A notebook app integrated with todo lists utility. Developed with Rust, WebAssembly, Yew and Trunk.



A notebook app integrated with todo-list utility.

Project flow.er is a Rust WASM app running in browser. Taking advantage of Yew and Trunk, it provides good development experience.

Notice: this repo is under heavy development, and is currently not usable. To see the demo version, you can try flower-yew-lock branch, which is the last version of this software and is already usable, and follow the instructions below.

Try It!

Dev Install

This projects uses trunk as a Rust WASM application bundler.

First, install rust & cargo. Note that cargo is auto-installed if you follow the instructions.

Next, install trunk by the following (or just follow the instructions provided on the link)

$ cargo install --locked trunk
$ cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli

Maybe you will fail to compile on your first run with some error messages like:

[INFO]: Checking for the Wasm target...
Error: wasm32-unknown-unknown target not found!

Don't panic. Simply add

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

and everything will be fine.

Feel free to fire an issue if anything troubles you (❁´◡`❁)

Dev Serve

After following intructions above, you'll be able to serve the app locally.

First, clone / download this repo: https://github.com/LighghtEeloo/flow.er.git.

Then just switch to flow.er/flow_vase/flow_yew folder and run trunk serve. This will serve the app on, which can be visited via your preferred browser.

The whole process will be like:

$ git clone https://github.com/LighghtEeloo/flow.er.git && cd flow.er/flow_vase/flow_yew
$ trunk serve

And then visit via your browser.

Supported Browsers

Chrome, Firefox and Edge are (roughly) tested and all seem to be working well.

However, only desktop versions are considered for now.


This is a completely personal, non-profit project, mainly aiming at learning rust-lang, yew and the surrounding toolchains. I can try my best, but I won't be responsible for any of your potential data loss.

For now, this software isn't data-safe. Use at your own risk. This may get better as I develop, and you're welcomed to help improving it.


See todo.md.


The final goal of this project is to create a notebook and mind-map app with is integrated with todo-list and calendar views.

It will be supporting patches to incrementally save your previous work, denoted by time-capsule function.

Project Technical Detail

Library Structure

The * directories are important ones.

├── flow_arena          * -- an implementation of "flow" data-structure
├── flow_vase           * -- user interface part
│   ├── flow_cli          -- (not implemented) a cli fallback 
│   ├── flow_iced         -- (deprecated) trying `iced`
│   └── flow_yew        * -- a `yew` GUI implementation
├── flow_vessel         * -- the "flow_core" part, with all the non-UI logic
└── src                   -- (not implemented) the skeleton of this package

Underlying Data Structure: Flow and Entity

"Flow" is the core data-structure implemented and used in this project. It's a superset of the classical "tree".

On hearing mindmaps, the intuitive representation would be "tree", or even better, "graph". However, Rust's strict borrow checker makes it hard and potentially unsafe to implement either of them. Moreover, trees are too powerless while the graphs are too complicated for the mindmap scenario.

A specific example would be: "I have a tree-like mindmap, good, but what if this node should belong to two parents?"

That's where "flow" jumps in. It features "arena" style storage and flexible relationship representation. The concept of "arena" was mentioned when the rust folks were torturing by the unsafe and difficult implementations.

A typical arena contains:

  1. A map / vec to store the data.
  2. A relationship recorder which only plays with the keys / indices.

In this way, the arena style basically replaces the annoying pointers with keys, which could be, for example, usize.Now all the operations are cheap and safe. The only trouble, however, is you have to generate the key by hand.

Flow's relationship model is then simple to understand:

  1. Each node has an id, a parent_id and a Vec of children_id.
  2. All the nodes are stored in a HashMap as (id, node).
  3. Nodes can be visited via id.
  4. A root node ensures that all the nodes are recrusively traceable.

And certain properties are defined:

  1. All ids presented must be valid.
  2. The root has no parent, while other nodes must have.
  3. A node's parent must have the node as a child.
  4. A node just memorizes the most recent parent.

We can see that flow is even capable of representing a graph; however, I think it's unnecessary to use it here.

Flow is implemented in flow_arena, as FlowArena.

As for Entity, it's the content of every node. Every entity has a (hopefully) unique id, EntityId. It can be generated by:

  1. The current time combining a u64 random number.
  2. Or just from a factory with its incremental counter.

Entity features the following functions:

  1. face: the name of the entity.
  2. bubble: a detailed description / note of the entity.
  3. symbol: whether it's...
    1. An ordered / unordered list entry.
    2. A todo-list entry.
    3. Plain.
  4. tags: a tag system.
  5. time-notes: whether it's calendar-visible, as a duration.

Entity is implemented in flow_vessel.

