722 Repositories
Rust cli-color Libraries
A simple CLI I made while practicing rust to easily make QR codes with just one command, all in your terminal.
Welcome to rust-qrcode-cli 👋 A CLI I made while practicing rust to easily make QR codes with just one command, all in your terminal. Install git clon
Nostr CLI client built with Rust
Nostr CLI client built with Rust Encrypted chat inside Nostr leaks metadata of who talks to who. This small CLI app implements a "public inbox," which
qn (quick note) is a simple, fast and user-friendly way to save notes 🦀⚙️
Quick Note qn Install This is currently for my personal use. I may push breaking changes at any time. If you want to use it, bring down the code and r
rh: user-friendly command-line HTTP client
Rust HTTP Cli The command name in your terminal is rh. rh: user-friendly command-line HTTP client rh is a user-friendly, lightweight and performant co
Command line tool to convert env variables beginning with user to a htpasswd file
envhtp This command line tool converts environment variables whose keys start with "user_" into htpasswd compatible username/password pairs. The goal
Tower of Hanoi - the CLI game
Tower of Hanoi - the CLI game You can play this game online on replit. Objective Move all the discs from tower 1 to tower 3. Game dynamics There are t
Own implementation of Wordle as a CLI app
WordleClone Own implementation of Wordle as a CLI app. Preview Note Running this program in Window's Command Prompt may display unsatisfactory visuals
🔔 CLI utility to send notifications to Slack via integration webhooks
Slack notifier Just a simple CLI tool to send notifications to Slack. Please note that this project is just a playground to start learning Rust, it is
A color-coded visualization tool for the instructions of an anchor program
anchor-viz A color-coded visualization tool for the instructions of an anchor program. (This is a schematic of basic-2 from anchor's examples/tutorial
A CLI tool used for rendering Blender files to a cropped spritesheet
BuilderGenerator A CLI tool used for rendering Blender files to a cropped spritesheet Clients Rust
Guardian Self Assessment CLI tool
Guardian Self Assessment CLI tool What? self-assessment is a tool that generates a list of PRs authored and reviewed by you. Why? Assessing oneself is
A Rust CLI template on Gitpod
This is a Rust CLI template configured for ephemeral development environments on Gitpod.
jless is a command-line JSON viewer
jless is a command-line JSON viewer. Use it as a replacement for whatever combination of less, jq, cat and your editor you currently use for viewing JSON files. It is written in Rust and can be installed as a single standalone binary.
ufo2nft is a CLI Rust tool to automate creating on-chain SVG NFTs from UFO font sources
ufo2nft is a CLI Rust program created by Eli Heuer at the 2022 Seattle Solana Hacker House event. It uses Norad to create on-chain SVG images from UFO font sources, and prepares them for minting as Solana NFTs. For Ethereum NFTs the program can just export the SVGs and Ethereum NFTs can be built manually.
A commmand line tool for uploading homework coded on the dcloud server onto specific google drive course folders.
A commmand line tool for uploading homework coded on the dcloud server onto specific google drive course folders.
A CLI tool to rename files to randomly generated strings.
rng-rename A CLI tool to rename files to randomly generated strings. Why? Suppose you downloaded a few hundred images to use as your desktop wallpaper
dlfile is a very simple, straightforward CLI to download a file
dlfile dlfile is a very simple, straightforward CLI to download a file, except it... Only downloads over HTTPS Requires TLS 1.2 or higher Executes in
Write a simple CLI script, that when given a 64-byte encoded string
Write a simple CLI script, that when given a 64-byte encoded string, it finds a suitable 4-byte prefix so that, a SHA256 hash of the prefix combined with the original string of bytes, has two last bytes as 0xca, 0xfe. Script should expect the original content of the string to be passed in hexadecimal format and should return two lines, first being the SHA256 string found and second 4-byte prefix used (in hexadecimal format).
A simple cli tool to help with wordle in hard mode
Wordking A simple cli tool to help with wordle in hard mode. Usage Run wordking cargo run Wordking will ask for your guesses thus far. Provide your gu
A Rust library and cli for Wordle. Inspired by Wordle in Bash
A Rust library and cli for Wordle. Inspired by Wordle in Bash
A CLI for configuring a GoXLR on Linux
GoXLR configuration utility A tool to configure a GoXLR without requiring a Windows VM. At this time, full device initialization is not possible on Li
A CLI tool that converts videos to ASCII and displays them to the terminal on the fly
A CLI tool that converts videos to ASCII and displays them to the terminal on the fly
A word-guessing game from your terminal 🟩⬛🟩🟨🟩
Poodle Not a 🐩 (Poodle), but a word-guessing game from your terminal 🟩 ⬛ 🟩 🟨 🟩 Features ✅ In Rust 🦀 ✅ Attempt logs ✅ Rules of the original game
Smol cli tool that converts Happy Scribe JSON to VTT understood by Podlove.
happyscribe2podlove Super smol cli tool that converts JSON from Happy Scribe to a sane VTT format that works with the Podlove Publisher. Get started E
CLI to query for public transport connections in switzerland
Swiss Public Transport CLI This is a simple tool to search public transport connections from one station to another, possible with a via. It uses the
Rain's Rust CLI recommendations
Rain's Rust CLI recommendations This living document comprises my recommendations for how to organize and manage Rust CLI applications. In this docume
IntMaxRollup operator node & cli tools.
