6313 Repositories
Rust pmpf-code-rust Libraries
A simple and fast download accelerator, written in Rust
zou A simple and fast download accelerator, written in Rust Zou is a Snatch fork by @k0pernicus. Snatch is a fast and interruptable download accelerat
Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀
Blazing fast terminal client for git written in Rust Features Fast and intuitive keyboard only control Context based help (no need to memorize tons of
A fast duplicate file finder
The Directory Differential hTool DDH traverses input directories and their subdirectories. It also hashes files as needed and reports findings. The H
A more intuitive version of du in rust
Dust du + rust = dust. Like du but more intuitive. Why Because I want an easy way to see where my disk is being used. Demo Install Cargo cargo install
A modern replacement for ps written in Rust
procs procs is a replacement for ps written in Rust. Documentation quick links Features Platform Installation Usage Configuration Features Output by t
Yet another fancy watcher. (Rust)
funzzy Yet another fancy watcher. (Inspired by antr / entr) Configure execution of different commands using semantic yaml. # .watch.yaml # list here a
minimalistic command launcher in rust
rrun Note: Apart from the occasional fix, this project is not actively developed anymore. rrun works fine and should run/compile for the time being on
A faster way to navigate your filesystem
zoxide A faster way to navigate your filesystem Table of contents Introduction Examples Getting started Step 1: Install zoxide Step 2: Install fzf (op
A fast, simple, recursive content discovery tool written in Rust.
A simple, fast, recursive content discovery tool written in Rust 🦀 Releases ✨ Example Usage ✨ Contributing ✨ Documentation 🦀 😕 What the heck is a f
Semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
sn0int sn0int (pronounced /snoɪnt/) is a semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager. It was built for IT security professionals and bug hunter
Secure multithreaded packet sniffer
sniffglue sniffglue is a network sniffer written in rust. Network packets are parsed concurrently using a thread pool to utilize all cpu cores. Projec
🤖 The Modern Port Scanner 🤖
➡️ Discord | Installation Guide | Usage Guide ⬅️ The Modern Port Scanner. Fast, smart, effective. 🐋 Docker (Recommended) 👩💻 Kali / Debian 🏗️ Arch
tcp connection hijacker, rust rewrite of shijack
rshijack tcp connection hijacker, rust rewrite of shijack from 2001. This was written for TAMUctf 2018, brick house 100. The target was a telnet serve
A simple password manager written in Rust
ripasso A simple password manager written in Rust. The root crate ripasso is a library for accessing and decrypting passwords stored in pass format (G
Rust bindings for libinjection
libinjection-rs Rust bindings for libinjection. How to use Add libinjection to dependencies of Cargo.toml: libinjection = "0.2" Import crate: extern c
Scriptable network authentication cracker
badtouch badtouch is a scriptable network authentication cracker. While the space for common service bruteforce is already very well saturated, you ma
A Linux script management CLI written in Rust
pier ~ A Linux script management tool A central repository to manage all your one-liners, scripts, tools, and CLIs. Add, remove, list, and run scripts
Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust
A cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust Visit the espanso website. What is a Text Expander? A text expander is a program that detects when you
The Stupid Operating System
Stupid Operating System SOS is a simple, tiny toy OS implemented in Rust. I'm writing this mostly for fun, to learn more about OS design and kernel ha
Experimental kernel for embedded devices written in Rust
bkernel is an experimental kernel for embedded devices written in Rust. I'm mostly trying out Rust now to see how it applies to kernel development. Pr
A language-based OS to run Rust on bare metal
RustOS A simple, language-based OS. Current features: Simple VGA for seeing output Some Rust libraries (core, alloc, collections) already in Working (
A language-based OS to run Rust on bare metal
RustOS A simple, language-based OS. Current features: Simple VGA for seeing output Some Rust libraries (core, alloc, collections) already in Working (
A tiny 32 bit kernel written in Rust
rustboot A tiny 32 bit kernel written in Rust. I was inspired to download Rust and try to do this after seeing zero.rs - a stub that lets Rust program
A Rust version of the Weenix OS
Reenix This is the start of a unix like operating system written in Rust. It is based on the Weenix Operating system written for Brown's CS167/9. At t
A hobby operating system, in Rust
intermezzOS: kernel intermezzOS is a hobby operating system. This repository is for its kernel. See the website for more. License This project is dual
A secure embedded operating system for microcontrollers
Tock is an embedded operating system designed for running multiple concurrent, mutually distrustful applications on Cortex-M and RISC-V based embedded
Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox
Redox is an operating system written in Rust, a language with focus on safety and high performance. Redox, following the microkernel design, aims to b
A secure embedded operating system for microcontrollers
Tock is an embedded operating system designed for running multiple concurrent, mutually distrustful applications on Cortex-M and RISC-V based embedded
An OS kernel written in rust. Non POSIX
"Tifflin" Experimental Kernel (and eventually Operating System) This is an experiment in writing an OS Kernel in rust (http://rust-lang.org). Mostly t
(Going to be) A microkernel that implements a WebAssembly "usermode" that runs in Ring 0.
