The rust implementation of IPLD schemas and some associated functionalities.


Linked Data

IPLD schemas and what to do with them.


Directory of user content and metadata. Since this object should not change it can be used as a unique identifier. Always resolve the IPNS address to get the most up to date content. If using IPNS over PubSub, you can also subscribe to a IPNS topic for live update. Use friend list to crawl the social web.

IPLD Schemas

type Beacon struct {
    identity IPNS
    content_feed optional IPNS
    comments optional IPNS
    live optional IPNS
    friends optional IPNS
    bans optional IPNS
    mods optional IPNS

type IPNS string # IPNS address


A user name and avatar.

IPLD Schemas

type Identity struct {
    display_name String # Your choosen name
    avatar Link # Link to an image

Content Feed

An anchor for a user's content. Chronological order is used. Other indexing methods could be used.

IPLD Schemas

type FeedAnchor struct {
    content [Media]

type Media union {
    | &MicroPost link
    | &FullPost link
    | &VideoMetadata link
} representation kinded


An anchor for a user's comments. Indexed by the content they commented on. Other indexing methods could be used.

IPLD Schemas

type Commentary struct {
    "comments": {String:[&Comment]} # Keys are CIDs of the content being commented on.

type Comment struct {
    timestamp Int # Unix Time
    origin Link # CID of content being commented on.
    comment String


A list of friends you follow.

IPLD Schemas

type Friendlies struct {
  friends [Friend] 

type Friend union {
    | ENS string # ENS domain name linked to Beacon
    | Beacon link # Link to Beacon
} representation kinded

type ENS string
type Beacon link

Chat Moderation

Moderator can send ban/mod messages via PubSub. The message should be signed. The schemas are list of banned users and moderators.

IPLD Schemas

type ETHAddress bytes # Ethereum address are 20 bytes.

type Bans struct {
    banned_addrs [ETHAddress]

type Moderators struct {
    moderator_addrs [ETHAddress]


Display Name and GossipSub Peer ID are signed using Ethereum Keys then the address, name, id, and signature are added to IPFS returning a CID. When receiving a pubsub message this CID is used to fetch and verify that IDs matches and signature is correct.

IPLD Schemas

type Text string

type Ban struct {
    ban_peer String
    ban_addrs ETHAddress

type Moderator struct {
    mod_peer String
    mod_addrs ETHAddress

type MessageType union {
    | Text string
    | Ban map   # ETH address and peer Id of the person to ban.
    | Moderator map # The ETH address and peer Id of the new moderator.
} representation kinded

type ChatID struct {
    peer_id String
    name String

type SignedMessage {
    address ETHAddress

    data ChatID

    signature Bytes # 65 bytes

type ChatMessage struct {
    message MessageType

    signature &SignedMessage


A video node contains links to segments of videos of all quality. As video is streamed, new video nodes are created and linked to previous ones. A special node contains the stream setup data; codecs, qualities, initialization segments, etc...

IPLD Schemas

type VideoNode struct {
    tracks {String:Link} # Name of the track egg "audio" or "1080p60" & link to video segment data
    setup optional &SetupNode
    previous optional &VideoNode

type SetupNode struct {
    tracks [Track] # Sorted from lowest to highest bitrate.

type Track struct {
    name String
    codec String #Mime type
    init_seg Link # Link to the initialization segment data
    bandwidth Int


Timecode nodes are created at specific intervals and linked together to form a structure around the video allowing it to be addressable by timecode. Video clips are subgraph of the whole.

IPLD Schemas

type VideoMetadata struct {
    timestamp Int # Unix time
    duration Float
    image Link # Poster & Thumbnail
    video &TimeCodeNode
    title String

type TimeCodeNode struct {
    time &DayNode

type DayNode struct {
    hour [&HourNode]

type HourNode struct {
    minute [&MinuteNode]

type MinuteNode struct {
    second [&SecondNode]

type SecondNode struct {
    video &VideoNode
    chat [&ChatMessage]


Micro-blogging & long form via markdown files.

IPLD Schemas

type MicroPost struct {
    timestamp Int # Unix Time
    content String

type FullPost struct {
    timestamp Int # Unix Time
    content Link # Link to markdown file
    image Link
    title String


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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