6152 Repositories
Rust rust-nostr Libraries
Get JSON values quickly - JSON parser for Rust
get json values quickly GJSON is a Rust crate that provides a fast and simple way to get values from a json document. It has features such as one line
Experimental implementation of the oci-runtime in Rust
youki Experimental implementation of the oci-runtime in Rust Overview youki is an implementation of runtime-spec in Rust, referring to runc. This proj
Git mirroring daemon
lohr lohr is a Git mirroring tool. I created it to solve a simple problem I had: I host my own git server at https://git.alarsyo.net, but want to mirr
Yet another pager in Rust
rust-pager Yet another pager in Rust Features Vim like keybindings Search substring Mouse wheel support Install cargo install rust-pager Usage comman
A Rust library for lattice-based additive homomorphic encryption.
Cupcake Cupcake is an efficient Rust library for the (additive version of) Fan-Vercauteren homomorphic encryption scheme, offering capabilities to enc
Temporary edit external crates that your project depends on
rhack You want to quickly put a sneaky macro kind of like dbg! into external crates to find out how some internal data structure works? If so rhack is
π¨π¦ A system information tool for Rustaceans
π¨ π¦ ferris-fetch Inspired by gofetch π π οΈ Cross platfrom System Info Tool for Rustaceans π¦ Installation π¨ cargo install ferris-fetch Contributin
Orion is a lisp dialect.
Orion Orion is a lisp inspired statically typed programming language written in Rust Install From releases Download binary from the releases. With car
lens implemented in rust
Overview This project contains two crates: lens-rs and lens-rs_derive. The lens-rs provide some definitions of lens. The lens-rs_derive provide the ma
π A Rust-based simulated DOM (browser-independent replacement for web_sys)
DOM in Rust without a browser Hello and welcome. This library provides server-side or browserless simulation of a DOM. Example Usage use std::sync::Ar
Ray Tracing: The Next Week implementation in Rust
rttnw Ray Tracing: The Next Week implementation in Rust How to run Install Rust: Link here. Run project git clone https://github.com/luliic2/rttnw cd
A notebook app integrated with todo lists utility. Developed with Rust, WebAssembly, Yew and Trunk.
Flow.er A notebook app integrated with todo-list utility. Project flow.er is a Rust WASM app running in browser. Taking advantage of Yew and Trunk, it
A rust web framework with safety and speed in mind.
darpi A web api framework with speed and safety in mind. One of the big goals is to catch all errors at compile time, if possible. The framework uses
Shuttle is a library for testing concurrent Rust code
Shuttle Shuttle is a library for testing concurrent Rust code. It is an implementation of a number of randomized concurrency testing techniques, inclu
Alternative Free Identity System
Alfis Alternative Free Identity System This project represents a minimal blockchain without cryptocurrency, capable of sustaining any number of domain
A node and runtime configuration for polkadot node.
MANTA NODE This repo is a fresh FRAME-based Substrate node, forked from substrate-developer-hub/substrate-node-templte π It links to pallet-manta-dap
πππΆ A CLI which converts morse code into sound
morse2sound π΅ A CLI which converts morse code to sound Big shoutout to Br1ght0ne for guiding me how to use Rust on stream
Aero is a new modern, unix based operating system. It is being developed for educational purposes.
Areo Aero is a new modern, unix based operating system written in Rust and is being developed for educational purposes. Aero follows the monolithic ke
A Rust crate that reads and writes tfrecord files
tfrecord-rust The crate provides the functionality to serialize and deserialize TFRecord data format from TensorFlow. Features Provide both high level
Rayon: A data parallelism library for Rust
Rayon Rayon is a data-parallelism library for Rust. It is extremely lightweight and makes it easy to convert a sequential computation into a parallel
A Rust DataFrame implementation, built on Apache Arrow
Rust DataFrame A dataframe implementation in Rust, powered by Apache Arrow. What is a dataframe? A dataframe is a 2-dimensional tabular data structure
A high-performance, high-reliability observability data pipeline.
