6152 Repositories
Rust rust-nostr Libraries
Coinbase pro client for Rust
Coinbase pro client for Rust Supports SYNC/ASYNC/Websocket-feed data support Features private and public API sync and async support websocket-feed sup
A high performance blockchain kernel for enterprise users.
English | 简体中文 What is CITA CITA is a fast and scalable blockchain kernel for enterprises. CITA supports both native contract and EVM contract, by whi
A Rust library for working with Bitcoin SV
Rust-SV A library to build Bitcoin SV applications in Rust. Documentation Features P2P protocol messages (construction and serialization) Address enco
⚙️ Workshop Publishing Utility for Garry's Mod, written in Rust & Svelte and powered by Tauri
⚙️ gmpublisher Currently in Beta development. A powerful and feature-packed Workshop publisher for Garry's Mod is finally here! Click for downloads Ar
SIMD-accelerated UTF-8 validation for Rust.
simdutf8 – High-speed UTF-8 validation for Rust Blazingly fast API-compatible UTF-8 validation for Rust using SIMD extensions, based on the implementa
Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow
Native Rust implementation of Apache Arrow Welcome to the implementation of Arrow, the popular in-memory columnar format, in Rust. This part of the Ar
Trait aliases on stable Rust
trait-set: trait aliases on stable Rust Status: Project info: Support for trait aliases on stable Rust. Description This crate provide support for tra
Cassette A simple, single-future, non-blocking executor intended for building state machines.
Cassette A simple, single-future, non-blocking executor intended for building state machines. Designed to be no-std and embedded friendly. This execut
Rust library that can be reset if you think it's slow
GoodbyeKT Rust library that can be reset if you think it's slow
MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine
MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine. Both searching and indexing are highly customizable. Features such as typo-tolerance, filters, and synonyms are provided out-of-the-box. For more information about features go to our documentation.
Polkadot Node Implementation
Polkadot Implementation of a https://polkadot.network node in Rust based on the Substrate framework. NOTE: In 2018, we split our implementation of "Po
Rust Ethereum 2.0 Client
Lighthouse: Ethereum 2.0 An open-source Ethereum 2.0 client, written in Rust and maintained by Sigma Prime. Documentation Overview Lighthouse is: Read
Theseus is a modern OS written from scratch in Rust that explores 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧, novel OS structure, and state management. It strives to close the semantic gap between compiler and hardware in order to maximally leverage the power of language safety, and thus shift OS responsibilities (resource management) into the compiler.
Theseus OS Theseus is a new OS written from scratch in Rust to experiment with novel OS structure, better state management, and how to shift OS respon
Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
ggez What is this? ggez is a Rust library to create a Good Game Easily. The current version is 0.6.0-rc0. This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE version, which m
Data-oriented and data-driven game engine written in Rust
What is Amethyst? Amethyst is a data-driven and data-oriented game engine aiming to be fast and as configurable as possible. Principles These principl
A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
What is Bevy? Bevy is a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust. It is free and open-source forever! WARNING Bevy is still in the ve
A super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds.
warp A super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds. The fundamental building block of warp is the Filter: they can be combined and co
A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. https://www.getzola.org
zola (né Gutenberg) A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. Documentation is available on its site or in the docs/co
Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps
Yew Rust / Wasm client web app framework Documentation (stable) | Documentation (latest) | Examples | Changelog | Roadmap | 简体中文文档 | 繁體中文文檔 | ドキュメント A
A web framework for Rust.
Rocket Rocket is an async web framework for Rust with a focus on usability, security, extensibility, and speed. #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; #[g
Find files with SQL-like queries
Find files with SQL-like queries
Strongly typed routes for Rust
routetype This repository is a work in progress, experimental exploration of strongly typed routing in Rust. It follows my previous work with Yesod in
Starbomb Somebody 😃
Star it all A Utility to Star All Repos From a User Inspired by this Installation cargo install star-it-all Usage star-it-all 1.0 William Lane willia
A language server for lua written in rust
lua-analyzer lua-analyzer is a lsp server for lua. This is mostly for me to learn the lsp protocol and language analysis so suggestions are helpful. T
Scion is a tiny 2D game library built on top of wgpu, winit and legion.
Scion is a 2D game library made in rust. Please note that this project is in its first milestones and is subject to change according to convience need
Easy-to-use optional function arguments for Rust
OptArgs uses const generics to ensure compile-time correctness. I've taken the liberty of expanding and humanizing the macros in the reference examples.
