Read-optimized cache of Cardano on-chain entities

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Read-optimized cache of Cardano on-chain entities

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Scrolls is a tool for building and maintaining read-optimized collections of Cardano's on-chain entities. It crawls the history of the chain and aggregates all data to reflect the current state of affairs. Once the whole history has been processed, Scrolls watches the tip of the chain to keep the collections up-to-date.

Examples of collections are: "utxo by address", "chain parameters by epoch", "pool metadata by pool id", "tx cbor by hash", etc.

In other words, Scrolls is just a map-reduce algorithm that aggregates the history of the chain into use-case-specific, key-value dictionaries.

⚠️ this tool is under heavy development. Library API, configuration schema and storage structure may vary drastically. Several important features are still missing. Use at your own peril.


Storage backends are "pluggable", any key-value storage mechanism is a potential candidate. Our backend of preference is Redis (and TBH, the only one implemented so far). It provides a very high "read" throughput, it can be shared across the network by multiple clients and can be used in cluster-mode for horizontal scaling.

We also understand that a memory db like Redis may be prohibitive for some use-cases where storage optimization is more important than read-latency. The goal is to provide other backend options within the realm of NoSQL databases better suited for the later scenarios.

About CRDTs

The persistence data model does heavy use of CRDTs (Conflict-free replicated data types) and idempotent calls, which provide benefits for write concurrency and rollback procedures.

For example, CRDTs allow us to re-build the indexes by spawning several history readers that crawl on-chain data concurrently from different start positions. This provides a sensible benefit on collection-building time. We call this approach "swarm mode".

TODO: explain future plan to leverage CRDTs for rollback checkpoints.

Accessing the Data

Scrolls doesn't provide any custom client for accesing the data, it relies on the fact that the canonical clients of the selected backends are ubiquitous, battle-tested and relatively easy to use. By knowing the structure of the stored keys/values, a developer should be able to query the data directly from Redis.

TODO: reference specs for each key/value


Not all data is important in every scenario. Every collection in Scrolls is disabled by default and needs to be opted-in via configuration for it to be processed and stored. Some collections are more storage-hungry than others (eg: "Block CBOR by Hash"), plan ahead to avoid resource exhaustion.

Within the scope of a particular collection, further filtering can be specified depending on the nature of the data being aggregated. For example, the "UTXOs by Address" collection can be filtered to only process UTXO from a set of predetermined addresses.

TODO: Document filtering options per collection

How it Works

Scrolls is a pipeline that takes block data as input and outputs DB update commands. The stages involved in the pipeline are the following:

  • Source Stages: are in charge of pulling data block data. It might be directly from a Cardano node (local or remote) or from some other source. The requirement is to have the raw CBOR as part of the payload.
  • Reducer Stages: are in charge of applying the map-reduce algorithm. They turn block data into CRDTs commands that can be later merged with existing data. The map-reduce logic will depend on the type of collection being built. Each reducer stage handles a single collection. Reducers can be enabled / disabled via configuration.
  • Storage Stages: receive the generic CRDT commands and turns them into DB-specific instructions that are then executed by the corresponding engine.


Feature Status

  • Collections
    • UTXOs by Address
    • Address by UTXO
    • Tx CBOR by UTXO
    • Tx CBOR by Address
    • Pool Id by Stake Address
    • Pool Metadata by Pool Id
    • Chain Parameters by Epoch
    • UTXOs by Asset
    • Block Hash by Tx Hash
    • Block Hashes by Epoch
    • Block Header by Block Hash
    • Tx Hashes by Block Hash
    • Ada Handle by Address
    • Address by Ada Handle
    • Block CBOR by Hash
    • Tx CBOR by Hash
    • Feature requests open
  • Data Sources
    • Node-to-Node ChainSync + Blockfetch
    • Node-to-Client ChainSync
    • Oura Kafka Topic
    • Raw-CBOR Block files
  • Storage Backend
    • Redis
    • MongoDB
    • Cassandra
    • AWS DynamoDB
    • GCP BigQuery
    • Firestore
    • Azure CosmoDB
    • Feature requests open