Quickstart β’ Docs β’ Guides β’ Integrations β’ Chat β’ Download What is Vector? Vector is a high-performance, end-to-end (agent & aggregator) observabilit
Visual Odometry in Rust (vors)
Visual Odometry in Rust (vors) This repository provides both a library ("crate" as we say in Rust) named visual-odometry-rs, (shortened vors) and a bi
Rust CV mono-repo
Rust CV Rust CV is a project to implement computer vision algorithms, abstractions, and systems in Rust. #[no_std] is supported where possible. Docume
Face detection library for the Rust programming language
Rustface SeetaFace detection library for the Rust programming language Example of demo program output SEETAFACE C++ β Github repository for the origin
π¨ Example-based texture synthesis written in Rust π¦
π¨ texture-synthesis A light Rust API for Multiresolution Stochastic Texture Synthesis [1], a non-parametric example-based algorithm for image generat
π¦ A Rust implementation of a RoBERTa classification model for the SNLI dataset
RustBERTa-SNLI A Rust implementation of a RoBERTa classification model for the SNLI dataset, with support for fine-tuning, predicting, and serving. Th
Rust wrapper for the BlingFire tokenization library
BlingFire in Rust blingfire is a thin Rust wrapper for the BlingFire tokenization library. Add the library to Cargo.toml to get started cargo add blin
Read and modify constituency trees in Rust.
lumberjack Read and process constituency trees in various formats. Install: From crates.io: cargo install lumberjack-utils From GitHub: cargo install
Rust port of sentence-transformers (https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers)
Rust SBert Rust port of sentence-transformers using rust-bert and tch-rs. Supports both rust-tokenizers and Hugging Face's tokenizers. Supported model
Rust interface to word2vec.
word2vec Rust interface to word2vec word vectors. This crate provides a way to read a trained word vector file from word2vec. It doesn't provide model
Succeeded by SyntaxDot: https://github.com/tensordot/syntaxdot
Warning: sticker is succeeded by SyntaxDot, which supports many new features: Multi-task learning. Pretrained transformer models, suchs as BERT and XL
Neural network transition-based dependency parser (in Rust)
dpar Introduction dpar is a neural network transition-based dependency parser. The original Go version can be found in the oldgo branch. Dependencies
Simple NLP in Rust with Python bindings
vtext NLP in Rust with Python bindings This package aims to provide a high performance toolkit for ingesting textual data for machine learning applica
Context-sensitive word embeddings with subwords. In Rust.
finalfrontier Introduction finalfrontier is a Rust program for training word embeddings. finalfrontier currently has the following features: Models: s
Rust-tokenizer offers high-performance tokenizers for modern language models, including WordPiece, Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) and Unigram (SentencePiece) models
rust-tokenizers Rust-tokenizer offers high-performance tokenizers for modern language models, including WordPiece, Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) and Unigra
finalfusion embeddings in Rust
Introduction finalfusion is a crate for reading, writing, and using embeddings in Rust. finalfusion primarily works with its own format which supports
Natural Language Processing for Rust
rs-natural Natural language processing library written in Rust. Still very much a work in progress. Basically an experiment, but hey maybe something c
A fast implementation of Aho-Corasick in Rust.
aho-corasick A library for finding occurrences of many patterns at once with SIMD acceleration in some cases. This library provides multiple pattern s
A fast, low-resource Natural Language Processing and Text Correction library written in Rust.
nlprule A fast, low-resource Natural Language Processing and Error Correction library written in Rust. nlprule implements a rule- and lookup-based app
Snips NLU rust implementation
Snips NLU Rust Installation Add it to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] snips-nlu-lib = { git = "https://github.com/snipsco/snips-nlu-rs", branch = "mas
Semantic text segmentation. For sentence boundary detection, compound splitting and more.
NNSplit A tool to split text using a neural network. The main application is sentence boundary detection, but e. g. compound splitting for German is a
π The most accurate natural language detection library in the Rust ecosystem, suitable for long and short text alike
Table of Contents What does this library do? Why does this library exist? Which languages are supported? How good is it? Why is it better than other l
Rust native ready-to-use NLP pipelines and transformer-based models (BERT, DistilBERT, GPT2,...)
rust-bert Rust native Transformer-based models implementation. Port of Hugging Face's Transformers library, using the tch-rs crate and pre-processing
Rust wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network library
fann-rs Rust wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) library. This crate provides a safe interface to FANN on top of the low-level bindi
Rust implementation of real-coded GA for solving optimization problems and training of neural networks
revonet Rust implementation of real-coded genetic algorithm for solving optimization problems and training of neural networks. The latter is also know
A simple neural net implementation.
PROPHET - Neural Network Library Linux Windows Codecov Coveralls Docs Crates.io A simple neural net implementation written in Rust with a focus on cac
π¦ Example of serving deep learning models in Rust with batched prediction
rust-dl-webserver This project provides an example of serving a deep learning model with batched prediction using Rust. In particular it runs a GPT2 m
Simple neural network library for classification written in Rust.
