Scouty is a command-line interface (CLI) to keep an eye on substrate-based chains and hook things up


scouty · latest release

scouty is a command-line interface (CLI) to keep an eye on substrate-based chains and hook things up.

Why use scouty

To get notified about on-chain events triggered by certain operations linked to Session, Staking, ImOnline and Democracy pallets.

To monitor, intercept and extend functionality as soon as on-chain events are emitted.

To get access to on-chain data and customize messages written by you delivered to a matrix private room.

To warm up or cool down your validator node resources by knowing when it goes active or inactive within one session.

To monitor 1KV nominations and trigger special kudos when your validator becomes independent :)

To keep up with Referenda and vote from your favourite site - Polkadot.js, Polkassembly, Commonwealth - through a direct link.

To trigger node backups every other era and publish them online.

To write your own bash scripts and hook them up to any on-chain event supported by scouty.

Hooks 🪝

scouty v0.1.23 supports 9 native hooks ready to be explored:

  • Everytime scouty starts the following hook is executed -> (Note: This hook can be used to try out and test new scripts)
  • At every New Era the following hook is executed ->
  • At every New Session the following hook is executed ->
  • Everytime a Referendum Starts the following hook is executed ->
  • At the begining of the last session of an era, if a validator is in the waiting set and is queued to be active in the next era, the following hook is executed -> _validator_starts_active_next_era.s (Note: only executed for the stashes predefined)
  • At the begining of the last session of an era, if a validator is in the active set and is NOT queued to be active in the next era, the following hook is executed -> (Note: only executed for the stashes predefined)
  • Everytime a validator is Chilled the following hook is executed -> (Note: only executed for the stashes predefined)
  • Everytime a Slash occurred the following hook is executed ->
  • At the end of every era, if a validator is seen to be Offline the following hook is executed -> (Note: only executed for the stashes predefined)

The possibilities are endless

A few example scripts are available here -> hooks.examples. I encourage you to try out your bash scripts with scouty and please feedback and share some examples with the community by submitting a pull request here.

Note: By default every hook is followed by a custom Matrix message. Read here on how to setup -> Scouty Bot.


# create `scouty-cli` directory
mkdir /opt/scouty-cli
# download `scouty` binary latest version
wget -P /scouty-cli
# make `scouty` binary file executable
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/scouty

Note: For an easier installation and faster updates download bash script file and make it executable.


First create a configuration file .env inside scouty-cli folder and copy the default variables from .env.example (Note: .env is the default name and a hidden file, if you want something different you can adjust it later with the option scouty --config-path /opt/scouty-cli/.env.kusama )

touch /opt/scouty-cli/.env

Open the file (using Vim in this case) and add/change the configuration variables with your own values.

vi /opt/scouty-cli/.env

Configuration file example: .env.example

# scouty CLI configuration variables 
# [SCOUTY_STASHES] Validator stash addresses for which 'scouty' will be applied. 
# If needed specify more than one (e.g. stash_1,stash_2,stash_3).
# [SCOUTY_SUBSTRATE_WS_URL] Substrate websocket endpoint for which 'scouty' will try to
# connect. (e.g. wss:// (NOTE: substrate_ws_url takes precedence
# than 
# Hooks configuration bash script filenames
# Matrix configuration variables
# when ready write and quit (:wq!)

Run scouty as a systemd service

First create a unit file called scouty.service in /etc/systemd/system/

touch /etc/systemd/system/scouty.service

Below there is an example of a service configuration file for reference

Description=Scouty Bot

ExecStart=/opt/scouty-cli/scouty --config-path /opt/scouty-cli/.env


Enable, start and check the status of the service

systemctl enable scouty.service
systemctl start scouty.service
systemctl status scouty.service

To look out for tailed logs with journalctl run

journalctl -f -u scouty

If you have started scouty by now you should get these warnings in your logs

WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - Scouty initialized - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - New session - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - New era - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - Validator starts active next era - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - Validator starts inactive next era - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - Validator has been slashed - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - Validator has been chilled - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - Validator has been offline - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined
WARN  scouty::hooks] Hook script - Democracy started - filename (/opt/scouty-cli/hooks/ not defined

These are just warnings to tell you that those bash script files are not available and scouty will not be able to run them.

So let's just set these up as our last step. Create a sub directory hooks inside scouty-cli

 mkdir /opt/scouty-cli/hooks

If you have cloned the repo on your local machine you can securely copy the default hook files from here or copy some of the examples to your remote server with scp

scp -r ./hooks/* root@IPADDRESS:/opt/scouty-cli/hooks

And make these hooks executable by running

chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/
chmod +x /opt/scouty-cli/hooks/

Finally restart scouty systemd service

systemctl restart scouty.service

Scouty Bot (Matrix)

If you set up scouty on your server with a matrix user 👉 you get your own Scouty Bot.

To enable Scouty Bot you will need to create a specific account on Element or similar and copy the values to the respective environment variables SCOUTY_MATRIX_BOT_USER and SCOUTY_MATRIX_BOT_PASSWORD like in the configuration example file .env.example. You may also want to set your regular matrix user to the environment variable SCOUTY_MATRIX_USER. So that Scouty Bot could create a private room and send in messages. By default Scouty Bot will automatically invite your regular matrix user to a private room.

Scouty Bot hook message examples





Run --help to check all scouty flags and options.

