A simple thread schedule and priority library for rust



CI Crates Docs MIT licensed

A simple library to control thread schedule policies and thread priority.

If your operating system isn't yet supported, please, create an issue.

Minimal Rust Compiler Version

Is 1.46. If you need any help making it possible to compile with 1.36 please reach out.

Supported platforms

  • Linux
  • DragonFly
  • FreeBSD
  • OpenBSD
  • NetBSD
  • macOS
  • Windows


Minimal cross-platform examples

Setting current thread's priority to minimum:

use thread_priority::*;

fn main() {

The same as above but using a specific value:

use thread_priority::*;
use std::convert::TryInto;

fn main() {
    // The lower the number the lower the priority.

Windows-specific examples

Set the thread priority to the lowest possible value:

use thread_priority::*;

fn main() {
    // The lower the number the lower the priority.

Set the ideal processor for the new thread:

use thread_priority::*;

fn main() {
    std::thread::spawn(|| {
        set_thread_ideal_processor(thread_native_id(), 0);
        println!("Hello world!");

Building a thread using the ThreadBuilderExt trait

use thread_priority::*;
use thread_priority::ThreadBuilderExt;

let thread = std::thread::Builder::new()
    .spawn_with_priority(ThreadPriority::Max, |result| {
        // This is printed out from within the spawned thread.
        println!("Set priority result: {:?}", result);

Building a thread using the ThreadBuilder.

use thread_priority::*;

let thread = ThreadBuilder::default()
    .spawn(|result| {
        // This is printed out from within the spawned thread.
        println!("Set priority result: {:?}", result);

// Another example where we don't care about the priority having been set.
let thread = ThreadBuilder::default()
    .spawn_careless(|| {
        // This is printed out from within the spawned thread.
        println!("We don't care about the priority result.");

Using ThreadExt trait on the current thread

use thread_priority::*;

println!("This thread's native id is: {:?}", std::thread::current().get_native_id());


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

  • Build fails on OpenBSD

    Build fails on OpenBSD

    OpenBSD is listed as a supported platforms, but it fails to build on it.

    Here is error log. It seems that libc crate doesn't have these structs and functions on openbsd.

       Compiling thread-priority v0.8.0
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `sched_param` in crate `libc`
      --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:63:34
    63 |     fn into_posix(self) -> libc::sched_param {
       |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `sched_param` in crate `libc`
      --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:64:54
    64 |         let mut param = unsafe { MaybeUninit::<libc::sched_param>::zeroed().assume_init() };
       |                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `sched_param` in crate `libc`
      --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:69:38
    69 |     fn from_posix(sched_param: libc::sched_param) -> Self {
       |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `__errno_location` in crate `libc`
       --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:204:38
    204 |                 Err(Error::OS(*libc::__errno_location()))
        |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `__errno_location` in crate `libc`
       --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:222:38
    222 |                 Err(Error::OS(*libc::__errno_location()))
        |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `pthread_setschedparam` in crate `libc`
       --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:387:23
    387 |                 libc::pthread_setschedparam(
        |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `sched_param` in crate `libc`
       --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:390:45
    390 |                     &params as *const libc::sched_param,
        |                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `pthread_getschedparam` in crate `libc`
       --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:452:25
    452 |         let ret = libc::pthread_getschedparam(
        |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `sched_param` in crate `libc`
       --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.0/src/unix.rs:455:39
    455 |             &mut params as *mut libc::sched_param,
        |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    Some errors have detailed explanations: E0412, E0425.
    For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0412`.
    error: could not compile `thread-priority` due to 9 previous errors
    opened by la-ninpre 12
  • Cannot build for cross-platform arm64-android (or any android)

    Cannot build for cross-platform arm64-android (or any android)

    Try to use "cross build" to aarch64-linux-android, and it fails due to compile errors, latest version v0.8.2 of crate thread_priority. This process done(with unexpected) by github actions CI/CD, and uses latest version of crate cross. looks like only exception for android, it works fine on other systems. workflow yaml here https://github.com/mknnix/melminter-mod/actions/runs/2897593543/workflow

    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `unix`
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:376:31
    376 |     pub fn policy<VALUE: Into<unix::ThreadSchedulePolicy>>(mut self, value: VALUE) -> Self {
        |                               ^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `unix`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `set_current_thread_priority` in this scope
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:264:9
    264 |         set_current_thread_priority(self)
        |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^------
        |         |
        |         help: try calling `set_current_thread_priority` as a method: `self.set_current_thread_priority()`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `ThreadId` in this scope
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:274:13
    274 |     pub id: ThreadId,
        |             ^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
    help: consider importing this struct
    90  | use std::thread::ThreadId;
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `get_current_thread_priority` in this scope
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:289:23
    289 |             priority: get_current_thread_priority()?,
        |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `thread_native_id` in this scope
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:290:17
    290 |             id: thread_native_id(),
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `ThreadSchedulePolicy` in this scope
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:327:20
    321 | pub struct ThreadBuilder {
        |                         - help: you might be missing a type parameter: `<ThreadSchedulePolicy>`
    327 |     policy: Option<ThreadSchedulePolicy>,
        |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `set_thread_priority_and_policy` in this scope
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:430:49
    430 |             (Some(priority), Some(policy)) => f(set_thread_priority_and_policy(
        |                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `thread_native_id` in this scope
       --> /cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/thread-priority-0.8.2/src/lib.rs:431:17
    431 |                 thread_native_id(),
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
    opened by mknnix 11
  • Add Linux SCHED_DEADLINE support

    Add Linux SCHED_DEADLINE support

    This adds rudimentary support for SCHED_DEADLINE on Linux systems. It is tested and working on Linux 5.4.0-84-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 26 20:27:37 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux, but I see no reason it wouldn't work as far back as 3.14 when SCHED_DEADLINE was introduced.

