Playwright is a rust library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit built on top of Node.js library.


🎭 Playwright for Rust MIT OR Apache-2.0

Playwright is a rust library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit built on top of Node.js library.


playwright = "0.0.16"


use playwright::Playwright;

async fn main() -> Result<(), playwright::Error> {
    let playwright = Playwright::initialize().await?;
    playwright.prepare()?; // Install browsers
    let chromium = playwright.chromium();
    let browser = chromium.launcher().headless(true).launch().await?;
    let context = browser.context_builder().build().await?;
    let page = context.new_page().await?;

    // Exec in browser and Deserialize with serde
    let s: String = page.eval("() => location.href").await?;
    assert_eq!(s, "");

Async runtimes

These runtimes have passed tests. You can disable tokio, the default feature, and then choose another.


Functions do not have default arguments in rust. Functions with two or more optional arguments are now passed with the builder pattern.

Playwright Driver

Playwright is designed as a server-client. All playwright client dependent on the driver: zip of core js library and Node.js. Application uses this library will be bundled the driver into rust binary at build time. There is an overhead of unzipping on the first run.


playwright-rust redistributes Playwright licensed under the Apache 2.0.
Playwright has NOTICE:
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

This software contains code derived from the Puppeteer project (,
available under the Apache 2.0 license (

Browser automation in rust

Other languages

  • Equivalent of `await page.waitForEvent(

    Equivalent of `await page.waitForEvent("load");`

    What's the equivalent of await page.waitForEvent("load"); when using this crate? :) So that I can call it after e.g. page.click_builder("#login-button").click().await?;.

    When I try page.expect_event(EventType::Load).await?; it hangs here forever, even after the page loaded.

    opened by Boscop 13
  • Small changes to make the tests run (Not all tests are passing)

    Small changes to make the tests run (Not all tests are passing)

    Hi, I have made some small changes, to make the tests run. All tests are still not working due to expect_event failing to detect any events correctly OR events are not emitted correctly. Can you shade some light on that?

    opened by tmahmood 6
  • "No such file or directory" error when calling Playwright::initialize()

    I started with this issue of a black browser display, then in an attempt to fix it I set up my dev environment on my new PC (also running Ubuntu 21). Now I'm running into this issue:

    thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Io(Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" })', src/bin/

    when I call initialize:

    let playwright = Playwright::initialize().await.unwrap();

    This is the same code that was previously able to launch the browser on my other PC (though it produced a black display, it was operable with javascript and didn't crash).

    Does anyone have an idea of what might be happening here? I'm not specifying a file or directory, but the playwright-rust code apparently is. Though I can't see why it would it be a problem.

    opened by Randall-Coding 3
  • Can't cross compile to windows

    Can't cross compile to windows

    I'm trying to compile for Windows from Ubuntu 20.x but Playwright seems to be failing during the process.

    I ran the following commands to make it possible to cross compile (or at least that's what a stack overflow article said 😅 ):

    rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
    rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
    cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu;

    Here is the outputted error:

    rror: couldn't read /home/onx2/Documents/my-project/target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/debug/build/playwright-33e13a0aa96f0c95/out\ No such file or directory (os error 2)
      --> /home/onx2/.cargo/registry/src/
    21 |     const ZIP: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), sep!(), ""));
       |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = note: this error originates in the macro `include_bytes` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    error: couldn't read /home/onx2/Documents/my-project/target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/debug/build/playwright-33e13a0aa96f0c95/out\platform: No such file or directory (os error 2)
      --> /home/onx2/.cargo/registry/src/
    22 |     const PLATFORM: &'static str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), sep!(), "platform"));
       |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = note: this error originates in the macro `include_str` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    error: could not compile `playwright` due to 2 previous errors
    opened by onx2 2
  • Large file upload API implementation and Bug fix

    Large file upload API implementation and Bug fix

    Hello @octaltree,

    Implemented large file upload API, only works for local playwright instance. Also fixed a bug where multiple instances of playwright can not be spawned.

