Key-value cache RESP server with support for key expirations ⌛

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Caching bader-db

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BADER-DB (بادِر)

Key-value cache RESP server with support for key expirations

Supported FeaturesGetting StartedBasic UsageCache EvictionTesting

This is a rust work-in-progress learning project and shouldn't be used in production.

Supported Feature

  • SET, GET and DELETE values — Set with or without an expiry date.
  • Expiry Format 🕰️ — Set your expiry in seconds (EX) or milliseconds (PX).
  • EXISTS 🏪 — Returns "true" if key exists or "false" otherwise.
  • Passive and Active Key Eviction — A memory-efficient probabilistic eviction algorithm similar to Redis.
  • Memory Safe 🛡️ — Ensures the latest value is always retrieved, handles race conditions.

Supported Commands

  • SET
  • GET
  • DEL

Getting Started

This crate is available on The easiest way to use it is to add an entry to your Cargo.toml defining the dependency:

bader-db = "0.1.5"

Basic Usage

The TCP server is built on Tokio to handle async connections, make sure you include it in your dependencies.

use bader_db::run_server;
use anyhow::Result;
use std::time::Duration;

pub async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let port = std::env::var("PORT").unwrap_or("6379".to_string());
    let sample = 10;
    let threshold = 0.5;
    let frequency = Duration::from_millis(100);
    run_server(format!("{}", port).as_str(), sample, threshold, frequency).await;

The run_server method will take the host and the eviction algorithm parameters.

Cache Eviction

The eviction algorithm parameters:

  • sample
  • frequency
  • threshold

Expiration of keys in the cache is performed at intervals, triggered every frequency and is done in the background. The approach for performing this task is based on the implementation in Redis, which is straightforward yet effective.

The following is a summary of the eviction process, explained in a clear way:

Wait for the next frequency tick.
Randomly select a batch of sample entries from the cache.
Check for and remove any expired entries found in the batch.
If the percentage of removed entries is greater than the threshold, go back to step 2; otherwise, go back to step 1.

This allows the user to control the aggressiveness of eviction by adjusting the values of threshold and frequency. It's important to keep in mind that the higher the threshold value, the more memory the cache will use on average.


There's a testing script to run the server, start the server in debug mode by running

$ RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin server_main 

You can use redis-cli to test the server. Simple install redis-cli and you can set a key using:

$ redis-cli set hello world

then you can get it using

$ redis-cli get hello

This should output world

You can also set with expiry in

  • Seconds using the EX flag
  • Milliseconds using the PX flag
$ redis-cli set hello world ex 100

This would make the value world live for 100 seconds being removed.

$ redis-cli set hello world px 100

This would make the value world live for 100 milliseconds being removed.

You can also run this simple script to set some values with different expirations and watch the logs as the eviction algorithm takes place.

use std::process::Command;
use std::{thread, time};

fn main() {
    println!("Started filling");

    for i in 10..7000 {
        let expiry = 10 * i;
        let sleep_time = time::Duration::from_nanos(100);
            .expect("ls command failed to start");
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