A 3d gizmo for transforming entities in Bevy.

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Graphics gizmo bevy

Bevy Transform Gizmo

This Bevy plugin adds a transform gizmo to entities in the scene, allowing you to drag and rotate meshes with your mouse.



Run a minimal implementation of the gizmo by cloning this repository and running:

cargo run --example minimal


  • Prebuilt transform gizmo appears when you select a designated mesh
  • Translation handles
  • Rotation handles
  • Gizmo always renders on top of the main render pass
  • Gizmo scales at it moves closer/further from the camera


This plugin is built on and relies on bevy_mod_picking for 3d mouse interaction with the scene.

Add the plugin to the [dependencies] in Cargo.toml

bevy_transform_gizmo = { git = "https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo", branch = "main" }

You will need to add the transform gizmo plugin, as well as make sure you have also brought in the picking plugin.


Next, you will need to mark your picking camera as your gizmo camera:


Finally, mark any meshes you want to be transformed with the gizmo; note they must also be selectable in the picking plugin:


See the minimal demo for an example of a minimal implementation.

  • Avoid spamming errors in unexpected situations

    Avoid spamming errors in unexpected situations

    Spamming errors greatly reduces the usability of a library, if every second, up to 500 errors are printed in the console, it is as good as if the library panicked.

    With this PR, bevy_transform_gizmo will only log stuff if it didn't already emit a similar message within the last second. (note that I downgraded the errors into warnings, since they fundamentally do not break stuff)

    I also use system chaining for logging, because of separation of concerns.

    opened by nicopap 5
  • ability to toggle gizmo while program is running

    ability to toggle gizmo while program is running

    It would be nice if it was possible to control whether the gizmo is shown while the program is running, e.g. for an in-program 'editor' like bevy_editor_pls.

    opened by jakobhellermann 4
  • Add a gizmo to whole scene

    Add a gizmo to whole scene

    @elpiel: creating this issue to discuss your question from your PR https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/18#issuecomment-1025533979

    Btw is there a way to add the gizmo to a whole scene?

    Could you provide a bit more detail? Do you want to:

    1. Select everything in the scene and transform it
    2. Make everything in the scene possible to transform individually
    3. Something else?
    opened by aevyrie 2
  • Run criteria attaching prototype

    Run criteria attaching prototype

    This is not inteded to be merged as is.

    A rough prototype of how to let users attach their own run criteria to systems of the plugin - this is the building block that lets enabling/disabling the plugin via user-defined states. I haven't considered if the criteria even make sense on all of these systems.

    The main hurdle in the way of making this less gnarly is that Bevy's run criteria (and thus states) are stage-specific. Plans to mitigate that do exist, but aren't quite ready yet; resolving this would make a single copy of a criteria (or label) sufficient for the entire config, instead of a producer function (aka bootleg clone).

    Another thing I'm not sure if I like is that the nested plugins have to rely on the same config struct as the top-level plugin. This might be possible to rework, but I don't know how valuable would that be in this context.

    opened by Ratysz 1
  • unknown `UpdateSetting` label

    unknown `UpdateSetting` label

    I find this warning when I use this great crate:

    2022-05-30T07:28:55.784722Z  WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::graph_utils: bevy_transform_gizmo::hover_gizmo wants to be after unknown label: UpdateSettings

    So I dive into the code and see this: https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/blob/5b27518eda2041f45316cdeef2d90bf15d0b5a33/src/lib.rs#L80-L113

    The UpdateSetting label is defined in PostUpdate stage (Line 101) but it is used in PreUpdate stage (Line 87).

    Is just deleting Line 87 is ok?

    opened by YoshieraHuang 0
  • Various improvements

    Various improvements

    • Allow disabling rotation gizmos
    • Add handles for movement in viewspace and movement locked to a plane

    Notes: requires https://github.com/aevyrie/bevy_mod_raycast/pulls/51 before this can be completed.

    opened by TheRawMeatball 0
  • Increased composability; suspend picking on gizmo hover

    Increased composability; suspend picking on gizmo hover

    Part of https://github.com/aevyrie/bevy_mod_raycast/pull/24, https://github.com/aevyrie/bevy_mod_picking/pull/106, and https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/13, a set of changes reworking the transform gizmo plugin stack to compose better.