    I have not added tests for these two here. But you can check the tests here:


    opened by tmahmood 1
  • Write file on element screenshot

    Write file on element screenshot

    This PR implements functionality, which gives an ability to screenshot a specific element. Actually, the logic was copied from the page implementation. Also, i have no idea how to deal with may_save function. so I've made it pub(crate) to use in another module.

    opened by West14 1
  • monitor request and response

    monitor request and response

    Thank you for making a good library. I need response data from the page. This feature is in the rust-headless-chrome, but the overall stability of the library is poor. src_line

    I found this in the playwrite document. Can I use it here, too? network-events

    opened by initprism 1
  • Creating an incognito window

    Creating an incognito window


    is there a way to create an incognito window in playwright-rust?

    I see the comment

    granted, I am not super familiar with playwright and still coming to terms with rustlang.

    opened by afbase 1
  • `ignore_http_errors` should be named `ignore_https_errors` to mirror `ignoreHTTPSErrors`

    `ignore_http_errors` should be named `ignore_https_errors` to mirror `ignoreHTTPSErrors`

    ignore_http_errors should be named ignore_https_errors, (because it's about HTTPS), and mirrors ignoreHTTPSErrors :)

    At first I thought ignoreHTTPSErrors is not supported because I thought ignore_http_errors means something else.

    opened by Boscop 1
  • running in docker env reports some libraries are missing

    running in docker env reports some libraries are missing

    Error "Host system is missing dependencies!\n\n  Missing libraries are:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    opened by foragerDev 0
  • None of the browsers are downloading in Playright - Mac M1

    None of the browsers are downloading in Playright - Mac M1

    I get the below error if I use

    let playwright = Playwright::initialize().await.unwrap();


    Failed to install browsers
    Error: Failed to download chromium, caused by
    Error: ERROR: Playwright does not support chromium on mac13-arm64

    Now, even if I select installation of firefox, this same happens

    let playwright = Playwright::initialize().await.unwrap();


    Error: Failed to download firefox, caused by
    Error: ERROR: Playwright does not support firefox on mac13-arm64

    I am not willing to have any executable path option, this will be used by some non-tech guy, so I want to keep it simple, like installing the browser and launching automatically.

    My System Config Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 4 08 44 PM

    Can you recommend something here?

    opened by rohitcoder 1
  • Fixed issue with not being able to run playwright tests in parallel, and Implemented set_input_file_paths API

    Fixed issue with not being able to run playwright tests in parallel, and Implemented set_input_file_paths API

    Hi @octaltree,

    This update contains,

    1. Fix for not being able to run multiple instances of playwright,
    2. Implemented set_input_file_paths API

    I have tested the changes in my own test repository, and it works.

    Please review.

    opened by tmahmood 0
  • Startup error with Firefox

    Startup error with Firefox

    I'm not sure of what changed to introduce this issue, and it may just be my own box.

    Firefox started throwing this error on startup: "Gah. Your tab just crashed." The same code was working this last week.

    Error: ErrorResponded(ErrorMessage { name: "Error", message: "Page closed", stack: "Error: Page closed\n    at FFSession.<anonymous> (/home/user/.cache/ms-playwright/playwright-rust/driver/package/lib/server/firefox/ffPage.js:97:31)\n    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:420:28)\n    at FFSession.emit (events.js:314:20)\n    at /home/user/.cache/ms-playwright/playwright-rust/driver/package/lib/server/firefox/ffConnection.js:175:43" })

    playwright-rust: 0.0.20 playwright binary: ms-playwright/firefox-1250 firefox: 89.0b6 os: arch linux

    Chromium appears to work, but sadly is not an option for my use case.

    I've tried deleting the playwright cache and re-downloading but the issue remains.

    When I tried the dev branch it failed with Error: Arc(Serde(Error("missing field `utils`", line: 0, column: 0))).

    opened by lune-stone 4
  • Playwright dev branch no longer Send (thread safe) after this line of code.

    Playwright dev branch no longer Send (thread safe) after this line of code.

    Conditions: I'm running playwright (dev branch) in two parallel threads like so:


    Error: Compilation error occurs saying Playwright is not Send.

    std::marker::Send is not implemented for std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, playwright::"imp"::core::connection::Context> ./src/imp/

    Diagnosis: I was able to narrow it down to this line of code std::mem::drop(ctx); in imp/

    Partial Solution: After removing that line of code it will compile :+1: . However, though playwright works, it will hang indefinitely after I close the browser window and I have to kill the program manually. I'm not 100% sure it is from removing that line or not yet, but it seems likely.

    opened by Randall-Coding 0
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