Cogent A note I continue working on GPU stuff, I've made some interesting things there, but ultimately it made me realise this is far too monumental a
Rust bindings for TensorFlow Lite
Rust bindings for TensorFlow Lite This crates provides TensorFlow Lite APIs. Please read the API documentation on docs.rs Using the interpreter from a
Fwumious Wabbit, fast on-line machine learning toolkit written in Rust
Fwumious Wabbit is a very fast machine learning tool built with Rust inspired by and partially compatible with Vowpal Wabbit (much love! read more abo
Machine Learning Library for Rust
autograph Machine Learning Library for Rust undergoing maintenance Features Portable accelerated compute Run SPIR-V shaders on GPU's that support Vulk
Rust binding to crfsuite
crfsuite-rs Rust binding to crfsuite Installation Add it to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] crfsuite = "0.3" Add extern crate crfsuite to your crate r
Fast hierarchical agglomerative clustering in Rust.
kodama This crate provides a fast implementation of agglomerative hierarchical clustering. This library is released under the MIT license. The ideas a
Rust based Cross-GPU Machine Learning
HAL : Hyper Adaptive Learning Rust based Cross-GPU Machine Learning. Why Rust? This project is for those that miss strongly typed compiled languages.
Machine learning in Rust.
Rustml Rustml is a library for doing machine learning in Rust. The documentation of the project with a descprition of the modules can be found here. F
Awesome deep learning crate
NeuroFlow is fast neural networks (deep learning) Rust crate. It relies on three pillars: speed, reliability, and speed again. Hello, everyone! Work o
A deep learning library for rust
Alumina An experimental deep learning library written in pure rust. Breakage expected on each release in the short term. See mnist.rs in examples or R
Neural networks in Rust
deeplearn-rs Deep learning in Rust! This is my first shot at this. It's mostly just a proof of concept right now. The API will change. Status We have
A fast, safe and easy to use reinforcement learning framework in Rust.
RSRL (api) Reinforcement learning should be fast, safe and easy to use. Overview rsrl provides generic constructs for reinforcement learning (RL) expe
Rust numeric library with R, MATLAB & Python syntax
Peroxide Rust numeric library contains linear algebra, numerical analysis, statistics and machine learning tools with R, MATLAB, Python like macros. W
The Hacker's Machine Learning Engine
Juice This is the workspace project for juice - machine learning frameworks for hackers coaster - underlying math abstraction coaster-nn coaster-blas
High-performance automatic differentiation of LLVM.
The Enzyme High-Performance Automatic Differentiator of LLVM Enzyme is a plugin that performs automatic differentiation (AD) of statically analyzable
Tiny, no-nonsense, self-contained, Tensorflow and ONNX inference
Sonos' Neural Network inference engine. This project used to be called tfdeploy, or Tensorflow-deploy-rust. What ? tract is a Neural Network inference
Tensors and differentiable operations (like TensorFlow) in Rust
autograd Differentiable operations and tensors backed by ndarray. Motivation Machine learning is one of the field where Rust lagging behind other lang
Xaynet represents an agnostic Federated Machine Learning framework to build privacy-preserving AI applications.
xaynet Xaynet: Train on the Edge with Federated Learning Want a framework that supports federated learning on the edge, in desktop browsers, integrate
Distributed compute platform implemented in Rust, and powered by Apache Arrow.
Ballista: Distributed Compute Platform Overview Ballista is a distributed compute platform primarily implemented in Rust, powered by Apache Arrow. It
High-performance runtime for data analytics applications
Weld Documentation Weld is a language and runtime for improving the performance of data-intensive applications. It optimizes across libraries and func
wasm actor system based on lunatic
Wactor WASM actor system based on lunatic. Actors run on isolated green threads. They cannot share memory, and communicate only through input and outp
VR Lighthouse power state management in Rust
Lighthouse VR Lighthouse power state management in Rust Windows and Linux binaries available here Usage SteamVR v1: lighthouse [on|off] [BSID] lightho
A minimalist and safe ECS library for rust!
The full ECS (Entity-Component-System) library. Support an Open Source Developer! β₯οΈ Composed of two smaller libraries: world_dispatcher: the System p
The LibreTranslate API for Rust.
libretranslate-rs A LibreTranslate API for Rust. libretranslate = "0.2.4" libretranslate allows you to use open source machine translation in your pr
A library to compile USDT probes into a Rust library
sonde sonde is a library to compile USDT probes into a Rust library, and to generate a friendly Rust idiomatic API around it. Userland Statically Defi
ShaderToy clone in Rust, currently supporting MacOS.
ShaderRoy ShaderToy clone in Rust, currently supporting MacOS. Features cargo run rust project dir displays a single macOS window filled with a Meta
Rust version of the Haskell ERD tool. Translates a plain text description of a relational database schema to dot files representing an entity relation diagram.
erd-rs Rust CLI tool for creating entity-relationship diagrams from plain text markup. Based on erd (uses the same input format and output rendering).