In the testdrive folder you'll find a minimal example that uses docker-compose to spin up a local Redis instance and a Scrolls daemon. You'll need Docker and docker-compose installed in your local machine. Run the following commands to start it:

cd testdrive
docker-compose up

You should see the logs of both Redis and Scrolls crawling the chain from a remote relay node. If you're familiar with Redis CLI, you can run the following commands to see the data being cached:

redis:6379> KEYS *
1) "c1.addr1qx0w02a2ez32tzh2wveu80nyml9hd50yp0udly07u5crl6x57nfgdzya4axrl8mfx450sxpyzskkl95sx5l7hcfw59psvu6ysx"
2) "c1.addr1qx68j552ywp6engr2s9xt7aawgpmr526krzt4mmzc8qe7p8qwjaawywglaawe74mwu726w49e8e0l9mexcwjk4kqm2tq5lmpd8"
3) "c1.addr1q90z7ujdyyct0jhcncrpv5ypzwytd3p7t0wv93anthmzvadjcq6ss65vaupzmy59dxj43lchlra0l482rh0qrw474snsgnq3df"
4) "c1.addr1w8vg4e5xdpad2jt0z775rt0alwmku3my2dmw8ezd884zvtssrq6fg"
5) "c1.addr1q9tj3tdhaxqyph568h7efh6h0f078m2pxyd0xgzq47htwe3vep55nfane06hggrc2gvnpdj4gcf26kzhkd3fs874hzhszja3lh"
6) "c1.addr1w8tqqyccvj7402zns2tea78d42etw520fzvf22zmyasjdtsv3e5rz"
redis:6379> SMEMBERS c1.addr1w8tqqyccvj7402zns2tea78d42etw520fzvf22zmyasjdtsv3e5rz
1) "2548228522837ea580bc55a3e6a09479deca499b5e7f3c08602a1f3191a178e7:20"
2) "04086c503512833c7a0c11fc85f7d0f0422db9d14b31275b3d4327c40c6fd73b:25"

Once you're done with the testdive, you can clean your environment by running:

docker-compose down


We currently provide the following ways to install Scrolls:

  • Using one of the pre-compiled binaries shared via Github Releases
  • Using the Docker image shared via Github Packages
  • By compiling from source code using the instructions provided in this README.


This is an example configuration file:

# get data from a relay node
type = "N2N"
address = ""

# enable the "UTXO by Address" collection
type = "UtxoByAddress"
# you can optionally prefix the keys in the collection
key_prefix = "c1"

# enable the "Point by Tx" collection
type = "PointByTx"
key_prefix = "c2"

# store the collections in a local Redis
type = "Redis"
connection_params = "redis://"

# start reading from an arbitrary point in the chain
type = "Point"
value = [57867490, "c491c5006192de2c55a95fb3544f60b96bd1665accaf2dfa2ab12fc7191f016b"]

# let Scrolls know that we're working with mainnet
type = "Mainnet"

Compiling from Source

To compile from source, you'll need to have the Rust toolchain available in your development box. Execute the following command to clone and build the project:

git clone
cd scrolls
cargo build


Don't we have tools for this already?

Yes, we do. We have excellent tools such as: Kupo, dcSpark's oura-postgres-sync or Db-Sync. Even the Cardano node itself might work as a source for some of the collections. Every tool is architected with a set of well-understood trade-offs. We believe Scrolls makes sense as an addition to the list because assumes a particular set of trade-offs:

  • network storage over local storage: Scrolls makes sense if you have multiple distributed clients working in a private network that want to connect to the same data instance.
  • read latency over data normalization: Scrolls works well when you need to answer simple questions, like a lookup table. It won't work if you need to create joins or complex relational queries.
  • data cache over data source: Scrolls aims at being a "cache" of data, not the actual source of data. It has an emphasis on easy and fast reconstruction of the collections. It promotes workflows where the data is wiped and rebuilt from scratch whenever the use-case requires (such as adding / removing filters).
  • Rust over Haskell: this is not a statement about the languages, both are great languages, each one with its own set of trade-offs. Since most of the Cardano ecosystem is written in Haskell, we opt for Rust as a way to broaden the reach to a different community of Rust developers (such as the authors of this tool). Scrolls is extensible, it can be used as a library in Rust projects to create custom cache collections.
  • bring your own db: storage mechanism in Scrolls are pluggable, our goal is to provide a tool that plays nice with existing infrastructure. The trade-off is that you end up having more moving parts.

How does this tool compare to Oura?

There's some overlap between Oura and Scrolls. Both tools read on-chain data and output some data results. The main difference is that Oura is meant to react to events, to watch the chain and actuate upon certain patterns. In contrast, Scrolls is meant to provide a snapshot of the current state of the chain by aggregating the whole history.

They were built to work well together. For example, let's say that you're building an app that uses Oura to process transaction data, you could then integrate Scrolls as a way to lookup the source address of the transaction's input.

