This crate allows you to send cypher queries to the REST endpoint of a neo4j database



Rust crate for accessing the cypher endpoint of a neo4j server

This crate allows you to send cypher queries to the REST endpoint of a neo4j database. You can execute queries inside a transaction or simply send queries that commit immediately.


Connecting to a Neo4j database

use rusted_cypher::GraphClient;
let graph = GraphClient::connect(

Performing Queries

let mut query = graph.query();

// Statement implements From<&str>
    "CREATE (n:LANG { name: 'Rust', level: 'low', safe: true })");

let statement = Statement::new(
    "CREATE (n:LANG { name: 'C++', level: 'low', safe: {safeness} })")
    .with_param("safeness", false)?;



    "CREATE (n:LANG { name: 'Python', level: 'high', safe: true })")?;

let result = graph.exec(
    "MATCH (n:LANG) RETURN, n.level,")?;

assert_eq!(, 3);

for row in result.rows() {
    let name: String = row.get("")?;
    let level: String = row.get("n.level")?;
    let safeness: bool = row.get("")?;
    println!("name: {}, level: {}, safe: {}", name, level, safeness);

graph.exec("MATCH (n:LANG) DELETE n")?;

With Transactions

let transaction = graph
        "CREATE (n:IN_TRANSACTION { name: 'Rust', level: 'low', safe: true })");

let (mut transaction, results) = transaction.begin().unwrap();

// Use `exec` to execute a single statement
transaction.exec("CREATE (n:IN_TRANSACTION { name: 'Python', level: 'high', safe: true })")?;

// use `add_statement` (or `with_statement`) and `send` to executes multiple statements
let stmt = Statement::new(
    "MATCH (n:IN_TRANSACTION) WHERE ( = {safeness}) RETURN n")
    .with_param("safeness", true)?;

let results = transaction.send()?;

assert_eq!(results[0].data.len(), 2);


Statements with Macro

There is a macro to help building statements

"Rust", "level" => "low", "safe" => true } )?; graph.exec(statement)?; let statement = cypher_stmt!( "MATCH (n:WITH_MACRO) WHERE = {name} RETURN n", { "name" => "Rust" } )?; let results = graph.exec(statement)?; assert_eq!(, 1); let statement = cypher_stmt!("MATCH (n:WITH_MACRO) DELETE n")?; graph.exec(statement)?;">
let statement = cypher_stmt!(
    "CREATE (n:WITH_MACRO { name: {name}, level: {level}, safe: {safe} })", {
        "name" => "Rust",
        "level" => "low",
        "safe" => true

let statement = cypher_stmt!(
    "MATCH (n:WITH_MACRO) WHERE = {name} RETURN n", {
        "name" => "Rust"

let results = graph.exec(statement)?;
assert_eq!(, 1);

let statement = cypher_stmt!("MATCH (n:WITH_MACRO) DELETE n")?;


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

  • rustc_serialize support

    rustc_serialize support

    At the moment the library forces the user to use serde to deserialize the data. That implies a project which depends on rusted-cyper can't compile with the stable compiler unless it implements the trait for each struct or use the "syntex hack". Could we provide a function like

    pub fn get_rustc<T: rustc_serialize::Decodable>(&self, column: &str) -> Result<T, GraphError>

    at least as long as rust doesn't accept compiler plugins within stable releases?

    opened by flosse 15
  • working with NULL

    working with NULL

    Cypher does not allow to use null as parameter type. Unfortunately a serialized struct with a Option<T> field contains null values. So e.g. this would fail:

    struct Foo {
      id:  Option<u32>,
      name: String
    let x = Foo{id: None, name: "foo".to_string()};
      .exec(cypher_stmt!("CREATE (e:Entry {entry}) RETURN" {
      "entry" => &x }))

    Do you have a recommendation for handling such a case?

    opened by flosse 5
  • Incompatibility with Serde 1.0.0

    Incompatibility with Serde 1.0.0

    After updating to the recently released 1.0.0 version of serde, serde_json, and serde_derive, I'm getting errors of this kind:

    `the trait `rusted_cypher::<unnamed>::Serialize` is not implemented for `{struct name here}``
    opened by manonthemat 4
  • "error: custom derive attribute panicked" compiling new project

    (Forgive me if this is something obvious, this is literally my first Rust project.)

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. create a new library project foo with cargo new
    2. cd to the project
    3. add rusted-cypher with cargo add
    4. cargo build


