You _can_ put lipstick on a pig


lipstick 💄 🐷

You can put lipstick on a pig


lipstick compiles a subset of Rust's syntax into C. It's not a "Rust subset" though, since there's not borrow checker or lifetimes. It's simply a Rust-like syntax frontend for C.

Check it out in action in the playground.


Because it's fun, duh.

Also, it might be a good teaching tool, so you can temporarily "turn off" the borrow checker. You can see how writing in unsafe system languages looks like, without actually having any C or C++ knowledge.


lipstick 0.3.0
Lipstick for C

Compile Rust-like syntax into C code

    lipstick [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT> [-- <COMPILER FLAGS>...]

    -C, --cc         Compile the output of lipstick by calling your C compiler
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -Z <FEATURE>                 Debugging flags [possible values: syn]
        --compiler <COMPILER>    Specifies which C compiler to invoke [default: cc]
    -o, --out <OUT>              The file to write the output to ("-" for stdout) [default: <INPUT>.c]

    <INPUT>                The file to be compiled to C
    <COMPILER FLAGS>...    Flags for the `cc` compiler



fn foo() -> &u32 {
  let x: u32 = 7;
  let y: &u32 = &x;


#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef u32
#define u32 uint32_t
u32 * foo() ;
u32 * foo() {
  u32 x = 7;
  u32 *y = &x;
  return y;


Primitive Types

u8-u64, i8-i64, isize, usize, bool and floats are translated equivalent C types. The never type ! can be used in return position.

Composite Types

You can define structs and unions, and use arrays with constant length. Order of definition does not matter. Function types can also be used.


References &x and the deref operator *x can be used freely, without pesky lifetimes bothering you.

Control Flow

if - else, while and loop work. Labeled loops and break/continue work. for loops can be used with literal ranges 0..n or 0..=n.

match expressions can be used and will get translated to switch statements but the only allowed patterns are literals or variables (except for an optional, final wildcard _), blocks are the only allowed bodies.


Implicit returns in functions work.

#include directives

You can use include![my_header] or include![<sys/elf>] (note the lack of extension) to generate include directives.

Type Inference

For locally defined types, the -> operator is auto-inferred.

What Does not Work

  • No fancy restrict, const or volatile shenanigans.
  • No type inference, lifetimes, traits, generics, methods, impls, visibility modifiers, paths, tuples, patterns, attributes, etc.


  • Some form of use modules
  • Stdlib access
  • Preserve comments
  • char/string semantics
  • statics
  • Tuples?
  • Enums
  • Attributes for "annotations" (e.g. volatile)
  • Type inference?
  • Macros?
  • Map cc errors back to original source?
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