6176 Repositories
Rust rust-esp32-std-mini Libraries
Rust crate and CLI for generating Diceware passphrases.
⁙ diceware Rust crate and CLI for generating strong Diceware passphrases. CLI usage As of now you can install it globally via cargo (assuming you have
Michael's Compression Algorithm
mca This repository contains a compression algorithm written by me (Michael Grigoryan). The algorithm is only able to compress and decompress text fil
X-Engine: A SQL Engine built from scratch in Rust.
XNGIN (pronounced "X Engine") This is a personal project to build a SQL engine from scratch. The project name is inspired by Nginx, which is a very po
A Rust CLI to provide last publish dates for packages in a package-lock.json file
NPM Package Age A Rust CLI which if you provide a npm lockfile (package-lock.json to start), it will give you a listing of all of the packages & the l
Streaming data over unix sockets, in Rust
Unix-socket based client/server In order to dig into Sōzu channels, I had to dig into the workings of unix sockets. What this repo contains a small so
You _can_ put lipstick on a pig
lipstick 💄 🐷 You can put lipstick on a pig What lipstick compiles a subset of Rust's syntax into C. It's not a "Rust subset" though, since there's n
Integra8 rust integration test framework Rust with a focus on productivity, extensibility, and speed.
integra8 Integra8 rust integration test framework Rust with a focus on productivity, extensibility, and speed. | This repo is in a "work in progress"
a work-in-progress NES emulator written in rust.
sayaka-rs a work-in-progress NES emulator, written in Rust. the project image is an edit of a frame from the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica manga. the Mik
BudouX-rs is a rust port of BudouX (machine learning powered line break organizer tool).
BudouX-rs BudouX-rs is a rust port of BudouX (machine learning powered line break organizer tool). Note: This project contains the deliverables of the
A minimalist socket-based client/server in Rust to illustrate a tutorial
The basics of unix sockets This repository serves as a reference for this tutorial blogpost How to run Install Rust and Cargo, and then do: cargo run
Experimental treesiter based language server, let's see how far this goes 😆.
tsls Tree-sitter based language server for general languages. Warning: It's in active development right now, and bug is expected. Features Go To Defin
Rust crates with map and set with interval keys (ranges x..y).
This crates implements map and set with interval keys (ranges x..y). IntervalMap is implemented using red-black binary tree, where each node contains
A solver for the popular Wordle game written in Rust.
Wordle Solver A solver for the popular Wordle game written in Rust. It does not attempt to be the most efficient solver possible but tries to avoid us
Safe Rust bindings to the DynamoRIO dynamic binary instrumentation framework.
Introduction The dynamorio-rs crate provides safe Rust bindings to the DynamoRIO dynamic binary instrumentation framework, essentially allowing you to
Pokémon TCG SDK - Rust
Pokémon TCG SDK - Rust This is the Pokémon TCG SDK Rust implementation. It is a wrapper around the Pokémon TCG API of pokemontcg.io. Usage Configurati
Playground for 2D EKF-SLAM as TUI in Rust
SLAMme.RS Playground for 2D EKF-SLAM as TUI in Rust Installation $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh # install RUST $ su
Conway's Game of Life implemented for Game Boy Advance in Rust
game-of-life An implementation of a Conway's Game of Life environment on GBA. The ultimate game should have two modes: Edit and Run mode which can be
Simple SSH, TELNET connection manager written in rust
gcoma gcoma or Geri's Connection Manager is a small project, that I started to learn rust. The goal of this project is to create a MTPuTTY like cli ap
Cross-platform Rust wrappers for the PCI ID Repository
pci-ids This project is modified from wooduffw's usb-ids.rs (https://github.com/woodruffw/usb-ids.rs) Cross-platform Rust wrappers for the PCI ID Repo
Programme de prévisions météo dans le terminal écrit en Rust
Météo France TUI Programme graphique en ligne de commande qui permet de consulter les prévisions de Météo France. Installation Pour installer Météo TU
A GUI for NordVPN on Linux that maintains feature parity with the official clients, written with Rust and GTK.