About Vessel, Glass, and Vase

Vessel is everything that needs to be stored. Suppose you close the app and reopen it, the only data left will be the data stored in Vessel. Though it has nothing to do with any specific UI, it does it's best to extract the common UI structure and logic, so that the different visits can share the most information. It impls Serialize and Deserialize and stores by json.

Glass handles a shared data structure for all UIs. It is stored within a vessel. It's a map of (Router, Cube), which should have been a struct fielded by the routers, but the map provides fancy reflect function and ... here we are. Cube is an abstract session structure; we'll cover it soon.

Vase implements the GUI part. In the yew version, Vase impls yew::Component. Unfortunately it's currently the only Component becuase I still have trouble handle the global data access and update, which are all over my code. In the short future, I'll try the functional approach.

Cube and CubeVM / CubeView

The Cube is a piece of UI session data stored by Glass; while CubeVM is the runtime UI session data created on-site. Though keeping them identical and updated is hard, it's even trickier how to abstract them to store and show polymorphism.

The data storage of, say, a bunch of differently typed structs which share the same trait, is always a headache. Two different approaches are adopted at the vessel and vase side, separately.

The vase side is straight forward: just use an enum CubeView to store the different parts, and together with it, store the common info in CubeVM (CubeViewModel / VirualMachine, whatever). This results in heavy glue codes, to manually map the different inputs to the enum patterns. However, it's still relatively easy to implement; and in fact, I think it's already the cheapest way to do without the help of macros.

As for vessel side, struct Cube is used; however, it's merely a struct containing a truck of Option<T>s and a TypeEnum, and can be turned into the corresponding Type. Each subtype just impls from and into, and the flexible convertion is done. However, if more fields are added in the future, the convertions must be updated.

At Last, About Storage

This project is currently using local storage to save cache, and supports downloading all progress / exporting to clipboard. One can import data back with source code mode. In the future, a local server or a cloud server will be served instead to guarantee data safety.

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  • Replace yew_services to yew::services

    Replace yew_services to yew::services

    In main.rs line 143, it is written yew_services. Please change it to yew::services. Also, comment out yew_services in cargo.toml and the path to yew should not be there. There just "" these are fine. With a path, it does not compile on linux and with your specific path, it would not compile on any other pc :) :+1: .

    good first issue 
    opened by m-s-h-1 3
  • Cannot serve the app following the instructions

    Cannot serve the app following the instructions

    Hi, this looks like an interesting project so I wanted to give it a try but following these instructions:

    $ git clone https://github.com/LighghtEeloo/flow.er.git && cd flow.er/flow_vase/flow_yew
    $ trunk serve

    (I also had to uncomment "flow_vase/flow_yew" in the workspace members)

    I got:

