Turn static CLI commands into TUIs with ease

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Command-line lazycli


Turn static CLI commands into TUIs with ease

Demo Animation



Pick a command that spits out either a list or table of content, like ls, docker ps, git branch, or git status --short. Then run lazycli --

lazycli -- ls

If you find yourself often using lazycli with a specific command, you can easily alias it like so:

echo "alias lcd=\"lazycli -- docker ps\"" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

Right now some default keybindings are defined for common commands like ls, docker ps, git branch, git status --short, etc. But you can customise it for any commands you like! Just open the config file from within the program with $ and start playing around.

lazycli is best suited towards any command-line program that spits out a list of items or a table. In your commands, simply refer to the column number by $0 for the first column, $1 for the second column, etc, and lazycli will do the rest. There are plenty of starting examples in the config that you'll be able to draw from.


Via Cargo

cargo install lazycli

Via binary

Download the binary from the Releases Page

Building from source

  1. clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazycli.git
  1. install
cargo install --path .
  1. run
lazycli -- ls


  • Q: Isn't this what fzf does?
  • A: Not quite: fzf requires you to know the command ahead of time whereas lazycli lets you run commands after presenting you the data, and the content is refreshed after you run the command rather than the program closing (admittedly I haven't used fzf but I'm pretty sure that's all correct).
  • LazyCLI throwing

    LazyCLI throwing "out of range" error after executing bash script

    Hi Jesse,

    Firstly, as someone who uses lazygit and lazydocker on an hourly basis, I can't thank you enough for the tools you're creating here. I've previously thrown you a few dollars via Donorbox, though I think it's time I topped up that pot of beer money 😄

    I'm starting out with your latest tool, lazycli, and it's already opening new doors for me. I have, however, encountered one issue that I can't quite work through and wondered if you could help.

    I currently have a simple bash script containing a single command (using the jira cli from https://github.com/go-jira/jira)

    cat ~/dev/jira.sh
    jira list  --query "resolution = unresolved and assignee=currentuser() and sprint in openSprints() ORDER BY status asc"

    If I run the bash shell directly within the terminal, it outputs my list of assigned Jira tasks, as expected:

    EDG-3889:    Some users are overlooked for pole-price messages and price_change_enabled checks since their association with a station is implicit, rather than being explicitly associated with a station in our admin tooling.
    EDG-2416:    Ability to recognise and validate UK and US telephone numbers when setting up new users
    EDG-3849:    Surface the "key" field on brands to the API Gateway
    EDG-3698:    Tax Rates at Contract Level (Any Supplier)
    EDG-3595:    Pole price alert received email  only to first station manager

    Strangely, if I execute the same script as an argument to lazycli, I'm seeing a runtime error since due to some kind of range overflow:

    RUST_BACKTRACE=1 lazycli -- ~/dev/jira.sh
    ⡿thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'range end index 107 out of range for slice of length 101', /Users/dave/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lazycli-0.1.14/src/parse/mod.rs:38:26
    stack backtrace:
    0: rust_begin_unwind
    at /rustc/9bc8c42bb2f19e745a63f3445f1ac248fb015e53/library/std/src/panicking.rs:493:5
    1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
    at /rustc/9bc8c42bb2f19e745a63f3445f1ac248fb015e53/library/core/src/panicking.rs:92:14
    2: core::slice::index::slice_end_index_len_fail
    at /rustc/9bc8c42bb2f19e745a63f3445f1ac248fb015e53/library/core/src/slice/index.rs:41:5
    3: core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &mut F>::call_once
    4: <alloc::vec::Vec<T> as alloc::vec::spec_from_iter::SpecFromIter<T,I>>::from_iter
    5: lazycli::parse::parse
    6: lazycli::event_loop::get_rows_from_command
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

    If it helps, I've previously had this exact configuration working, though something seems to have changed, possibly something subtle about the output from the jira.sh script that's suddenly causing lazycli to error?