Intmax Rollup Operator Int max operator node Prepara Install rustup. rustup override set nightly
procs makes it easy to find and manage system processes
procs procs makes it easy to find and manage system processes. Right now, the main usage is finding processes by the ports it is listening on, but mor
✨🥞The magic pancakes cli currently supports one command
✨ 🥞 Magic Pancakes The magic pancakes cli currently supports one command: $ pancakes generate Installing $ cargo build --release $ cargo install --pa
A CLI companion tool for paste.misterio.me, allowing you to easily upload and manage your pastes
This is a CLI companion tool for paste.misterio.me, allowing you to easily upload and manage your pastes, as well as download any pastes you want.
cli application to visualize crate download metrics.
cli application to visualize crate download metrics.
Simple calculator REPL, similar to bc(1), with syntax highlighting and persistent history
eva simple calculator REPL, similar to bc(1), with syntax highlighting and persistent history installation Homebrew $ brew install eva crates.io $ car
xh is a friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests. It reimplements as much as possible of HTTPie's excellent design, with a focus on improved performance.
xh is a friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests. It reimplements as much as possible of HTTPie's excellent design, with a focus on improved performance
A JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust 🦀
JQL A JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust 🦀 📜 Core philosophy 📦 Stay lightweight 🎮 Keep its features as simple as possible 🧠 Avoid redun
A CLI-based pride flag generator written in Rust
🌈 prideful (in development) A CLI-based pride flag generator written in Rust. How to run Build the project using cargo. Install cargo by following th
Envful is a CLI tool that verifies the presence of environment variables
Envful is a CLI tool that verifies the presence of environment variables. It looks inside your .env file and the host system. You can use it to run any process while ensuring all the variables are set.
Scouty is a command-line interface (CLI) to keep an eye on substrate-based chains and hook things up
scouty is a command-line interface (CLI) to keep an eye on substrate-based chains and hook things up
CarLI is a framework for creating single-command and multi-command CLI applications in Rust
CarLI is a framework for creating single-command and multi-command CLI applications in Rust. The framework provides error and IO types better suited for the command line environment, especially in cases where unit testing is needed.
Emulates an Edge hardware-based room sensor client purely as a CLI application
ambi_mock_client Usage You must have Rust installed to build ambi_mock_client. You can find documentation on installing Rust here. Using cargo run c
CLI tool to encode/decode base64
b64 is a simple util to encode/decode base64 texts.
Cross-platform CLI Rimworld Mod manager. Still under development
rwm Inspired by Spoons rmm. This is a cross-platform Mod Manager for RimWorld intended to work with macOS, linux and Windows Up to now, you must have
Rust crate and CLI for generating Diceware passphrases.
⁙ diceware Rust crate and CLI for generating strong Diceware passphrases. CLI usage As of now you can install it globally via cargo (assuming you have
A Rust CLI to provide last publish dates for packages in a package-lock.json file
NPM Package Age A Rust CLI which if you provide a npm lockfile (package-lock.json to start), it will give you a listing of all of the packages & the l
CLI tool that make it easier to perform multiple lighthouse runs towards a single target and output the result in a plotable format.
Lighthouse Aggregator CLI tool that make it easier to perform multiple lighthouse runs towards a single target and output the result in a "plotable" f
Simple SSH, TELNET connection manager written in rust
gcoma gcoma or Geri's Connection Manager is a small project, that I started to learn rust. The goal of this project is to create a MTPuTTY like cli ap
zigfi is an open-source stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies price monitoring CLI app, written fully in Rust, where you can organize assets you're watching easily into watchlists for easy access on your terminal.
zigfi zigfi is an open-source stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies price monitoring CLI app, written fully in Rust, where you can organize assets
Vari (Väri) is a Rust library for formatting strings with colors and cosmetic stuff to the terminal.