       Compiling flow-yew v0.2.2 (/tmp/flow.er/flow_vase/flow_yew)
    error[E0432]: unresolved imports `flow_vessel::CubeMember`, `flow_vessel::cubes`
     --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm.rs:3:25
    3 | use flow_vessel::{Cube, CubeMember, CubeMeta, CubeType, EntityId, Tube::*, Vessel, ViewMode, cubes};
      |                         ^^^^^^^^^^ no `CubeMember` in the root                               ^^^^^ no `cubes` in the root
    error[E0432]: unresolved import `flow_vessel::ClauseTreeCore`
     --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm.rs:4:5
    4 | use flow_vessel::ClauseTreeCore;
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `ClauseTreeCore` in the root
    error[E0432]: unresolved import `flow_vessel::ClauseTreeCore`
     --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/clause_tree.rs:3:19
    3 | use flow_vessel::{ClauseTreeCore, CubeMeta, EntityId, EntityNode, Tube::{self, *}, *};
      |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `ClauseTreeCore` in the root
    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `cubes` in `flow_vessel`
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/btn.rs:11:40
    11 |                     cube: flow_vessel::cubes::Inkblot { obj }.into(),
       |                                        ^^^^^ could not find `cubes` in `flow_vessel`
    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `cubes`
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:131:13
    131 |             cubes::ClauseTreeCube {
        |             ^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `cubes`
    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `cubes`
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:144:13
    144 |             cubes::Inkblot {
        |             ^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `cubes`
    error[E0422]: cannot find struct, variant or union type `EntityDive` in this scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/btn.rs:47:18
    47 |                 [EntityDive { id, idx }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^^^
      ::: /tmp/flow.er/flow_vessel/src/tube.rs:49:5
    49 |     EntityDevote {
       |     ------------ similarly named variant `EntityDevote` defined here
    help: a variant with a similar name exists
    47 |                 [EntityDevote { id, idx }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    help: consider importing this variant
    1  | use crate::vase::Msg::EntityDive;
    error[E0422]: cannot find struct, variant or union type `EntityEmerge` in this scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/btn.rs:57:18
    57 |                 [EntityEmerge { id }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^
      ::: /tmp/flow.er/flow_vessel/src/tube.rs:57:5
    57 |     EntityErase {
       |     ----------- similarly named variant `EntityErase` defined here
    help: a variant with a similar name exists
    57 |                 [EntityErase { id }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^
    help: consider importing this variant
    1  | use crate::vase::Msg::EntityEmerge;
    error[E0422]: cannot find struct, variant or union type `EntityUp` in this scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/btn.rs:67:18
    67 |                 [EntityUp { id }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^
      ::: /tmp/flow.er/flow_vessel/src/entity/identity.rs:3:1
    3  | pub type EntityId = TimeUnique;
       | ------------------------------- similarly named type alias `EntityId` defined here
    help: a type alias with a similar name exists
    67 |                 [EntityId { id }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^
    help: consider importing this variant
    1  | use crate::vase::Msg::EntityUp;
    error[E0422]: cannot find struct, variant or union type `EntityDown` in this scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/btn.rs:77:18
    77 |                 [EntityDown { id }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^^^
      ::: /tmp/flow.er/flow_vessel/src/tube.rs:43:5
    43 |     EntityGrow,
       |     ---------- similarly named variant `EntityGrow` defined here
    help: a variant with a similar name exists
    77 |                 [EntityGrow { id }]
       |                  ^^^^^^^^^^
    help: consider importing this variant
    1  | use crate::vase::Msg::EntityDown;
    error[E0599]: no method named `get_cube_vec` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:31:28
    31 |         let cubes = vessel.get_cube_vec();
       |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `flow_vessel::Vessel`
    error[E0599]: no method named `get_cube_vec` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:65:37
    65 |             let cubes = self.vessel.get_cube_vec();
       |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `flow_vessel::Vessel`
    error[E0277]: a value of type `std::vec::Vec<TimeUnique>` cannot be built from an iterator over elements of type `Result<TimeUnique, flow_arena::flow::FlowError>`
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:105:8
    105 |     }).collect();
        |        ^^^^^^^ value of type `std::vec::Vec<TimeUnique>` cannot be built from `std::iter::Iterator<Item=Result<TimeUnique, flow_arena::flow::FlowError>>`
        = help: the trait `FromIterator<Result<TimeUnique, flow_arena::flow::FlowError>>` is not implemented for `std::vec::Vec<TimeUnique>`
    error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `ProcessTracker` found for enum `flow_vessel::Symbol` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:119:53
    119 |     v.entity_mut(&id[7]).map(|x| x.symbol = Symbol::ProcessTracker(Process::New) );
        |                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `flow_vessel::Symbol`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_devote_push` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:121:7
    121 |     v.entity_devote_push(id[1], id[0]);
        |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_devote_push` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:122:7
    122 |     v.entity_devote_push(id[2], id[0]);
        |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_devote_push` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:123:7
    123 |     v.entity_devote_push(id[3], id[0]);
        |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_devote_push` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:124:7
    124 |     v.entity_devote_push(id[4], id[0]);
        |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_devote_push` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:125:7
    125 |     v.entity_devote_push(id[5], id[0]);
        |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_devote_push` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:126:7
    126 |     v.entity_devote_push(id[6], id[0]);
        |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_devote_push` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:127:7
    127 |     v.entity_devote_push(id[7], id[6]);
        |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `Board` found for enum `flow_vessel::Router` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:128:26
    128 |     let router = Router::Board;
        |                          ^^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `flow_vessel::Router`
    error[E0599]: no method named `replace_cube` found for struct `Glass` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:137:17
    137 |         v.glass.replace_cube(
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `place_cube`
    error[E0599]: no method named `insert_cube` found for struct `Glass` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:149:17
    149 |         v.glass.insert_cube(
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `Glass`
    error[E0277]: a value of type `std::vec::Vec<TimeUnique>` cannot be built from an iterator over elements of type `Result<TimeUnique, flow_arena::flow::FlowError>`
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/mod.rs:162:8
