6185 Repositories
Rust rust-wrapper Libraries
Rust task runner and build tool.
cargo-make Rust task runner and build tool. Overview Installation Binary Release Usage Simple Example Tasks, Dependencies and Aliases Commands, Script
A Cargo subcommand for the client-side Web
A cargo subcommand for the client-side Web This cargo subcommand aims to make it easy and convenient to build, develop and deploy client-side Web appl
2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust.
2D Documentation | 3D Documentation | User Guide | Forum ⚠️ **This crate is now passively-maintained. It is being superseded by the Parry project.** ⚠
Use C++ libraries from Rust
ritual ritual allows to use C++ libraries from Rust. It analyzes the C++ API of a library and generates a fully-featured crate that provides convenien
An opinionated 2D game engine for Rust
Coffee An opinionated 2D game engine for Rust focused on simplicity, explicitness, and type-safety. Coffee is in a very early stage of development. Ma
A network application framework for Rust
This crate is deprecated! This crate is deprecated without an immediate replacement. Discussion about a successor can be found in tokio-rs/tokio#118.
A cargo subcommand for displaying when Rust dependencies are out of date
cargo-outdated Linux: A cargo subcommand for displaying when Rust dependencies are out of date About cargo-outdated is for displaying when dependencie
Cargo subcommand `release`: everything about releasing a rust crate.
cargo release Features Ensure you are in a good state for release, including: Right branch Up-to-date with remote Clean tree Supports workspaces using
Generate bindings to use Rust code in Qt and QML
Rust Qt Binding Generator This code generator gets you started quickly to use Rust code from Qt and QML. In other words, it helps to create a Qt based
🎮 A simple 2D game framework written in Rust
Tetra Tetra is a simple 2D game framework written in Rust. It uses SDL2 for event handling and OpenGL 3.2+ for rendering. Website Tutorial API Docs FA
A simple, fast and interruptable download accelerator, written in Rust
snatch A simple, fast and interruptable download accelerator, written in Rust WARNING This project is no longer maintained by @k0pernicus and @jean-se
Rust bindings to the Java Native Interface — JNI
JNI Bindings for Rust This project provides complete JNI bindings for Rust, allowing to: Implement native Java methods for JVM and Android in Rust Cal
Rust implementation of Project Fluent
Fluent fluent-rs is a collection of Rust crates implementing Project Fluent. The crates perform the following functions: fluent Umbrella crate combini
Rust for Visual Studio Code
Hello everyone. I'm a maintainer and I'm very busy. At some point rls-vscode will supersede the extension. Until that moment someone should maintain t
The Reactive Extensions for the Rust Programming Language
This is an implementation of reactive streams, which, at the high level, is patterned off of the interfaces and protocols defined in http://reactive-s
This is superseded by the official MongoDB Rust Driver
This Repository is NOT a supported MongoDB product MongoDB Rust Driver Prototype NOTE: This driver is superseded by the official MongoDB Rust driver,
a Rust library implementing safe, lightweight context switches, without relying on kernel services
libfringe libfringe is a library implementing safe, lightweight context switches, without relying on kernel services. It can be used in hosted environ
Organized, flexible testing framework for Rust
Stainless Stainless is a lightweight, flexible, unopinionated testing framework. Note that stainless currently requires the nightly version of the Rus
Security advisory database for Rust crates published through crates.io
RustSec Advisory Database The RustSec Advisory Database is a repository of security advisories filed against Rust crates published via https://crates.
Pssst!... see what Rust is doing behind the curtains 🕵🤫
cargo-inspect What is Rust doing behind the scenes? There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
A rustc plugin to check for numerical instability
Herbie lint for Rust What This plugin can add warnings or errors to your crate when using a numerically unstable floating point expression. Quick exam
Linting your Rust-files in Atom, using rustc and cargo.
linter-rust Linting your Rust-files in Atom, using rustc and cargo. Files will be checked when you open or save them. Installation Install Rust and/or
Repository for the Rust Language Server (aka RLS)
Rust Language Server (RLS) The RLS provides a server that runs in the background, providing IDEs, editors, and other tools with information about Rust
Make production Rust binaries auditable
rust-audit Know the exact crate versions used to build your Rust executable. Audit binaries for known bugs or security vulnerabilities in production,
Show unused code from multi-crate Rust projects
Warnalyzer Remove unused code from multi-crate Rust projects. The dead_code lint family of rustc is limited to one crate only and thus can't tell whet
Fusion Reactor for Rust - Atom Rust IDE
токамак Fusion Reactor for Rust - Syntax highlighting Creating Cargo project Support for Cargo projects Code Completion with Racer Managing Rust toolc
Functional Reactive Programming library for Rust
Carboxyl is a library for functional reactive programming in Rust, a functional and composable approach to handle events in interactive applications.