    • project compiles


    • compilation fails with "error: custom derive attribute panicked"
    $ cargo new foo
         Created library `foo` project
    $ cd foo
    $ cargo add rusted_cypher 
    $ cargo build
        Updating registry ``
       Compiling rustc-serialize v0.3.22
       Compiling regex-syntax v0.3.9
       Compiling winapi-build v0.1.1
       Compiling httparse v1.2.1
       Compiling serde v0.9.10
       Compiling itoa v0.3.1
       Compiling log v0.3.6
       Compiling dtoa v0.4.1
       Compiling libc v0.2.21
       Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.4
       Compiling mime v0.2.2
       Compiling num-traits v0.1.37
       Compiling winapi v0.2.8
       Compiling utf8-ranges v0.1.3
       Compiling time v0.1.36
       Compiling memchr v0.1.11
       Compiling unicode-xid v0.0.4
       Compiling synom v0.11.3
       Compiling aho-corasick v0.5.3
       Compiling quick-error v1.1.0
       Compiling lazy_static v0.2.2
       Compiling typeable v0.1.2
       Compiling traitobject v0.1.0
       Compiling matches v0.1.4
       Compiling kernel32-sys v0.2.2
       Compiling unicode-bidi v0.2.5
       Compiling quote v0.3.14
       Compiling num_cpus v1.3.0
       Compiling semver v0.1.20
       Compiling language-tags v0.2.2
       Compiling thread-id v2.0.0
       Compiling thread_local v0.2.7
       Compiling syn v0.11.8
       Compiling rustc_version v0.1.7
       Compiling idna v0.1.0
       Compiling unicase v1.4.0
       Compiling hyper v0.10.5
       Compiling regex v0.1.80
       Compiling url v1.4.0
       Compiling serde_codegen_internals v0.14.1
       Compiling serde_json v0.9.8
       Compiling serde_derive v0.9.10
       Compiling semver-parser v0.6.2
       Compiling semver v0.5.1
       Compiling rusted_cypher v1.0.0
    error: custom derive attribute panicked
       --> /Users/dmoles/.cargo/registry/src/
    115 | #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
        = help: message: assertion failed: !p.is_null()
    error: Could not compile `rusted_cypher`.
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

    Running again with --verbose doesn't provide any more error output, just the full rustc commands. The cause is given as:

      process didn't exit successfully: `rustc --crate-name rusted_cypher /Users/dmoles/.cargo/registry/src/ --crate-type lib -g -C metadata=6d3ed2b8fc0765f2 -C extra-filename=-6d3ed2b8fc0765f2 --out-dir /Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps --extern serde_derive=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/libserde_derive-33957e402d840a76.dylib --extern quick_error=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/libquick_error-131bda12920364f4.rlib --extern log=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/liblog-1ce22d3a92f37841.rlib --extern serde_json=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/libserde_json-d68cb7971985091c.rlib --extern serde=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/libserde-dac34a4e26465874.rlib --extern semver=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/libsemver-58ba1dc30195eb36.rlib --extern time=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/libtime-53238cb92943b947.rlib --extern hyper=/Users/dmoles/foo/target/debug/deps/libhyper-a893baf9128f9685.rlib --cap-lints allow` (exit code: 101)

    This is on macOS 10.11.6 with rustc 1.15.1 and cargo 0.16.0-dev.

    opened by dmolesUC 2
  • r2d2 support

    r2d2 support

    I started with a first snippet to use your library with r2d2: Do you have an idea how I can check if the connection of the GraphClient is still alive? Is there a cypher query that always works with minimal payload?

    opened by flosse 2
  • No method 'query' found

    No method 'query' found

    I have this code from the examples

    let graph = GraphClient::connect("http://neo4j:neo4j@localhost:7474/db/data"); let mut query = graph.query();

    and I'm getting this error

    error[E0599]: no method named query found for type std::result::Result<rusted_cypher::GraphClient, rusted_cypher::GraphError> in the current scope --> src/
    3342 | let mut query = graph.query();
    | ^^^^^

    opened by dkoch144 1
  • Fix serde dependency on syntex

    Fix serde dependency on syntex

    When trying to build rusted_cypher, I ran into a problem where syntex would fail with the error message:

       Compiling rusted_cypher v0.9.0 (file:///Users/lonkastenson/Development/rust/rusted-cypher) 17:45 error: mismatched types [E0308]        serde_codegen::register(&mut registry);
                                               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17:45 help: run `rustc --explain E0308` to see a detailed explanation 17:45 note: expected type `&mut syntex::Registry` 17:45 note:    found type `&mut inner::syntex::Registry`
    error: aborting due to previous error

    An alternative method has been implemented by the serde developers which is detailed here. I implemented that in rusted-cypher.

    Please let me know any feedback that I can make this pr any better. Thank you.

    opened by lhkastenson 1
  • add 'get_json_string' and 'get_json_string_n' functions

    add 'get_json_string' and 'get_json_string_n' functions

    This two helper methods is a dirty workaround to use rusted_cypher with rustc_serialize without depending on it. It's really dirty because rusted_cypher deserializes the result and directly serializes it again so that rustc_serialize can deserializes it! But as long as performance doesn't matter, it solves #5 ;-)

    opened by flosse 1
  • Bump dependencies

    Bump dependencies

    We're using Iron internally at product-bio for routing, at it depends on a newer version of Hyper (0.7) which, in turn, requires a newer version of the openssl library. Cargo requires that a native library can only be linked to a single Cargo package, so when integrating rusted-cypher, my project simply would not compile.

    I also took the liberty of bumping some other outdated dependencies flagged by cargo outdated. Tests seem to be passing on my end despite the updates!

    opened by afldcr 0
  • feat: Support for neo4j 4 and tokio async

    feat: Support for neo4j 4 and tokio async

    @livioribeiro I added this PR to give support for more recent versions of neo4j and updated some of the libraries, including hyper, which requires tokio async

    opened by bakjos 0
  • Not thread safe

    Not thread safe

    The way that the graph headers is implemented means that the crate is not thread safe.

    My quick solution is not to connect to neo4j in the main program, but instead to connect inside the threads. It means there is no connection pooling.

    opened by AdrianChallinorOsiris 0
  • Make tests not depend on neo4j server

    Make tests not depend on neo4j server

    Currently tests depend on a neo4j server available at http://neo4j:neo4j@localhost:7474.

    Tests should use a mock server, so they can run more easily on a CI environment.

    opened by livioribeiro 2
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