Attach Bevy's Handles/Entities statically to Types.


Easily attach bevy's Handles/Entities statically to types on startup and get them in any system, without using Resources.

It's just a little less clutter, and a bit more descriptive: e.g. Image::get_icon() would return a weak clone of the Handle set with Image::set_icon(img_handle). The setter can only be used once! This is only useful if you're sure these Handles/Entities will never change (and are always available)! For a more general use case, see type_cell.


use bevy_cell::*;
// setup cells
handle_cell!{Image: handle_a;}
// on startup
// in any system

The macro also accepts multiple definitions at once:

    Image: image_a, image_b, image_c;
    Mesh: mesh_a, mesh_b;
handle_cell!{ @Vec
    Image: image_vec_a, image_vec_b, image_vec_c;
    Mesh: mesh_vec_a, mesh_vec_b;
    entity_a, entity_b, entity_c

For Vec/HashMaps:

handle_cell!{@Vec Image: numbers;}
handle_cell!{@HashMap<K> Image: numbers_id;}
entity_cell!{@Vec slots}
entity_cell!{@HashMap<K> slots_id}
// on startup
// in any system

Simple Example

use bevy_cell::*;
use bevy::prelude::*;

handle_cell!{Image: number;}

fn startup (
    mut cmd: Commands,
    assets: Res<AssetServer>
    // set Handles/Entities once on startup
        texture: assets.load("num_000.png"),

fn update (
    mut timer: ResMut<ChangeTimer>,
    time: Res<Time>,
    mut qu: Query<&mut Handle<Image>>
    if timer.0.just_finished() {
        // get Handles/Entities anywhere
        *qu.get_mut(Entity::get_slot()).unwrap() = Image::get_number(); 

struct ChangeTimer(Timer);

fn main () {
    let mut app = App::new();

Example, using some experimental features

In handle_cell:
@Vec: save a Vec of handles, instead of just one
#load: the setter will load multiple assets from the folder, which are numbered.
#random: include a getter, which returns a random Handle of this Vec.

use bevy_cell::*;
use bevy::prelude::*;

handle_cell!{@Vec #load #random Image: numbers;}

fn startup (
    mut cmd: Commands,
    assets: Res<AssetServer>
    // loads num_000.png - num_009.png and attach it as Vec<Handle<Image>>
    // into the Image type. Image::get_numbers(index) returns the Handle now.
    // Saves the spawned Entity into the Entity type. Entity::get_slot()
    // returns this entity now anywhere.
        texture: Image::get_numbers_random(),

fn update (
    mut timer: ResMut<ChangeTimer>,
    time: Res<Time>,
    mut qu: Query<&mut Handle<Image>>
    if timer.0.just_finished() {
        // Change the Handle<Image> of the Slot-Entities to a random number-image.
        *qu.get_mut(Entity::get_slot()).unwrap() = Image::get_numbers_random(); 

struct ChangeTimer(Timer);

fn main () {
    let mut app = App::new();
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