Multithreaded, non-blocking Linux server framework in Rust
hydrogen Documentation hydrogen is a non-blocking socket server framework built atop epoll. It takes care of the tedious connection and I/O marshaling
Pure rust mqtt cilent
NOTE: Archived. No further development under this repo. Follow progress of a different implementation here Pure rust MQTT client which strives to be s
PEG parser combinators using operator overloading without macros.
pom PEG parser combinators created using operator overloading without macros. Document Tutorial API Reference Learning Parser Combinators With Rust -
A wav encoding and decoding library in Rust
Hound A wav encoding and decoding library in Rust. Hound can read and write the WAVE audio format, an ubiquitous format for raw, uncompressed audio. T
A GUI frontend in Rust based on web-view
neutrino I am not working anymore on this project. If you want to become a maintainer of neutrino, please answer to this issue. Preamble Docs | Repo |
A small utility to compare Rust micro-benchmarks.
cargo benchcmp A small utility for comparing micro-benchmarks produced by cargo bench. The utility takes as input two sets of micro-benchmarks (one "o
Java for Rust
j4rs j4rs stands for 'Java for Rust' and allows effortless calls to Java code from Rust and vice-versa. Features Rust to Java direction support (call
A parser, compiler, and virtual machine evaluator for a minimal subset of Lua; written from scratch in Rust.
lust: Lua in Rust This project implements a parser, compiler, and virtual machine evaluator for a minimal subset of Lua. It is written from scratch in
handle some lichess.org/tournament load with rust, while learning rust
lila-http Take some of the HTTP load away from lila. WIP! Arena tournaments Clients connected to a tournament page request new data about the tourname
Yfin is the Official package manager for the Y-flat programming language
Yfin is the Official package manager for the Y-flat programming language. Yfin allows the user to install, upgrade, and uninstall packages. It also allows a user to initialize a package with the Y-flat package structure and files automatically generated. In future, Yfin will also allow users to publish packages.
My 'Lugli' language compiler for learning purposes, written in rust. 🥰🤠
Lugli language compiler My 'Lugli' language compiler for learning purposes, written in rust. This language is to be a subset for other purposes, for e
A discord bot that safely executes whatever rust you throw at it. Remote code execution as a service
RustBot Bot is still under development and not ready for production use RustBot is a discord bot that executes whatever rust code you throw at it. In
An implementation of UCSC's CSE13S assignments in Rust
CSE13RS This repository contains an implementation of UCSC's CSE13S assignments... but in Rust instead! I thought the assignments were a nice way to g
sg = Steam Guard, access sg verification code locally.
Steam Guard CLI Access your Steam Guard token locally. Credit https://github.com/steevp/UpdogFarmer/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/steevsapps/idled
Call Rust from Swift and vice versa.
swift-bridge Call Rust from Swift and vice versa. swift-bridge generates code that helps you call Rust from Swift and vice versa. swift-bridge takes i
VST 2.4 API implementation in rust. Create plugins or hosts.
rust-vst2 A library to help facilitate creating VST plugins in rust. This library is a work in progress and as such does not yet implement all opcodes
Rust client for Kubernetes
Rust client for Kubernetes API.
JSON Schema validation library
A JSON Schema validator implementation. It compiles schema into a validation tree to have validation as fast as possible.
A cargo plugin for showing a tree-like overview of a crate's modules.
cargo-modules Synopsis A cargo plugin for showing an overview of a crate's modules. Motivation With time, as your Rust projects grow bigger and bigger
UNIC: Unicode and Internationalization Crates for Rust
UNIC: Unicode and Internationalization Crates for Rust https://github.com/open-i18n/rust-unic UNIC is a project to develop components for the Rust pro
Rust LZ4 bindins library
lz4 This repository contains binding for lz4 compression library (https://github.com/Cyan4973/lz4). LZ4 is a very fast lossless compression algorithm,
A strict, yet friendly mocking library for Rust 2018
Mockiato A strict, yet friendly mocking library for Rust 2018 ⚠️ Disclaimer for working with stable rust Mockiato relies on the unstable proc_macro_di
Fully typed SQL query builder for Rust [deprecated]
What is Deuterium? Deuterium is a fancy SQL builder for Rust. It's designed to provide a DSL to easily build SQL queries in safe and typed way. Like R
A small, portable and extensible game framework written in Rust.