How do I read the data using Python?

Assuming you're using Redis as a storage backend (only one available ATM), we recommend using redis-py package to talk directly to the Redis instance. This is a very simple code snippet to query a the UTXOs by address.

>>> import redis
>>> r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
>>> r.smembers("c1.addr1w8tqqyccvj7402zns2tea78d42etw520fzvf22zmyasjdtsv3e5rz")
{b'2548228522837ea580bc55a3e6a09479deca499b5e7f3c08602a1f3191a178e7:20', b'04086c503512833c7a0c11fc85f7d0f0422db9d14b31275b3d4327c40c6fd73b:25'}

The Redis operation being used is smembers which return the list of members of a set stored under a particular key. In this case, we query by the value c1.addr1w8tqqyccvj7402zns2tea78d42etw520fzvf22zmyasjdtsv3e5rz, where c1 is the key prefix specified in the config for our particular collection and addr1w8tqqyccvj7402zns2tea78d42etw520fzvf22zmyasjdtsv3e5rz is the address we're intereted in querying. The response from redis is the list of UTXOs (in the format {tx-hash}:{output-index}) that are associated with that particular address.

How do I read the data using NodeJS?


What is "swarm mode"?

Swarm mode is a way to speed up the process of rebuidling collection from scratch by splitting the tasks into concurrent instances of the Scrolls daemon by partitioning the history of the chain into smaller fragments.

swarm mode diagram

  • ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: variable-length uint error: variable-length uint overflow

    ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: variable-length uint error: variable-length uint overflow

    STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: variable-length uint error: variable-length uint overflow Scrolls is stopping...

    This happens while running in docker any idea what is happening?

    `[2022-09-02T05:01:16Z INFO scrolls::storage::redis] new cursor saved to redis 65011840,d4a00c3ba23a44705fb69a22d0feeec7b47481cb9f92510bda6909faaf37772e

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z INFO scrolls::storage::redis] new cursor saved to redis 65011944,f999af602ab467b8d8bd71662138aeec1578659f37c51dd555728b04d4093d07

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: variable-length uint error: variable-length uint overflow

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z INFO scrolls::daemon] Scrolls is stopping...

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: n2n-headers with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: n2n-blocks with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: enrich-skip with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: reducers with state Alive(StandBy)

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: redis with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: redis, WORK, RECV ERR: error receiving work unit through input port

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: enrich-skip, WORK, SEND ERR: error sending work unit through output port

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z WARN gasket::runtime] STAGE: n2n-blocks, WORK, RESTART: downstream error while processing business logic error sending work unit through output port

    [2022-09-02T05:01:17Z WARN gasket::runtime] STAGE: n2n-headers, WORK, RESTART: downstream error while processing business logic error sending work unit through output port

    [2022-09-07T17:46:42Z INFO scrolls::daemon] scrolls is running...

    [2022-09-07T17:46:42Z INFO scrolls::sources::n2n::transport] handshake output: Accepted(7, VersionData { network_magic: 764824073, initiator_and_responder_diffusion_mode: false })

    [2022-09-07T17:46:42Z INFO scrolls::sources::n2n::transport] handshake output: Accepted(7, VersionData { network_magic: 764824073, initiator_and_responder_diffusion_mode: false })

    [2022-09-07T17:46:42Z INFO scrolls::sources::utils] found existing cursor in storage plugin: Specific(65011944, "f999af602ab467b8d8bd71662138aeec1578659f37c51dd555728b04d4093d07")

    [2022-09-07T17:46:42Z WARN scrolls::reducers::worker] rollback requested for (65011944, f999af602ab467b8d8bd71662138aeec1578659f37c51dd555728b04d4093d07)

    [2022-09-07T17:46:42Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: variable-length uint error: variable-length uint overflow

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z INFO scrolls::daemon] Scrolls is stopping...