    162 |     }).collect();
        |        ^^^^^^^ value of type `std::vec::Vec<TimeUnique>` cannot be built from `std::iter::Iterator<Item=Result<TimeUnique, flow_arena::flow::FlowError>>`
        = help: the trait `FromIterator<Result<TimeUnique, flow_arena::flow::FlowError>>` is not implemented for `std::vec::Vec<TimeUnique>`
    error[E0609]: no field `router` on type `flow_vessel::Vessel`
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:66:29
    66 |                 self.vessel.router = router;
       |                             ^^^^^^ unknown field
       = note: available fields are: `glass`, `settings`
    help: one of the expressions' fields has a field of the same name
    66 |                 self.vessel.glass.router = router;
       |                             ^^^^^^
    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:76:45
    76 |                 self.vessel.glass.push_cube(cube.clone(), meta.router);
       |                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `TimeUnique`, found struct `flow_vessel::Cube`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_dive` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:98:29
    98 |                 self.vessel.entity_dive(id, idx);
       |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_devote`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_emerge` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:102:29
    102 |                 self.vessel.entity_emerge(id);
        |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_erase`
    error[E0308]: mismatched types
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:106:43
    106 |                 self.vessel.entity_remove(&id);
        |                                           ^^^
        |                                           |
        |                                           expected struct `TimeUnique`, found `&TimeUnique`
        |                                           help: consider removing the borrow: `id`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_up` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:110:29
    110 |                 self.vessel.entity_up(id);
        |                             ^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_mut`
    error[E0599]: no method named `entity_down` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:114:29
    114 |                 self.vessel.entity_down(id);
        |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is an associated function with a similar name: `entity_grow`
    error[E0599]: no method named `get_cube_vec` found for struct `flow_vessel::Vessel` in the current scope
       --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/update.rs:128:41
    128 |                 let cubes = self.vessel.get_cube_vec();
        |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `flow_vessel::Vessel`
    error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `vec_all` found for enum `flow_vessel::Router` in the current scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/view.rs:20:62
    20 |         let router_meta: Vec<(&str, Router, bool)> = Router::vec_all()
       |                                                              ^^^^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `flow_vessel::Router`
    error[E0609]: no field `router` on type `flow_vessel::Vessel`
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/view.rs:49:34
    49 |         let router = self.vessel.router;
       |                                  ^^^^^^ unknown field
       = note: available fields are: `glass`, `settings`
    help: one of the expressions' fields has a field of the same name
    49 |         let router = self.vessel.glass.router;
       |                                  ^^^^^^
    error[E0609]: no field `router` on type `&flow_vessel::Vessel`
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm.rs:28:32
    28 |                 router: vessel.router,
       |                                ^^^^^^ unknown field
       = note: available fields are: `glass`, `settings`
    help: one of the expressions' fields has a field of the same name
    28 |                 router: vessel.glass.router,
       |                                ^^^^^^
    error[E0599]: no method named `member_traverse` found for struct `flow_vessel::Cube` in the current scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm.rs:32:28
    32 |         let ref_map = cube.member_traverse(vessel)
       |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `flow_vessel::Cube`
    error[E0599]: no method named `member_traverse` found for reference `&flow_vessel::Cube` in the current scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm.rs:48:29
    48 |         self.ref_map = cube.member_traverse(vessel)
       |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `&flow_vessel::Cube`
    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/btn.rs:24:21
    24 |                     dude,
       |                     ^^^^
       |                     |
       |                     expected enum `Option`, found struct `TimeUnique`
       |                     help: try using a variant of the expected enum: `Some(dude)`
       = note: expected enum `Option<TimeUnique>`
                found struct `TimeUnique`
    error[E0282]: type annotations needed
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/clause_tree.rs:14:10
    14 | #[derive(Properties, Clone)]
       |          ^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `T` declared on the enum `Option`
       = note: this error originates in a derive macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    warning: unreachable expression
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/clause_tree.rs:49:9
    42 | /         match msg {
    43 | |             Msg::Tube(tube) => {
    44 | |                 // Todo:: tube callback.
    45 | |                 // self.props.link_tube.callback(|_| tube).emit(());
    46 | |                 todo!()
    47 | |             }
    48 | |         }
       | |_________- any code following this `match` expression is unreachable, as all arms diverge
    49 |           true
       |           ^^^^ unreachable expression
       = note: `#[warn(unreachable_code)]` on by default
    error[E0599]: no method named `id` found for reference `&flow_arena::arena::FlowNode<TimeUnique, Entity>` in the current scope
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/clause_tree.rs:81:19
    81 |     let id = node.id().clone();
       |                   ^^ private field, not a method
       = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope
       = note: the following trait is implemented but not in scope; perhaps add a `use` for it:
               `use flow_arena::flow::Node;`
    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> flow_vase/flow_yew/src/vase/cube_vm/clause_tree.rs:96:49
    96 | ...                   [ EntityAdd { dude: id, owner: id, idx: 0 }
       |                                           ^^
       |                                           |
       |                                           expected enum `Option`, found struct `TimeUnique`
       |                                           help: try using a variant of the expected enum: `Some(id)`
       = note: expected enum `Option<TimeUnique>`
                found struct `TimeUnique`
    error: aborting due to 42 previous errors; 1 warning emitted
    Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0282, E0308, E0422, E0432, E0433, E0599, E0609.
    For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
    error: could not compile `flow-yew`
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
    May 21 13:54:25.563 ERROR ❌ error
    error from HTML pipeline
    Caused by:
        0: failed to spawn assets finalization
        1: error during cargo build execution
        2: cargo call returned a bad status
    May 21 13:54:25.563  INFO 📡 server running at

    Could you please advise how to overcome this?


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