Read this (from the creator of Nebulet) Hi everyone, It's been a while since I've looked at this repository. Nebulet is not in active development, and
A comparison of operating systems written in Rust
Rust OS comparison A comparison of operating systems written in Rust. There are several open source operating systems written in Rust. Most of them ar
A high-performance observability data pipeline.
Get Started • Docs • Guides • Integrations • Chat • Download What is Vector? Vector is a high-performance, end-to-end (agent & aggregator) observabili
A tokio-based modbus library
tokio-modbus A tokio-based modbus library. Features pure Rust library async (non-blocking) sync (blocking) Modbus TCP Modbus RTU Client & Server Open
A client and server implementation of the OPC UA specification written in Rust
Introduction This is an OPC UA server / client API implementation for Rust. Linux Windows OPC UA is an industry standard for monitoring of data. It's
CLI for image processing with histograms, binary treshold and other functions
Image-Processing-CLI-in-Rust CLI for processing images in Rust. Some implementation is custom and for some functionality it uses 3rd party libraries.
A toy ray tracer in Rust
tray_rust - A Toy Ray Tracer in Rust tray_rust is a toy physically based ray tracer built off of the techniques discussed in Physically Based Renderin
svgcleaner could help you to clean up your SVG files from the unnecessary data.
svgcleaner svgcleaner helps you clean up your SVG files, keeping them free from unnecessary data. Table of Contents Purpose Goals Alternatives Charts
This is a simple implementation of the classic snake game in rust
My snake game Looks like this. This is with Roboto Mono Nerd Font. If you use a different font it may look different or distorted. Install rust In ord
⬡ Zone of Control is a hexagonal turn-based strategy game written in Rust. [DISCONTINUED]
Zone of Control The project is discontinued Sorry, friends. ZoC is discontinued. See https://ozkriff.github.io/2017-08-17--devlog.html Downloads Preco
😠⚔️😈 A minimalistic 2D turn-based tactical game in Rust
Zemeroth is a turn-based hexagonal tactical game written in Rust. Support: patreon.com/ozkriff News: @ozkriff on twitter | ozkriff.games | facebook |
A personal etude into rust software (RPG-it's more fun to debug) development: Tales of the Great White Moose
TGWM (Tales of the Great White Moose) NB: Currently compiles. Should compile and run on both 1.28.0 and 1.31.1 if the Cargo.lock files are deleted. A
An implementation of Sokoban in Rust
sokoban-rs This is an implementation of Sokoban in the Rust Programming Language. An example level: Build Instructions Before building sokoban-rs, you
Extensible open world rogue like game with pixel art. Players can explore the wilderness and ruins.
Rusted Ruins Extensible open world rogue like game with pixel art. Players can explore the wilderness and ruins. This game is written in Rust. Screens
ASCII terminal hexagonal map roguelike written in Rust
rhex Contributors welcome! Rhex is looking for contributors. See Contributing page for details. Introduction Simple ASCII terminal hexagonal map rogue
A Doom Renderer written in Rust.
Rust Doom A little Doom 1 & 2 Renderer written in Rust. Mostly written while I was learning the language about 2 years ago, so it might not the best e
Snake implemented in rust.
rsnake - An implementation of classic snake in rust This game was built using the piston_window window wrapper. Download the game If youre using mac-o
A roguelike game in Rust
A fantasy deathcrawl in Rust Work in progress. To run, with Rust compiler and Cargo package manager installed: cargo run --release When building on W
4fun open-source Cave Story reimplementation written in Rust
doukutsu-rs Download latest Nightly builds (Requires being logged in to GitHub) A re-implementation of Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) engine written
A work-in-progress, open-source, multi-player city simulation game.
Citybound is a city building game with a focus on realism, collaborative planning and simulation of microscopic details. It is independently developed
Angolmois BMS player, Rust edition
Angolmois Rust Edition This is a direct, one-to-one translation of Angolmois to Rust programming language. Angolmois is a BM98-like minimalistic music
Intel 8080 cpu emulator by Rust
i8080 i8080 is a emulator for Intel 8080 cpu. 8080 Programmers Manual 8080 opcodes [dependencies] i8080 = { git = "https://github.com/mohanson/i8080"
Rustual Boy - A Virtual Boy emulator.
