Left Recursive PEG for rust

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Cryptography lrpeg

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Left Recursive Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG)

lrpeg allows left recursive rules, and uses ratpack parsing for speed. I wrote a blog post to introduce the ideas of lrpeg.

The existing PEG parser generators for rust do not allow left recursion, which makes it very awkward to write grammars. It is possible to write a PEG parser generator which allows for left recursion, just as python now uses.

See IRP Grammar for a complete lrpeg grammar and handling for IRP.

How to use lrpeg

Add lrpeg to your Cargo.toml in build-dependencies:

lrpeg = "0"

regex = "1"
unicode-xid = "0.2"

Now add a build.rs to the root of your project, containing:

use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {

Write your peg grammar, and put it in a file which ends with .peg, for example src/calculator.peg:

calculator <- expr EOI;

expr <- expr ("+" / "-") WHITESPACE term
    / term;

term <- term ("*" / "/" / "%") WHITESPACE  factor
    / factor;

factor <- "(" WHITESPACE  expr ")" WHITESPACE
    / num;

num <- r"[0-9]+" WHITESPACE;

When your run cargo build, src/calculator.rs will be generated. You need to include this module in your project, and then you can instantiate the PEG like so:

mod calculator;

use calculator::{Node, Rule};

fn main() {
    let mut parser = calculator::PEG::new();

    let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();

    if args.len() != 2 {
        eprintln!("Usage {} EXPRESSION", &args[0]);

    let input = &args[1];

    println!("parsing: {}", input);

    match parser.parse(input) {
        Ok(node) => {
            fn walk(node: &Node, input: &str) -> u64 {
                match node.rule {
                    Rule::num => u64::from_str_radix(node.children[0].as_str(input), 10).unwrap(),
                    Rule::expr => {
                        if node.alternative == Some(0) {
                            let left = walk(&node.children[0], input);
                            let right = walk(&node.children[3], input);

                            match node.children[1].as_str(input) {
                                "+" => left + right,
                                "-" => left - right,
                                _ => unreachable!(),
                        } else {
                            walk(&node.children[0], input)
                    Rule::term => {
                        if node.alternative == Some(0) {
                            let left = walk(&node.children[0], input);
                            let right = walk(&node.children[3], input);

                            match node.children[1].as_str(input) {
                                "*" => left * right,
                                "/" => left / right,
                                "%" => left % right,
                                _ => unreachable!(),
                        } else {
                            walk(&node.children[0], input)
                    Rule::factor => {
                        if node.alternative == Some(0) {
                            walk(&node.children[2], input)
                        } else {
                            walk(&node.children[0], input)
                    Rule::calculator => walk(&node.children[0], input),
                    _ => {

            println!("result: {}", walk(&node, input));
        Err(pos) => {
            eprintln!("parser error at offset {}", pos + 1);

This example is available in lrpeg-example.

How to write grammar

PEG grammars are a set of rules. In lrpeg, each rule must end with a ";". Parsing starts at the top rule.

  • Each rule must start with an identifier, followed by <- and then the terms and terminated by ;
  • A term can be repeated with *, + or optional ?.
  • The list of terms cannot be empty (but a term can be optional)
  • A text literal can be encoded in single or double quotes ("foo" or 'bar')
  • A regex must be written as r"[0-9]+". Backslashed must be escaped r"\\d+" (this really needs fixing)
  • Alternatives are denoted with /. For example foo <- "a" / "b";
  • There are special terms WHITESPACE, EOI, and XID_IDENTIFIER (for unicode identifiers)

How lrpeg is bootstrapped

First of all, we need to bootstrap the PEG. We do this with a very simple lalrpop LR(1) PEG grammar. This grammar has some limitations, but it is good enough.


