tpp (Tera Pre-Processor) is a versatile CLI (Command Line Interface) tool crafted for preprocessing files using the Tera templating engine.

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Command-line tpp

TPP (Tera Pre-Processor) License: MIT

tpp (Tera Pre-Processor) is a versatile CLI (Command Line Interface) tool crafted for preprocessing files using the Tera templating engine. Drawing inspiration from pre-processors like cpp and gpp, tpp is the next evolution with its powerful expressive toolset.

Learn more about Tera

Simple Example

Create a Dockerfile from a template:

FROM {{ base_image }}

LABEL maintainer="{{ maintainer }}"

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
{{ packages | join(sep=' ') }}

COPY . /app

ENV PORT {{ port }}
EXPOSE {{ port }}

CMD ["{{ entrypoint }}"]


  "base_image": "python:3.8-slim",
  "maintainer": "",
  "packages": [
  "port": 8080,
  "entrypoint": "python"


tpp -c context.json -o Dockerfile


FROM python:3.8-slim

LABEL maintainer=""

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    build-essential libpq-dev

COPY . /app


CMD ["python"]


cargo install --git


Usage: tpp [OPTIONS] 

    Path to the template file you wish to render

  -c, --context-file   Optional: Specify the path to context data in JSON, YAML, or TOML format
      --stdin                        Optional: Enable passing context data via standard input. Useful for merging different context files or processing context data with tools like `jq`
  -i, --include             Optional: Define directories (and their subdirectories) to search for additional templates referenced in ``. Necessary for templates that import or include other files. Note: any relative paths specified in the `import` or `include` statements within templates are resolved relative to the directories indicated by `--include`
      --env                          Optional: Use current environment variables as context data. This can be merged with data from `--context-file` or `--stdin`. Merging occurs after, unless `--env-first` is set. Useful for dynamic template data population
  -e, --env-key             Optional: Designate a specific key under which all environment variables will be nested in the context data. Requires `--env` to be set
      --env-first                    Optional: Apply environment variable context before any other context. Allows another context to override the env context. Requires `--env` to be set
      --fail-on-collision            Optional: Command will terminate if there's a conflict between environment variables and other context data. Requires `--env` to be set
  -o, --out                     Optional: Specify an output file to write the rendered template. If omitted, the output is directed to standard output (stdout)
      --escape                       Optional: Enable auto-escaping of rendered content, which is particularly useful for HTML
      --debug                        Optional: Enable debug mode to print detailed debug information to standard output (stdout)
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version
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