6313 Repositories
Rust pmpf-code-rust Libraries
An HTTP library for Rust
hyper A fast and correct HTTP implementation for Rust. HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 Asynchronous design Leading in performance Tested and correct Extensive produ
Typed, correct GraphQL requests and responses in Rust
graphql_client A typed GraphQL client library for Rust. Features Precise types for query variables and responses. Supports GraphQL fragments, objects,
A GraphQL server library implemented in Rust
A GraphQL server library implemented in Rust Async-graphql is a high-performance server-side library that supports all GraphQL specifications. Feature
Rust bindings to libcurl
curl-rust libcurl bindings for Rust Quick Start use std::io::{stdout, Write}; use curl::easy::Easy; // Print a web page onto stdout fn main() {
Rust API to the OS X Hypervisor framework for hardware-accelerated virtualization
hypervisor-rs hypervisor is a Rust library that taps into functionality that enables hardware-accelerated execution of virtual machines on OS X. It bi
Rust bindings for the unicorn CPU emulator
unicorn-rs THIS PACKAGE IS DEPRECATED AND NO LONGER MAINTAINED. Rust bindings are now included with unicorn and will be maintained there from now on.
Advanced Rust quantum computer simulator
quantum Advanced Rust quantum computer simulator. Motivation Quantum is a quantum computer simulator written with the following design goals in mind:
Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust
Tantivy is a full text search engine library written in Rust. It is closer to Apache Lucene than to Elasticsearch or Apache Solr in the sense it is no
Lightning Fast, Ultra Relevant, and Typo-Tolerant Search Engine
MeiliSearch Website | Roadmap | Blog | LinkedIn | Twitter | Documentation | FAQ ⚡ Lightning Fast, Ultra Relevant, and Typo-Tolerant Search Engine 🔍 M
Rust edit distance routines accelerated using SIMD. Supports fast Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance calculations and string search.
triple_accel Rust edit distance routines accelerated using SIMD. Supports fast Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance cal
A Rust library for generically joining iterables with a separator
joinery A Rust library for generically joining iterables with a separator. Provides the tragically missing string join functionality to rust. extern c
Multilingual implementation of RAKE algorithm for Rust
RAKE.rs The library provides a multilingual implementation of Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) algorithm for Rust. How to Use Append rake to
Natural language detection library for Rust. Try demo online: https://www.greyblake.com/whatlang/
Whatlang Natural language detection for Rust with focus on simplicity and performance. Content Features Get started Documentation Supported languages
An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.
regex A Rust library for parsing, compiling, and executing regular expressions. Its syntax is similar to Perl-style regular expressions, but lacks a f
⏮ ⏯ ⏭ A Rust library to easily read forwards, backwards or randomly through the lines of huge files.
EasyReader The main goal of this library is to allow long navigations through the lines of large files, freely moving forwards and backwards or gettin
An efficient and powerful Rust library for word wrapping text.
Textwrap Textwrap is a library for wrapping and indenting text. It is most often used by command-line programs to format dynamic output nicely so it l
Elastic tabstops for Rust.
tabwriter is a crate that implements elastic tabstops. It provides both a library for wrapping Rust Writers and a small program that exposes the same
Fast suffix arrays for Rust (with Unicode support).
suffix Fast linear time & space suffix arrays for Rust. Supports Unicode! Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE. Documentation https://docs.rs/suff
A flexible template engine for Rust
Rustache Rustache is a Rust implementation of the Mustache spec. Documentation The different Mustache tags are documented at the mustache(5) man page.
Hiccup html templating in rust
Hiccup A Clojure's Hiccup inspired macro. At the moment support for inline code execution is not guaranteed. The main objective of this lib is to prev
Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust
Askama Askama implements a template rendering engine based on Jinja. It generates Rust code from your templates at compile time based on a user-define
A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django
Tera Tera is a template engine inspired by Jinja2 and the Django template language. title{% block title %}{% endblock title %}/title ul {% for u
Rust Compiled Templates with static-file handling
Rust Compiled Templates — ructe This is my attempt at writing a HTML template system for Rust. Some inspiration comes from the scala template system u
A macro-based html builder for rust
Horrorshow A macro-based html templating library, compatible with stable rust (currently requires rust = 1.37). Features This crate will degrade grac
:pencil: Compile-time HTML templates for Rust
maud Documentation (source) • API reference • Change log Maud is an HTML template engine for Rust. It's implemented as a macro, html!, which compiles
Yarte stands for Yet Another Rust Template Engine
Should we start to worry? bytes-buf feature can produce SIGILL. avx and sse flags are in almost all cpus of x86 and x86_64 architectures. More details
Rust templating with Handlebars
handlebars-rust Handlebars templating language implemented in Rust and for Rust. Handlebars-rust is the template engine that renders the official Rust
Rhai - An embedded scripting language for Rust.
Rhai - Embedded Scripting for Rust Rhai is an embedded scripting language and evaluation engine for Rust that gives a safe and easy way to add scripti
Source code for the Mun language and runtime.
