6250 Repositories
Rust rust-rcs-client Libraries
A Rust crate for LL(k) parser combinators.
oni-comb-rs (鬼昆布,おにこんぶ) A Rust crate for LL(k) parser combinators. Main project oni-comb-parser-rs Sub projects The following is projects implemented
Gun port in rust & wasm
gun-rs-wasm Rust & WASM port of Gun. For a non-wasm version, check out gun-rs Example (source) Use npm install rusty-gun import { Node as Gun } from "
clang-format wrapper for rust
clang-format-rs A basic clang-format Rust wrapper. This allows for formatting a given input using clang-format from the system. use clang_format::{cla
A bot for competing with estimation (cards game) pro players and actually beat them 💪
Estimation bot 🤖 What's estimation? The card game Estimation is a trick-taking game where you score points by correctly predicting the amount of tric
It's not a novel data sturcture just AVL and Btree for rust
This crate named as ABtree but this not means it is a novel data sturcture. It’s just AVL tree and Btree. For the Btree, what makes it different from
Rust implementation of Adobe's stlab::forest data structure
skog Swedish for "forest". A pure rust implementation of Adobe's stlab::forest data structure. Introduction A "forest" is a tree-like data structure.
Render farm simulator & plotting for optimisation written in Rust.
Farm Usage Simulator Given a few basic charasteristics of a render farm and render jobs this app runs a few randomized farm usage scenarios and plots
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
A Rust library for random number generation.
A Rust library for random number generation.
Rust Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) crate for the Vorago VA108xx family of MCUs
HAL for the Vorago VA108xx MCU family This repository contains the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), which is an additional hardware abstraction on to
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa 🌡️
Rusty Temperature Converter This is the pet project Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa 🌡️ The program was implemented in the course of stud
NoteKraken rewritten in Rust.
eframe template This is a template repo for eframe, a framework for writing apps using egui. The goal is for this to be the simplest way to get starte
Prefix tree implemented in Rust.
Prefix tree implemented in rust. A simple library that provides a prefix tree (trie) implementation. It uses generic types for both keys and values. p
Learning Rust through Advent of Code 2021 - probably not very clean!
AoC 2021 ======== I'm using AoC2021 as an excuse to learn Rust (and maybe some other languages). Please do *not* use this repository as a good source
Temp repo to document problems with workers-rs
This is a temporarily repo to share some worker-rs code that is giving me problems. See also: https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-rs/issues/94 Versi
disemvowel-in-rust-bante created by GitHub Classroom
Rust Disemvowel This is a simple lab where we'll use Rust to implement the disemvowel function that we covered in a previous C lab. What is Rust? Rust
A Rust synchronisation primitive for "Multiplexed Concurrent Single-Threaded Read" access
exit-left verb; 1. To exit or disappear in a quiet, non-dramatic fashion, making way for more interesting events. 2. (imperative) Leave the scene, and
[Proof of Concept] Embedded functional scripting language with YAML ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[YAML, fun] Just an experimental project implementing embedded functional scripting language based on YAML syntax. API docs for the standard library:
Simple and efficient time representation in Rust.
timens-rs Simple and efficient timestamp representation. The main objective being interoperability with OCaml Core_kernel.Time_ns. A significant part
Command-line tool to generate Rust code for Google Cloud Spanner
nene nene is a command-line tool to generate Rust code for Google Cloud Spanner. nene uses database schema to generate code by using Information Schem
An ssh config parser for ssh2-rs
ssh2-config Changelog · Get started · Documentation Developed by @veeso Current version: 0.1.0 (04/12/2021) ssh2-config About ssh2-config Exposed attr
Use explicit container types with Scrypto! Leverage the Rust compiler's type checking to increase security and productivity when developing Radix blueprints.
Scrypto Static Types Use explicit container types with Scrypto! Leverage the Rust compiler's type checking to increase security and productivity when
Rust macro to make recursive function run on the heap (i.e. no stack overflow).
Decurse Example #[decurse::decurse] // 👈 Slap this on your recursive function and stop worrying about stack overflow! fn factorial(x: u32) - u32 {
Automatically updates your Cloudflare DNS records for specific zones. Especially useful if you have dynamic IP address
Cloudflare DNS updater What does it do? Cloudflare DNS updater updates specified dns records for specified zones effortlessly and automatically. It wa
A fast, stable, efficient, and lightweight intranet penetration, port forwarding tool supports multiple connections, cascading proxy, and transmission encryption
A fast, stable, efficient, and lightweight intranet penetration, port forwarding tool supports multiple connections, cascading proxy, and transmission encryption
DWARF packaging utility, written in Rust, supporting GNU extension and DWARF 5 package formats.
thorin thorin is an DWARF packaging utility for creating DWARF packages (*.dwp files) out of input DWARF objects (*.dwo files; or *.o files with .dwo
My solutions to Advent of Code 2021 (mostly in rust)
Advent of Code 2021 Small code to solve problems at https://adventofcode.com/2021. Most of the code are written in Rust. How to run solutions For exam
Cookiecutter templates for Serverless applications using AWS SAM and the Rust programming language.
