on the public instance: $ nc battleship.o
Redis compatible server framework for Rust
Redis compatible server framework for Rust Features Create a fast custom Redis compatible server in Rust Simple API. Support for pipelining and telnet
Cross platfrom window and framebuffer crate for Rust
minifb is a cross platform library written in Rust and that makes it easy to setup a window and to (optional) display a 32-bit pixel buffer. It also m
Rust bindings for the FLTK GUI library.
fltk-rs Rust bindings for the FLTK Graphical User Interface library. The fltk crate is a cross-platform lightweight gui library which can be staticall
Provides Rust bindings for GTK libraries
gtk3-rs The gtk-rs organization aims to provide safe Rust binding over GObject-based libraries. You can find more about it on https://gtk-rs.org. This
A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
Iced A cross-platform GUI library for Rust focused on simplicity and type-safety. Inspired by Elm. Features Simple, easy-to-use, batteries-included AP
Cross-platform WebView library in Rust for Tauri.
Cross-platform WebView rendering library in Rust that supports all major desktop platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux. Overview Wry connects the w
Android / iOS app with shared Rust logic
Rust core for native Android and iOS apps [TODO iOS badge] This is an example that shows how to use a shared Rust core in native Android and iOS apps.
Rust grammar tool libraries and binaries
Grammar and parsing libraries for Rust grmtools is a suite of Rust libraries and binaries for parsing text, both at compile-time, and run-time. Most u
A simple thread schedule and priority library for rust
thread-priority A simple library to control thread schedule policies and thread priority. If your operating system isn't yet supported, please, create
Idiomatic inotify wrapper for the Rust programming language
inotify-rs Idiomatic inotify wrapper for the Rust programming language. extern crate inotify; use std::env; use inotify::{ EventMask, Watch
An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust.
rune Visit the site 🌐 - Read the book 📖 An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust. Contributing If you want to help out, there should be a
Simple string matching with questionmark- and star-wildcard operator
wildmatch Match strings against a simple wildcard pattern. Tests a wildcard pattern p against an input string s. Returns true only when p matches the
Rust library for regular expressions using "fancy" features like look-around and backreferences
fancy-regex A Rust library for compiling and matching regular expressions. It uses a hybrid regex implementation designed to support a relatively rich
Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust
Tantivy is a full-text search engine library written in Rust. It is closer to Apache Lucene than to Elasticsearch or Apache Solr in the sense it is no
Salvo is a powerful and simplest web server framework in Rust world
Salvo is an extremely simple and powerful Rust web backend framework. Only basic Rust knowledge is required to develop backend services.
Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
Spacedrive A file explorer from the future. spacedrive.com » Download for macOS · Windows · Linux · iOS · watchOS · Android ~ Links will be added once
Generate Rust register maps (`struct`s) from SVD files
svd2rust Generate Rust register maps (structs) from SVD files This project is developed and maintained by the Tools team. Documentation API Minimum Su
Convert an MCU register description from the EDC format to the SVD format
edc2svd Convert an MCU register description from the EDC format to the SVD format EDC files are used to describe the special function registers of PIC
A fast R-tree for Rust. Ported from an implementation that's designed for Tile38.
rtree.rs A fast R-tree for Rust. Ported from an implementation that's designed for Tile38. Features Optimized for fast inserts and updates. Ideal for
🎙 A compact library for working with user output
🎙 Storyteller A library for working with user output Table of contents 👋 Introduction 🖼 Visualized introduction 📄 Example source code ❓ Origins 💖
Menu Utilities for Desktop Applications in Rust.
muda Menu Utilities for Desktop Applications. Example Create the root menu and add submenus and men items. let mut menu = Menu::new(); let file_menu
Announce blogs and send emails. Originally built for ConnectDome.
ConnectDome - Rust Notify A simple service to announce new blogs on your Slack/Discord + send emails to your list via your TES. Feature 1: Posts blogs
tkn-watch - watch a PipelineRuns on its way to success or failures
tkn-watch - watch a PipelineRuns on its way to success or failures tkn-watch is a simple extension to the tkn command line tool that watches a Pipelin
a little game, limbo on a mountain pass
limbo pass a little game, limbo on a mountain pass run the game build / run with the release flag so the overworld theme loads on time :) cargo run --
A Twitch OAuth token revoker written in Rust.
