egui integration for ash (Vulkan).

Related tags

GUI egui-ash


Latest version Documentation MIT Apache2.0 egui: 0.24.1 ash: 0.37.3

egui integration for ash (Vulkan).

This crate natively supports the multi-viewports feature added since version 0.24 of egui.

You can use gpu_allocator as the default allocator by the gpu-allocator feature. You can also use your own allocator by implementing the Allocator trait.




cargo run --release --example egui_ash_simple



cargo run --release --example egui_ash_vulkan



cargo run --release --example images

multi viewports

multi viewports

cargo run --release --example multi_viewports

native images

native image

cargo run --release --example native_image

scene view

scene view

cargo run --release --example scene_view



cargo run --release --example tiles


// (1) Create a App struct that implements the `egui_ash::App` trait.
struct MyApp;
impl egui_ash::App for MyApp {
    fn ui(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &egui::CtxRef,
        integration_context: &mut egui_ash::IntegrationContext,
    ) {
        // (2) draw ui here
        egui::Window::new("Hello world").show(ctx, |ui| {
            ui.label("Hello world!");

    fn request_redraw(&mut self, _viewport_id: egui::ViewportId) -> HandleRedraw {
      // (3) return `HandleRedraw::Auto` if you want to draw only egui.
      // (4) ...or return `HandleRedraw::Handle` if you want to draw with ash.
      // NOTE: You must call `egui_cmd.update_swapchain` inside render function
      // when you first render and when you recreate the swapchain.
      HandleRedraw::Handle(Box::new(|size, egui_cmd| render(size, egui_cmd)))

// (5) Create a AppCreator struct that implements the `egui_ash::AppCreator` trait.
struct MyAppCreator;
impl egui_ash::AppCreator for MyAppCreator {
    type App = MyApp;

    // (6) new method receives `egui_ash::CreationContext` and
    // returns `Self::App` and `egui_ash::AshRenderState`.
    fn new(&self, cc: CreationContext) -> (Self::App, AshRenderState<Arc<Mutex<Allocator>>>) {
        // create vk objects
        let entry = create_entry();
        let (instance, debug_utils_loader, debug_messenger) =
            create_instance(&cc.required_instance_extensions, &entry);
        let surface_loader = create_surface_loader(&entry, &instance);
        let surface = create_surface(&entry, &instance, cc.main_window);
        let (physical_device, _physical_device_memory_properties, queue_family_index) =
        let (device, queue) = create_device(
        let swapchain_loader = create_swapchain_loader(&instance, &device);
        let command_pool = create_command_pool(&device, queue_family_index);

        // create allocator
        let allocator = {
            Allocator::new(&AllocatorCreateDesc {
                instance: instance.clone(),
                device: device.clone(),
                debug_settings: Default::default(),
                buffer_device_address: false,
                allocation_sizes: Default::default(),
            .expect("Failed to create allocator")
        let allocator = Arc::new(Mutex::new(allocator));

        let ash_render_state = AshRenderState {

        (Self, ash_render_state)

// (7) Call `egui_ash::run` with `AppCreator` struct.
fn main() {
        RunOption {
            viewport_builder: Some(egui::ViewportBuilder::default().with_title("egui-ash")),

Full example is in examples directory

Feature flags

  • gpu-allocator - Enables the gpu-allocator crate.
  • persistence - Enables the persistence feature of egui.

The other features directly control the underlying egui_winit features


MIT OR Apache-2.0

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