Rust implementation of Hyperswarm, a networking stack for connecting peers
hyperswarm-rs Peer to peer networking stack API Docs | Contributing NOTE: This is still in early stages. See the roadmap below. Please feel free to op
Fast Hilbert space-filling curve transformation using a LUT
Fast Hilbert Fast Hilbert 2D curve computation using an efficient Lookup Table (LUT). Convert from discrete 2D space to 1D hilbert space and reverse V
High-performance link shortener
shorty High-performance link shortener written in Rust πΎ Hosting In addition to being easy to build from source, shorty is available as a Docker imag
A highly efficient daemon for streaming data from Kafka into Delta Lake
kafka-delta-ingest The kafka-delta-ingest project aims to build a highly efficient daemon for streaming data through Apache Kafka into Delta Lake. Thi
oci-image and oci-runtime spec in rust.
oci-lib Oci-Spec for your container runtime or container registry. Oci-lib is a rust port for original oci spec written in go. Following crate contain
Czkawka is a simple, fast and easy to use app to remove unnecessary files from your computer.
Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
The classic tetris game written in Rust using ncurses
tetris.rs This is the classic tetris game I wrote to have a bit of fun with Rust. Installation and playing cargo install --
Benchmarks for rust serialization frameworks
Rust serialization benchmark The goal of these benchmarks is to provide thorough and complete benchmarks for various rust serialization frameworks. Th
A minimalist Rust WebAssembly project template
MiniWASM - A minimalist Rust WebAssembly project template This is a minimal Rust-powered WebAssembly application template. It was designed to showcase
A collection of small Rust programs for doing weird things
This is a repo of small programs, proof of concepts, or templates written in Rust that relate in some way to hacking and/or CTF. I think Rust is real
ffmpeg libraries precompiled for WebAsembly/WASI, as a Rust crate.
FFMPEG crate for WebAssembly/WASI This crate bundles FFMPEG's libraries, precompiled for WebAssembly. No native installation required. Compatible with
A prototype implementation of the Host Identity Protocol v2 for bare-metal systems, written in pure-rust.
Host Identity Protocol for bare-metal systems, using Rust I've been evaluating TLS replacements in constrained environments for a while now. Embedded
RiteLinked - LinkedHashMap & LinkedHashSet in Rust
RiteLinked -- HashMap-like containers that hold their key-value pairs in a user controllable order RiteLinked provides more up to date versions of Lin
transmute-free Rust library to work with the Arrow format
Arrow2: Transmute-free Arrow This repository contains a Rust library to work with the Arrow format. It is a re-write of the official Arrow crate using
A library to compile USDT probes into a Rust library
sonde sonde is a library to compile USDT probes into a Rust library, and to generate a friendly Rust idiomatic API around it. Userland Statically Defi
Trup-rewrite in rust! Finally!
Trup, but Rust! A Discord bot for the Unixporn community Now written in a good language! Dependencies Rust nightly sqlx-cli (if you need to change the
A Rust environment for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition.
Sorceress A Rust environment for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition, powered by SuperCollider. Overview Sorceress is a Rust crate that provid
An over-engineered rewrite of pipes.sh in Rust
pipes-rs An over-engineered rewrite of pipes.sh in Rust Installlation macOS Install using Homebrew or download manually from releases. $ brew install
A reactive DOM library for Rust in WASM
maple A VDOM-less web library with fine-grained reactivity. Getting started The recommended build tool is Trunk. Start by adding maple-core to your Ca
Redis Tree(Ploytree) Structure Module
RedisTree is a Redis module that implements Polytree as a native data type. It allows creating,locating,pushing and detaching tree from Redi
CLI utility to move (or rename) your files to a new location and redirect all of its symbolic links, to the new path
Move Links CLI utility to move (or rename) your files to a new location and redirect all of its symbolic links, to the new path (or name). Usage execu
An API Wrapper for https://paste.myst.rs written in rust
PasteMyst.RS pastemyst-rs is an api wrapper for pastemyst written in Rust. β This package is under development β Sample usage To get a paste from past
Experimental type-safe geometric algebra for Rust
Projective Geometric Algebra This library is a Rust code generator, generating the mathematics you need for a geometric algebra library. I made it mos
An extremely high performance matching engine written in Rust.
Galois Introduction Galois is an extremely high performance matching engine written in Rust, typically used for the crypto currency exchange service.
β°Β·β° Feeless is a Nano cryptocurrency node, wallet, tools, and Rust crate.
β°Β·β° Feeless What is Feeless? Feeless is a Nano cryptocurrency node, wallet, tools, and Rust crate. This is not the official project for Nano, only an