Blazingly fast git contribution graph in your terminal
You can find the installation guide for your OS here - https://takoyaki.kyeboard.me/install
- To install a plugin (you can get all the plugins here - https://takoyaki.kyeboard.me/marketplace), run:
takoyaki plug <name>
- To delete a plugin, run:
takoyaki unplug <name>
- To use a specific plugin, run:
takoyaki use <name>
Fetching everytime might take your terminal to open super late, which sucks. So, Tokayaki uses caching to cache the response so that you get a blazingly fast response on opening your terminal. This cache is updated every hour using the service or if you wanna force update it, run takoyaki clean
Plugin development guides
I would be glad to have contributions for the plugins! Read a comprehensive guide on how to create a plugin here - https://takoyaki.kyeboard.me/documentation
I would love to have contributions to improve this tool even more ^-^