Cookiecutter SAM template for Lambda functions in Rust This is a Cookiecutter template to create a serverless application based on the Serverless Appl
zine/book about bitmap drawing algorithms and math with code examples in Rust
A Bitmapper's Companion - zine/book about bitmap drawing algorithms and math with code examples in Rust A small zine/book written in LaTeX. In progres
A ddns client written in Rust.
ddns-rs ready for use with one cloudflare A/AAAA record 🥰 A ddns client written in Rust. Features get public ip cloudflare (A or AAAA record) toml co
A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output
Get Started Install delta and add this to your ~/.gitconfig: [core] pager = delta [interactive] diffFilter = delta --color-only [delta]
SHA1: Rust vs. OpenSSL performance
SHA1: Rust vs. OpenSSL On an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor. Archlinux x86_64. Linux 5.15.5-arch1-1. Short = 8 bytes, long = 64 bytes and huge = 5
Rust I18n is use Rust codegen for load YAML file storage translations on compile time, and give you a t! macro for simply get translation texts.
Rust I18n Rust I18n is use Rust codegen for load YAML file storage translations on compile time, and give you a t! macro for simply get translation te
Network Block Storage server, written in Rust. Supports pluggable and chainable underlying storage
nbd-rs Disclaimer DO NEVER USE THIS FOR PRODUCTION Do not use this for any data that you cannot afford to lose any moment. Expect data loss, corruptio
Sorting-in-rust-jadyn-nicholas created by GitHub Classroom
Sorting in Rust Overview Traits Running the code and the tests To Do Overview This lab uses various sorting algorithms as examples several features of
A toy re-implementation of GNU Grep by Rust.
Mini Grep Mini Grep is a simple rust re-implementation of GNU Grep, which means it could just implement limited functions, such as searching specific
Todo application on Atmos (WebAssembly with WASI)
Get starting Install subo CLI at https://github.com/suborbital/subo Build todo app cd todos subo build . Run docker compose docker compose up Pl
Rust crate to enable ANSI escape code support on Windows.
enable-ansi-support: Enable ANSI escape code support on Windows 10 About This crate provides one function, enable_ansi_support, which allows ANSI esca
A translation of akaritakai/AdventOfCode2021 into Rust
Advent Of Code 2021 Solutions This repo contains my Advent Of Code 2021 solutions in Rust. This repo is a learning opportunity (a "my first Rust proje
Tests a wide variety of N64 features, from common to hardware quirks. Written in Rust. Executes quickly.
n64-systemtest Tests a wide variety of N64 features, from common to hardware quirks. Written in Rust. Executes quickly. n64-systemtest is a test rom t
Highly experimental, pure-Rust big integer library
grou-num (Pronounced "groo", from the Chiac meaning "big") This package is a highly experimental, unstable big integer library. I would not recommend
Advent of Code 2021, also an attempt to practice a bit of Rust.
Advent of Code 2021 Advent of Code 2021 (my first one!), also an attempt to practice a bit of Rust. Running (Assuming that the respective inputs are i
A working example of multi targets compilation for Rust using Github Actions.
A working example of multi targets compilation for Rust using Github Actions. Supports Windows, MacOSX, x86_64, ARM and Raspberry PI Linux.
Advent of Code 2021 (Rust)
aoc-2021 Advent of Code 2021 with Rust. To build and run the project This project uses cargo-aoc. More detailed instructions can be found at that proj
A proc-macro to get Vecu8 from struct and vise versa
byteme A proc-macro to convert a struct into Vec and back by implemeting From trait on the struct. The conversion is Big Endian by default. We have ma
Variable-length signed and unsigned integer encoding that is byte-orderable for Rust
ordered-varint Provides variable-length signed and unsigned integer encoding that is byte-orderable. This crate provides the Variable trait which enco
Telegram bot for searching in Arch User Repository ( AUR ); Implemented using rust.
AurSearchBot A Telegram Inline Search Bot Written in Rust Introduction Telegram Bot that can search AUR ( Arch User Repository ) in inline mode. This
Most intuitive global cli maker. *(lazy_static + config-rs + clap)
argone Most intuitive global cli maker. *(lazy_static + config-rs + clap) | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | [dependencies] argone = "0.5" Phases Parsi
C API to SpringQL (for embedded mode)
SpringQL C Client This repository is a C client for SpringQL and provides it provides: springql.h: C header file. libspringql_client.{so,dylib}: Share
Repository with my Advent of Code 2021 puzzle solutions 🎄
🎄 Advent of Code 2021 🎄 I decided to stick with Rust this year and try to improve a bit on it, I basically haven't used it since last year's AoC, so
Roadmap to becoming a Rust Web Developer in 2021
Roadmap to becoming a Rust Web Developer in 2021
GUI app for managing Docker
dockeye GUI app for managing Docker Installation Prebuilt packages Download one of the archives available on the releases page and extract it somewher
Interactive bind/reverse PTY shell with Windows&Linux support implementation by Rust.