Rustual Boy Description Rustual Boy is a Virtual Boy emulator. It can be used to play existing Virtual Boy games, as well as be a helpful development/
R.A.Z.E. A ZX Spectrum Emulator
R.A.Z.E. A ZX Spectrum emulator This project is part of a friendly competition to build an emulator using Rust and WebAssembly. Check the live version
ZX Spectrum emulator written in Rust
rustzx ZX Spectrum emulator which I writing in rust. I develop this project just for fun and for learning the basics of computer architecture. License
NES emulator in rust
NES emulator in Rust plastic is a NES emulator built from scratch using Rust. This is a personal project for fun and to experience emulating hardware
NES emulator written in Rust
sprocketnes is an emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System written in the Rust programming language. Its purpose is to serve as a technology dem
An NES emulator written in Rust
Pinky Pinky is an NES emulator written in Rust completely from scratch based only on publicly available documentation. You can run it in your Web brow
NES emulator written in Rust to learn Rust
OxideNES A NES emulator in Rust. CPU should be accurate, PPU is mostly accurate, timing between the 2 is off for some corner cases and hardware qui
RustBoyAdvance-NG is a Nintendo™ Game Boy Advance emulator and debugger, written in the rust programming language.
RustBoyAdvance-NG Nintendo GameBoy Advance ™ emulator and debugger, written in rust. WebAssembly Demo: https://michelhe.github.io/rustboyadvance-ng/ P
Full featured Cross-platform GameBoy emulator by Rust. Forever boys!.
Gameboy Full featured Cross-platform GameBoy emulator. Forever boys!. You can start a game with the following command, here with a built-in game "Boxe
RGB (Rust Game Boy) is a simple emulator for the original game boy
RGB RGB (Rust Game Boy) is a simple emulator for the original game boy and the color game boy. Warning: This no longer compiles in the latest versions
A Gameboy Emulator in Rust
RBoy A Gameboy Color Emulator written in Rust Implemented CPU All instructions correct All timings correct Double speed mode GPU Normal mode Color mod
A Game Boy research project and emulator written in Rust
Mooneye GB Mooneye GB is a Game Boy research project and emulator written in Rust. The main goals of this project are accuracy and documentation. Some
A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
website | demo | nightly builds | wiki Ruffle Ruffle is an Adobe Flash Player emulator written in the Rust programming language. Ruffle targets both t
Commodore 64 emulator written in Rust
Rust64 - a C64 emulator written in Rust This is my attempt to study the Rust programming language and have fun at the same time. The goal is to presen
Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
Website | Documentation | Community Chat TiKV is an open-source, distributed, and transactional key-value database. Unlike other traditional NoSQL sys
Skybase is an extremely fast, secure and reliable real-time NoSQL database with automated snapshots and SSL
Skybase The next-generation NoSQL database What is Skybase? Skybase (or SkybaseDB/SDB) is an effort to provide the best of key/value stores, document
Redis re-implemented in Rust.
rsedis Redis re-implemented in Rust. Why? To learn Rust. Use Cases rsedis does not rely on UNIX-specific features. Windows users can run it as a repla
Immutable Ordered Key-Value Database Engine
PumpkinDB Build status (Linux) Build status (Windows) Project status Usable, between alpha and beta Production-readiness Depends on your risk toleranc
High performance and distributed KV store w/ REST API. 🦀
About Lucid KV High performance and distributed KV store w/ REST API. 🦀 Introduction Lucid is an high performance, secure and distributed key-value s
Materialize simplifies application development with streaming data. Incrementally-updated materialized views - in PostgreSQL and in real time. Materialize is powered by Timely Dataflow.
Materialize is a streaming database for real-time applications. Get started Check out our getting started guide. About Materialize lets you ask questi
A Rust library for generating cryptocurrency wallets
Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Build Guide 2.1 Install Rust 2.2a Build from Homebrew 2.2b Build from Crates.io 2.2c Build from Source Code 3. Usage
Tendermint in Rust!