What is This? Crayon is a small, portable and extensible game framework, which loosely inspired by some amazing blogs on bitsquid, molecular and flooo
A Rust binding of the wxWidgets cross platform toolkit.
wxRust master: / mac(0.10): This is a Rust binding for the wxWidgets cross platform toolkit. API wxRust API documentation How it works The wxRust libr
Handlebars middleware for Iron web framework
handlebars-iron Handlebars middleware for the Iron web framework. This library, together with handlebars, iron and hyper, works on both stable and nig
A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust.
markup.rs A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust. markup.rs is a template engine for Rust powered by procedural macros which parses the te
CBOR (binary JSON) for Rust with automatic type based decoding and encoding.
THIS PROJECT IS UNMAINTAINED. USE serde_cbor INSTEAD. This crate provides an implementation of RFC 7049, which specifies Concise Binary Object Represe
A set of cryptographic primitives for building a multi-hop Proxy Re-encryption scheme, known as Transform Encryption.
recrypt A pure-Rust library that implements a set of cryptographic primitives for building a multi-hop Proxy Re-encryption scheme, known as Transform
a cargo subcommand for counting lines of code in Rust projects
cargo-count Linux: A cargo subcommand for displaying line counts of source code in projects, including a niave unsafe counter for Rust source files. T
Hjson for Rust
hjson-rust for serde { # specify rate in requests/second (because comments are helpful!) rate: 1000 // prefer c-style comments? /* feeling ol
Ginkgo is a text editor built entirely in Rust
Ginkgo is a text editor built entirely in Rust. It supports cursor movements, CTRL commands, select vim commands, insert vs. normal modes, and more. Ginkgo is based on my text editor JED, which itself was based on the popular online editor Kilo.
Build tool for custom setups of docker containers. Docker compose didn't offer enough, Kubernetes offered too much. Carbon is the in-between.
docker abstraction layer with added flair Fast travel: Tips Contributing How it works Installation Help This tool started its life as a way to make de
A simple twitter - telegram forwarder written in Rust.
twitter-telegram-forwarder A simple twitter - telegram forwarder written in Rust. Example channel: https://t.me/nanabunnonijyuuni_tweet How to use it
I2P SAMv3 library in Rust (WIP)
SOLITUDE (WIP) i2p SAMv3 library written in Rust for use in the EVA project. Examples Echo Server Creates a UDP service that returns and prints whatev
A Rust-based tool to analyze an application's heap.
Heap analysis tool for Rust Heap analysis is a pure-Rust implementation to track memory allocations on the heap. Usage Heap analysis provides a custom
A small monitoring process that checks if kstars is active, if not it sends a request to notify a user via telegram that it crashed
Astro monitor A small monitoring process that checks if kstars is active, if not it sends a request to notify a user via telegram that it crashed Inst
Aoe4 shorctut trainer made with rust!
AMAVillager Train your villager shortcuts ! Now hosted here Made with Bevy. How to Run Install Rust and Cargo : instructions clone the repository : gi
clone of grep cli written in Rust. From Chapter 12 of the Rust Programming Language book
minigrep is a clone of the grep cli in rust Minigrep will find a query string in a file. To test it out, clone the project and run cargo run body poem
Convert private keys to PKCS#8 format in pure Rust
topk8 Convert private keys to PKCS#8 format in pure Rust. The following formats are supported at the moment: PKCS#1 PEM (RSA PRIVATE KEY) SEC1 PEM (EC
Rust lib for a Vec-like structure that can store different types of different sizes contiguous with each other in memory.
hvec In memory of Anna Harren, who coined the term turbofish - which you'll see a lot of if you use this crate. The main purpose of this crate is the
🎄 Advent of Code MMXXI
Advent of Code MMXXI This year, 2021, we crack the Advent of Code in Rust. Running the Solutions $ cargo -V cargo 1.56.0 (4ed5d137b 2021-10-04) $ carg
Making Token Exchange program with Solana(Rust), Web3, and Vue
Escrow program for Solana blockchain Tech stack Program (Smart Contract) Rust crates: solana-program, spl-token Solana CLI for test validator UI Types
cargo extension that can generate BitBake recipes utilizing the classes from meta-rust
cargo-bitbake cargo bitbake is a Cargo subcommand that generates a BitBake recipe that uses meta-rust to build a Cargo based project for Yocto Install
cargo-check This is a wrapper around cargo rustc
cargo-check This is a wrapper around cargo rustc -- -Zno-trans. It can be helpful for running a faster compile if you only need correctness checks. In
A Rust compiler plugin and support library to annotate overflow behavior
overflower This project contains a compiler plugin and supporting library to allow the programmer to annotate their code to declare how integer overfl
A simple library to allow for easy use of python from rust.
Rustpy A simple library to allow for easy use of python from rust. Status Currently this library has not received much love (pull requests welcome for
An advanced image processing library for Rust.