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: n2n-headers with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: n2n-blocks with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: enrich-skip with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: reducers with state Alive(StandBy)

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z WARN scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: redis with state Alive(Working)

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: redis, WORK, RECV ERR: error receiving work unit through input port

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: enrich-skip, WORK, SEND ERR: error sending work unit through output port

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z WARN gasket::runtime] STAGE: n2n-blocks, WORK, RESTART: downstream error while processing business logic error sending work unit through output port

    [2022-09-07T17:46:43Z WARN gasket::runtime] STAGE: n2n-headers, WORK, RESTART: downstream error while processing business logic error sending work unit through output port`

    opened by ajaygeorge91 7
  • Scrolls does not resume when relay goes offline and back online

    Scrolls does not resume when relay goes offline and back online

    What I expect is that when relay goes offline and then back offline scrolls continues operation. Instead I see error messages and processing stops:

    Aug 06 11:25:58 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 748117 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:26:28 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 753118 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:26:58 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 742835 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:27:28 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 746538 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:27:58 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 747329 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:28:28 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 749589 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:28:58 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 749292 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:29:28 kajka systemd-journald[259]: Suppressed 736017 messages from scrolls.service
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload
    Aug 06 11:53:59 kajka scrolls[38140]: [2022-08-06T09:53:59Z ERROR gasket::runtime] error that requires stage to restart: channel error communicating with multiplexer: channel is not connected, failed to send payload

    scrolls is now stuck on cursor:> get _cursor
    "52640848,aa9c017c2e5830a710f907aa4ee4bb071e19208cec5941074192b8993202339c"> get _cursor
    "52640848,aa9c017c2e5830a710f907aa4ee4bb071e19208cec5941074192b8993202339c"> get _cursor

    and does not proceed

    opened by matiwinnetou 7
  • Help with example of working config for

    Help with example of working config for "Address by Ada Handle" reducer

    Could anyone help me testing this config in preprod environment? Or maybe provide an example of a working one?

    type = "N2N"
    address = ""
    type = "AddressByAdaHandle"
    key_prefix = "AddressByAdaHandle"
    policy_id_hex = "f0ff48bbb7bbe9d59a40f1ce90e9e9d0ff5002ec48f232b49ca0fb9a"
    type = "Redis"
    connection_params = "redis://"
    type = "PreProd"
    type = "Point"
    value = [8261225,"103ff3cfec6e388db803fc10dbdecb3026b4a51382008d01ff3f9121be6fa6e4"]

    After minting this handle $myhandle: image

    I was expecting to see it under the key AddressByAdaHandle.$myhandle, in my redis logical db 2, but nothing shows up:

    [2] > keys *
    1) "_cursor"

    I am using the binary from asset_holders_by_asset_id branch which already has the reducer implemented. FYI, I've built it with cargo build --release --locked --all-features && strip ./target/release/scrolls || true and I am calling like this: /usr/local/bin/scrolls daemon --config /path/to/config.toml. I also do del _cursor on redis before each test.

    oura command to help debugging:

    oura watch --since 8261225,103ff3cfec6e388db803fc10dbdecb3026b4a51382008d01ff3f9121be6fa6e4 --bearer tcp --magic preprod`

    Thanks for looking! :bouquet:

    opened by WesleyBatista 5
  • Error

    Error "missing utxo" using example .toml


    running scrolls with the example .toml file (cutdown slightly) on mainnet for Filter type = "UtxoByAddress" gives error:

    Note: this is from compiing from scratch with redis on standard localhost and port (6379). The docker image works as expected.

    ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: missing utxo: ba1950d0cf9e6a551215701f85a209a9a47fb64032efa14e21fcfbf37c125a9a#0
    [2022-10-16T20:45:11Z INFO  scrolls::daemon] scrolls is running...
    [2022-10-16T20:45:11Z INFO  scrolls::sources::n2n::transport] handshake output: Accepted(9, VersionData { network_magic: 764824073, initiator_and_responder_diffusion_mode: true })
    [2022-10-16T20:45:11Z INFO  scrolls::sources::utils] no cursor found in storage plugin
    [2022-10-16T20:45:11Z INFO  scrolls::sources::n2n::transport] handshake output: Accepted(9, VersionData { network_magic: 764824073, initiator_and_responder_diffusion_mode: true })
    [2022-10-16T20:45:12Z WARN  scrolls::reducers::worker] rollback requested for (57867490, c491c5006192de2c55a95fb3544f60b96bd1665accaf2dfa2ab12fc7191f016b)
    [2022-10-16T20:45:13Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: missing utxo: ba1950d0cf9e6a551215701f85a209a9a47fb64032efa14e21fcfbf37c125a9a#0
    [2022-10-16T20:45:14Z INFO  scrolls::daemon] Scrolls is stopping...
    [2022-10-16T20:45:14Z WARN  scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: n2n-headers with state Alive(Working)
    [2022-10-16T20:45:14Z WARN  scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: n2n-blocks with state Alive(Working)
    [2022-10-16T20:45:14Z WARN  scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: enrich-sled with state Alive(Working)
    [2022-10-16T20:45:14Z WARN  scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: reducers with state Alive(StandBy)
    [2022-10-16T20:45:14Z WARN  scrolls::daemon] dismissing stage: redis with state Alive(Working)