Cliws Lightweight interactive bind/reverse PTY shell with Windows&Linux support implementation by Rust. Features WebSocket Full pty support: VIM, SSH,
Common data structures and algorithms for competitive programming in Rust
algorithm-rs algorithm-rs is common data structures and algorithms for competitive programming in Rust. Contents TBA How To Contribute Contributions a
A doubly-linked list for Rust backed by generational-arena.
generational_token_list A doubly-linked list backed by generational-arena. Inspired by indexlist. Instead of returning pointers or numerical indices t
Advent of Code 2021 puzzles & solutions in Rust
Advent of Code 2021 These are puzzles for the Advent of Code 2021 challenge, written and solved in the Rust programming language. The puzzle for each
⭐ Advent of Code 2021: Мade with Rust
Advent of Code 2021: Мade with Rust When I was solving puzzles, my goal was to practice writing idiomatic Rust. My solutions do not claim to be the fa
Qovery Engine is an open-source abstraction layer library that turns easy apps deployment on AWS, GCP, Azure, and other Cloud providers in just a few minutes.
Qovery Engine is an open-source abstraction layer library that turns easy apps deployment on AWS, GCP, Azure, and other Cloud providers in just a few minutes.
A mini async telnet client.
mini-telnet A mini async telnet client.
BPF library for Async Rust, complementary for libbpf-rs.
libbpf-async A library for writing BPF programs in Async Rust, complementary for libbpf-rs, Rust wrapper for libbpf. Currently, this provides Async-fr
Portable linked-list allocator designed for baremetal systems
Palloc Portable linked-list allocator for embedded / baremetal systems. Using the crate Include this in the [dependencies] section of Cargo.toml pallo
An implementation of NZ COVID Pass verification written in Rust
NZCP Rust An implementation of NZ COVID Pass verification, New Zealand's proof of COVID-19 vaccination solution, written in Rust 🦀 We also have a J
The rust implementation of the Defluencer command line interface.
Defluencer CLI IPFS daemon must be running before using the CLI. Command: ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment --enable-namesys-pubsub For more info
A port of dlmalloc to Rust.
dlmalloc-rs A port of dlmalloc to Rust. Documentation Why dlmalloc? This crate is a port of dlmalloc to Rust, and doesn't rely on C. The primary purpo
A tool to make grocery lists written in Rust
grusterylist: makes grocery lists, written in Rust grusterylist uses and can add to local libraries of user-added recipes and grocery items to put tog
A query builder that builds and typechecks queries at compile time
typed-qb: a compile-time typed "query builder" typed-qb is a compile-time, typed, query builder. The goal of this crate is to explore the gap between
Simple example for building a blockchain in Rust
rust-blockchain-example Simple example for building a blockchain in Rust Start using RUST_LOG=info cargo run This starts the client locally. The block
Machine learning Neural Network in Rust
vinyana vinyana - stands for mind in pali language. Goal To implement a simple Neural Network Library in order to understand the maths behind it. This
Rust library to interract with memory written in rust
memory-rs Rust library to interract with memory written in rust It comes with: Pattern scanner (Return address for a pattern given). A pattern example
A prototype project integrating jni rust into Kotlin and using protobuf to make them work together
KotlinRustProto a prototype project integrating jni rust into Kotlin and using protobuf to make them work together How to start add a RPC call in Droi
Chip8 emulator written in pure rust, using rust-sdl2 for graphics
Rust-8 chip8 emulator written in rust, using rust-sdl2 for graphics. Features Fully implemented all 35 original chip8 opcodes. This emulator does NOT
A Chip8 Emulator written in Rust
Chipper: Chipper is a Chip8 Emulator written in Rust. It currently supports a few known quirks of the Chip8 varieties. I intend on making it support t
Python package to compute levensthein distance in rust
Contents Introduction Installation Usage License Introduction Rust implementation of levensthein distance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_d
Wrapper around atspi-code to provide higher-level at-spi Rust bindings
atspi Wrapper around atspi-codegen to provide higher-level at-spi Rust bindings. Contributions Take a look at our atspi-codegen crate, and try inpleme
The rust implementation of IPLD schemas and some associated functionalities.
