Pure Go implementation of jq



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Pure Go implementation of jq

This is an implementation of jq command written in Go language. You can also embed gojq as a library to your Go products.


 $ echo '{"foo": 128}' | gojq '.foo'
 $ echo '{"a": {"b": 42}}' | gojq '.a.b'
 $ echo '{"id": "sample", "10": {"b": 42}}' | gojq '{(.id): .["10"].b}'
  "sample": 42
 $ echo '[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3}]' | gojq '.[] | .id'
 $ echo '{"a":1,"b":2}' | gojq '.a += 1 | .b *= 2'
  "a": 2,
  "b": 4
 $ echo '{"a":1} [2] 3' | gojq '. as {$a} ?// [$a] ?// $a | $a'
 $ echo '{"foo": 4722366482869645213696}' | gojq .foo
4722366482869645213696  # keeps the precision of large numbers
 $ gojq -n 'def fact($n): if $n < 1 then 1 else $n * fact($n - 1) end; fact(50)'
30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000 # arbitrary-precision integer calculation

Nice error messages.

 $ echo '[1,2,3]' | gojq '.foo & .bar'
gojq: invalid query: .foo & .bar
    .foo & .bar
         ^  unexpected token "&"
 $ echo '{"foo": { bar: [] } }' | gojq '.'
gojq: invalid json: <stdin>
    {"foo": { bar: [] } }
              ^  invalid character 'b' looking for beginning of object key string



brew install gojq

Zero Install

0install add gojq https://apps.0install.net/utils/gojq.xml

Build from source

go install github.com/itchyny/gojq/cmd/gojq@latest


docker run -i --rm itchyny/gojq
docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/itchyny/gojq

Difference to jq

  • gojq is purely implemented with Go language and is completely portable. jq depends on the C standard library so the availability of math functions depends on the library. jq also depends on the regular expression library and it makes build scripts complex.
  • gojq implements nice error messages for invalid query and JSON input. The error message of jq is sometimes difficult to tell where to fix the query.
  • gojq does not keep the order of object keys. I understand this might cause problems for some scripts but basically, we should not rely on the order of object keys. Due to this limitation, gojq does not have keys_unsorted function and --sort-keys (-S) option. I would implement when ordered map is implemented in the standard library of Go but I'm less motivated. Also, gojq assumes only valid JSON input while jq deals with some JSON extensions; NaN, Infinity and [000].
  • gojq supports arbitrary-precision integer calculation while jq does not. This is important to keep the precision of numeric IDs or nanosecond values. You can also use gojq to solve some mathematical problems which require big integers. Note that mathematical functions convert integers to floating-point numbers; only addition, subtraction, multiplication, modulo operation, and division (when divisible) keep integer precisions. When you want to calculate floor division of big integers, use def intdiv($x; $y): ($x - $x % $y) / $y;, instead of $x / $y.
  • gojq fixes various bugs of jq. gojq correctly deletes elements of arrays by |= empty (jq#2051). gojq fixes try/catch handling (jq#1859, jq#1885, jq#2140). gojq fixes nth/2 to output nothing when the count is equal to or larger than the stream size (jq#1867). gojq consistently counts by characters (not by bytes) in index, rindex, and indices functions; "12345" | .[index("3"):] results in "345" (jq#1430, jq#1624). gojq accepts indexing query .e0 (jq#1526, jq#1651), and allows gsub to handle patterns including "^" (jq#2148). gojq improves variable lexer to allow using keywords for variable names, especially in binding patterns, also disallows spaces after $ (jq#526). gojq fixes handling files with no newline characters at the end (jq#2374).
  • gojq implements @uri to escape all the reserved characters defined in RFC 3986, Sec. 2.2 (jq#1506), and fixes @base64d to allow binary string as the decoded string (jq#1931). gojq improves time formatting and parsing, deals with %f in strftime and strptime (jq#1409), parses timezone offsets with fromdate and fromdateiso8601 (jq#1053), supports timezone name/offset with %Z/%z in strptime (jq#929, jq#2195), and looks up correct timezone during daylight saving time on formatting with %Z (jq#1912).
  • gojq does not support some functions intentionally; get_jq_origin, get_prog_origin, get_search_list (unstable, not listed in jq document), input_line_number, $__loc__ (performance issue), recurse_down (deprecated in jq). gojq does not support some flags; --ascii-output, -a (performance issue), --seq (not used commonly), --sort-keys, -S (sorts by default because map[string]interface{} does not keep the order), --unbuffered. gojq normalizes floating-point numbers to fit to double-precision (64-bit) floating-point numbers. gojq does not support some regular expression flags (regular expression engine differences). gojq does not support BOM (encoding/json does not support this).
  • gojq supports reading from YAML input (--yaml-input) while jq does not. gojq also supports YAML output (--yaml-output).