    Depends on bevy_mod_raycast with https://github.com/aevyrie/bevy_mod_raycast/pull/24 merged, and bevy_mod_picking with https://github.com/aevyrie/bevy_mod_picking/pull/106 merged.

    Added global plugin on/off switch with GizmoSystemsEnabled, wired up through run criteria. Fixes #11.

    Reimplemented picking suspension on gizmo interaction (now with hovering, too!) using PickingBlocker introduced in https://github.com/aevyrie/bevy_mod_picking/pull/106.

    opened by Ratysz 0
  • Translation reverses at steep viewing angles

    Translation reverses at steep viewing angles

    When dragging while looking down the translation axis, if the mouse goes past the point of convergence, the gizmo will start going backward.


    opened by aevyrie 0
  • Update to Bevy 0.9

    Update to Bevy 0.9

    As of today Bevy is 2 open issues behind the 0.9 milestone. See: https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/milestone/7 and this crate should support it asap ;)

    Bevy Migration

    remove deprecated API usage of spawn_bundle() and use spawn() instead

    opened by olegomon 0
  • Use more robust math for translation

    Use more robust math for translation

    Instead of the plane intersection method, should use vector math for finding the nearest point on skew vectors, something like:

    pub fn nearest_point(&self, other: &Ray) -> Option<Vec3> {
        let delta_p = other.origin - self.origin;
        let v1_squared = self.direction.dot(self.direction);
        let v2_squared = other.direction.dot(other.direction);
        let v1_dot_v2 = self.direction.dot(other.direction);
        let determinant = v1_dot_v2.powi(2) - v1_squared * v2_squared;
        if determinant.abs() > f32::MIN {
            let delta_p_v1 = delta_p.dot(self.direction);
            let delta_p_v2 = delta_p.dot(other.direction);
            let t = (1.0 / determinant) * (v2_squared * delta_p_v1 - v1_dot_v2 * delta_p_v2);
            let result = self.origin + self.direction * t;
        } else {
            // The lines are parallel!

    This should be more robust to camera view changes and translating at far distances with perspective cameras.

    opened by aevyrie 0
  • wip: #8 2d axis only

    wip: #8 2d axis only

    A naive attempt to #8.

    I wanted to set up a minimal example in 2d using a orthographic camera, but materials used are 3d, so it makes it a bit more difficult than I'd like, anyway I'm sharing my approach in case anyone want to give it a try.

    opened by Vrixyz 0
  • v0.4.0(Nov 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Realease port by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/39
    • Update to Bevy 0.9 by @olegomon in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/42

    New Contributors

    • @olegomon made their first contribution in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/42

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/compare/v0.3.3...v0.4.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.2(Sep 16, 2022)

  • v0.3.1(Aug 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • remove after UpdateSettings label by @YoshieraHuang in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/26
    • Upstream stuff by @TheRawMeatball in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/29
    • bump crate version to 0.3 by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/30
    • 0.3 release merge by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/31
    • fix license by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/32
    • Use custom camera for rendering gizmo by @TheRawMeatball in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/34
    • remove unused system order label by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/35
    • Polish gizmo appearance, fix handle draw order by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/33

    New Contributors

    • @YoshieraHuang made their first contribution in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/26
    • @TheRawMeatball made their first contribution in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/29

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Aug 8, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • remove after UpdateSettings label by @YoshieraHuang in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/26
    • Upstream stuff by @TheRawMeatball in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/29

    New Contributors

    • @YoshieraHuang made their first contribution in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/26
    • @TheRawMeatball made their first contribution in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/29

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.1(Apr 20, 2022)

  • v0.2.0(Apr 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update Cargo.toml by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/22
    • Add CI Caching by @aevyrie in https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/pull/21

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ForesightMiningSoftwareCorporation/bevy_transform_gizmo/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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