Linked Data IPLD schemas and what to do with them. Beacon Directory of user content and metadata. Since this object should not change it can be used a
My Window Manager
mwm My window manager that is a work in progress. Currently hacky Installation Clone this repo then: cargo build --release Put the binary in your pat
All-batteries included GStreamer WebRTC producer
webrtcsink All-batteries included GStreamer WebRTC producer, that tries its best to do The Right Thing™. Use case The webrtcbin element in GStreamer i
Rust crate `needleman_wunsch` of the `fasebare` package: reading FASTA sequences, Needleman-Wunsch alignment
fasebare Rust crate needleman_wunsch of the fasebare package: reading FASTA sequences, Needleman-Wunsch alignment. Synopsis The crate needleman_wunsch
suidsnoop is a tool based on eBPF LSM programs that logs whenever a suid binary is executed and implements custom allow/deny lists.
suidsnoop Log suid binaries and enforce per-uid suid policy. suidsnoop is a tool for logging whenever a suid binary is executed on your system and opt
Life simulation written in rust
Life simulation written in Rust, inspired by this very old screensaver: https://sourceforge.net/projects/primlife/ Demo: https://joelthelion.github.io
Succinct data structures in Rust
sucds: Succinct data structures in Rust sucds contains some succinct data structures written in Rust. Data structures So far, the following data struc
A Minecraft mod manager for the terminal.
Hopper A Minecraft mod manager for the terminal. Donate High-level Goals modrinth mod searching modrinth mod installation curseforge api too? per-inst
Fastest lz4 compression library in Node.js, powered by napi-rs and lz4-flex.
Lz4 Fastest lz4 compression library in Node.js, powered by napi-rs and lz4-flex. Install this package yarn add lz4-napi API export function compress:
Rust implementation of the Edge IoT framework
A Rust-based implementation of Edge-rs for the Raspberry Pi Pico Getting started For more details see the following article on getting started for get
Learning rust by coding different sorting algorithms in it
Sorting in Rust Sorting a 32 bit unsigned integer vector by using: Radix Sort Quick Sort Merge Sort Bubble Sort Inbuilt Sort (Probably Tim Sort) This
Brainfuck interpreter written in rust
Brainfuck Interpreter Written in Rust Simple Interpreter that runs bare Brainfuck and extends it with debug command # which prints content of first te
ROT Cipher implementation in rust, supports rot1 to rot25.
rotcipher-rs ROT Cipher implementation in rust, supports rot1 to rot25. Supported ROT ciphers ROT1 up to ROT25, it is also possible to make custom ROT
TAT agent is an agent written in Rust, which run in CVM or Lighthouse instances.
TAT agent is an agent written in Rust, which run in CVM, Lighthouse or CPM 2.0 instances. Its role is to run commands remotely without ssh login, invoked from TencentCloud Console/API. Commands include but not limited to: Shell, PowerShell, Python. TAT stands for TencentCloud Automation Tools. See more info at https://cloud.tencent.com/product/tat.
A CLI tool to find the dominant colours in an image 🎨
dominant_colours This is a command-line tool for finding the dominant colours of an image. It prints their hex codes to the terminal, along with a pre
A Rust encoder/decoder for Dominic Szablewski's QOI format for fast, lossless image compression.
QOI - The “Quite OK Image” format This is a Rust encoder and decoder for Dominic Szablewski's QOI format for fast, lossless image compression. See the
Rust port of the Quite Okay Image format
qoi_rs What is this? A pretty boring Rust translation of qoi. Status What's there Encode & Decode works Results agree with the C implementation for al
A Rust no-std (de)compressor based on PAQ
MASHI まし A 100% no-std compatible Rust implementation of a PAQ style arithmetic coding, context mixing compressor. Its intended use case is compressin
A mini paste bin and url shortener written in rust without databases.
pb Build $ cargo build --release Environment Variables PB_DATA: /some/path (Default: ./pb_data) PB_SITE: Url of your site. (Default: http://localhost:
A simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javascript.
FnXY Programming Language Quick move: CONTRIBUTING | LICENSE What? FnXY is a simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javas
A game for the game jam "1-Button Jam 2021"
One click ninja A game for the game jam "1-Button Jam 2021" written in Rust with the Bevy engine. A rhythm game, where you play a soldier that can def
How to use libtor in a Rust app
libtor example Uses libtor crate to run a Tor daemon in process. This example spawns the Tor daemon using Tokio's spawn_blocking, and then spawns othe
Send copy events over the network
Copiepate Copiepate is a small utility to remotely set the content of a clipboard. I created this tool as I frequently use a remote tmux+vim setup and
Ecoball Node is the Official Rust implementation of the Ecoball protocol.
Ecoball Node is the Official Rust implementation of the Ecoball protocol. It is a fork of OpenEthereum - https://github.com/openethereum/
Rust SDK for working with RIS-Live real-time BGP data stream.
ris-live-rs Provides parsing functions for RIS-Live real-time BGP message stream JSON data. The main parsing function, parse_ris_live_message converts