    Are you able to take a look and help me out with this please, dude? 🙏

    Thanks in advance for your assistance! Dave J

    opened by dvjones89 13
  • fix test_run_command_fail

    fix test_run_command_fail

    I ran in to this error when running cargo test, not sure if there is a bash update that changed that or the bash on my machine is just different. This pull request should be able to make it more compatible with different versions of bash

    ---- command::test_run_command_fail stdout ----
    thread 'command::test_run_command_fail' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `Err("bash: line 1: asldfkjh: command not found\n")`,
     right: `Err("bash: asldfkjh: command not found\n")`', src/command.rs:26:3

    Note that assert!(matches!()) could be changed to assert_matches! once it is stable: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/82775

    opened by figsoda 6
  • Installation failed via cargo

    Installation failed via cargo

    Currently I can't install it via cargo, this is the log:

    $ cargo install lazycli
       Compiling lazycli v0.1.15
    error[E0599]: no method named `about` found for struct `Arg` in the current scope
      --> /home/savaka/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lazycli-0.1.15/src/args.rs:20:12
    20 |           .about("ignores the first `n` lines of output")
       |            ^^^^^ method not found in `Arg<'_>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `about` found for struct `Arg` in the current scope
      --> /home/savaka/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lazycli-0.1.15/src/args.rs:28:12
    28 | ...   .about("frequency of refreshing the content in seconds (values like 0.1 are permitted. Values like 0.001? Also permitted, but you n...
       |        ^^^^^ method not found in `Arg<'_>`
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
    error: failed to compile `lazycli v0.1.15`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-install5hpoM9`
    Caused by:
      could not compile `lazycli` due to 2 previous errors
    opened by lavantien 2
  • Unable to install on Ubuntu 18.04

    Unable to install on Ubuntu 18.04


    Just tried to install on Ubuntu 18.04 and it failed with the following error message:

    $ cargo install lazycli
        Updating crates.io index
      Downloaded lazycli v0.1.15
      Downloaded 1 crate (22.3 KB) in 1.60s
      Installing lazycli v0.1.15
      Downloaded aho-corasick v0.7.18
      Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0
      Downloaded atty v0.2.14
      Downloaded bitflags v1.3.2
      Downloaded autocfg v1.0.1
      Downloaded hashbrown v0.11.2
      Downloaded indexmap v1.7.0
      Downloaded linked-hash-map v0.5.4
      Downloaded lazy_static v1.4.0
      Downloaded lock_api v0.4.5
      Downloaded log v0.4.14
      Downloaded clap_derive v3.0.0-beta.5
      Downloaded clap v3.0.0-beta.5
      Downloaded heck v0.3.3
      Downloaded instant v0.1.12
      Downloaded either v1.6.1
      Downloaded dtoa v0.4.8
      Downloaded itertools v0.10.1
      Downloaded directories v3.0.2
      Downloaded crossterm v0.18.2
      Downloaded crossterm v0.19.0
      Downloaded dirs-sys v0.3.6
      Downloaded cassowary v0.3.0
      Downloaded memchr v2.4.1
      Downloaded parking_lot v0.11.2
      Downloaded parking_lot_core v0.8.5
      Downloaded regex v1.5.4
      Downloaded regex-syntax v0.6.25
      Downloaded serde v1.0.130
      Downloaded scopeguard v1.1.0
      Downloaded serde_derive v1.0.130
      Downloaded version_check v0.9.3
      Downloaded unicode-xid v0.2.2
      Downloaded signal-hook-registry v1.4.0
      Downloaded yaml-rust v0.4.5
      Downloaded proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4
      Downloaded os_str_bytes v4.2.0
      Downloaded mio v0.7.14
      Downloaded quote v1.0.10
      Downloaded strsim v0.10.0
      Downloaded smallvec v1.7.0
      Downloaded proc-macro-error v1.0.4
      Downloaded unicode-width v0.1.9
      Downloaded termcolor v1.1.2
      Downloaded unicode-segmentation v1.8.0
      Downloaded textwrap v0.14.2
      Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.32
      Downloaded unicase v2.6.0
      Downloaded serde_yaml v0.8.21
      Downloaded signal-hook v0.1.17
      Downloaded syn v1.0.81
      Downloaded tui v0.14.0
      Downloaded ticker v0.1.1
      Downloaded libc v0.2.105
      Downloaded 54 crates (3.3 MB) in 1.34s
       Compiling libc v0.2.105
       Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.32
       Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.2
       Compiling version_check v0.9.3
       Compiling syn v1.0.81
       Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
       Compiling log v0.4.14
       Compiling parking_lot_core v0.8.5
       Compiling memchr v2.4.1
       Compiling serde_derive v1.0.130
       Compiling serde v1.0.130
       Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
       Compiling smallvec v1.7.0
       Compiling scopeguard v1.1.0
       Compiling bitflags v1.3.2
       Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
       Compiling hashbrown v0.11.2
       Compiling unicode-width v0.1.9
       Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.8.0
       Compiling linked-hash-map v0.5.4
       Compiling dtoa v0.4.8
       Compiling termcolor v1.1.2
       Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.25
       Compiling cassowary v0.3.0
       Compiling strsim v0.10.0
       Compiling either v1.6.1
       Compiling ticker v0.1.1
       Compiling instant v0.1.12
       Compiling proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4
       Compiling proc-macro-error v1.0.4
       Compiling unicase v2.6.0
       Compiling lock_api v0.4.5
       Compiling textwrap v0.14.2
       Compiling yaml-rust v0.4.5
       Compiling indexmap v1.7.0
       Compiling itertools v0.10.1
       Compiling heck v0.3.3
       Compiling os_str_bytes v4.2.0
       Compiling aho-corasick v0.7.18
       Compiling mio v0.7.14
       Compiling signal-hook-registry v1.4.0
       Compiling atty v0.2.14
       Compiling dirs-sys v0.3.6
       Compiling quote v1.0.10
       Compiling parking_lot v0.11.2
       Compiling signal-hook v0.1.17
       Compiling regex v1.5.4
       Compiling directories v3.0.2
       Compiling crossterm v0.18.2
       Compiling clap_derive v3.0.0-beta.5
       Compiling clap v3.0.0-beta.5
    error[E0658]: arbitrary expressions in key-value attributes are unstable
     --> /home/username/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/clap-3.0.0-beta.5/src/lib.rs:8:10
    8 | #![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
      |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      = note: see issue #78835 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/78835> for more information
    error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'osstring_ascii'
       --> /home/username/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/clap-3.0.0-beta.5/src/parse/matches/matched_arg.rs:130:19
    130 |                 v.eq_ignore_ascii_case(val)
        |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: see issue #70516 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/70516> for more information
    error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0658`.
    error: could not compile `clap`
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    error: failed to compile `lazycli v0.1.15`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installVmNGgy`
    Caused by:
      build failed

