Cassette A simple, single-future, non-blocking executor intended for building state machines.



A simple, single-future, non-blocking executor intended for building state machines. Designed to be no-std and embedded friendly.

This executor TOTALLY IGNORES wakers and context, meaning that all async functions should expect to be polled repeatedly until completion.


So, I'm really not good at async, but I like the idea of being able to use the ability to yield or await on tasks that will require some time to complete.

The idea here is that you would write one, top level async function that would either eventually resolve to some value, or that will run forever (to act as a state machine).

How it works

  1. You write some async functions
  2. You call the "top level" async function
  3. You poll on it until it resolves (or forever)

Note: This demo is available in the demo/ folder of this repo.

Step 1 - You write some async functions

Here's the "context" of our state machine, describing a couple of high level behaviors, as well as individual substeps.

struct Demo {
    lol: u32,

impl Demo {
    async fn entry(&mut self) {
        for _ in 0..10 {

    async fn entry_1(&mut self) {

    async fn entry_2(&mut self) {

    async fn start_at_zero(&mut self) { = 0;

    async fn start_at_five(&mut self) { = 5;

    async fn add_one_until_ten(&mut self) {
        loop {
            delay(self).await; // simulate fake delays/not ready state
   += 1;
            if >= 10 {

    async fn sub_one_until_zero(&mut self) {
        loop {
            delay(self).await; // simulate fake delays/not ready state
   -= 1;
            if == 0 {

We can also make simple little futures for code that needs to be polled until ready:

static FAKE: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
struct CountFuture;
impl Future for CountFuture {
    type Output = ();
    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let x = FAKE.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
        print!("{}, ", x);
        if (x % 5) == 0 {
        } else {

async fn delay(ctxt: &mut Demo) {
    println!("delay says lol: {}",;
    let x = CountFuture;
    println!("and delay!");

Step 2 - You call the "top level" async function

fn main() {
    // Make a new struct
    let mut demo = Demo { lol: 100 };

    // Call the entry point future, and pin it
    let x = demo.entry();

    // Give the pinned future to Cassette
    // for execution
    let mut cm = Cassette::new(x);

    /* ... */

Step 3 - You poll on it until it resolves (or forever)

fn main() {
    /* ... */

    loop {
        if let Some(x) = cm.poll_on() {
            println!("Done!: `{:?}`", x);

A larger demo

If you'd like to see a larger demo, I used Cassette to implement an I2C peripheral bootloader state machine for a thumbv6m target. You can check out that PR for more context.


This crate is licensed under the MPL v2.0.

The futures module includes code licensed under the MIT+Apache2.0 dual licenses from the futures-rs crate. Please see the upstream repository at, and details of the license here:

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    I wasn't really sure whether i should write this issue or not. It might be possible that I'm the problem here. But still you have written this library and maybe you can help me and the next unlucky person. First of all, thank you for this library. It is a nice idea for embedded rust and I wanted to use it for a small private project. I've learned using your demo application and also the readme you have provided. Sadly there is a huge disconnect between real usage and the demo. Your work on sprocket-boot actually made it click for me. But before that I've spent 3 days of pure pain and even so it made click, I don't understand why and how. Please let me elaborate:

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    struct SlowPrinter {
        list: VecDeque<i32>,
    impl Future for SlowPrinter {
        type Output = ();
        fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
            if let Some(x) = self.list.pop_back() {
                println!("{}", x);
            } else {
    async fn print_some(mut printer: SlowPrinter) {
        printer.await; // !!! <-- This causes error !!!

    VecDeque is something which doesn't implement the Copy trait. I'm fully aware why that is but I don't understand why await does require it. What is wrong with this example. Please teach me.

    error[E0382]: use of moved value: `printer`
       --> tool/src/
    158 | async fn print_some(mut printer: SlowPrinter) {
        |                     ----------- move occurs because `printer` has type `SlowPrinter`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
    159 |     printer.await;
        |            ------ `printer` moved due to this method call
    160 |     printer.await; // !!! Uncommenting causes error !!!
        |     ^^^^^^^ value used here after move
    note: this function takes ownership of the receiver `self`, which moves `printer`
       --> /home/andre/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/future/
    128 |     fn into_future(self) -> Self::IntoFuture;
        |                    ^^^^

    Then again this here does compile. My problem here is that poll_fn was not mentioned in the demo, so I missed it. Also I'm not able grasp what is different. I do realize that this is by far no issue of cassette. It is an issue with async. But I'm not even able to proper phrase the problem to get tutorials or manuals about this. Every async book or blog I've found so far doesn't provide infos about ownership in async.

    struct SlowPrinter2 {
        list: VecDeque<i32>,
    impl SlowPrinter2 {
        pub fn print(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + '_ {
            poll_fn(move |_| {
                if let Some(x) = self.list.pop_front() {
                    println!("{}", x);
                } else {
    async fn print_some2(mut printer: SlowPrinter2) {
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    I'm wondering what the reasons behind this TODO are:

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    • poll_on refuses to work if it was ready once.

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    Thanks in advance.

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