Vari Vari (Väri) is a Rust library for formatting strings with colors and cosmetic stuff to the terminal. Like Rich library for Python. Väri means "co
Yahoo Finance CLI written in rust
yahoo-finance-rust-cli Displays your configurable stock portfolio using Yahoo Finance data. It uses the WebSocket of the website to get real time (but
A command line application which sets your wall paper with new image generating pollens once they arrive.
pollenwall Table of Contents pollenwall About Installation Binary releases Build from source Usage Command Line Arguments Running as a service MacOS L
Rust command-line tool to encrypt and decrypt files or directories with age
Bottle A Rust command-line tool that can compress and encrypt (and decrypt and extract) files or directories using age, gzip, and tar. Bottle has no c
CLI tool that make it easier to perform multiple lighthouse runs towards a single target and output the result in a "plotable" format.
Lighthouse Groupie CLI tool that make it easier to perform multiple lighthouse runs towards a single target and output the result in a "plotable" form
Terminal plotting library for using in Rust CLI applications
textplots Terminal plotting library for using in Rust CLI applications. Should work well in any unicode terminal with monospaced font. It is inspired
a rust crate for drawing fancy pie charts in the terminal
piechart piechart is a rust crate for drawing fancy pie charts in the terminal. Example usage: use piechart::{Chart, Color, Data}; fn main() { le
Web-app that simulates different types of color blindness from a user-provided input image.
What is Dalted? Web-app that simulates different types of color blindness from a user-provided input image. Resources The color blindness simulation i
Create, share, fetch and model Atomic Data! This project consists of a graph database + server, a CLI and a rust library.
Create, share, fetch and model Atomic Data! This repo consists of three components: A library, a server and a CLI. atomic-server Status: Beta. Breakin
A minesweeper game with a terminal and graphical interface
Mine A minesweeper game with a terminal and graphical interface created by Koen Westendorp. Installation Go ahead and try out for yourself! :) git clo
Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client.
Notice: the default Send host is provided by @timvisee (info). Please consider to donate and help keep it running. ffsend Easily and securely share fi
As-tree - Print a list of paths as a tree of paths 🌳
as-tree Print a list of paths as a tree of paths. For example, given: dir1/foo.txt dir1/bar.txt dir2/qux.txt it will print: . ├── dir1 │ ├── foo.tx
The-way - A code snippets manager for your terminal.
The Way A code snippets manager for your terminal. Record and retrieve snippets you use every day, or once in a blue moon, without having to spin up a
Xsv - A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust.
xsv is a command line program for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting and joining CSV files. Commands should be simple, fast and composable: Simpl
Genact - 🌀 A nonsense activity generator
genact - a nonsense activity generator Pretend to be busy or waiting for your computer when you should actually be doing real work! Impress people wit
Requestty - An easy-to-use collection of interactive cli prompts inspired by Inquirer.js.
Requestty requestty (request-tty) is an easy-to-use collection of interactive cli prompts inspired by Inquirer.js. Easy-to-use - The builder API and m
Nazuna - 🐦 Download Twitter videos using your terminal!
Nazuna 🐦 Download Twitter videos using your terminal! Installation Binary Download the desired file for your OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) from https://gi
Rs.aws-login - A command line utility to simplify logging into AWS services.
aws-login A command line utility to simplify logging into AWS accounts and services. $ aws-login use ? Please select a profile to use: › ❯ dev-read
A command line utility to easily make dank memes
meme-cli A command line utility to easily make dank memes. Yes, really. Installation cargo install meme-cli Alternatively, install from source using g
Runc - CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification
runc Introduction runc is a CLI tool for spawning and running containers on Linux according to the OCI specification. Releases You can find official r
Fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder
fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. It's an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list; files, command hi
HTTPie: human-friendly CLI HTTP client for the API era
HTTPie: human-friendly CLI HTTP client for the API era HTTPie (pronounced aitch-tee-tee-pie) is a command-line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI in
Lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library. Rant time: You've heard it before, git is powerful, but what good is that
Gh-sql - Query GitHub Projects (beta) with SQL
gh-sql: Query GitHub Projects (beta) with SQL Installation gh extension install KOBA789/gh-sql Features SELECT items DELETE items UPDATE item fields
A utility for managing cargo dependencies from the command line.
cargo edit This tool extends Cargo to allow you to add, remove, and upgrade dependencies by modifying your Cargo.toml file from the command line. Curr
sg = Steam Guard, access sg verification code locally.
