Lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands


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A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library.

Rant time: You've heard it before, git is powerful, but what good is that power when everything is so damn hard to do? Interactive rebasing requires you to edit a goddamn TODO file in your editor? Are you kidding me? To stage part of a file you need to use a command line program to step through each hunk and if a hunk can't be split down any further but contains code you don't want to stage, you have to edit an arcane patch file by hand? Are you KIDDING me?! Sometimes you get asked to stash your changes when switching branches only to realise that after you switch and unstash that there weren't even any conflicts and it would have been fine to just checkout the branch directly? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

If you're a mere mortal like me and you're tired of hearing how powerful git is when in your daily life it's a powerful pain in your ass, lazygit might be for you.


Table of contents

Github Sponsors is matching all donations dollar-for-dollar for 12 months so if you're feeling generous consider sponsoring me


Binary Releases

For Windows, Mac OS(10.12+) or Linux, you can download a binary release here.


Normally the lazygit formula can be found in the Homebrew core but we suggest you tap our formula to get the frequently updated one. It works with Linux, too.


brew install jesseduffield/lazygit/lazygit


brew install lazygit


Latest version built from github releases. Tap:

sudo port install lazygit


Deprecated: will no longer receive updates.

Packages for Ubuntu are available via Launchpad PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lazygit-team/release
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lazygit

Void Linux

Packages for Void Linux are available in the distro repo

They follow upstream latest releases

sudo xbps-install -S lazygit

Scoop (Windows)

You can install lazygit using scoop. It's in the extras bucket:

# Add the extras bucket
scoop bucket add extras

# Install lazygit
scoop install lazygit

Arch Linux

Packages for Arch Linux are available via pacman and AUR (Arch User Repository).

There are two packages. The stable one which is built with the latest release and the git version which builds from the most recent commit.

Instruction of how to install AUR content can be found here:

Fedora and CentOS 7

Packages for Fedora and CentOS 7 are available via Copr (Cool Other Package Repo).

sudo dnf copr enable atim/lazygit -y
sudo dnf install lazygit

Solus Linux

sudo eopkg install lazygit

Funtoo Linux

Funtoo Linux has an autogenerated lazygit package in dev-kit:

sudo emerge dev-vcs/lazygit


pkg install lazygit


Released versions are available for different platforms, see

conda install -c conda-forge lazygit


go get

Please note: If you get an error claiming that lazygit cannot be found or is not defined, you may need to add ~/go/bin to your $PATH (MacOS/Linux), or %HOME%\go\bin (Windows). Not to be mistaked for C:\Go\bin (which is for Go's own binaries, not apps like Lazygit).

Chocolatey (Windows)

You can install lazygit using Chocolatey:

choco install lazygit


You'll need to install Go

git clone
cd lazygit
go install

You can also use go run main.go to compile and run in one go (pun definitely intended)


Call lazygit in your terminal inside a git repository.

$ lazygit

If you want, you can also add an alias for this with echo "alias lg='lazygit'" >> ~/.zshrc (or whichever rc file you're using).


You can check out the list of keybindings here.

Changing Directory On Exit

If you change repos in lazygit and want your shell to change directory into that repo on exiting lazygit, add this to your ~/.zshrc (or other rc file):

    export LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE=~/.lazygit/newdir

    lazygit "$@"

    if [ -f $LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE ]; then
            cd "$(cat $LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE)"
            rm -f $LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE > /dev/null

Then source ~/.zshrc and from now on when you call lg and exit you'll switch directories to whatever you were in inside lazyigt. To override this behaviour you can exit using shift+Q rather than just q.


See the docs


Check out the configuration docs.

Custom Pagers

See the docs

Custom Commands

If lazygit is missing a feature, there's a good chance you can implement it yourself with a custom command!

See the docs


Cool features

  • Adding files easily
  • Resolving merge conflicts
  • Easily check out recent branches
  • Scroll through logs/diffs of branches/commits/stash
  • Quick pushing/pulling
  • Squash down and reword commits

Resolving merge conflicts


Interactive Rebasing

Interactive Rebasing


We love your input! Please check out the contributing guide. For contributor discussion about things not better discussed here in the repo, join the slack channel


Debugging Locally

Run lazygit --debug in one terminal tab and lazygit --logs in another to view the program and its log output side by side


If you would like to support the development of lazygit, consider sponsoring me (github is matching all donations dollar-for-dollar for 12 months)


I'm struggling to see the selected line

see here


If you want to see what I (Jesse) am up to in terms of development, follow me on twitter or watch me program on twitch.


