OpenID Connect Single Sign-On Identity Provider



There has not been any third party security audit for this project.
Use this software at your own risk!

This project is currently pre v1.0, which means, even though it is not expected, breaking changes might come with new versions.

What it is

Rauthy is an OpenID Connect (OIDC) Provider and Single Sign-On solution written in Rust.

Secure by default
It tries to be as secure as possible by default while still providing all the options needed to be compatible with older systems. For instance, if you create a new OIDC client, it activates ed25519 as the default algorithm for token signing and S256 PKCE flow. This will not work with old clients, which do not support it, but you can of course deactivate this to your liking.

MFA and Passwordless Login
Rauthy provides FIDO 2 / Webauthn login flows. If you once logged in on a new client with your username + password, you will get an encrypted cookie which will allow you to log in without a password from that moment on. You only need to have a FIDO compliant Passkey being registered for your account.
The reason why it requests your password on a new host at least once is pretty simple. Even though most browsers have full support even for user verification, it is possible that in some scenarios a set PIN oder biometric fingerprint reader will just be ignored by some browsers, which would reduce the strong MFA login to only a single factor again. As long as the full support does not exist on every device out there, Rauthy will not allow a "Passkey only Login flow" for security reasons.
An Example for a not correctly working combination would be Firefox on Mac OS, Firefox pre v114 on Linux, or almost every browser on Android.

Fast and efficient
The main goal was to provide an SSO solution like Keycloak and others while using a way lower footprint and being more efficient with resources. For instance, Rauthy can easily run a fully blown SSO provider on just a Raspberry Pi. It makes extensive use of caching to be as fast as possible in cases where your database is further away or just a bit slower, because it is maybe running on an SBC from an SD card. Most things are even cached for several hours (config options will come in the future) and special care has been taken into account in case of cache eviction and invalidation.
A Rauthy deployment with the embedded SQLite, filled caches and a small set of clients and users configured typically only uses between 15 and 20 MB of memory! This is pretty awesome when comparing it to other existing solutions out there. If a password from a login is hashed, the memory consumption will of course go up way higher than this depending on your configured Argon2ID parameters, which you got fully under control. If you use it with an external Postgres, the memory consumption of Rauthy itself will even be a bit lower, since it does not need to care about SQLite.
For achieving this speed and efficiency, some additional design tradeoffs werde made. For instance, some things you configure statically via config file and not dynamically via UI, while most of them are configured once and then never touched again.

Highly Available
Even though it makes extensive use of caching, you can run it in HA mode. It uses its own embedded distributed HA cache called redhac, which cares about cache eviction on remote hosts. You can choose between a SQLite for single instance deployments and a Postgres, if you need HA. MySQL support might come in the future.

Client Branding
You have a simple way to create some kind of branding or stylized look for the Login page for each client.
The whole color theme can be changed and each client can have its own custom logo.
Additionally, if you modify the branding for the default rauthy client, it will not only change the look for the Login page, but also for the Account and Admin page.

Already in production
Rauthy is already being used in production, and it works with all typical OIDC clients (so far). It was just not an open source project for quite some time.
Keycloak was a rough inspiration in certain places and if something is working with Keycloak, it does with rauthy too (again, so far).

What it is not (yet?)

Since Rauthy is currently pre v1.0, it might be missing some nice to have features. Some of them will never be implemented (see below), while others might come or are even planned already.

Currently missing features:

UI translation
The Admin UI will never be translated, but a basic translation for the Login and Account page may come.

Rauthy Name Override
The idea of this feature is, that one may be able to override the Rauthy name in different places like E-Mail notifications or the Admin UI. This would make it possible to not confuse external users, when they expect some other deployment name.

Rauthy Authenticator MFA App
Even though things like OTP codes will never be implemented, it is not set in stone yet that there will never be Rauthy's own Authenticator App, which then basically acts as a Webauthn Software Authenticator. There are already existing solutions out there to serve this purpose.

Customizable E-Mail templates
It is unsure, if this feature will come.

OIDC Client
Rauthy will most probably have the option to be an OIDC Client itself as well. With this feature, you would be able to do things like "Login with Github" to Rauthy and then use Rauthy for the extended management and features.

MySQL Support
At the time of writing it is not clear yet, if MySQL / MariaDB databases will be added.
The Foundation is there, it just is the case that some specific queries need to be rewritten / added in a few places to match the new SQL dialect.

What it will never be

Rauthy does not try to just replicate already existing, great software.
For instance, if you need way more flexibility regarding federated users, fully customizable login flows or things like SAML or LDAP, then you might want to take a look at solutions like Keycloak.

Rauthy wants to do just a few things, but these things good, fast, efficient and secure.
This means it will never implement (if not contributed from someone):

  • Insecure OIDC flows like the Implicit Flow
  • SAML 2.0 / LDAP
  • Other (older, more insecure or just annoying) 2FA mechanisms than the existing ones
  • No fully customizable themes in addition to the existing branding.

Getting Started

Either just take a look at the Rauthy Book, or start directly by taking a look at the application yourself with docker on your localhost:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 sdobedev/rauthy

Please keep in mind, that t the time of writing, the docker image is hosted in the free tier and will be rate limited if there are too many pulls.

Next Steps for the project

  • add more documentation
  • cleanup code
  • benchmarks and performance tuning
  • ...
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  • v0.13.3(Jul 13, 2023)

    • UI: small visual bugfixes and improvements in different places 459bdbd 57a5600
    • UI: All navigation routes can be reached via their own link now. This means a refresh of the page does not return to the default anymore 4999995 7f0ac0b cadaa40
    • UI: added an index to the users table to prevent a rendering bug after changes e35ffbe



    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.13.2(Jul 10, 2023)

    Default Image


    Debug Image

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.13.1(Jul 6, 2023)


    • UI Bugfix: Client flow updates were not applied via UI 6fe8fbc

    Container Images





    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.13.0(Jul 5, 2023)


    • Improved container security: Rauthy is based off a Scratch container image by default now. This improved the security quite a lot, since you cannot even get a shell into the container anymore, and it reduced the image size by another ~4MB.
      This makes it difficult however if you need to debug something, for instance when you use a SQLite deployment. For this reason, you can append -debug to a tag and you will get an Alpine based version just like before. 1a7e79d
    • More stable HA deployment: In some specific K8s HA deployments, the default HTTP2 keep-alive's from redhac were not good enough and we got broken pipes in some environments which caused the leader to change often. This has been fixed in redhac-0.6.0 too, which at the same time makes Rauthy HA really stable now.
    • The client branding section in the UI has better responsiveness for smaller screens dfaa23a
    • For a HA deployment, cache modifications are now using proper HA cache functions. These default back to the single instance functions in non-HA mode since redhac-0.6.0 7dae043
    • All static UI files are now precompressed with gzip and brotli to use even fewer resources 10ad51a
    • CSP script-src unsafe-inline was removed in favor of custom nonce's 7de918d
    • UI migrated to Svelte 4 21f73ab

    New Docker images:

    Default (now based on Scratch)


    Debug Image


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.12.0(Jul 1, 2023)

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