Viking for NordVPN This project aims to provide a fully usable and feature-complete graphical interface for NordVPN on Linux. While it attempts to clo
CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust as a side project.
marisa-rs a CHIP-8 emulator, with learning purposes in mind, written in Rust. this is mainly a learning project of mine for deeper knowledge in emulat
A modular game engine written in Rust
A modular game engine written in Rust Maintainers of Piston core libraries: @bvssvni Dive into the world of Piston Guide Overview Examples Tutorials F
Rust bindings and wrappers for GLib, GDK 3, GTK+ 3 and Cairo.
THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED SEE: https://github.com/rust-gnome rgtk Rust bindings and wrappers for GLib, GDK 3, GTK+ 3 and Cairo. Building rgtk expe
A low-level library for OpenGL context creation, written in pure Rust.
glutin - OpenGL, UTilities and INput A low-level library for OpenGL context creation, written in pure Rust. [dependencies] glutin = "0.28.0" Documenta
SDL2 bindings for Rust
Rust-SDL2 Bindings for SDL2 in Rust Changelog for 0.35.0 Overview Rust-SDL2 is a library for talking to the new SDL2.0 libraries from Rust. Low-level
SFML bindings for Rust
rust-sfml Rust bindings for SFML, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library. Requirements Linux, Windows, or OS X Rust 1.56 or later SFML 2.5 A C++ compi
Encoding and decoding images in Rust
Image Maintainers: @HeroicKatora, @fintelia How to contribute An Image Processing Library This crate provides basic image processing functions and met
a shiny test framework for rust
Ooh, shiny! Shiny makes you less distracted with copying over initialization code in test cases. It also has a fancy syntax similar to Ruby's RSpec or
Completely OBSOLETE Rust HTTP library (server and client)
OBSOLETION NOTICE This library is DEAD. It was a useful experiment and is now being replaced under the scope of the Teepee (experimentation grounds at
Rust bindings to libcurl
curl-rust libcurl bindings for Rust Quick Start use std::io::{stdout, Write}; use curl::easy::Easy; // Print a web page onto stdout fn main() {
A curl(libcurl) mod for rust.
curl Master Dev A lightweight Curl-wrapper for using (mostly) HTTP from Rust. While there are a couple of Rust HTTP libraries like rust-http and its s
A high performance blockchain kernel for enterprise users.
English | 简体中文 What is CITA CITA is a fast and scalable blockchain kernel for enterprises. CITA supports both native contract and EVM contract, by whi
CodeChain's official implementation in Rust.
CodeChain CodeChain is a programmable open source blockchain technology optimal for developing and customizing multi-asset management systems. Build D
The Rust implementation of Conflux protocol.
Conflux-Rust Conflux-rust is a Rust-based implementation of the Conflux protocol. It is fast and reliable. Please follow the Conflux Documentation to
Enigma Core library. The domain: Trusted and Untrusted App in Rust.
Enigma Core library Service Master Develop CI Badge Pure Rust Enclave && Untrusted in Rust. Core is part of the Enigma node software stack. The Core c
An easy-to-use, high-performance Interledger implementation written in Rust
Interledger implementation in Rust 💸 Requirements All crates require Rust 2018 edition and are tested on the following channels: stable Connecting to
Reference client for NEAR Protocol
Reference implementation of NEAR Protocol About NEAR NEAR's purpose is to enable community-driven innovation to benefit people around the world. To ac
Rust implementation of the Nomic Bitcoin sidechain
Nomic Bitcoin Bridge testnet v0.3.0 (codename "gucci") Guccinet In this testnet, we've added two core featues: staking and Bitcoin integration. Full s
Rust implementation of the Mina protocol, targeting Wasm and ARM architectures.
Mina-rs An implementation of Mina protocol in Rust, with focus on web and Wasm compatibility ** As you can probably tell this is a WIP! Don't use for
The fast, light, and robust client for Ethereum-like networks.
