Use explicit container types with Scrypto! Leverage the Rust compiler's type checking to increase security and productivity when developing Radix blueprints.


Scrypto Static Types

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Use explicit container types with Scrypto! Leverage the Rust compiler's type checking to increase security and productivity when developing Radix blueprints.

A Scrypto (Rust) library for static types, featuring:

  • A simple, usable, safe, and (by default) zero-cost API for compile-time static type checking of resources.
  • Safe drop in replacements for Bucket (use: BucketOf<MYTOKEN>) and Vault (use: VaultOf<MYTOKEN>). Perfectly coexists with existing builtin types so you can gradually apply these only where you need them.
  • Conveniently defined BucketOf<XRD> and VaultOf<XRD>
  • Simple macro to declare new resources: declare_resource!(MYTOKEN)
  • Optional feature runtime_typechecks for safety critical code, or use in testing.

It's also worth pointing out what scrypto_statictypes is not:

  • A silver bullet. This library can ensure that within a single component there are no resource mismatches, and it can do this all at compile time. But, There is no completely static way to ensure proper usage of resources received by a component. Any (incorrect) ABI may be used when calling a function or method on a component. Transactions are inherently dynamic with arguments referencing ResourceDef's which are simply wrappers around an Address. Runtime checks are still needed, and luckily are performed by the Radix Engine. However, this library can still help avoid implementation errors which would go undetected by the Radix Engine (ie. burning the wrong type of resource).


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

scrypto_statictypes = { git = "" }

Optionally, add this to your Cargo.toml for extra checks at runtime:

default = ["scrypto_statictypes/runtime_typechecks"]

Setup static types in your code near the top:

use scrypto::prelude::*;             // This doesn't replace Scrypto's builtin types.  You will still need them sometimes.
use scrypto_statictypes::prelude::*; // opt-in to use scrypto_statictypes!

// Give a name to any resource you want to statically type check.
declare_resource!(MYTOKEN);             // without a known address
// declare_resource!(XRD, RADIX_TOKEN); // or with a known address (but this line isn't needed, scrypto_statictypes already conveniently includes it)

Simple example for a blueprint which creates a token with a declared MYTOKEN resource:

use scrypto::prelude::*;             // This doesn't replace Scrypto's builtin types.  You will still need them sometimes.
use scrypto_statictypes::prelude::*; // opt-in to use scrypto_statictypes

// the new way
declare_resource!(MYTOKEN); // declare a name for a resource that this blueprint creates, or when the `Address` is unknown or not needed.

blueprint! {
    struct MyComponent {
        // my_vault: Vault // the old way
        my_vault: VaultOf<MYTOKEN> // the new way
    pub fn new() -> Component {
        let my_bucket = ResourceBuilder::new()  // notice we didn't have to explicitly write out the type ie. Bucket<MYTOKEN>
            .metadata("name", "MyToken")
            .metadata("symbol", "MYTOKEN")
            .into(); // the new way: .into() needed to convert Bucket -> Bucket<MYTOKEN>
        Self {
            // my_vault: Vault::with_bucket(my_bucket) // the old way
            my_vault: VaultOf::with_bucket(my_bucket) // the new way: use VaultOf instead of Vault
    // or even fewer changes when only setting up a vault.
    pub fn new_easier() -> Component {
        let my_bucket = ResourceBuilder::new()  // this is a regular Bucket, but we're only using it to fill the vault
            .metadata("name", "MyToken")
            .metadata("symbol", "MYTOKEN")
        Self {
            // my_vault: Vault::with_bucket(my_bucket) // the old way
            my_vault: Vault::with_bucket(my_bucket).into() // the new way: .into() needed to convert Vault -> VaultOf<MYTOKEN>

    // old way (or for when the resource type really is allowed to be anything, just keep using Bucket)
    pub fn receive_any_tokens(&mut self, bucket: Bucket) { /* ... */ }

    // new way - and when optional feature `runtime_typechecks` is enabled, the resource is confirmed to match a "MYTOKEN" before the function body executes.
    pub fn receive_my_tokens(&mut self, bucket: BucketOf<MYTOKEN>) { /* ... */ }

For any buckets where the asset is of a known type (most of them) replace:

Bucket -> BucketOf<MYTOKEN>

Similarly with vaults, replace:

Vault -> VaultOf<MYTOKEN>

This provides a way to explicitly name any resource. It can be used for anything that can go in a Bucket or Vault. This includes badges and (once they land in main) NFTs.

You can replace function/method argument and return types, local variables, fields in structs (including the main component storage struct) etc,

It's also on the TODO list to add ABI support so that import!(...) can have these same explicit types listed so the generated stub functions are created with these new types too.

You can add typing gradually to your blueprint, or start at the beginning. Simply use some_bucket.into() or some_vault.into() at any boundaries between known/expected static types and unknown dynamic types.


More details can be found in the API documentation including a more complex example.