    .toml file:

    type = "N2N"
    address = ""
    type = "Sled"
    db_path = "/blah02/sled_db"
    # enable the "UTXO by Address" collection
    type = "UtxoByAddress"
    # you can optionally prefix the keys in the collection
    key_prefix = "c1"
    # you can optionally only process UTXO from a set of predetermined addresses
    filter = ["addr1qy8jecz3nal788f8t2zy6vj2l9ply3trpnkn2xuvv5rgu4m7y853av2nt8wc33agu3kuakvg0kaee0tfqhgelh2eeyyqg"]
    type = "Redis"
    connection_params = "redis://"
    type = "Point"
    value = [57867490, "c491c5006192de2c55a95fb3544f60b96bd1665accaf2dfa2ab12fc7191f016b"]
    type = "Mainnet"

    I have also tried a similar .toml file on preprod testnet and get the same error. Im either doing something stupidly wrong or missing something in the setup? could anyone advise?

    opened by CatspersCoffee 4
  • transactions count by script hash

    transactions count by script hash

    This is transactions count by script hash PR, unfortunately there is a bug somewhere that hash computed on plutus script is not the same we should expect.

    Good example is where:

    this is actually the hash:

    opened by matiwinnetou 3
  • Error when connecting to preview cardano node

    Error when connecting to preview cardano node

    Hi. When Im trying to sync with local cardano node for preview network I get following error:

    scrolls_1                 | [2022-12-01T14:20:27Z INFO  scrolls::sources::n2n::transport] handshake output: Accepted(10, VersionData { network_magic: 2, initiator_and_responder_diffusion_mode: false })
    scrolls_1                 | [2022-12-01T14:20:27Z INFO  scrolls::sources::n2n::transport] handshake output: Accepted(10, VersionData { network_magic: 2, initiator_and_responder_diffusion_mode: false })
    scrolls_1                 | [2022-12-01T14:20:27Z INFO  scrolls::sources::utils] found existing cursor in storage plugin: Specific(1363359, "33f1f63f10e82cf72e137b92e6d307be85e8a3ddd5b9131220734b82cd2974ae")
    scrolls_1                 | [2022-12-01T14:20:27Z WARN  scrolls::reducers::worker] rollback requested for (1363359, 33f1f63f10e82cf72e137b92e6d307be85e8a3ddd5b9131220734b82cd2974ae)
    scrolls_1                 | [2022-12-01T14:20:27Z ERROR gasket::runtime] STAGE: reducers, WORK, PANIC: cbor error: Invalid CBOR structure: decode error: bad cbor data type for plutus data
    scrolls_1                 | [2022-12-01T14:20:28Z INFO  scrolls::daemon] Scrolls is stopping...

    It seems to be realed to as we had problems with other components as well

    opened by GrzegorzDrozda 2
  • Feat: Address by Ada Handle

    Feat: Address by Ada Handle

    I saw Oura had a feature being worked on in April to show Ada handle address mappings. Is this still on the priority list to potentially be added to scrolls soon?

    opened by ggaabe 2
  • fix: use correct TxIn index for CollRet UTxO

    fix: use correct TxIn index for CollRet UTxO

    It's kind of lame that we can't use produced but because we don't pass an index along with the TxOut when using outputs / produced / collateral_return we will have to continue using this pattern until we think of something better. For now I changed it to use outputs for readability, instead of using produced after already checking the validity.

    The issue is that we either return the tx outputs or the collateral return output depending on the validity and then enumerate over them to get their indexes, but this gives the collateral return output UTxO an index of 0 when actually it is defined as the next available index after the tx outputs, |txouts|.

    opened by jmhrpr 1
  • fix: correct handling of collateral outputs for invalid transactions

    fix: correct handling of collateral outputs for invalid transactions

    The current implementation processes the transaction outputs of an invalid transaction which means we can spoof balance of an address by creating an invalid transaction which sends that address funds as a txout, because these funds will be added to the address balance but actually this txout was was never created as the tx is invalid.

    In this fix the collateral inputs are processed for invalid transactions as before, but now we do not process the txouts and instead check if there is a collateral return output (Babbage only) and if so we process that output as we would a normal txout.