  • More tests
  • Better parse error information (now only the error offset is returned)
  • Better documentation
  • Make generator into rust macro
  • Detect unused rules
  • Detect unreachable alternatives
  • ambiguous tokens

    ambiguous tokens

    since the operator "~" doesn't seem to be supported and the regex crate can't do look-ahead operations what is the best way to disambiguate between identifiers and keywordsI have tried to reorder them but it's not ideal because it will either fail to parse or end up in the wrong branch.

    also thank you for making lrpeg available!

    opened by advancedtw 7
  • Idea: Support `node_tag` and `branch_tag`

    Idea: Support `node_tag` and `branch_tag`

    Add two fields to identify nodes

    #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
    pub struct Node<'i> {
        pub rule: Rule,
        pub start: usize,
        pub end: usize,
        pub node_tag: Option<&'i str>,   // The lifetime is the same as the input text
        pub branch_tag: Option<&'i str>, // The lifetime is the same as the input text
        pub children: Vec<Node<'i>>,
        pub alternative: Option<u16>,

    Basically like this:

    expr <-
        "(" expr ")"            #Priority
      / lhs=expr "*" rhs=expr   #Mul
      / lhs=expr "/" rhs=expr   #Div
      / lhs=expr "+" rhs=expr   #Add
      / lhs=expr "-" rhs=expr   #Sub
      / num                     #Atom
    num <- re#[0-9]+#;

    PEG.js has this feature

    opened by oovm 6
  • Make 'ast' and 'parser' modules public

    Make 'ast' and 'parser' modules public

    Hi Sean,

    I need to access the internal modules 'ast' and 'parser' so I've added optional features to expose them.

    Please let me know if you prefer to handle this in a different way.

    Thanks, Tal

    opened by talliberman 5
  • Are rules related to order?

    Are rules related to order?

    // everything ok
    COMMENT <- "//" re#[^\r\n]# .;

    If you change the order, it will go wrong:

    // failed to run custom build command
    COMMENT <- "//" re#[^\r\n]# .;
    error: failed to run custom build command for `lrpeg-test v0.1.0 (D:\Rust\lrpeg\lrpeg-test)`
    opened by oovm 4
  • Optional `;`

    Optional `;`


    Here I can see ; should be optional, but in fact it is not, ; is required.


    It seems that sequence will eat the beginning of next rule.

    x <- a b c 
    y <- d
    // equivalent to
    x <- a b c y <- d
    // should equivalent to
    x <- a b c; y <- d

    In principle, can this problem be solved?

    opened by oovm 1
  • Bad case report of indirect left recursion

    Bad case report of indirect left recursion

    Input text

    x = a | b | c
        Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
         Running tests\main.rs (target\debug\deps\main-c0d26e7fa1d49033.exe)
    called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: (2, 6)
    thread 'peg::assign' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: (2, 6)', projects\ygg-bootstrap\tests\peg\mod.rs:5:38
    stack backtrace:
       0: std::panicking::begin_panic_handler
                 at /rustc/d7c97a02d1215e4ef26c31cb72dbaf16fd548b2c\/library\std\src\panicking.rs:517
       1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
                 at /rustc/d7c97a02d1215e4ef26c31cb72dbaf16fd548b2c\/library\core\src\panicking.rs:100
       2: core::result::unwrap_failed
                 at /rustc/d7c97a02d1215e4ef26c31cb72dbaf16fd548b2c\/library\core\src\result.rs:1616
       3: enum$<core::result::Result<yggdrasil_bootstrap::ygg::ygg::Node,tuple$<usize,usize> > >::unwrap<yggdrasil_bootstrap::ygg::ygg::Node,tuple$<usize,usize> >
                 at /rustc/d7c97a02d1215e4ef26c31cb72dbaf16fd548b2c\library\core\src\result.rs:1298
       4: main::peg::peg_assert
                 at .\tests\peg\mod.rs:5
       5: main::peg::assign
                 at .\tests\peg\mod.rs:47
       6: main::peg::assign::closure$0
                 at .\tests\peg\mod.rs:42
       7: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once<main::peg::assign::closure$0,tuple$<> >
                 at /rustc/d7c97a02d1215e4ef26c31cb72dbaf16fd548b2c\library\core\src\ops\function.rs:227
       8: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
                 at /rustc/d7c97a02d1215e4ef26c31cb72dbaf16fd548b2c\library\core\src\ops\function.rs:227
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
    error: test failed, to rerun pass '--test main'
    Process finished with exit code 101

    Bad PEG

    Forgive me for not minimizing the problem, there are some other problems I am figuring out.