    I just installed cargo before this attempt, using apt. That pulled with it the following: ¤ cargo amd64 0.52.0-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 ¤ rustc amd64 1.51.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp3ubuntu1~18.04.1 ¤ libstd-rust-dev amd64 1.51.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp3ubuntu1~18.04.1 ¤ libstd-rust-1.51 amd64 1.51.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp3ubuntu1~18.04.1

    Can I do anything to help you debug this?

    opened by anvandaren 2
  • error[E0277]: the trait bound ... --> src/ui/mod.rs:62:10

    error[E0277]: the trait bound ... --> src/ui/mod.rs:62:10

    I'm seeing an error when I try to build lazycli. I don't know Rust at all.

    Rust version: rustc 1.43.1 (8d69840ab 2020-05-04) Cargo command: cargo install --git https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazycli --verbose

    Error message:

    error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::vec::Vec<tui::layout::Constraint>: std::convert::From<[tui::layout::Constraint; 3]>` is not satisfied
      --> src/ui/mod.rs:62:10
    62 |         .constraints([
       |          ^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::convert::From<[tui::layout::Constraint; 3]>` is not implemented for `std::vec::Vec<tui::layout::Constraint>`
       = help: the following implementations were found:
                 <std::vec::Vec<T> as std::convert::From<&[T]>>
                 <std::vec::Vec<T> as std::convert::From<&mut [T]>>
                 <std::vec::Vec<T> as std::convert::From<std::borrow::Cow<'a, [T]>>>
                 <std::vec::Vec<T> as std::convert::From<std::boxed::Box<[T]>>>
               and 5 others
       = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::convert::Into<std::vec::Vec<tui::layout::Constraint>>` for `[tui::layout::Constraint; 3]`
    error: aborting due to previous error
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
    error: failed to compile `lazycli v0.1.14 (https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazycli#49fbe2b6)`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH`
    Caused by:
      could not compile `lazycli`.
    Caused by:
      process didn't exit successfully: `rustc --crate-name lazycli --edition=2018 src/main.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type bin --emit=dep-info,link -C opt-level=3 -C metadata=641deed7a2de3b28 -C extra-filename=-641deed7a2de3b28 --out-dir /tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps -L dependency=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps --extern clap=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libclap-dc7b4d1fc59537f9.rlib --extern crossterm=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libcrossterm-1bc56029921d54d6.rlib --extern directories=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libdirectories-5958782e7f9edfea.rlib --extern regex=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libregex-2fe96743b173e2a1.rlib --extern serde=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libserde-e57fc93ae4eeb771.rlib --extern serde_yaml=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libserde_yaml-a4f8433055b73ece.rlib --extern ticker=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libticker-36944b801d7aa26c.rlib --extern tui=/tmp/cargo-installmQuRvH/release/deps/libtui-6833afb078b918e4.rlib` (exit code: 1)
    opened by toddyamakawa 2
  • j and k navigtion seems inverted

    j and k navigtion seems inverted


    Thanks a lot for this nice project, I have a small question concerning the navigation inside the CLI, I usually use j/k instead of arrows and it seems they are inverted compared to vi/vim style (j should goes down). Is this intentional and if so why ?