Color configuration

The gojq command automatically disables coloring output when the output is not a tty. To force coloring output, specify --color-output (-C) option. When NO_COLOR environment variable is present or --monochrome-output (-M) option is specified, gojq disables coloring output.

Use GOJQ_COLORS environment variable to configure individual colors. The variable is a colon-separated list of ANSI escape sequences of null, false, true, numbers, strings, object keys, arrays, and objects. The default configuration is 90:33:33:36:32:34;1.

Usage as a library

You can use the gojq parser and interpreter from your Go products.

package main

import (


func main() {
	query, err := gojq.Parse(".foo | ..")
	if err != nil {
	input := map[string]interface{}{"foo": []interface{}{1, 2, 3}}
	iter := query.Run(input) // or query.RunWithContext
	for {
		v, ok := iter.Next()
		if !ok {
		if err, ok := v.(error); ok {
		fmt.Printf("%#v\n", v)
  • Firstly, use gojq.Parse(string) (*Query, error) to get the query from a string.
  • Secondly, get the result iterator
    • using query.Run or query.RunWithContext
    • or alternatively, compile the query using gojq.Compile and then code.Run or code.RunWithContext. You can reuse the *Code against multiple inputs to avoid compilation of the same query.
    • In either case, you cannot use custom type values as the query input. The type should be []interface{} for an array and map[string]interface{} for a map (just like decoded to an interface{} using the encoding/json package). You can't use []int or map[string]string, for example. If you want to query your custom struct, marshal to JSON, unmarshal to interface{} and use it as the query input.
  • Thirdly, iterate through the results using iter.Next() (interface{}, bool). The iterator can emit an error so make sure to handle it. The method returns true with results, and false when the iterator terminates.
    • The return type is not (interface{}, error) because iterators can emit multiple errors and you can continue after an error. It is difficult for the iterator to tell the termination in this situation.
    • Note that the result iterator may emit infinite number of values; repeat(0) and range(infinite). It may stuck with no output value; def f: f; f. Use RunWithContext when you want to limit the execution time.

gojq.Compile allows to configure the following compiler options.

  • gojq.WithModuleLoader allows to load modules. By default, the module feature is disabled. If you want to load modules from the file system, use gojq.NewModuleLoader.
  • gojq.WithEnvironLoader allows to configure the environment variables referenced by env and $ENV. By default, OS environment variables are not accessible due to security reasons. You can use gojq.WithEnvironLoader(os.Environ) if you want.
  • gojq.WithVariables allows to configure the variables which can be used in the query. Pass the values of the variables to code.Run in the same order.
  • gojq.WithFunction allows to add a custom internal function. An internal function can return a single value (which can be an error) each invocation. To add a jq function (which may include a comma operator to emit multiple values, empty function, accept a filter for its argument, or call another built-in function), use LoadInitModules of the module loader.
  • gojq.WithIterFunction allows to add a custom iterator function. An iterator function returns an iterator to emit multiple values. You cannot define both iterator and non-iterator functions of the same name (with possibly different arities). You can use gojq.NewIter to convert values or an error to a gojq.Iter.
  • gojq.WithInputIter allows to use input and inputs functions. By default, these functions are disabled.

Bug Tracker

Report bug at Issues・itchyny/gojq - GitHub.


itchyny (https://github.com/itchyny)


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.

  • ER: basic TCO

    ER: basic TCO

    Basic TCO support would substantially improve gojq's speed and memory efficiency for cetain jq programs.