    program  <- IGNORE (statement IGNORE)* EOI;
    statement  <- empty_statement
      / grammar_statement IGNORE eos?
      / fragment_statement IGNORE eos?
      / import_statement IGNORE eos?
      / ignore_statement IGNORE eos?
      / assign_statement IGNORE eos?
      / macro_define IGNORE eos?
    empty_statement <- eos;
    eos  <- ";";
    grammar_statement  <-
        grammar IGNORE symbol IGNORE "{" IGNORE (string IGNORE ("," IGNORE string)* IGNORE ","?)? IGNORE "}"
      / grammar IGNORE symbol IGNORE string?
    grammar  <- "grammar!";
    fragment_statement <- fragment IGNORE symbol;
    fragment <- "fragment!";
    import_statement  <-
        import IGNORE string IGNORE "{" IGNORE (symbol_alias IGNORE ("," IGNORE symbol_alias)* IGNORE ","?)? IGNORE "}"
      / import IGNORE string
    import  <- "import!";
    symbol_alias <- (symbol IGNORE "as" IGNORE)? symbol;
    ignore_statement  <-
        ignore IGNORE symbol
      / ignore IGNORE "{" IGNORE (symbol IGNORE ("," IGNORE symbol)* IGNORE ","?)? IGNORE "}"
    ignore  <- "ignore!";
    assign_statement  <- symbol IGNORE assign_kind IGNORE ("|"/"/")? IGNORE expr;
    assign_kind  <- ("^"/"_"/"@")*  "=";
    expr  <- expr0;
    expr0 <- symbol IGNORE mark_type? IGNORE "<-" IGNORE expr1
        / expr1;
    expr1 <- choice_expr IGNORE ("|"/"/") IGNORE choice_expr
        / expr2;
    expr2 <- expr2 IGNORE "~" IGNORE expr3
        / expr3;
    expr3 <- expr3 IGNORE slice
        / expr4;
    expr4 <- expr4 IGNORE suffix
        / expr5;
    expr5 <- prefix IGNORE expr5
        / expr6;
    expr6 <- "(" IGNORE "/"? IGNORE expr IGNORE ")"
        / data;
    choice_expr  <- expr1 IGNORE (mark_branch IGNORE mark_type?)?;
    mark_branch  <- ("^"/"!"/"<"/">")? "#" symbol;
    mark_type  <- ":" IGNORE symbol;
    prefix  <- "!" / "&" / "^" / "*" / "%";
    suffix  <- "?" / "+" / "-"/ "*";
    data   <- macro_call
      / regex_range
      / list
      / symbol_path
      / integer
      / special
    list   <- "{" IGNORE (data IGNORE ("," IGNORE data)* IGNORE ","?)? IGNORE "}";
    slice  <- "{" IGNORE integer IGNORE "," IGNORE integer IGNORE  "}";
    regex_range  <- "[" IGNORE (!"]" IGNORE . / "\\" IGNORE .)* IGNORE "]";
    macro_call  <-
        "@" symbol_path IGNORE "(" IGNORE (macro_kv IGNORE ("," IGNORE macro_kv)* IGNORE ","?)? IGNORE")"
    macro_kv  <-  symbol IGNORE " <-" IGNORE expr / expr;
    macro_define  <-
        "macro!" IGNORE symbol IGNORE  "(" IGNORE(macro_arg IGNORE ("," IGNORE macro_arg)* IGNORE ","?)? IGNORE ")" IGNORE block
    macro_arg  <- symbol IGNORE (":" IGNORE symbol)? IGNORE ("=" IGNORE expr)?;
    block  <- "{" IGNORE "return"? IGNORE expr IGNORE "}";
    string  <-
      / re#"([^\\"]|\\.)*"#
    integer  <- "0" / re#[1-9]# ("_"? re#[0-9]#)*;
    special  <- "true"/"false"/"null";
    symbol_path  <-
        symbol IGNORE (("::"/".") IGNORE symbol)*
    symbol  <- XID_IDENTIFIER;
    SPACE <- re#[\s]+#;
    NEWLINE <- re#[\r\n]+#;
    COMMENT <- "//" re#[^\r\n]*#

    Expected behavior

    Inline choice_expr into expr1 then everything is ok

    expr1 <- expr1 IGNORE (mark_branch IGNORE mark_type?)? IGNORE ("|"/"/") IGNORE choice_expr
        / expr2;

    It should be handled correctly without inline here.

    opened by oovm 1
  • Syntax highlighting

    Syntax highlighting

    I wrote a very basic VSCode extension to enable syntax highlighting for the project:



    Would be good if it was mentioned in the docs, thanks!

    opened by sheganinans 0
  • Stack based matching

    Stack based matching

    I have encountered some difficulties, and it doesn’t seem to be easy when pair matching is required.

