A minimalist property-based testing library based on the arbitrary crate.

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Testing arbtest


A minimalist property-based testing library based on the arbitrary crate.

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) -> arbitrary::Result<()> { let mut xs = u.arbitrary::>()?; buggy_sort(&mut xs); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test() { arbtest::builder().budget_ms(50_000) .run(|u| prop(u)) } #[test] fn reproduce() { arbtest::builder().seed(0xde0ad94600000001) .run(|u| prop(u)) } #[test] fn minimize() { arbtest::builder().seed(0x2d5a75df00003e9a).minimize() .run(|u| prop(u)) } }">
pub fn buggy_sort(xs: &mut [u8]) {
    for i in 0..xs.len() {
        for j in 0..i {
            if xs[i] == xs[j] {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use arbtest::arbitrary::{self, Unstructured};

    fn prop(u: &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> arbitrary::Result<()> {
        let mut xs = u.arbitrary::<Vec<u8>>()?;
        buggy_sort(&mut xs);

    fn test() {
            .run(|u| prop(u))

    fn reproduce() {
            .run(|u| prop(u))

    fn minimize() {
            .run(|u| prop(u))
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  • Supporting run with a closure

    Supporting run with a closure

    Hi, thanks for the nice library! I've started using it recently and now expanding it to my work related and private projects.

    What's desired

    Would it be possible to make builder.run() accept a real closure instead of

    pub type Property = fn(u: &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> arbitrary::Result<()>;

    In other words, something like:

    pub trait Property: FnMut(&mut Unstructured<'_>) -> arbitrary::Result<()> {
    pub fn run<P: Property>(mut self, prop: P) {
        // implementation..

    Why it would be useful

    One of my tests needs to be ran with some predefined IDs, that come from another place (in particular from DB).

    Why it's not possible at the moment

    I've tried to do the desired change and open a PR, but I see that it narrows down to catch_unwind, which I could not workaround:

        fn fails(&mut self, seed: Seed, prop: Property) -> bool {
            let this = AssertUnwindSafe(self);
            std::panic::catch_unwind(move || {            // <- FnMut cannot be moved here
                let that = this;
                that.0.single_run(seed, prop)
    opened by greyblake 2
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