    There's a few ugly bits:

    • Since SCHED_DEADLINE isn't POSIX, there's a bunch of #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] all over the place, a dedicated linux.rs might be better. I also noticed some libc:: dependencies that aren't present on macOS, so I don't know that unix.rs is fully POSIX anyway.
    • The ThreadId passed in is interpreted as a pid_t instead of being translated properly (solutions to which are also hacky), since the syscall for deadline scheduling expects a kernel tid (userspace pid).
    opened by FridayOrtiz 6
  • macOS support

    macOS support

    Recent changes are tested in Windows. No apparently problems. Excellent!

    This PR add a stub for macOS to eliminate the need for runtime platform checks. Instead a specific new exception type is thrown for UnsupportedPlatform while still allowing compilation despite C stdlib differences from Unix standard.

    I've assumed that macOS is the exception to platform family "unix". An alternative would be that "linux" is the only platform supporting our threading constructs- not sure, but a reasonable guess which works either way.

    Some of the documentation examples needed simplification to avoid "docs are always on Linux, so the old example assertions in docs were not true due to UnsupportedPlatform" when running tests on mac. Thus you likely want to bump the secondary version number for any release.

    opened by paulirotta 6
  • Easily set real-time priority

    Easily set real-time priority

    Hi vityafx, thanks for this useful crate :) I'm trying to set the highest real-time highest priority for low-latency audio operation.

    let thread_id = thread_native_id();

    This always fails with: Err value: Pthread(22), whereas this is fine:


    Also this code has the result expected, but it's surprising to have a numeric value.

    let policy = ThreadSchedulePolicy::Realtime(RealtimeThreadSchedulePolicy::Fifo);
    let params = ScheduleParams { sched_priority: 3 };
    set_thread_schedule_policy(thread_id, policy, params).unwrap();

    How would you set the highest real-time priority ergonomically?

    opened by supercurio 6
  • Cannot build in *msvc toolchains. Is this expected?

    Cannot build in *msvc toolchains. Is this expected?

    Unresolved symbols in libc:

    [E0432]: unresolved import `libc::sched_param`
      --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0\
    35 | pub use libc::sched_param as ScheduleParams;
       |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `sched_param` in the root
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `pthread_t` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    162 | pub fn set_thread_priority(native: libc::pthread_t,
        |                                          ^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `pthread_setschedprio` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    166 |         match libc::pthread_setschedprio(native, priority.to_posix(policy)?) {
        |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `pthread_t` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    185 | pub fn thread_native_id() -> libc::pthread_t {
        |                                    ^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `pthread_self` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    187 |         libc::pthread_self()
        |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `sched_getscheduler` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    205 |         ThreadSchedulePolicy::from_posix(libc::sched_getscheduler(libc::getpid()))
        |                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `pthread_t` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    227 | pub fn set_thread_schedule_policy(native: libc::pthread_t,
        |                                                 ^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `pthread_setschedparam` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    231 |         let ret = libc::pthread_setschedparam(native,
        |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0412]: cannot find type `pthread_t` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    254 | pub fn thread_schedule_policy_param(native: libc::pthread_t) -> Result<(ThreadSchedul
        |                                                   ^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `pthread_getschedparam` in module `libc`
       --> C:\Users\niguo\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\thread-priority-0.1.0
    260 |         let ret = libc::pthread_getschedparam(native,
        |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `libc`
    error   Compiling rand v0.3.18
    : aborting due to 10 previous errors
    error: Could not compile `thread-priority`.
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    error: build failed
    opened by norru 5
  • Ideas for improvement

    Ideas for improvement

    This thread is just a bunch of ideas flying around in my head, so feel free to either close this issue or comment on it. I'm fine with both ;)

    Make a ThreadExt trait and implement the function set_priority and other with respect to the OS for std::thread::Thread. This would make things seamless, e.g.


    You could also extend std::thread::Builder and have a function priority where you specify the priority beforehand.

    Unify common functions.

    What I mean by that is that currently I have to take a look into the unix mod to see what functions are available to me. This makes sense because unix might offer different things that windows does. But I would like to have a common struct/trait that combine the lowest common denominator. You can then do something sililar to what the std does by having a OS specific trait that extends your struct. For an example what I mean look at std::fs::File with the AsRawFd and AsRawHandle traits.