    This note first considers a simple and direct test of recursion limits (see [*Recursion] below), and then a more practical test involving an optimized form of walk and a well-known large JSON file https://github.com/ryanwholey/jeopardy_bot/blob/master/JEOPARDY_QUESTIONS1.json


    for jq in gojq ; do
        echo $jq ::
        /usr/bin/time -lp $jq --argjson max 100000000 -n '
        def zero_arity:
          if . == $max then "completed \($max)"
          else if (. % 100000 == 0) then . else empty end, ((.+1)| zero_arity)
        1 | zero_arity'

    In abbreviated form, the output for jq is:

    "completed 100000000"
    user        90.48
    sys          0.24
       1880064  maximum resident set size

    For gojq, the program fails to complete in a reasonable amount of time. In fact, it takes many hours to reach 600,000.

    Setting max to 100,000 gives these performance indicators:

    user 78.83 sys 0.65 47173632 maximum resident set size


    for jq in jq gojq ; do
        echo $jq
      /usr/bin/time -lp $jq '
      def walk(f):
      def w:
        if type == "object"
        then . as $in
        | reduce keys[] as $key
            ( {}; . + { ($key):  ($in[$key] | w) } ) | f
        elif type == "array" then map( w ) | f
        else f
      walk(if type == "string" then 0 else 1 end)
      ' jeopardy.json > /dev/null


    user         6.44
    sys          0.11
     226742272  maximum resident set size
    user         9.99
    sys          0.85
    1861201920  maximum resident set size
    opened by pkoppstein 26
  • Add custom iterator function support which enables implementing a REPL in jq

    Add custom iterator function support which enables implementing a REPL in jq

    Hi! this is more of a feature request than a PR but I choose to use a PR to show some proof of concept code.

    Background is that i'm working on tool based on gojq that has a interactive CLI REPL interface. The REPL used to be implemented in go with quite a lot of messy code to make it "feel" like jq. Some days I realized that much of this could probably be solved if the REPL itself was written in jq. After some thinking i realized that adding support for custom iterator functions would enable implementing eval as custom function.

    With read and print as custom functions you can implement a REPL like this:

    def repl:
    	def _wrap: if (. | type) != "array" then [.] end;
    	def _repl:
    		try read("> ") as $e |
    		(try (.[] | eval($e)) catch . | print),
    	_wrap | _repl;

    A bit more complicated than def repl: read | eval(.) | print, repl; repl to make it more user friendly.

    Example usage showing basic expressions, nested REPL and errors:

    $ go run cmd/repl/main.go
    > 2+2
    > 1 | repl
    > .+2
    > ^D
    > [1,2,3] | repl
    > .+10
    > ^D
    > 123
    > undefined
    function not defined: undefined/0
    > [1,2,3] | repl
    > undefined
    function not defined: undefined/0
    > ^D
    > ^D

    Some implementation notes:

    • The repl takes an array as input and will array wrap non-array values. This feels natural but maybe there are better solutions?
    • How to handle 1, 2, 3 | repl. The current behavior to give multiple REPLs feels ok i think.
    • Im unsure how to handle env.paths in *env.Next(). I guess it's related to assignment and paths? i haven't looked into how this could affect it.
    • The code to implement the iterator can probably be much clear and nicer

    What do you think? could be useful?

    opened by wader 20
  • int(math.Inf(1)) in funcOpMul is incorrect

    int(math.Inf(1)) in funcOpMul is incorrect

    This was caught out by a test failure on mips64:

    --- FAIL: TestCliRun (0.86s)
        --- FAIL: TestCliRun/multiply_strings (0.00s)
            cli_test.go:87: standard output:
                  	... // 8 identical lines
                - 	null
                + 	""
    FAIL	github.com/itchyny/gojq/cli	0.872s

    The result of int(math.Inf(1))1 depends on the architecture, and is not correct in general to do.

    On s390x / ppc64le (big-endian), it returns 9223372036854775807, which would have failed as well, would it not be for the limit condition.

    A simple way to fix this is to check:

    math.IsNaN(cnt - cnt)

    Which catches both infinite (positive / negative) as well as NaN.

    opened by Ikke 15
  • [ER]: capturing the output of a subprocess

    [ER]: capturing the output of a subprocess

    The main need is to be able to write a pipeline along the lines of:

    "abc" | run("md5")

    with the result: "0bee89b07a248e27c83fc3d5951213c1"

    Ideally, you could use this in conjunction with try/catch:

    "abc" | try system("md5") catch .

    This fits in nicely with jq's pipes-and-filters, but of course a reasonable alternative would be to follow the lead of Go's exec.Command(), and have the result be a JSON object with various keys holding the results.