    Cheers, Charles

    opened by CharlesGueunet 2
  • registered_commands to accept partial commands

    registered_commands to accept partial commands

    I like to register a command with arguments and arguments could change, e.g. ls *.so ls /home/paperino

    I like to create one unique registered_commands for all of them, something like profiles:

    • name: ls args registered_commands:
      • ls *

    where the star is intended as a regular expression to match a set of arguments

    opened by michelepagot 1
  • Pretty confusing typo

    Pretty confusing typo

    Hi, it's not really worth a PR but on 2nd line of the Usage section of your readme, I think you wrote 'lazygit' instead of lazycli;

    Unless I misunderstood (in which case it should be clarified), this is a typo that can be very confusing!

    opened by michaelb 1
  • u option (cd) does not appear to do anything

    u option (cd) does not appear to do anything


    Just installed lazycli on Ubuntu 18.04 and tried it with ls -l. The u option does not appear to do anything. Is the intention to change directory of the terminal that is running lazycli?


    opened by anvandaren 1
  • Surround arguments with ' in config file

    Surround arguments with ' in config file


    Just installed lazycli on Ubuntu 18.04 and tried it with ls -l. Operations for files that contain spaces does not work with the default config file as the argument is not surrounded by '. When I add that for example rm works. Example:

      - name: ls -l
          - ls -l
          - key: d
            command: rm -rf '$8'
            confirm: true
          - key: o
            command: xdg-open '$8'
          - key: u
            command: cd '$8'
        lines_to_skip: 1


    opened by anvandaren 0
  • Config file default uses open command on linux

    Config file default uses open command on linux


    Just installed lazycli on Ubuntu 18.04 and tried it with ls -l. Typing $ does open the config file with xdg-open, but the default config file commands to open files is open, which on linux means openvt. It's easy to change to xdg-open manually, but it was a bit confusing first.

    Could it be possible to exchange the open command depending on the system it is installed on?

    opened by anvandaren 0
  • Let commands take over the terminal?

    Let commands take over the terminal?

    Is it possible to yield control of the terminal to each command when it runs? This would open up a bunch of new possibilities.

    1. Commands that use $EDITOR or $PAGER.
      • From an ls view, you could bind vim $0 or less $0 to a key. The editor would take over the terminal temporarily; when you quit the editor you'd be back in the same lazycli session.
      • From the git status view, you could run git commit and let the commit-message editor take over temporarily.
      • From git log you could run git show --patch to preview a commit.
    2. Commands that prompt for a second argument.
      • From ls, you could bind r to mv $0 $(read). Then to rename foo to bar you'd select foo, and type r bar<enter>.
      • Similarly, from git branch, you could bind git branch mv $0 $(read).

    I'm not sure how this would be implemented, but it might be similar to vim's :! command. As a (contrived) example, when you run :!htop, htop takes over the terminal; when you quit htop you end up back in vim again.

    opened by dpercy 0
  • $ not open config.yml on Windows

    $ not open config.yml on Windows

    I'm using lazycli 0.1.14 on a Windows10 machine. I do not have any default association for the .yml files. So, for example, if I try to

    start C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\lazycli\config\config.yml

    I get nothing but a OS popup that asks me to suggest my preferred application to edit the .yml files

    So within lazycli, $ has no effects at all, the low status bar quickly toggles between two messages, so the first one about "I'm using start" is barely visible. The Windows popup about file association does not appear when "start" is called by lazycli

    Code behind it seems like

    11 | #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] -- | -- 12 | pub fn open_command() -> String { 13 | String::from("start") 14 | }

    Unfortunately, I have no proposal about how to handle this situation or even if it has to be handled at all or code is fine like it is right now:

    • maybe using dear old notepad ?
    • maybe provide an environment variable to let the user to select its editor
    • maybe just try to figure out that nothing happened with "start" and try to better prompting that user?

    in any case, lazycli is a cool small doing one thing command: greater job

    opened by michelepagot 4
Jesse Duffield
Creator of lazygit, lazydocker, and horcrux.
Jesse Duffield
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