A programmable document database inspired by CouchDB written in Rust
PliantDB PliantDB aims to be a Rust-written, ACID-compliant, document-database inspired by CouchDB. While it is inspired by CouchDB, this project will
Rust Tokio 异步多客户端网络框架 高并发 插件化
Rust实现的异步多客户端网络框架,基于tokio和mlua,可自定义通讯协议 插件化采用lua。应用场景im,game server,bot等.
Pure-Rust rewrite of the Linux fontconfig library (no system dependencies) - using ttf-parser and allsorts
rust-fontconfig Pure-Rust rewrite of the Linux fontconfig library (no system dependencies) - using allsorts as a font parser in order to parse .woff,
🍋: A General Lock following paper "Optimistic Lock Coupling: A Scalable and Efficient General-Purpose Synchronization Method"
Optimistic Lock Coupling from paper "Optimistic Lock Coupling: A Scalable and Efficient General-Purpose Synchronization Method" In actual projects, th
Rholang runtime in rust
Rholang Runtime A rholang runtime written in Rust.
🔭 Annict での今期の視聴状況を SVG 画像として出力するサーバ (WIP)
annict-profile-card 🔭 Annict の視聴状況などを SVG 画像として出力する API サーバ (WIP) Annict GraphQL API を使用しています。
A substrate pallet that enables Manta's decentialized anynonymous payment (DAP) protocol.
This is a pallet that enables decentialized anynonymous payment (DAP) protocol. The best way to use this repo is to invoke it with a manta-runtime, available from either manta-node or cumulus.
a hobby OS for x86_64 based on MikanOS.
a hobby OS for x86_64 based on MikanOS.
Simple RSA VDF in Rust
Simple RSA VDF in Rust
Playwright is a rust library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit built on top of Node.js library.
🎭 Playwright for Rust Playwright is a rust library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit built on top of Node.js library. Installation [dependenci
Text Renderer written in Rust using HarfBuzz for shaping, FreeType for rasterization and OpenGL for rendering.
Provok Text Renderer written in Rust using HarfBuzz for shaping, FreeType for rasterization and OpenGL for rendering. Input Provok is fed with a JSON
An implementation for an authentication API for Rocket applications.
rocket_auth rocket_auth provides a ready-to-use backend agnostic API for authentication management. For more information visit the documentation at ht
Fluvio is a high-performance distributed streaming platform that's written in Rust
Fluvio is a high-performance distributed streaming platform that's written in Rust, built to make it easy to develop real-time applications.
Rocker is a minimal docker implementation for educational purposes.
Rocker is a minimal docker implementation for educational purposes inspired by gocker. Rocker uses linux kernel features (namespace, cgroup, chroot etc.) to isolate container processes and limit available resourses.
Rocker is a minimal docker implementation for educational purposes.
Rocker is a minimal docker implementation for educational purposes inspired by gocker. Rocker uses linux kernel features (namespace, cgroup, chroot etc.) to isolate container processes and limit available resourses.
Compile-time creation of neural networks
Mushin: Compile-time creation of neural networks Mushin is a Japanese term used in martial arts that refers to the state of mind obtained by practice.
An n-tuple pendulum simulator in Rust + WebAssembly (and JavaScript)
An n-tuple pendulum simulator in Rust + WebAssembly (and JavaScript) Remaking this n-tuple pendulum simulator moving the math to Rust 🦀 and WebAssemb
🦀 In progress Rust library for dogehouse.tv 🦀
dogehouse-rs WARNING: Still work in progress do not use yet Example In Cargo.toml dogehouse-rs = "*" In src/main.rs use dogehouse_rs::prelude::*; use
A tokio-uring backed runtime for Rust
tokio-uring A proof-of-concept runtime backed by io-uring while maintaining compatibility with the Tokio ecosystem. This is a proof of concept and not
Left Recursive PEG for rust
Left Recursive Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) lrpeg allows left recursive rules, and uses ratpack parsing for speed. I wrote a blog post to introduc
An example of a Kubernetes operator implemented in Rust
Rust Kubernetes operator example A Kubernetes operator built on top of kube-rs project. There is an explanatory article available. Steps to run on Lin
:construction: EXPERIMENTAL :construction: Secure hidden service webserver
narnia narnia is a fast static webserver specifically designed for Tor hidden services. It's also able to spawn a Tor thread and expose itself as a hi
(WIP) Taking the pain away from file (de)compression
Ouch! ouch loosely stands for Obvious Unified Compression files Helper and aims to be an easy and intuitive way of compressing and decompressing files
Ergo is a low-code IFTTT/Zapier style application, built with Rust and Svelte
Ergo is a low-code IFTTT/Zapier style application, built with Rust and Svelte. Tasks are customizable with Javascript and can contain state machines for more advanced task handling.