Revoker - A Twitch OAuth Token Revoker Details Revoker is a small CLI tool written in Rust, made so you can easily and urgently remove a Twitch OAuth
A Litecord compatible/inspired OSS implementation of Discord's backend for fun and profit.
A Litecord compatible/inspired OSS implementation of Discord's backend for fun and profit.
Wealthy Rich ported to Rust! This aims to be a crate for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal
Wealthy Rich ported to Rust! This aims to be a crate for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal
A secure file encryption utility, written in rust.
Dexios Dexios What is it? Building notes Checksums Performance Output file sizes Environment Variables Key Inputs Usage Examples To Do What is it? Dex
Archibald is my attempt at learning Rust and writing a HTTP 1.1 web server.
Archibald To be a butler, is to be able to maintain an even-temper, at all times. One must have exceptional personal hygiene and look sharp and profes
Rust Vec Doubly Linked List
Rust Vec Doubly Linked List Just like doubly linked list(e.g. std::LinkedList), but supports that returning a index of the vec when push. And you can
Application that simulates a large grid of Pokémon types fighting each other.
poke-fighting-rust Rust project that simulates a grid of Pokémon fighting with each other. Each Pokémon type is a pixel on the grid and is represented
Cycle-accurate Gameboy Color emulator in Rust
Description Currently intended only for personal research, this is a WIP cycle-accurate GB/C emulator written in Rust. Building If you wish to build f
Flexible snowflake generator, reference snoyflake and leaf.
Flexible snowflake generator, reference snoyflake and leaf.
A Rust library to manipulate the BEAM (Erlang VM) opcodes
beamop References https://blog.stenmans.org/theBeamBook/ https://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/beam_makeops.html http://beam-wisdoms.clau.se/en/latest/
Verbump - A simple utility written in rust to bump and manage git semantic version tags.
Verbump - A simple utility written in rust to bump and manage git semantic version tags.
A Rust program/library to write a Hello World message to the standard output.
hello-world Description hello-world is a Rust program and library that prints the line Hello, world! to the console. Why was this created? This progra
Generates a unique hash/identifier for a system given a set of parameters.
uniqueid 🔍 Generates a unique hash/identifier for a system given a set of parameters. Example usage use uniqueid; pub fn main() { let data = vec
Python/Rust implementations and notes from Proofs Arguments and Zero Knowledge study group
What is this? This is where I'll be collecting resources related to the Study Group on Dr. Justin Thaler's Proofs Arguments And Zero Knowledge Book. T
An easy-to-use tunnel to localhost built in Rust. An alternative to ngrok and frp.
rslocal English | 中文 What is rslocal? Rslocal is like ngrok built in Rust, it builds a tunnel to localhost. Project status support http support tcp su
Compiler from a lisp-like language to mlog
slimlog slimlog compiles a lisp-like language to mlog Architecture slimlog is divided into three distinct parts Parser Parses the source file Compiler
A cross platform, rust implementation for the Tegra X1 bootROM exploit
Switcheroo A CLI and GUI for the RCM BootRom exploit (Fusée Gelée exploit for Nintendo Switch) Only works on unpatched Switches: https://ismyswitchpat
🦅🦁 Fast, simple 2D text renderer for wgpu
🦅 glyphon 🦁 Fast, simple 2D text rendering for wgpu What is this? This crate provides a simple way to render 2D text with wgpu by: rasterizing glyph
A unix "time" like benchmarking tool on steroids
benchie Usage Binary Once Rust is installed (see step 1 in "Toolchain Setup"), you can easily install the latest version of benchie with: $ cargo inst
BM - a basic virtual machine written in rust
A basic virtual machine implementation with it's own binary format and assembly, as a learning experience.
Rust language from simple to deep, and then to strengthen learning in multiple module
Rust Library This project is used to learn rust language from simple to deep, and then to strengthen learning in multiple module. It is used to help n
Pure Rust implementations of the key-committing (and context-committing) AEADs
kc-aeads Pure Rust implementations of the key-committing (and context-committing) AEADs defined in Bellare and Hoang '22. Crash course on the paper: T