    This gojq issue is related to the jq issue at https://github.com/stedolan/jq/issues/147

    My impression is that progress on this functionality has stagnated at stedolan/jq mainly because the issue became entangled with numerous other potential enhancements (see especially https://github.com/stedolan/jq/pull/1843).

    So my suggestion would be to keep gojq's initial support for "shelling out" quite simple.

    Thank you again.

    opened by pkoppstein 13
  • Support for functions written in go when used as a library

    Support for functions written in go when used as a library

    Hello! Would it be possible to add support for own "internal" functions written in go when using gojq as a library? I had a quick look at the code and it seemed not that far away but maybe i'm missing something? If you think it's a good i would even be happy to try implement it if you give some pointers.

    opened by wader 12
  • improve performance of join by make it internal

    improve performance of join by make it internal

    Avoids exponential string append

    Before: BenchmarkJoinShort BenchmarkJoinShort-4 26947 44399 ns/op BenchmarkJoinLong BenchmarkJoinLong-4 145 7295904 ns/op

    After: BenchmarkJoinShort BenchmarkJoinShort-4 81789 14456 ns/op BenchmarkJoinLong BenchmarkJoinLong-4 22002 53791 ns/op

    opened by wader 11
  • index/1 and rindex/1 are inefficient

    index/1 and rindex/1 are inefficient

    Currently, gojq's builtin.jq follows jq's inefficient defs of index/1 and rindex/1, though jq's builtin.jq has a "TODO:" note about optimization.

    The following is a "jq-only" approach to rectifying the problem logically (i.e., without regard to implementation issues arising from memory management). It is relatively complex because it attempts to replicate the existing functionality exactly, and to replicate or improve jq's error messages.

    For example, consider the bizarre error message produced by:

    jq -n '{a:10} | index("a")'
    jq: error (at <unknown>): Cannot index number with number

    The new error message would be:

    jq: error (at <unknown>): cannot index object with string "a"


    # Both input and $x are assumed to be of the same type, either strings or arrays
    def _index_in($x):
      . as $in
      | ($x | length) as $xl
      | first( if type == "string"
               then if $x == "" then null # for conformity with jq
                    else range(0; 1 + length - $xl) | select( $in[. : ] | startswith($x))
               else      range(0; 1 + length - $xl) | select( $in[. : .+$xl ] == $x)
               end )
        // null;
    def index($x):
      def s: # for the error message
        if type == "object" or type == "array" then ""
        elif type == "string" then " \"\(.)\""
        else " \(.)"
       def ix($y):
        . as $in
        | first( range(0; length) | select($in[.] == $y) ) // null;
      ($x|type) as $xt
      | type as $t
      | if $xt == $t
        then if ($xt == "array" and ($x|length) == 1) then ix($x[0])
             elif $t == "string" or $t == "array" then _index_in($x)
    	 else "cannot index \($t) with \($xt)\($x|s)" | error
        elif $t == "array" then ix($x)
        else "cannot index \($t) with \($xt)\($x|s)" | error
        end ;

    Testing and comparing

    Here are some test cases, which should be run after changing def index above to def myindex.

    def test($in; $x):
      ([$in,$x] | debug) as $debug
      | try ($in | index($x)) catch . ,
        try ($in | myindex($x)) catch .,
        "" ;
    test("abcdef"; []),
    test("abcdef"; ""),
    test("abcdef"; "c"),
    test("abcdef"; "cd"),
    test({a:10}; 10),
    # jq gives a bizarre error message:
    test({a:10}; "a")
    opened by pkoppstein 11
  • [bug]: include .... {

    [bug]: include .... {"source": ...}; [discrepancy] default value of -L path

    Unfortunately, the jq specifications regarding modules are quite complex at best, so here are the relevant bits regarding the default value of the -L path:

    The default search path is the search path given to the -L command-line option, else ["~/.jq", "$ORIGIN/../lib/jq", "$ORIGIN/../lib"].


    "For paths starting with "$ORIGIN/", the path of the jq executable is substituted for "$ORIGIN"."