Note: All flags and options are also available through environment variables if defined in .env configuration file. You can choose which way you want to configure scouty. Take in consideration that if the same variable is defined on both sides e.g. defined in .env and through CLI flag/option, scouty will take the value defined by CLI.

# if you need a custom scouty check all the options and flags available
scouty --help
    scouty [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [CHAIN]

        --debug                              Prints debug information verbosely.
        --disable-matrix                     Disable matrix bot for 'scouty'. (e.g. with this flag active 'scouty' will
                                             not send messages/notifications to your private 'Scouty Bot' room)
        --disable-matrix-bot-display-name    Disable matrix bot display name update for 'scouty'. (e.g. with this flag
                                             active 'scouty' will not change the matrix bot user display name)
        --expose-network                     Expose the network name, token symbol and token decimal under new
                                             positional arguments for each hook.
        --expose-nominators                  Expose the nominator details under new positional arguments for some of the
                                             hooks. Note: `scouty` only look after active nominators for each validator
                                             stash predefined.
    -h, --help                               Prints help information
        --short                              Display only essential information (e.g. with this flag active 'scouty'
                                             will hide certain sections in a message)
    -V, --version                            Prints version information

    -c, --config-path <FILE>
            Sets a custom config file path. The config file contains 'scouty' configuration variables. [default: .env]

        --error-interval <error-interval>
            Interval value (in minutes) from which 'scouty' will restart again in case of a critical error. [default:
        --hook-init-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called every time `scouty` starts. Here is a good place for try out new
            things and test new scripts.
        --hook-new-era-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called every new era.

        --hook-new-session-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called every new session.

        --hook-validator-chilled-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called every time one of the Validator stashes defined is chilled.

        --hook-validator-offline-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called every time one of the Validator stashes defined is offline at
            the end of a session.
        --hook-validator-slashed-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called every time a Slash occurred on the network.

        --hook-validator-starts-active-next-era-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called on the last session of an era, if the stash is NOT ACTIVE and
            keys are QUEUED for the next Session/Era.
        --hook-validator-starts-inactive-next-era-path <FILE>
            Sets the path for the script that is called on the last session of an era, if the stash is ACTIVE and keys
            are NOT QUEUED for the next Session/Era.
        --matrix-bot-password <matrix-bot-password>              Password for the 'Scouty Bot' matrix user sign in.
        --matrix-bot-user <matrix-bot-user>
            Your new 'Scouty Bot' matrix user. e.g. '' this user account will be
            your 'Scouty Bot' which will be responsible to send messages/notifications to your private 'Scouty Bot'
        --matrix-user <matrix-user>
            Your regular matrix user. e.g. '' this user account will receive
            notifications from your other 'Scouty Bot' matrix account.
    -s, --stashes <stashes>
            Validator stash addresses for which 'scouty' will take a particular eye. If needed specify more than one
            (e.g. stash_1,stash_2,stash_3).
    -w, --substrate-ws-url <substrate-ws-url>
            Substrate websocket endpoint for which 'scouty' will try to connect. (e.g. wss://
            (NOTE: substrate_ws_url takes precedence than <CHAIN> argument)

    <CHAIN>    Sets the substrate-based chain for which 'scouty' will try to connect [possible values: westend,
               kusama, polkadot]

Development / Build from Source

If you'd like to build from source, first install Rust.

curl -sSf | sh

If Rust is already installed run

rustup update

Verify Rust installation by running

rustc --version

Once done, finish installing the support software

sudo apt install build-essential git clang libclang-dev pkg-config libssl-dev

Build scouty by cloning this repository

git clone

Compile scouty package with Cargo

cargo build

And then run it


Otherwise, recompile the code on changes and run the binary

cargo watch -x 'run --bin scouty'

Downloading metadata from a Substrate node

Use the subxt-cli tool to download the metadata for your target runtime from a node.


cargo install subxt-cli

Save the encoded metadata to a file

subxt metadata --url  -f bytes > westend_metadata.scale

(Optional) Generate runtime API client code from metadata

subxt codegen --url | rustfmt --edition=2018 --emit=stdout >


Have an idea for a new feature, a fix or you found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Any feedback is welcome.


scouty was made by TurboFlakes.

If you like this project

  • 🚀 Share our work
  • ✌️ Visit us at
  • Or you could also star the Github project :)

Tips are welcome

  • Polkadot 14Sqrs7dk6gmSiuPK7VWGbPmGr4EfESzZBcpT6U15W4ajJRf (
  • Kusama H1tAQMm3eizGcmpAhL9aA9gR844kZpQfkU7pkmMiLx9jSzE (


scouty is MIT licensed.


"Everything you can imagine is real." -- Pablo Picasso


Enjoy scouty and hook things up

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    Expected behavior of "previous 6 Sessions" output

    Making good use of scouty, thanks!
    It appears that "Number of Para Validator times in previous 6 Sessions" and "Number of Authored blocks in previous 6 Sessions" only outputs accurate data if scouty has been running for at least 6 sessions. Is this the expected behavior? For example if scouty is initialized a few minutes before a new session, the new_session hook "Number of Authored blocks in previous 6 Sessions" will return ONLY the number of blocks authored in the previous session not the previous 6 sessions.

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  • Fails to run in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

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    Hello @paulormart! just for you to be aware of the following:

    Due to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS migrating from OpenSSL 1.1 to 3.0, when trying to run the current release in those systems, it returns:

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