Crate Features

Optionally, the following features can be enabled:

  • runtime_checks enables checking for type mismatches at runtime when converting between builtin dynamic types (ie. Bucket or Vault) and static types.
    • This may catch errors earlier than the builtin checks that happen on ie. Bucket::put and similar, and in some cases could detect bugs that would go undetected, such as calling Bucket::burn on the wrong bucket.
    • This relies on either an address provided when declaring the resource with declare_resource!(NAME, ADDRESS) or if no address is provided the implementation remembers the first address seen and checks all future accesses match. This works nicely when a component contains VaultOf<NAME> because the Radix Engine will instantiate the component struct very early and decode a Vid into the VaultOf<NAME> which correctly binds the address.
    • Errors caught are trapped to the Radix Engine runtime failing the transaction immediately in exactly the same way as when using Bucket or Vault, even with the exact same error as with a "bad" Bucket::put or Vault::put. Respectively Err(InvokeError(Trap(Trap { kind: Host(BucketError(MismatchingResourceDef)) }))) and Err(InvokeError(Trap(Trap { kind: Host(VaultError(AccountingError(MismatchingResourceDef))) })))


See the directories in /examples for complete scrypto packages utilizing this functionality.

  • /examples/mycomponent - Same example as in the API reference (master branch) so you can easily try and see the compiler errors
  • /examples/badburn1 - Example blueprint which does NOT use scrypto_statictypes and has a logic error which leads to burning the bucket argument even if it was the wrong asset
  • /examples/fixburn1 - Direct modification of BadBurn to use static types everywhere, and enable runtime type checks. The test case shows the "bad burn" is caught and the tx fails. -- checkout just the diff of changes in /misc/bad2fixburn1.diff


Scrypto Static Types is suitable for general usage, but not yet at 1.0. We maintain compatibility with Scrypto and pinned versions of the Rust compiler (see below).

Current Scrypto Static Types versions are:

  • Version 0.1 was the initial release on December 1st 2021, when Scrypto was still "pre-0.1"

The intent is to:

  • Keep the main branch in sync with the radixdlt-scrypto main branch
  • Keep the develop branch in sync with the radixdlt-scrypto develop branch
    • As a best effort, mostly to support keeping up with main as quickly as possible

A detailed changelog is available for releases (or at least major changes, until we have releases).

Scrypto Static Types has not yet reached 1.0 implying some breaking changes may arrive in the future (SemVer allows each 0.x.0 release to include breaking changes), but breaking changes are minimized and breaking releases are infrequent.

When specifying the dependency requirement using scrypto_statictypes = { git = "" } the latest release will always be used, ignoring SemVer. When Scrypto is published to, this library will also be published and it is advised to update your Cargo.toml then to scrypto_statictypes = "^0" or later.

Yanked versions

Some versions of Scrypto Static Types crates may be yanked ("unreleased") from Where this occurs, the crate's CHANGELOG should be updated with a rationale, and a search on the issue tracker with the keyword yank should uncover the motivation.

Rust version requirements

Since version 0.1, Scrypto Static Types requires Rustc version 1.56 (2021 edition) or greater.

Continuous Integration (CI) will always test the minimum supported Rustc version (the MSRV). The current policy is that this can be updated in any Scrypto Static Types release if required, but the change must be noted in the changelog.

Why and How?

I believe Radix will be a game-changing technology stack for Decentralized Finance. Scrypto is already amazing and going to continue to evolve. I think at this very early stage it does so many things right, however it's a missed opportunity to treat all Buckets and Vaults as dynamic types that could hold anything, when in fact they are bound by their ResourceDef upon creation (for Buckets) and the moment something is deposited (for Vaults). This can lead to entire classes of logic errors which are otherwise not possible. This means lost productivity at best, and real vulnerabilities at worst. I didn't want development practices to standardize leaving these gaps.

So, I took up the challenge to find a usable way to recreate strong static types with no runtime cost. This meant not introducing a new API for dealing with Vaults and Buckets. This is possible with minimal reimplementation which is inlined and effectively disappears since they are just proxies around the original types. The main changes are to enable type propagation in parameters and return types, and then implementing Rust's Deref and DerefMut traits gets us the rest of the way. It makes the usage seamless. And since it's implemented with Rust's generics and PhantomData there is no extra storage of the type information.

Then, going a step further I added runtime tests of the underlying Addresses. This is behind a feature flag so is opt-in as it does add some extra performance overhead. But, there are cases where it can absolutely detect a logic error due to misuse of a Bucket or Vault, when the current Radix Engine constraints would not stop the error. This is because the Radix Engine just doesn't have the information about the developer's intent. By what is effectly more specific type annotations this intent can be captured and then appropriately tested leading to failed transactions instead of vulnerabilities.

All of this is completely optional, and it can be used to gradually add types to programs where it is helpful.

My hope is that others find this valuable and make good use of it. I would actually love to see this upstreamed completely into Scrypto. But if that never happens at least we have what is hopefully a high quality library.


You can support the original author (devmannic) with tips by sending XRD or other tokens on the Radix protocol mainnet to:



Scrypto Static Types is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).


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    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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    Source code(zip)
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