    To see the issues, consider this transcript:

    $ cd ~/github
    $ cat lib/jq/foo.jq
    def foo: "This is ~/github/lib/jq/foo.jq speaking";
    $ cat lib/gojq/foo.jq
    def foo: "This is ~/github/lib/gojq/foo";
    $ cat lib/gojq/foo.gojq
    def foo: "This is ~/github/lib/gojq/foo.gojq";

    jq works as advertised:

    $ jqMaster/jq -nM 'include "foo"; foo'
    "This is ~/github/lib/jq/foo.jq speaking"
    $ jqMaster/jq -nM 'include "foo" {"search": "~/github/lib/jq"}; foo'
    "This is ~/github/lib/jq/foo.jq speaking"

    But ...

    $ gojq/gojq -nM 'include "foo"; foo'
    gojq: compile error: module not found: "foo"
    $ gojq/gojq -nM 'include "foo" {"search": "~/github/lib/gojq"}; foo'
    gojq: compile error: module not found: "foo"

    Checking the files are still there:

    $ file lib/gojq/foo.gojq
    lib/gojq/foo.gojq: ASCII text
    $ file lib/gojq/foo.jq
    file lib/gojq/foo.jq
    lib/gojq/foo.jq: ASCII text

    So it looks like the "bug" regarding source is real, but maybe gojq's default search path is intentionally different?

    opened by pkoppstein 10
  • [ER]: integer arithmetic builtins: isqrt and friends

    [ER]: integer arithmetic builtins: isqrt and friends

    The following function definitions exploit the unbounded-precision of integer arithmetic in gojq but are compatible with jq.

    That is, if they were added as built-ins to gojq, a stedolan/jq user could simply copy-and-paste them into their programs.

    Also, chances are that if filters with the same names and arities as these were added to stedolan/jq in the future, they would have essentially the same semantics, so it is unlikely there would ever be much of a conflict between jq and gojq.

    If a user's jq program defines conflicting filters, and if that user used gojq, then the following defs would simply be overridden, so there would be no issue in that case either. Even if such a user wanted to use their private defs and the same-name-same-arity gojq-defined def in the same program, that would be possible, with a tiny amount of effort.

    # If $j is 0, then an error condition is raised;
    # otherwise, assuming infinite-precision integer arithmetic,
    # if the input and $j are integers, then the result will be an integer.
    def idivide($j):
      . as $i
      | ($i % $j) as $mod
      | ($i - $mod) / $j ;
    # input should be a non-negative integer for accuracy
    # but may be any non-negative finite number
    def isqrt:
      def irt:
      . as $x
        | 1 | until(. > $x; . * 4) as $q
        | {$q, $x, r: 0}
        | until( .q <= 1;
            .q |= idivide(4)
            | .t = .x - .r - .q
            | .r |= idivide(2)
            | if .t >= 0
              then .x = .t
              | .r += .q
              else .
        | .r ;
      if type == "number" and (isinfinite|not) and (isnan|not) and . >= 0
      then irt
      else "isqrt requires a non-negative integer for accuracy" | error
      end ;
    # It is assumed that $n >= 0 is an integer
    # . ^ $n
    def power($n):
      . as $a
      | {p:1, $a, $n}
      | until (.n == 0;
           if (.n % 2) == 1 then .p = (.p*.a) else . end
           | .n |= idivide(2)
           | .a |= ((.*.)) )
      | .p;
    opened by pkoppstein 9
  • Array slice difference to jq when using non-integer indexes

    Array slice difference to jq when using non-integer indexes

    Accidentally found this difference. Seems like jq floors start and ceils stop index. gojq floors both.

    # version 728837713fb78c6ab6d83180e0c7659693f84d25
    $ gojq -n '[0,1,2,3][1.9:2.9]'
    # version jq-1.6-159-gcff5336
    $ jq -n '[0,1,2,3][1.9:2.9]'
    opened by wader 8
  • Behavior differnce on use of keywords as argument of functions

    Behavior differnce on use of keywords as argument of functions

    jq allows us to use a keyword as a (non-variable) function argument, although I'm not sure if there's a way to use that. gojq on the other hand throws an error.

    $ jq -n 'def f(true): true; . | f(.)'
    $ gojq -n 'def f(true): true; . | f(.)'
    gojq: invalid query: def f(true): true; . | f(.)
        def f(true): true; . | f(.)
              ^  unexpected token "true"
    [2]    519266 exit 3     gojq -n 'def f(true): true; . | f(.)'
    $ gojq --version
    gojq 0.12.6 (rev: HEAD/go1.17.6)
    opened by MiSawa 8
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