    Restrict the creation of invalid states. I see that the ThreadPolicy enum can have an invalid state where when you pass a value beyond 100 to the Specific variant (btw. the documentation there says [0; 100] (read including 0 and 100), but the code says [0; 100) (read including 0, excluding 100). There needs to be a correction.

    One way of doing this might be that the variant Specific does not hold a u32, but a struct SpecificNumber that has a new function which restricts the value passed to it and returning a Result. Second would be that ThreadPolicy is a struct containing a single, non-public, enum. Similar to this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28090120/can-i-create-private-enum-constructors.

    This way you can have some functions not returning a Result anymore, because they can't fail.

    Create a few examples in the repo. People love examples and hate reading docs (although I love reading rust docs, because they are unified and so pleasent to read). But a dedicated examples folder with just one example would spice things up and let people investigate everything they can do with this crate without looking into every function available.

    Let me know what you think about this. This crate looks nice and it perfectly fits into my current project. So thank you for developing it :)

    opened by hellow554 4
  • Doesn't set nice(2) value

    Doesn't set nice(2) value

    I was kind of expecting this crate on UNIX to call nice(2) in order to mark the thread as lower priority, but it doesn't. At least on Linux so far it seems I'm able to set the thread policy to Batch and that worked successfully, but Linux doesn't seem to do anything at all with the priority value; that's more for the realtime/deadline schedulers.

    Am I looking for the wrong thing? I ended up just calling libc::nice() in my application.

    opened by devyn 3
  • Add more interfaces.

    Add more interfaces.

    1. Adds a ThreadBuilderExt trait containing helpful methods for spawning a thread with priority. The trait is seamlessly implemented for the std::thread::Builder so that it is easy to use.
    2. Adds a struct ThreadBuilder which can be used to set the priority and stuff much more easily than just calling functions, before starting a thread.
    opened by vityafx 2
  • Make set_thread_priority actually set the schedule policy.

    Make set_thread_priority actually set the schedule policy.

    This makes set_thread_priority set the schedule policy of the thread as documented. Before this change only the priority was changed, but the specified policy was ignored.

    opened by surban 2
  • Reorganise the code structure

    Reorganise the code structure

    Adds more space for implementing platform-independent thread priority routines:

    1. Separates linux, unix, and all other (possible posix-compatible) implementations into "unix" module.
    2. Adds a separate module for windows-only routines.
    3. Adds a few functions "set_current_thread_priority" and "ThreadPriority::set_for_current" for better comform and for avoiding writing repetitive code.

    Signed-off-by: Victor Polevoy [email protected]

    opened by vityafx 0
  • add support for iOS target, use `pthread_setschedparam` on macOS target

    add support for iOS target, use `pthread_setschedparam` on macOS target

    on apple targets, only pthread_setschedparam is allowed to upgrade threads to a higher priority. this PR change the implementation of set_thread_priority_and_policy_deadline on macOS and iOS targets to use pthread_setschedparam only.


    • https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man3/pthread_setschedparam.3.html#//apple_ref/doc/man/3/pthread_setschedparam
    • https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Multithreading/CreatingThreads/CreatingThreads.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000057i-CH15-SW12
    • https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man3/pthread_setschedparam.3.html#//apple_ref/doc/man/3/pthread_setschedparam
    opened by name1e5s 1
  • `set_current_thread_priority(get_current_thread_priority)` seems to fail

    `set_current_thread_priority(get_current_thread_priority)` seems to fail

    I've decided to try out thread_priority for my project and started by trying out the most simple example:

    let current = thread_priority::get_current_thread_priority().unwrap();
    println!("Current thread priority is: {current:?}");

    Sadly, the example panics with an Error::PriorityNotInRange(1..=99) (current is logged to be ThreadPriority::CrossPlatform(0)). I am wondering if ThreadPriority::CrossPlatform(0) stands for something like "cannot retrieve priority"? I would naively imagine the default priority of a thread to hover somewhere around 50, rather than at (actually, below) the lowest possible value.

    opened by matteomonti 5
  • Add support for SCHED_DEADLINE flags

    Add support for SCHED_DEADLINE flags

    In reference to #13, this adds support for the three flags supported by SCHED_DEADLINE.

    I don't like that this changes the interface (deadline policy goes from taking 3 u64 to 3 u64 and an Option<DeadlineFlags>) and am open to alternative suggestions that are backwards-compatible.

    opened by FridayOrtiz 1
  • Add flag support to deadline scheduling.

    Add flag support to deadline scheduling.

    Regarding the discussion in https://github.com/vityafx/thread-priority/pull/12, the crate currently does not support setting flags during deadline scheduling. I would like to add it.

    @vityafx , I don't have permissions to assign issues in this repo but feel free to assign it to me.

    opened by FridayOrtiz 1
  • Make Pthread error be a named constant

    Make Pthread error be a named constant

    As a library user I want to have a errors understandable at a glance without looking what the error number means. In #3 I have a error Pthread(22) which I can't understand quickly. Making the error be a named constant (a enum variant) allows me to understand the error quickly: Error::Pthread(PthreadError::EINVAL).

    opened by vityafx 0
Victor Polevoy
C/C++/Rust systems and application developer, Certified Scrum Professional (CSP).
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