The Fastest and most Advanced Ethereum Client. » Download the latest release « Table of Contents Description Technical Overview Building 3.1 Building
Parametric surfaces drawn using the Rust + WASM toolchain with WebGL, React, and TypeScript.
Parametric Surfaces in the Browser My.Movie.3.mp4 Wanted to experiment with WebGL using the Rust + WASM toolchain, with React and TypeScript to glue e
📝 A template for creating WASM + Typescript + Rust workflow libraries.
Create Rust + TypeScript libraries with ease! PR'S WELCOMED! ✨ Inspiration I wanted to create a WebAssembly/Rust library with additional JS features,
Dragonball-sandbox is a collection of Rust crates to help build custom Virtual Machine Monitors and hypervisors
Dragonball-sandbox is a collection of Rust crates to help build custom Virtual Machine Monitors and hypervisors. The crates here are considered to be the downstream of rust-vmm.
zigfi is an open-source stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies price monitoring CLI app, written fully in Rust, where you can organize assets you're watching easily into watchlists for easy access on your terminal.
zigfi zigfi is an open-source stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies price monitoring CLI app, written fully in Rust, where you can organize assets
Vari (Väri) is a Rust library for formatting strings with colors and cosmetic stuff to the terminal.
Vari Vari (Väri) is a Rust library for formatting strings with colors and cosmetic stuff to the terminal. Like Rich library for Python. Väri means "co
Ninja-compatible build system for high-level programming languages written in Rust
Turtle Ninja-compatible build system for high-level programming languages written in Rust Goals Safe (no unsafe) and fast implementation of the Ninja
Yahoo Finance CLI written in rust
yahoo-finance-rust-cli Displays your configurable stock portfolio using Yahoo Finance data. It uses the WebSocket of the website to get real time (but
🚀 A fast, modern & efficient interpreted language.
Lace is an efficient, modern and predictable procedural programming language written in rust. Easy to write: Lace's syntax is easy to learn and write,
📩 steamworks.DownloadUGC for the server!
gmsv_workshop This module allows for servers to use the steamworks.DownloadUGC and steamworks.FileInfo functions, enabling runtime downloading & mount
Safe, efficient, and ergonomic bindings to Wolfram LibraryLink and the Wolfram Language
wolfram-library-link Bindings to the Wolfram LibraryLink interface, making it possible to call Rust code from the Wolfram Language. This library is us
Bringing support for the EOS-S3 in Rust
eos-s3-rs WIP Bringing support for the EOS-S3 in Rust. Embedded-hal traits implemented: ADC traits digital IO (but must decide what to do with #3) del
Fast DNA manipulation for Python, written in Rust.
quickdna Quickdna is a simple, fast library for working with DNA sequences. It is up to 100x faster than Biopython for some translation tasks, in part
🌴 Syntax highlighting in Rust.
🌴 HL (WIP) Syntax highlighting written in Rust. The project is designed to generate html syntax highlighting for the given file. This software is ins
A stack (ram) based language written in rust
The Ram programming language A stack based programming language created to experiment my crappy lang-dev only capable of making some mathematical form
CRUD system of book-management with ORM and JWT for educational purposes.
Book management English | 中文 Required Rust MySQL 5.7 Usage Execute init.sql to create tables. Set environment variable DATABASE_URL and JWT_SECRET in
Damavand is a quantum circuit simulator. It can run on laptops or High Performance Computing architectures, such CPU distributed architectures or multi GPU distributed architectures.