Rhai - An embedded scripting language for Rust.
Rhai is an embedded scripting language and evaluation engine for Rust that gives a safe and easy way to add scripting to any application.
kubesql, Experimental tool to query K8s API using plain SQL
kubesql, an experimental tool for querying your Kubernetes API Server using simple and smallest SQL syntax.
Fast shortest path calculations for Rust
Fast Paths The most famous algorithms used to calculate shortest paths are probably Dijkstra's algorithm and A*. However, shortest path calculation ca
Geocoding library for Rust.
geocoding Rust utilities to enrich addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks with geographic coordinates through third-party geocoding web services.
Geohash for Rust
Rust-Geohash Rust-Geohash is a Rust library for Geohash algorithm. Ported from node-geohash module. Documentation Docs Check the API doc at docs.rs Li
R*-tree library for the rust ecosystem
rstar A flexible, n-dimensional r*-tree implementation for the rust ecosystem. Please refer to the crate README for more information. Demo To run the
Rust read/write support for well-known text (WKT)
wkt Rust read/write support for well-known text (WKT). License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apac
High-level netCDF bindings for Rust
netcdf Medium-level netCDF bindings for Rust, allowing easy reading and writing of array-like structures to a file. netCDF can read and write hdf5 fil
TIFF decoding and encoding library in pure Rust
image-tiff TIFF decoding and encoding library in pure Rust Supported Features Baseline spec (other than formats and tags listed below as not supported
Reading GeoTIFFs in Rust, nothing else!
A TIFF Library for Rust I needed this library to import elevation models for a routing library. As elevation models usually come in GeoTIFF format, bu
Rust read/write support for GPS Exchange Format (GPX)
gpx gpx is a library for reading and writing GPX (GPS Exchange Format) files. It uses the primitives provided by geo-types to allow for storage of GPS
Library for serializing the GeoJSON vector GIS file format
geojson Documentation Library for serializing the GeoJSON vector GIS file format Minimum Rust Version This library requires a minimum Rust version of
Rust bindings for GDAL
gdal [] GDAL bindings for Rust. So far, you can: open a raster dataset for reading/writing get size and number of bands get/set projection and geo-tra
port of MapBox's earcut triangulation code to Rust language
Earcutr This is a port of the MapBox company's Earcut computer code, which triangulates polygons. Please see https://github.com/mapbox/earcut for more
Fast 2D Delaunay triangulation in Rust. A port of Delaunator.
delaunator-rs A very fast static 2D Delaunay triangulation library for Rust. A port of Delaunator. Documentation Example use delaunator::{Point, trian
Rust implementation of the Martinez-Rueda Polygon Clipping Algorithm
Boolean operations on geo shapes This is an implementation of the Martinez-Rueda Polygon Clipping Algorithm in rust to integrate smoothly into the alr
Spatial Data Structures for Rust
spade Documentation Using spade Examples Project state Performance License Spade (SPAtial DatastructurEs, obviously!) implements a few nifty data stru
Rust bindings for the latest stable release of PROJ
PROJ Coordinate transformation via bindings to the PROJ v7.2.1 API. Two coordinate transformation operations are currently provided: projection (and i
Rust bindings for GEOS
geos Rust bindings for GEOS C API. The supported geos version is = 3.5 Disclaimer GEOS can be a tad strict on the validity on the input geometry and
Geospatial primitives and algorithms for Rust
geo Geospatial Primitives, Algorithms, and Utilities The geo crate provides geospatial primitive types such as Point, LineString, and Polygon, and pro
Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS vector tiles server
Martin Martin is a PostGIS vector tiles server suitable for large databases. Martin is written in Rust using Actix web framework. Requirements Install
Rust read/write support for GPS Exchange Format (GPX)
gpx gpx is a library for reading and writing GPX (GPS Exchange Format) files. It uses the primitives provided by geo-types to allow for storage of GPS
Geocoding library for Rust.
geocoding Rust utilities to enrich addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks with geographic coordinates through third-party geocoding web services.