    Note that the txin of the collateral return output UTXO is defined in the ledger specification as txhash:idx where idx is the number of transaction outputs the tx has (in other words we create a UTXO in the next available index so as to not confuse with the normal transaction outputs which were not created): let idx = tx.outputs().len();

    opened by jmhrpr 1
  • fix: increment `TxCountByAddress` once per tx

    fix: increment `TxCountByAddress` once per tx

    closes #71

    TxCountByAddress now increments the tx counter once per tx for every address in the transaction inputs and outputs by maintaining a set of already-seen addresses while processing each transaction. For each address, if it is not included in the seen-addresses set then increment the counter and insert the address into the set.

    I wasn't sure if I should build the set then iterate over each address to do the send, or to maybe build the prefix before trying the insert into the set to avoid the clone, but I think the current implementation was the best option.

    opened by jmhrpr 1
  • Panic on reducer: Is AlonzoCompatible a MultiAsset era?

    Panic on reducer: Is AlonzoCompatible a MultiAsset era?

    The following reducers doesn't work.

    use serde::Deserialize;

    use pallas::ledger::traverse::{Feature, MultiEraBlock};

    use crate::model;

    #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct Config { pub key_prefix: Option, }

    pub struct Reducer { config: Config }

    impl Reducer {
        pub fn reduce_block(
            &mut self,
            block: &MultiEraBlock,
            output: &mut super::OutputPort,
        ) -> Result<(), gasket::error::Error> {
            if block.era().has_feature(Feature::MultiAssets) {
                for tx in block.txs() {
                    let mint =;
                    let mints = mint.as_alonzo().unwrap();
                    for (policy, assets) in mints.iter() {
                        let policy_id = hex::encode(policy.as_slice());
                        let number_of_minted_or_destroyed = assets.len();
                        let key = match &self.config.key_prefix {
                            Some(prefix) => format!("{}.{}", prefix, policy_id),
                            None => format!("{}.{}", "transaction_count_by_native_token_policy".to_string(), policy_id),
                        let crdt = model::CRDTCommand::PNCounter(key, number_of_minted_or_destroyed as i64);
    impl Config {
        pub fn plugin(self) -> super::Reducer {
            let reducer = Reducer {
                config: self

    it dies at block:> get _cursor

    expected behavior is that it does not crash and proceeds further

    opened by matiwinnetou 1
  • bug: potential for inaccurate data due to missing some blocks when using N2N

    bug: potential for inaccurate data due to missing some blocks when using N2N

    There is currently an issue which means some blocks (random) are not processed when using N2N, meaning the accuracy of data cannot be guaranteed. When attempting to roll forward to a new block header while following the tip, the server may sometimes respond to the BlockFetch message with a MsgNoBlocks instead of the requested block data, but Scrolls does not handle this case and behaves as if it processed the block. This means that any actions that would have occurred due to the missed blocks will not be reflected in the data in Scrolls.

    opened by jmhrpr 0
  • feat: implement filter to match multiassets in transaction `txmint` field

    feat: implement filter to match multiassets in transaction `txmint` field

    We extend the transaction-specific filter pattern with two new properties mint_policy_id_hex and mint_asset_name_hex.

    For example, the following filter allows you to only process transactions which mint/burn the asset with the (PolicyID, AssetName) pair ("f0ff48bbb7bbe9d59a40f1ce90e9e9d0ff5002ec48f232b49ca0fb9a", "6164616d616e74"):

                "filter": {
                    "transaction": {
                        "mint_policy_id_hex": "f0ff48bbb7bbe9d59a40f1ce90e9e9d0ff5002ec48f232b49ca0fb9a",
                        "mint_asset_name_hex": "6164616d616e74"

    Alternatively you can specify only a policy ID to filter all transactions which mint/burn assets of a particular policy ID, and similarly for asset names.

    opened by jmhrpr 1
  • feat: allow splitting scrolls into multiple instances

    feat: allow splitting scrolls into multiple instances

    In order to run scrolls in production, it is necessary to be able to run multiple sled instances on the same sled database.


    1. Allow to configure redis _cursor name via config

    2. Separate sled write away from the scrolls. We should have a command line tool that keeps scrolls ingestion process separate from scrolls instance. Scrolls instance should use sled db and only in case reducers are configured that need it

    opened by matiwinnetou 0
  • feat: script by hash reducer

    feat: script by hash reducer

    In progress

    • Finds the script in the witness set
    • Hashes it to get the key and stores it using the LastWriteWins CRDT
    • Had to remove some #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] as it was skipping some stuff in my linter
    opened by MartinSchere 3
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