Damavand is a code that simulates quantum circuits. In order to learn more about damavand, refer to the documentation. Development status Core feature
A CHIP-8 emulator in Rust with iced-powered GUI
CHIP-8 Emulator in Rust A CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust and iced-powered GUI. All 34 CHIP-8 instructions (SUPER CHIP instructions are not supported)
Execute Javascript code in the Dioxus, and get the return value ( for Dioxus )
Golde Dioxus Execute Javascript code in the Dioxus, and get the return value. This demo can help use Javascript to calc the + operator formula. use di
Ref Arch: Serverless GraphQL in Rust on AWS
A Whole Hog Reference Architecture for an Apollo Federation-Ready, Serverless, Rust-Based GraphQL Microservice on AWS using Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
serde-like serialization and deserialization of static Rust types in XML
static-xml static-xml is a serde-like serialization and deserialization library for XML, currently written as a layer on top of xml-rs. Status: in ear
yet another typing test, but crab flavoured
toipe A trusty terminal typing tester for the tux. Usage Install cargo install toipe Run typing test toipe looks best on a nice terminal (such as Ala
List public items (public API) of Rust library crates. Enables diffing public API between releases.
cargo wrapper for this library You probably want the cargo wrapper to this library. See https://github.com/Enselic/cargo-public-items. public_items Li
A static mail HTML archive for the 21st century, written in Rust
🦀 Crabmail 🦀 self-hosted / github mirror A static mail HTML archive for the 21st century, written in Rust. Includes helpful "modern" features that e
A Rust-based Garry's Mod module for fetching environment variables.
gm_environ Using Environment Variables in Garry's Mod. Installation Download a copy of the module from the releases (or compile from source) Move the
A command line application which sets your wall paper with new image generating pollens once they arrive.
pollenwall Table of Contents pollenwall About Installation Binary releases Build from source Usage Command Line Arguments Running as a service MacOS L
A small rust database that uses json in memory.
Tiny Query Database (TQDB) TQDB is a small library for creating a query-able database that is encoded with json. The library is well tested (~96.30% c
Many modbus devices support only one or very few clients
Modbus TCP proxy Many modbus devices support only one or very few clients. This proxy acts as a bridge between the client and the modbus device. It ca
Rust Keeper bots that run various functions, from liquidations, to orderbook cranks, and more.
The zo-keeper (pronounced "zoo keeper") repository runs large scale instructions that secure the 01 network, and allow it to operate in a fully decentralized manner.
Hooks for Yew, inspired by streamich/react-use and alibaba/hooks.
Yew Hooks Hooks for Yew, inspired by streamich/react-use and alibaba/hooks. Hooks State use_toggle - tracks state of counterparts. use_bool_toggle - t
A simple, very minimal Minecraft server implementation in Rust.
A simple, very minimal Minecraft server implementation in Rust. For a simple Minecraft server that isn't supposed to do much (for example, a limbo ser
The Stacks 2.0 blockchain implementation
Stacks 2.0 Reference implementation of the Stacks blockchain in Rust. Stacks 2.0 is a layer-1 blockchain that connects to Bitcoin for security and ena
Open source Rust implementation of the Witnet decentralized oracle protocol, including full node and wallet backend 👁️🦀
witnet-rust is an open source implementation of the Witnet Decentralized Oracle Network protocol written in Rust. Components witnet-rust implements ma
An ongoing Rust implementation of a Zcash node. 🦓
Contents Contents About Beta Releases Getting Started Known Issues Future Work Documentation Security License About Zebra is the Zcash Foundation's in
A privacy-preserving blockchain on Substrate
Zerochain Zerochain is a generic privacy-protecting layer on top of Substrate. It provides some useful substrate modules and toolkit for protecting us
A rust implementation of the ABCI protocol for tendermint core
🚨 DEPRECATED 🚨 This repo has been deprecated. Development work continues as the "abci" crate of informalsystems/tendermint-rs. Please reference that
CKB's vm, based on open source RISC-V ISA
Nervos CKB VM About CKB VM CKB VM is a pure software implementation of the RISC-V instruction set used as scripting VM in CKB. Right now it implements
Lunatic is an Erlang-inspired runtime for WebAssembly
Lunatic is a universal runtime for fast, robust and scalable server-side applications. It's inspired by Erlang and can be used from any language that
SVM - Spacemesh Virtual Machine
SVM - Spacemesh Virtual Machine Project Goals Self-contained. Should be hosted by the Spacemesh Golang full-node and future Spacemesh Rust full-node B
WebAssembly (Wasm) interpreter.