If you find that lazygit doesn't quite satisfy your requirements, these may be a better fit:

  • Add password and/or username question  #81 #145

    Add password and/or username question #81 #145

    Today i found a fix for #81 #145 (only for UNIX based systems)
    Using this fix it's possible to fully run git push in the background and send every new word that the terminal prints to a function and write data to the terminal from that function without having any side effects from and to gocui

    Note: This fix doesn't work on windows due to a compile error that's why i fallback on the old way for windows There are a view ways to get this working on windows but there are a lot of problems that come with that like when you run this from git bash it executes the sub process in another shell what maybe doesn't have git and the amount of extra code to add to only get this working on windows. a view other things you'll probably need can be found here

    opened by mjarkk 41
  • WIP: Add menu panel (cheatsheet)

    WIP: Add menu panel (cheatsheet)

    My proposition is to add 2 new fields to Binding struct. One for human readable key (i don't know how to pretty print current Key field value) and the other one simply for description of what this key is responsible for. Then we can straightforwardly generate a cheatsheet on the fly. Possible in the future we'll be able to simply export this cheatsheet to separate file and for example put it on github as a replacement for manually written

    Panel is currently set to maximum width and height, i think it's convenient.

    Closes: #237

    opened by dawidd6 41
  • Password not prompting

    Password not prompting

    Maybe I am missing something, but I use ssh key for Github, whenever I select to push in lazygit, it does not prompt for my password, so it never pushes

    opened by ndowens 38
  • Use the git builtin GIT_ASKPASS in staid of a PTY

    Use the git builtin GIT_ASKPASS in staid of a PTY


    Because there where a view problems with the use of a PTY and no windows support i was thinking about another way of handling the credentials.

    Git actually has a shell variable called GIT_ASKPASS where you can define a program that can be used by git to ask for credentials

    This fix works like this:

    • When spawning a tty with a git command include the GIT_ASKPASS shell variable with the lazygit program location
    • When git needs a username or password it asks Lazygit for that
    • Lazygit detects it's ran from git and asks the host lazygit for a username/password via a rpc server running on the host.
    • When the host returns a username or password it prints the output and git uses that as credentials

    After some testing this fix seems to works perfectly on Linux, Windows, Windows subsystem and works with private as well as public repositories

    I've not tested this on macOS
    On windows it will show on first usage a firewall popup asking if you want to give this program network access.

    This is still work in progress because the credentials are currently send as raw text over the network what would not be a great idea and the firewall popup is not needed on windows.

    @jesseduffield What do you think about this way of solving the problem?

    opened by mjarkk 38
  • [WIP] GUI: Rework part 1

    [WIP] GUI: Rework part 1

    | | format | imports | comments | g passing | error checking | error logging | | :-------------------------------- |:--------:|:----------:|:--------------:|:-------------:|:-------------------:|:-----------------:| | app_status_manager |X |X |X |X |X |X | | branches_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | commit_message_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | commits_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | confirmation_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | files_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | gui |X |X |X |X |X |X | | keybindings |X |X |X |X |X |X | | main_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | menu_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | merge_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | stash_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | status_panel |X |X |X |X |X |X | | theme |X |X |X |X |X |X | | updates |X |X |X |X |X |X | | view_helpers |X |X |X |X |X |X |

    opened by glvr182 27
  • Added a view basic translation functions and translation file

    Added a view basic translation functions and translation file

    What do you think of this way of translations?
    Currently it doesn't auto detect the system language because i don't know how to detect that but the translation works when you change the language.English to language.Dutch

    opened by mjarkk 24
  • On mac, runnning lazygit in a tmux popup pane fails

    On mac, runnning lazygit in a tmux popup pane fails

    Describe the bug On Mac, when using tmux popup pane feature: tmux popup -E "lazygit", I get *exec.ExitError status 1 as seen in screenshot below. If not running Lazygit in a tmux popup pane, that is in a regular tmux session, it works as expected.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. On Mac, run tmux
    2. type command `tmux popup -EE "lazygit"
    3. floating window shows "An error occurred..."

