Command-line tool to make Rust source code entities from Postgres tables.



Command-line tool to make Rust source code entities from Postgres tables. Generates:

  • enums
  • structs

which can be then used like

mod structs;
use structs::{User};

let result = client.query("SELECT * FROM \"Users\"", &[]).await.unwrap();
let users: Vec<User> = result.into_iter().map(|row| User::from(row)).collect();
println!("{:#?}", users);

It is not an ORM, main purpose is to have tables DDL as a source of truth. DDL can be generated using some tool like Alembic, and then pg2rs is used to reflect changes in your


$ pg2rs --help
pg2rs 0.0.2
Stanislav Panasik <[email protected]>
Make Rust entities from PostgreSQL schema

    pg2rs [OPTIONS] --schema <schema>

    -c, --connection-string <connection-string>
            full connection string instead of separate credentials in a form
            postgresql://username:password@host:port/dbname [env: POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING=]

    -d, --database <database>
            [env: POSTGRES_DATABASE=]

    -h, --host <host>
            [env: POSTGRES_HOST=]

            Print help information

    -m, --use-rust-decimal
            use chrono DateTime for timestamps [env: USE_RUST_DECIMAL=]

    -n, --use-chrono-crate
            use chrono DateTime for timestamps [env: USE_CHRONO_CRATE=]

    -o, --output_file <output_file>
            output file path [env: OUTPUT_FILE=]

    -p, --password <password>
            [env: POSTGRES_PASSWORD=]

    -r, --port <port>
            [env: POSTGRES_PORT=]

    -s, --schema <schema>
            [env: POSTGRES_SCHEMA=]

    -t, --table <table>
            [env: POSTGRES_TABLE=]

    -u, --user <user>
            [env: POSTGRES_USER=]

    -V, --version
            Print version information

    -w, --postgres_crate <postgres_crate>
            Postgres crate [env: POSTGRES_CRATE=] [default: postgres] [possible values: postgres,
            sqlx, tokio_postgres]

    -z, --singularize-table-names
            [env: SINGULARIZE_TABLE_NAMES=]


  • Add unit tests




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