Continuous Integration Test Coverage Documentation Crates.io wasmi- WebAssembly (Wasm) Interpreter wasmi was conceived as a component of parity-ethere
Standalone JIT-style runtime for WebAssembly, using Cranelift
wasmtime A standalone runtime for WebAssembly A Bytecode Alliance project Guide | Contributing | Website | Chat Installation The Wasmtime CLI can be i
Raft distributed consensus algorithm implemented in Rust.
Raft Problem and Importance When building a distributed system one principal goal is often to build in fault-tolerance. That is, if one particular nod
An implementation of the paper "Honey Badger of BFT Protocols" in Rust. This is a modular library of consensus.
Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm Welcome to a Rust library of the Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus
Lightweight p2p library. Support build robust stable connection on p2p/distributed network.
Chamomile Build a robust stable connection on p2p network features Support build a robust stable connection between two peers on the p2p network. Supp
Reliable p2p network connections in Rust with NAT traversal
Reliable p2p network connections in Rust with NAT traversal. One of the most needed libraries for any server-less, decentralised project.
A multiplexed p2p network framework that supports custom protocols
Tentacle Overview This is a minimal implementation for a multiplexed p2p network based on yamux that supports mounting custom protocols. Architecture
Rust wants & tracking for Embark 🦀
Embark Rust Ecosystem High-level tracking and discussions about improving Rust and the Rust ecosystem for our game development use cases at Embark. Ch
A rust library that provides pseudo-reflection for structs and enums
Treeflection treeflection_derive Treeflection runs a command stored as a string on a tree of structs, collections and primitive types. Commands A comm
The Rust Reference
The Rust Language Reference This document is the primary reference for the Rust programming language. This document is not normative. It may include d
Entity Component System focused on usability and speed.
Shipyard ⚓ Shipyard is an Entity Component System focused on usability and speed. If you have any question or want to follow the development more clos
🎳 Rust binding and wrapper over NVIDIA PhysX 🦀
🎳 physx-rs Rust binding and wrapper over NVIDIA PhysX, a popular and mature physics engine particularly well-suited for games. Created and maintained
Rust Language Cheat Sheet
Rust Language Cheat Sheet A single-page Rust resource for people who like high information density. Use cases, in order of priority: identification &
Comparing performance of Rust math libraries for common 3D game and graphics tasks
mathbench mathbench is a suite of unit tests and benchmarks comparing the output and performance of a number of different Rust linear algebra librarie
Rust bindings for Dear ImGui
imgui-rs: Rust bindings for Dear ImGui (Recently under new maintenance, things subject to change) ui.window("Hello world") .size([300.0, 100.0], C
rustcxx: Using C++ from Rust made easy
rustcxx: Using C++ from Rust made easy rustcxx is a tool allowing C++ to be used from a Rust project easily. It works by allowing snippets of C++ to b
Rust binding for NGINX
Rust for NGINX Rust bindings and wrappers for NGINX. Can be used for building dynamic modules and hacking NGINX using rust. Production Status This ver
A stack for rust trait objects that minimizes allocations
dynstack A stack for trait objects that minimizes allocations COMPATIBILITY NOTE: dynstack relies on an underspecified fat pointer representation. Tho
Rust library for build scripts to compile C/C++ code into a Rust library
A library to compile C/C++/assembly into a Rust library/application.
Work-in-progress Rust application that converts C++ header-only libraries to single self-contained headers.
unosolo Work-in-progress Rust application that converts C++ header-only libraries to single self-contained headers. Disclaimer This is my first Rust p
Rust for C++ programmers
Rust For Systems Programmers A Rust tutorial for experienced C and C++ programmers. Jump to contents. Jump to contributing. This tutorial is intended