Steam Guard CLI Access your Steam Guard token locally. Credit https://github.com/steevp/UpdogFarmer/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/steevsapps/idled
Build tool for custom setups of docker containers. Docker compose didn't offer enough, Kubernetes offered too much. Carbon is the in-between.
docker abstraction layer with added flair Fast travel: Tips Contributing How it works Installation Help This tool started its life as a way to make de
clone of grep cli written in Rust. From Chapter 12 of the Rust Programming Language book
minigrep is a clone of the grep cli in rust Minigrep will find a query string in a file. To test it out, clone the project and run cargo run body poem
🐴 RusTOTPony — CLI manager of one-time password generators aka Google Authenticator
🐴 RusTOTPony CLI manager of time-based one-time password generators. It is a desktop alternative for Google Authenticator. Installation Arch Linux Pa
CLI tool written in Rust which can be used to generate hashes
rustgenhash rustgenhash is a tool to generate hashes on the commandline from stdio. It can be used to generate single or multiple hashes for usage in
Simple command line flag parser for rust.
easy_flag Simple command line flag parser for rust. use easy_flag::FlagSet; fn main() - Result(), String{ let mut help = false; let mut my
Prototype for a CLI/Libary designed for interacting with NASA Open APIs with Rust.
Overview Voyager is a swiss army knife library for the NASA Open APIs. It is designed to bundle all the NASA APIs into a single package. Voyager can b
A CLI tool which can help you automatically kill process of your choice. Useful for freeing up memory and CPU usage!
Quickiller There are always programs such as chrome that keep eating up your resources even when closed! The only way to prevent this is to kill all o
A fully p2p cli chat utility written in rust.
P2P Chat Client This is a simple demonstration of a peer to peer chat client, written entirely in rust utilising the libp2p library. Demo On two seper
Pure Go implementation of jq
gojq Pure Go implementation of jq This is an implementation of jq command written in Go language. You can also embed gojq as a library to your Go prod
A modern alternative to ‘PDFtk Server’.
dugon A modern alternative to ‘PDFtk Server’. Features Merge PDF Documents Split PDF Pages into a New Document Rotate PDF Pages or Documents Decrypt I
Firecracker takes your HTTP logs and uses them to map your API flows and to detect anomalies in them.
Who is BLST and what do we do? BLST (Business Logic Security Testing) is a startup company that's developing an automatic penetration tester, replacin
CtrlG - A Command Line Context Switcher
CtrlG - A Command Line Context Switcher CtrlG is a tool to quickly switch contexts to another directory, using a fuzzy finder. If enabled, ctrlg can c
Rust(1) cli prototype
rust-cli rust(1) CLI prototype API Docs | Releases | Contributing Installation $ cargo add rust-cli Safety This crate uses #![deny(unsafe_code)] to en
CLI for the Goki Smart Wallet system.
goki-cli CLI for the Goki Smart Wallet system. Installation First, make sure you have the Solana CLI tools installed. Follow the instructions here. Ne
A simple CLI to build VEXCode V5 Pro projects and download them to the V5 brain.
vexer A simple CLI to build VEXCode V5 Pro projects and download them to the V5 brain. (WIP) This currently is only tested on and only works on window
🌳 A lightning-fast system fetch tool made with Rust.
🌳 treefetch A lightning-fast minimalist system fetch tool made in Rust. Even faster than neofetch and pfetch. Made to practice my new Rust skills 🦀
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
ripgrep (rg) ripgrep is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches the current directory for a regex pattern. By default, ripgrep will resp
Update informer for CLI applications written in Rust 🦀
Update-informer Update informer for CLI applications written in Rust 🦀 Usage Add to Cargo.toml: [dependencies] update-notifier = "0.1.0" To check the
A cli utility written in Rust that allows fetching all the labels of a project, save those as a YAML file
A cli utility written in Rust that allows fetching all the labels of a project, save those as a YAML file that you can easily edit or save as backup and apply a saved preset to new repositories.
dye is a tool to easily color text in shell.
Dye dye is a tool to easily color text in shell. Usage See the gif below to see these commands in action. echo $(dye --red WARN) This tool will knock
A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output
Get Started Install delta and add this to your ~/.gitconfig: [core] pager = delta [interactive] diffFilter = delta --color-only [delta]
Most intuitive global cli maker. *(lazy_static + config-rs + clap)
argone Most intuitive global cli maker. *(lazy_static + config-rs + clap) | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | [dependencies] argone = "0.5" Phases Parsi
The rust implementation of the Defluencer command line interface.
Defluencer CLI IPFS daemon must be running before using the CLI. Command: ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment --enable-namesys-pubsub For more info
A Minecraft mod manager for the terminal.
Hopper A Minecraft mod manager for the terminal. Donate High-level Goals modrinth mod searching modrinth mod installation curseforge api too? per-inst
A CLI tool to find the dominant colours in an image 🎨
dominant_colours This is a command-line tool for finding the dominant colours of an image. It prints their hex codes to the terminal, along with a pre
Send copy events over the network
Copiepate Copiepate is a small utility to remotely set the content of a clipboard. I created this tool as I frequently use a remote tmux+vim setup and
Command line interface as a function.
Command line interface as a function. fncmd fncmd is an opinionated command line parser frontend that wraps around clap. The functionality is mostly i