    Such as these situations:


    <a> push into the stack , wait until </a> pop out the stack


    \begin{name} push into the stack , wait until \end{name} pop out the stack.


    `×4 push into the stack
    do something
    wait until  `×4 pop out the stack
    opened by oovm 0
  • Bad case report of missing label

    Bad case report of missing label

    Simplified Example

    calculator <- <atom:atom> EOI;
    atom <-
        Num:/ <num:num>
        Str:/ <str:str>;
    num <- re#0|[1-9][0-9]*#;
    str <- re#"([^\\"]|\\.)*"#;

    Bad Result

    (omit EOI)

    Node {
        rule: calculator,
        start: 0,
        end: 1,
        children: [
            Node {
                rule: atom,
                start: 0,
                end: 1,
                children: [
                    Node {
                        rule: num,
                        start: 0,
                        end: 1,
                        children: [],
                        label: None,
                        alternative: None,
                label: Some("atom"),
                alternative: Some("Num"),
        label: None,
        alternative: None,

    Excepted Result

    (omit EOI)

    Node {
        rule: calculator,
        start: 0,
        end: 1,
        children: [
            Node {
                rule: atom,
                start: 0,
                end: 1,
                children: [
                    Node {
                        rule: num,
                        start: 0,
                        end: 1,
                        children: [],
                        label: Some("num"),
                        alternative: None,
                label: Some("atom"),
                alternative: Some("Num"),
        label: None,
        alternative: None,
    opened by oovm 0
  • NodeAPI suggestion

    NodeAPI suggestion

    This is a relatively private request, only for my project.

    All the interfaces I need are listed here

    /// It's a node contained in the Lossless Concrete Syntax Tree
    /// All subsequent required information will be retained
    /// Including spaces, line breaks, and comments or other semantically irrelevant content.
    /// Macros and formatting can start at this level
    pub trait CSTNode where Self: Sized {
        /// get str of the node
        fn get_str(&self) -> &str;
        /// Provide basic location information
        /// (start_offset, end_offset)
        fn get_span(&self) -> (usize, usize);
        /// Provide detailed row and column ranges
        /// (start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col)
        fn get_range(&self) -> (usize, usize, usize, usize);
        /// Get the tag of the current node
        fn get_node_tag(&self) -> Option<&'static str>;
        /// Get the tag of the current branch
        fn get_branch_tag(&self) -> Option<&'static str>;
        /// Find node tags in all of the children
        /// Then collect then into the vec, and store in hashmap with tag name
        fn get_tag_map(&self) -> HashMap<String, Vec<Self>>;

    This version is used in pest, lrpeg itself does not store the input reference, so it may look like this

    pub trait CSTNode where Self: Sized {
        fn get_str<'i>(&self,input: &'i str) -> &'i str;
        fn get_span(&self, input:&str) -> (usize, usize);
        fn get_range(&self, input:&str) -> (usize, usize, usize, usize);
        fn get_node_tag(&self) -> Option<&'static str>;
        fn get_branch_tag(&self) -> Option<&'static str>;
        fn get_tag_map(&self) -> HashMap<String, Vec<Self>>;

    Hope this helps refer to which field in Node should keep.

    Why do I need two ranges (span, range)?

    because the language server protocol is like this, most interfaces are rows and columns, and a few cases are offsets.

    opened by oovm 1
  • Suppress output of unnecessary nodes

    Suppress output of unnecessary nodes

    This is my grammar file,


    This is my parsing output of x=0


    I don't understand why there are two Terminals here, and the statement nodes I need are wrapped in children.

    In my understanding, Terminal is ε or string or regex, it should have no children.

    opened by oovm 10
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