Google Encoded Polyline encoding & decoding in Rust.
polyline Google Encoded Polyline encoding & decoding in Rust. A Note on Coordinate Order This crate uses Coordinate and LineString types from the geo-
Rust read/write support for well-known text (WKT)
wkt Rust read/write support for well-known text (WKT). License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apac
Geohash for Rust
Rust-Geohash Rust-Geohash is a Rust library for Geohash algorithm. Ported from node-geohash module. Documentation Docs Check the API doc at docs.rs Li
Library for serializing the GeoJSON vector GIS file format
geojson Documentation Library for serializing the GeoJSON vector GIS file format Minimum Rust Version This library requires a minimum Rust version of
Rust bindings for the latest stable release of PROJ
PROJ Coordinate transformation via bindings to the PROJ v7.2.1 API. Two coordinate transformation operations are currently provided: projection (and i
Rust bindings for GDAL
gdal [] GDAL bindings for Rust. So far, you can: open a raster dataset for reading/writing get size and number of bands get/set projection and geo-tra
Geospatial primitives and algorithms for Rust
geo Geospatial Primitives, Algorithms, and Utilities The geo crate provides geospatial primitive types such as Point, LineString, and Polygon, and pro
A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo (Rust) package manager.
A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo (Rust) package manager.
Compile-time creation of neural networks with Rust
GAMMA Compile-time creation of neural networks with Rust Description This is for now just a showcase project of what can be done with const generics i
A CLI utility to secretly copy secrets to your clipboard. 🦀
seclip 🔒 📝 A CLI utility to secretly copy secrets to your clipboard. 🦀 Table of Contents Features Installation Usage Build From Source Contribution
A Rust crate for writing servers that speak PostgreSQL's wire protocol
Convergence A Rust crate for writing servers that speak PostgreSQL's wire protocol. Additionally, the experimental convergence-arrow crate enables con
A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer, stealing ideas from nnn and fzf.
xplr A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer, stealing ideas from nnn and fzf. [Quickstart] [Features] [Plugins] [Documentation] [Upgrade Guide] [
Typed any map for rust
TypedMap TypedMap is a typed HashMap. It allows you to define different value type depending on a Key type. It's useful if you want to store different
Example application using a Vue frontend with Rust backend that has authentication + authorization.
This project contains a Rust server that serves a single page application and has authentication + JWT-based authorization.
write your next slideshow in rust 🦀, as a self-contained binary 📦.
🗣 bema Write your next slideshow in rust 🦀 , as a self-contained binary 📦 . 🦀 DSL See examples/basic.rs. 👀 frontends There are several ways you c
comfy is a flexible command script manager / runner written in Rust
comfy is a cross-platform command script manager / runner tool, which allows you to run commands in the command line itself, but being these predefined in a portable and universal .comfy file.
FeignHttp is a declarative HTTP client. Based on rust macros.
FeignHttp is a declarative HTTP client. Based on rust macros. Features Easy to use Asynchronous request Configurable timeout settings Suppor
Diagrams as code
diagwiz -- ASCII diagrams as code Warning: This project is in early experimental stage. Functionality is subject to change and YMMV. Feel free to open
An implementation of the FP-Growth algorithm in pure Rust.
fp-growth-rs An implementation of the FP-Growth algorithm in pure Rust, which is inspired by enaeseth/python-fp-growth. Usage Add this to your Cargo.t
A JavaScript Runtime built with Mozilla's SpiderMonkey Engine and Rust
Spiderfire Spiderfire is a javascript runtime built with Mozilla's SpiderMonkey engine and Rust. Spiderfire aims to disrupt the server-side javascript
The video game for Fonts of Power. A tabletop roleplaying game made in Rust with Bevy!
The code and rules for Fonts of Power, a tactical TTRPG / video game about exploring magical places. You can follow its development in our Discord ser
Solve hard constraints easily with Rust.
backtrack-rs 🦀 backtrack lets you solve backtracking problems simply and generically. Problems are defined by their scope and checks against possible
Runtime dependency injection in Rust
This library provides an easy to use dependency injection container with a focus on ergonomics and configurability at the cost of runtime performance. For a more performance-oriented container, look for a compile-time dependency injection library.
AgateDB is an embeddable, persistent and fast key-value (KV) database written in pure Rust
AgateDB is an embeddable, persistent and fast key-value (KV) database written in pure Rust. It is designed as an experimental engine for the TiKV project, and will bring aggressive optimizations for TiKV specifically.
RustFFT is a high-performance FFT library written in pure Rust.
RustFFT is a high-performance FFT library written in pure Rust. It can compute FFTs of any size, including prime-number sizes, in O(nlogn) time.
A tool to generate inbetweens for animated sprites, written in godot-rust
Bitmapflow is a tool to help you generate inbetweens for animated sprites. In other words, it makes your animations smoother. It uses optical flow to