tendermint.rs Tendermint in Rust with TLA+ specifications. Tendermint is a high-performance blockchain consensus engine for Byzantine fault tolerant a
rust client libraries to deal with the current cardano mainnet (byron / cardano-sl)
Rust implementation of Cardano primitives, helpers, and related applications Cardano Rust is a modular toolbox of Cardano’s cryptographic primitives,
Polkadot Node Implementation
Polkadot Implementation of a https://polkadot.network node in Rust based on the Substrate framework. NOTE: In 2018, we split our implementation of "Po
Rust implementation of Zcash protocol
The Parity Zcash client. Gitter Blog: Parity teams up with Zcash Foundation for Parity Zcash client Installing from source Installing the snap Running
The Parity Bitcoin client
The Parity Bitcoin client. Gitter Installing from source Installing the snap Running tests Going online Importing bitcoind database Command line inter
Official Rust implementation of the Nimiq protocol
Nimiq Core implementation in Rust (core-rs) Rust implementation of the Nimiq Blockchain Core Nimiq is a frictionless payment protocol for the web. Thi
The Nervos CKB is a public permissionless blockchain, and the layer 1 of Nervos network.
Nervos CKB - The Common Knowledge Base master develop About CKB CKB is the layer 1 of Nervos Network, a public/permissionless blockchain. CKB uses Pro
Reference client for NEAR Protocol
Reference implementation of NEAR Protocol About NEAR NEAR's purpose is to enable community-driven innovation to benefit people around the world. To ac
Rust Ethereum 2.0 Client
Lighthouse: Ethereum 2.0 An open-source Ethereum 2.0 client, written in Rust and maintained by Sigma Prime. Documentation Overview Lighthouse is: Read
Joystream Monorepo
Joystream This is the main code repository for all Joystream software. In this mono-repo you will find all the software required to run a Joystream ne
A Rust implementation of BIP-0039
bip39-rs A Rust implementation of BIP0039 Changes See the changelog file, or the Github releases for specific tags. Documentation Add bip39 to your Ca
IBC modules and relayer - Formal specifications and Rust implementation
ibc-rs Rust implementation of the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. This project comprises primarily four crates: The ibc crate defines t
The new, performant, and simplified version of Holochain on Rust (sometimes called Holochain RSM for Refactored State Model)
Holochain License: This repository contains the core Holochain libraries and binaries. This is the most recent and well maintained version of Holochai
HD wallet BIP-32 related key derivation utilities.
HDWallet Docs HD wallet(BIP-32) key derivation utilities. This crate is build upon secp256k1 crate, this crate only provides BIP-32 related features,
Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
Grin Grin is an in-progress implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol. Many characteristics are still undefined but the following constitutes a firs
Custom Ethereum vanity address generator made in Rust
ethaddrgen Custom Ethereum address generator Get a shiny ethereum address and stand out from the crowd! Disclaimer: Do not use the private key shown i
Coinbase pro client for Rust
Coinbase pro client for Rust Supports SYNC/ASYNC/Websocket-feed data support Features private and public API sync and async support websocket-feed sup
A high performance blockchain kernel for enterprise users.
English | 简体中文 What is CITA CITA is a fast and scalable blockchain kernel for enterprises. CITA supports both native contract and EVM contract, by whi
A Rust library for working with Bitcoin SV
Rust-SV A library to build Bitcoin SV applications in Rust. Documentation Features P2P protocol messages (construction and serialization) Address enco
Spotify for the terminal written in Rust 🚀
Spotify TUI A Spotify client for the terminal written in Rust. The terminal in the demo above is using the Rigel theme. Spotify TUI Installation Homeb
A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
Wez's Terminal A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust User facing docs and guide a
Full fake REST API generator written with Rust
Weld Full fake REST API generator. This project is heavily inspired by json-server, written with rust. Synopsis Our first aim is to generate a fake ap
A terminal IRC client
tiny - Yet another terminal IRC client tiny is an IRC client written in Rust. Features Clean UI: consecutive join/part/quit messages are shown in a si
The Servo Browser Engine
The Servo Parallel Browser Engine Project Servo is a prototype web browser engine written in the Rust language. It is currently developed on 64-bit ma
👾 Modern and minimalist pixel editor
██ ████ ██ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ `rx` is a modern and minimalist pixel editor. Designed with g
Provides a single TUI-based registry for drm-free, wine and steam games on linux, accessed through a rofi launch menu.
eidolon A conversion of steam_suite to rust with additional features. Provides a single TUI-based registry for drm-free, wine and steam games on linux
A purpose-built proxy for the Linkerd service mesh. Written in Rust.
This repo contains the transparent proxy component of Linkerd2. While the Linkerd2 proxy is heavily influenced by the Linkerd 1.X proxy, it comprises
kytan: High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN in Rust
kytan: High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN kytan is a high performance peer to peer VPN written in Rust. The goal is to to minimize the hassle of config