Distributed, version controlled, SQL database with cryptographically verifiable storage, queries and results. Think git for postgres.


SDB - SignatureDB

Distributed, version controlled, SQL database with cryptographically verifiable storage, queries and results.

Think git for postgres.

$ isdb -d app_dev -U sdb
isdb (0.0.1)
Type "help" for help.

app_dev=# VERIFY 'HEAD'
app_dev-# SELECT id, product_code, value, email
app_dev-# FROM orders;
 id | product_code | value | email
(0 rows)

SHA: 6f902734101b5963367f394aa0def3f3d50f760e
app_dev=# \q
$ sdb log -2
commit 6f902734101b5963367f394aa0def3f3d50f760e (test-orders, origin/main, origin/HEAD, main)
Author: alex <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Dec 30 10:17:26 2021 -0800

    Initial commit
$ isdb -d app_dev -U sdb
isdb (0.0.1)
Type "help" for help.

app_dev=# MESSAGE 'First order!'
app_dev-# INSERT INTO orders (product_code, value, email)
app_dev-# VALUES ('abc123', 10.0, '[email protected]');

SHA: e427da4413bed914dfece023ed171ab73bb20c0b
app_dev=# VERIFY 'HEAD'
app_dev-# SELECT id, product_code, value, email
app_dev-# FROM orders;
 id | product_code | value |       email
 1  | abc123       | 10.0  | [email protected]
(1 row)

SHA: e427da4413bed914dfece023ed171ab73bb20c0b
app_dev=# \q
$ sdb log -2
commit e427da4413bed914dfece023ed171ab73bb20c0b (HEAD -> test-orders)
Author: alex <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Dec 30 12:43:06 2021 -0800

    First order!

commit 6f902734101b5963367f394aa0def3f3d50f760e (test-orders, origin/main, origin/HEAD, main)
Author: alex <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Dec 30 10:17:26 2021 -0800

    Initial commit


This project is an experiment. I have no idea at this point if it's possible. I'm a huge fan of both postgres and git and the daily workflows they enable as a developer. When building web3 applications this is the core data storage system I would want to use.

Getting Started



  • help
  • createdb
  • dropdb


  • \l
  • \dn
  • \dt
  • \d
  • \d relation
  • \e

Query Statements






signaturedb is released under the MIT license

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