A repository full of manually generated hand curated JSON files, which contain the API Types that the Discord API returns.


Discord API Types

A repository full of manually generated hand curated JSON files, which contain the API Types that the Discord API returns.

Also did I mention that everything in ./src can be parsed easily! That means you can write a parser to generate classes/structs/enums/etc for your Discord API wrapper or bot!

Primitive Types

  • null
  • string
  • integer
  • float
  • bool
  • array[{type}]

{type} can either be a primitive type, advanced type or a special type

Advanced Types

Advanced Types are PascalCased and are scattered around ./src, "advanced types" are basically the objects the API returns

All keys are sorted alphabetically in an advanced type, but the types itself might be sorted by relevance

Special Types

These types are just to make life easier

  • union[{types}] Used when the type can be one or more primitive and/or advanced objects
  • enum[{enum}] Used when the type is from an enum
  • snowflake Used as an alias to string, mainly exists because people might want to have their own custom implementation of sorts for a snowflake type
  • timestamp an ISO-8601 timestamp

The Schema

This is the base schema:

{name}: {
    "type": {type},
    "required": {true|false},
    "nullable": {true|false},

type: can either be a primitive or an advanced type
required: if this is true then the field is required to be sent in the payload
nullable: if this is true, then the feild can be sent as null in the payload


Payload with fields

"Hello": {
    "_trace": {
        "type": "array[string]",
        "required": true,
        "nullable": false
    "heartbeat_interval": {
        "type": "integer",
        "required": true,
        "nullable": false

Payload with NO fields

"Heartbeat": {
    "type": "integer",
    "required": true,
    "nullable": true


The payload format is not mentioned in any of the files in ./src
But it is understood that you interpret it as this:

"GatewayPayload": {
    "d": {
        "type": "union[Identify, ConnectionProperties, Resume, Heartbeat, RequestGuildMembers, UpdateVoiceState, UpdatePresence, Hello, Ready, Resumed, Reconnect, InvalidSession, ChannelCreate, ChannelUpdate, ChannelDelete, ChannelPinsUpdate, ThreadCreate, ThreadUpdate, ThreadDelete, ThreadListSync, ThreadMemberUpdate, ThreadMembersUpdate, GuildCreate, GuildUpdate, GuildDelete, GuildBanAdd, GuildBanRemove, GuildEmojisUpdate, GuildStickersUpdate, GuildIntegrationsUpdate, GuildMemberAdd, GuildMemberRemove, GuildMemberUpdate, GuildMembersChunk, GuildRoleCreate, GuildRoleUpdate, GuildRoleDelete, GuildScheduledEventCreate, GuildScheduledEventUpdate, GuildScheduledEventDelete, GuildScheduledEventUserAdd, GuildScheduledEventUserRemove, IntegrationCreate, IntegrationUpdate, IntegrationDelete, InteractionCreate, InviteCreate, InviteDelete, MessageCreate, MessageUpdate, MessageDelete, MessageDeleteBulk, MessageReactionAdd, MessageReactionRemove, MessageReactionRemoveAll, MessageReactionRemoveEmoji, PresenceUpdate, StageInstanceCreate, StageInstanceDelete, StageInstanceUpdate, TypingStart, UserUpdate, VoiceStateUpdate, VoiceServerUpdate, WebhooksUpdate]",
        "required": true,
        "nullable": true
    "op": {
        "type": "integer",
        "required": true,
        "nullable": false
    "s": {
        "type": "union[integer, null]",
        "required": false,
        "nullable": true
    "t": {
        "type": "union[string, null]",
        "required": false,
        "nullable": true
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