    Expected behavior I have installed lazygit version 0.34 and tmux version 3.3a on both Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS and WSL. They both run as expected. See Additional context for screenshots of expected behaviour

    Screenshots Screen Shot 2022-06-11 at 3 20 39 PM

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Darwin
    • Lazygit Version: 0.34

    Additional context This is what I get when using a Linux machine or WSL which is the expected behaviour: WbpC5XK

    opened by carjuan 22
  • git push / pull breaks when asked for username / password

    git push / pull breaks when asked for username / password

    Describe the bug Hangs when inside the git config the git username is saved and password is NOT (cache time is over)

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. $ git config credential.helper store
    2. $ git config credential.helper cache 1
    3. Try to push something using lazygit

    Expected behavior No program hang

    Screenshots screenshot from 2018-08-14 21-08-02

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Linux (fedora 4.17.12-200.fc28.x86_64)
    • Shell: bash
    • Lazygit v0.1.59
    opened by mjarkk 22
  • "panic: close of nil channel" running lazygit in zsh

    Describe the bug Basically just the title... running lazygit in zsh 5.8 on macOS. It could be something with my go config - I'm a total go newbie.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install lazygit via homebrew (brew install lazygit)
    2. Run lazygit
    3. Receive the following error:
    panic: close of nil channel
    goroutine 1 [running]:*Gui).RunWithSubprocesses(0xc0001984e0, 0x0, 0x0)
            /Users/gary/code/go/src/ +0x115*App).Run(0xc00027fc70, 0xc0000d8800, 0x0)
            /Users/gary/code/go/src/ +0x6b
            /Users/gary/code/go/src/ +0x7f3

    Expected behavior lazygit should open my repo

    Desktop (please complete the following information): macOS 10.15.5 lazygit 0.20.4

    opened by garymh 21
  • Display the git graph

    Display the git graph

    How it works:

    • each 'pipe' in the graph is coloured based on the author of the descendant commit. When selecting a commit, the pipes to its ancestors will be highlighted in white to remove any ambiguity.
    • to get the graph looking good, we're sorting the git log in topological order as opposed to committer date. I'm pretty sure this won't have any effect on interactive rebases (those drop merges by default anyway)

    When you're looking at a section of the graph that's dominated by a single author, it does make it harder to grok what's going on, but when there's a mix of authors, having the pipes coloured by author makes it much better than using random pipe colours. Not sure whether to make that setting configurable.


    opened by jesseduffield 20
  • Facilitate toggling whitespace in the diff view with a hotkey (c-w by default)

    Facilitate toggling whitespace in the diff view with a hotkey (c-w by default)

    I often use an auto-formatter to format a file and find that the entire file is reformatted (which is fine), but when the time comes to view what's important in the changeset, I just want to see functional changes. So being able to diff without whitespace can be really useful. Also really useful when dealing with, eg, changed .editorconfig causing reformats.

    This PR probably needs some commentary. ~I don't have any tests - I'm not sure how to implement them, tbh~. I've added a test around the cli that would be output, not sure if there's more I should do test-wise. My go-fu is weak. This little change took me about an hour to figure out 😐

    Here it is in action: lazygit-whitespace-toggle

    opened by fluffynuts 19
  • Add border config

    Add border config

    • PR Description Allow border changes in border configuration
    • Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements
    • [x] Cheatsheets are up-to-date (run go run scripts/cheatsheet/main.go generate)
    • [x] Code has been formatted (see here)
    • [ ] Tests have been added/updated (see here for the integration test guide)
    • [x] Text is internationalised (see here)
    • [x] Docs (specifically docs/ have been updated if necessary
    • [x] You've read through your own file changes for silly mistakes etc
    opened by yk-kd 0
  • change `git.commit.verbose` to accept

    change `git.commit.verbose` to accept "default"

    • PR Description


    change to ignore git config commit.verbose if git.commit.verbose is false.

    • Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements
    • [x] Cheatsheets are up-to-date (run go run scripts/cheatsheet/main.go generate)
    • [x] Code has been formatted (see here)
    • [x] Tests have been added/updated (see here for the integration test guide)
    • [x] Text is internationalised (see here)
    • [x] Docs (specifically docs/ have been updated if necessary
    • [x] You've read through your own file changes for silly mistakes etc
    opened by Ryooooooga 0
  • Override GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR for rebase commands

    Override GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR for rebase commands

    • Override GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR for rebase commands

    I noticed that $GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR is overridden in PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand but not in runSkipEditorCommand.

    Before this change, some commands such as SquashAllAboveFixupCommits would not work when a different sequence editor, e.g. git-interactive-rebase-tool is configured.

    • Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements
    • [x] Cheatsheets are up-to-date (run go run scripts/cheatsheet/main.go generate)
    • [x] Code has been formatted (see here)
    • [x] Tests have been added/updated (see here for the integration test guide)
    • [x] Text is internationalised (see here)
    • [x] Docs (specifically docs/ have been updated if necessary
    • [x] You've read through your own file changes for silly mistakes etc
    opened by knutwalker 0
  • [Windows] git diff is not shown using delta as pager in lazygit, but works fine in command line in terminal

    [Windows] git diff is not shown using delta as pager in lazygit, but works fine in command line in terminal

    Describe the bug As shown below, I can see the diff of a local git repo using git diff with delta as the pager in the terminal.

    However, lazygit doesn't show this diff in the "delta way" although I have specified delta as its pager.

    My .gitconfig and config.yml for lazygit are shown below.

    Strangely, the same configuration works fine in Mac OS with git diff highlighted with delta in both command-line and lazygit...

    May I ask what important steps I may have missed here?


    To Reproduce (As described above)

    Expected behavior (As described above)

    Screenshots running git diff in command-line: 2022-12-28-15-13-49

    git diff as shown in lazygit: 2022-12-28-15-10-31

    My git config file ~/.gitconfig

    	name = USER
    	email = [email protected]
    	pager = delta
        diffFilter = delta --color-only --features=interactive
        navigate = true    
        light = false      
        side-by-side = true  
        line-numbers = true   
        features = decorations	 
    [delta "interactive"]
        keep-plus-minus-markers = true
    [delta "decorations"]
        commit-decoration-style = blue ol
        commit-style = raw
        file-style = omit
        hunk-header-decoration-style = blue box
        hunk-header-file-style = red
        hunk-header-line-number-style = "#067a00"
        hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax
        conflictstyle = diff3
        colorMoved = default

    My lazygit config file ~/AppData/Roaming/lazygit/config.yml (I was directed to ~/AppData/Roaming when I pasted %APPDATA% in File Explorer.)

        colorArg: never
        pager: delta --dark --paging=never 
        # pager: ydiff -p cat -s --wrap --width={{columnWidth}}   
        useConfig: false

    Version info: Run lazygit --version and paste the result here: commit=d1a8b05401ccda1e52215203139a252eb3be3b79, build date=2022-11-14T09:22:31Z, build source=binaryRelease, version=0.36.0, os=windows, arch=amd64, git

    Run git --version and paste the result here git version

    Additional context OS: Windows 11 Pro, 64bit, 22H2, build 22621.963

    Reference read #2300

    Note: please try updating to the latest version or manually building the latest master to see if the issue still occurs.

    opened by hopezh 0
  • The text is not properly formatted during the first launch

    The text is not properly formatted during the first launch

    Describe the bug When launching lazygit for the first time after installation, there is a problem related to the text formation. As I marked in red, the text is not correctly formatted because there is an additional new line, which I think may be a bug.


    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install lazygit on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
    2. Lunch lazygit by typing lazygit
    3. You may see the bug I reported

    Expected behavior There should be no extra line if the text is properly formatted. 

    Screenshots Please see above.

    Version info: lazygit --version: commit=d1a8b05401ccda1e52215203139a252eb3be3b79, build date=2022-11-14T09:22:31Z, build source=binaryRelease, version=0.36.0, os=linux, arch=amd64, git version=2.34.1

    git --version: git version 2.34.1

    opened by ZhengLin-Li 0
  • Revamping the commit message window

    Revamping the commit message window

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently we cannot insert newlines consistently, nor can we go to previous messages.

    Describe the solution you'd like I wanna be able to insert newlines and go to previous messages.

    Describe alternatives you've considered vim

    Additional context

    We could revamp it so that the popup has two parts, like the custom command popup. The first one would just for the summary of the commit, with options such as:

    • pressing Up or Down goes to the previous or next commit message, respectively
    • pressing Enter would confirm the commit (just like it does now)
    • pressing Tab would go to the part below

    The lower one would be for the description of the commit with the following features:

    • pressing Enter would insert a newline
    • pressing Up or Down would move the cursor Up or Down
    • pressing Tab would switch back to the upper textbox

    The discussion is here.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by mark2185 0
Jesse Duffield
Creator of lazygit, lazydocker, and horcrux.
Jesse Duffield
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