ImageProc Maintainers: @chyh1990 Note: this project is under active depvelopment, API may change! imageproc is a advanced image proccessing library fo
Rustic bindings for sqlite3
Rust-Sqlite3 Rustic bindings for sqlite3. OBSOLETE in favor of jgallagher/rusqlite Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Dan Connolly and contributors Share and enj
cogo rust coroutine database driver (Mysql,Postgres,Sqlite)
cdbc Coroutine Database driver Connectivity.based on cogo High concurrency,based on coroutine No Future'q,Output=*,No async fn, No .await , no Poll*
A minimalistic encryption protocol for rust async streams/packets, based on noise protocol and snow.
Snowstorm A minimalistic encryption protocol for rust async streams / packets, based on noise protocol and snow. Quickstart Snowstorm allows you to se
Basic template for an out-of-tree Linux kernel module written in Rust.
Rust out-of-tree module This is a basic template for an out-of-tree Linux kernel module written in Rust. Please note that: The Rust support is experim
An example of web application by using Rust and Axum with Clean Architecture.
stock-metrics Stock price and stats viewer. Getting Started Middleware Launch the middleware by executing docker compose: cd local-middleware docker c
An advanced, reactive UI library for Rust
An advanced, reactive UI library for Rust Report a Bug · Request a Feature . Ask a Question What is agui? Agui is an advanced reactive GUI project for
Damavand is a quantum circuit simulator. It can run on laptops or High Performance Computing architectures, such CPU distributed architectures or multi GPU distributed architectures.
Damavand is a quantum circuit simulator. It can run on laptops or High Performance Computing architectures, such CPU distributed architectures or multi GPU distributed architectures.
Inline CSS into style attributes
css-inline A crate for inlining CSS into HTML documents. It is built with Mozilla's Servo project components. When you send HTML emails, you need to u
This is a maintained rust project that exposes the cpp driver at cpp-driver in a somewhat-sane crate.
cassandra-rs This is a maintained rust project that exposes the cpp driver at https://github.com/datastax/cpp-driver/ in a somewhat-sane crate. For th
My first Real-Time 3D Game Engine learning project written in Rust.
EyeEngine-Rust FOA, sry for my poor English. What is Eye Engine? Eye Engine is my first Real-Time 3D Game Engine learning project. There are two editi
This repository presents a numbers vizualizer in a polar base. This small project has been entirely made in Rust !
NumbersRepresentation This repository presents a numbers vizualizer in a polar base. This small project has been entirely made in Rust ! This is an id
Pixiv downloader written in rust.
zettai-ryouiki "Zettai ryōiki refers to the area of bare skin in the gap between overknee socks and a miniskirt." About Pixiv downloader written in ru
Additional Rust collections not found in std::collections
More collections Rust crate with additional collections not found in std::collections. Multimaps Completion Name Behaves like 🟩 🟩 🟨 ⬜️ ⬜️ HashSetMu
A lightweight microkernel/IPC based operating system built with Rust which is not a clone of any existing operating system
Noble Operating System Noble is a lightweight microkernel and IPC based operating system built with Rust which is not a clone of any existing operatin
M8 remote display - Rust
RM8 Remote display for the Dirtywave M8 I first tried M8WebDisplay then discovered m8c and decided to use it as a starting point for my own version in
A simplified recreation of the command-line utility grep written in Rust.
smolgrep A simplified recreation of the command-line utility grep written in Rust. Download and run Download Rust On Mac/Linux Open a terminal and ent
The Rust Programming Language, Chapter 8, Exercise 1
Rust Common Collections - Exercise 1 In the book The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, chapter 8 - Common Collections - pr
in.fingerd but in Rust.
A socket-activated in.fingerd equivalent written in Rust. Why? The usual answer: why not? How? See nix for how I actually run this, or something like:
A rust Key-Value store based on Redis.
Key-Value Store A Key-Value store that uses Redis to store data. Built using an async web framework in Rust with a full Command-Line interface and log
Rust & Solana
Rust & Solana Rust =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Installation create a virtual env (pipenv/conda). I am using conda conda create -n rust conda activate rust visit R
A game of snake written in Rust using the Bevy game engine, targeting WebGL2
Snake using the Bevy Game Engine Prerequisites cargo install cargo-make Build and serve WASM version Set your local ip address in Makefile.toml (loca
Learning Rust: Sample App
mars_calc The App runs on rust takes inpit weight in kg of earth and returns the weight on mars My first rust App Ownership Rules First, let’s take a
A competitive and fun crossword game written in Rust.
Worders Crossword Game Worders is a competitive and fun crossword game where you create words using your given letters in order to score points, when
Assembly-level implementation of interesting data types
Clnooms Assembly-level implementation of various interesting data types on Rust Table of Contents Data Types Half-precision floating point (f16) Exten