Mun Mun is a programming language empowering creation through iteration. Features Ahead of time compilation - Mun is compiled ahead of time (AOT), as
Lisp dialect scripting and extension language for Rust programs
Ketos Ketos is a Lisp dialect functional programming language. The primary goal of Ketos is to serve as a scripting and extension language for program
A static, type inferred and embeddable language written in Rust.
gluon Gluon is a small, statically-typed, functional programming language designed for application embedding. Features Statically-typed - Static typin
Rust bindings for the FreeBSD capsicum framework
capsicum Contain the awesome! Rust bindings for the FreeBSD capsicum framework for OS capability and sandboxing Prerequisites Rust, Cargo, and FreeBSD
Rust implementation of a FreeBSD jail library
libjail-rs libjail-rs aims to be a rust implementation of the FreeBSD jail(3) library. While feature parity is a goal, a one-to-one implementation of
Rust bindings to Windows API
winapi-rs Documentation Official communication channel: #windows-dev on the Rust Community Discord This crate provides raw FFI bindings to all of Wind
Rust library for filesystems in userspace (FUSE)
Rust FUSE - Filesystem in Userspace About fuse-rs is a Rust library crate for easy implementation of FUSE filesystems in userspace. fuse-rs does not j
Rust friendly bindings to *nix APIs
Rust bindings to *nix APIs Documentation (Releases) Nix seeks to provide friendly bindings to various *nix platform APIs (Linux, Darwin, ...). The goa
Rust bindings for iptables
Rust iptables This crate provides bindings for iptables application in Linux (inspired by go-iptables). This crate uses iptables binary to manipulate
nginx bindings for Rust
nginx-rs This crate provides nginx bindings for Rust. Currently, only Linux is supported. How to Use Add nginx crate to Cargo.toml [dependencies] ngin
Idiomatic inotify wrapper for the Rust programming language
inotify-rs Idiomatic inotify wrapper for the Rust programming language. extern crate inotify; use std::env; use inotify::{ EventMask, Watch
Rust bindings to Linux Control Groups (cgroups)
cgroups-fs Native Rust library for managing Linux Control Groups (cgroups). This crate, curently, only supports the original, V1 hierarchy. You are we
A cross-platform serial port library in Rust.
Introduction serialport-rs is a general-purpose cross-platform serial port library for Rust. It provides a blocking I/O interface and port enumeration
JsonPath engine written in Rust. Webassembly and Javascript support too
jsonpath_lib Rust 버전 JsonPath 구현으로 Webassembly와 Javascript에서도 유사한 API 인터페이스를 제공 한다. It is JsonPath JsonPath engine written in Rust. it provide a simil
Rust query string parser with nesting support
What is Queryst? This is a fork of the original, with serde and serde_json updated to 0.9 A query string parsing library for Rust inspired by https://
A typed parser generator embedded in Rust code for Parsing Expression Grammars
Oak Compiled on the nightly channel of Rust. Use rustup for managing compiler channels. You can download and set up the exact same version of the comp
The Elegant Parser
pest. The Elegant Parser pest is a general purpose parser written in Rust with a focus on accessibility, correctness, and performance. It uses parsing
A Rust library for zero-allocation parsing of binary data.
Zero A Rust library for zero-allocation parsing of binary data. Requires Rust version 1.6 or later (requires stable libcore for no_std). See docs for
LR(1) parser generator for Rust
LALRPOP LALRPOP is a Rust parser generator framework with usability as its primary goal. You should be able to write compact, DRY, readable grammars.
A parser combinator library for Rust
combine An implementation of parser combinators for Rust, inspired by the Haskell library Parsec. As in Parsec the parsers are LL(1) by default but th
A fast monadic-style parser combinator designed to work on stable Rust.
Chomp Chomp is a fast monadic-style parser combinator library designed to work on stable Rust. It was written as the culmination of the experiments de
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator for Rust
Parsing Expression Grammars in Rust Documentation | Release Notes rust-peg is a simple yet flexible parser generator that makes it easy to write robus
Rust parser combinator framework
nom, eating data byte by byte nom is a parser combinators library written in Rust. Its goal is to provide tools to build safe parsers without compromi
A native Rust port of Google's robots.txt parser and matcher C++ library.
robotstxt A native Rust port of Google's robots.txt parser and matcher C++ library. Native Rust port, no third-part crate dependency Zero unsafe code
Rust client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
A Rust client for the NATS messaging system. Status Motivation Rust may be the most interesting new language the NATS ecosystem has seen. We believe t
The Rust Implementation of libp2p networking stack.
Central repository for work on libp2p This repository is the central place for Rust development of the libp2p spec. Warning: While we are trying our b
neqo — an Implementation of QUIC written in Rust
Neqo, an Implementation of QUIC written in Rust To run test HTTP/3 programs (neqo-client and neqo-server): cargo build ./target/debug/neqo-server [::]
Futures-based QUIC implementation in Rust
Pure-rust QUIC protocol implementation Quinn is a pure-rust, future-based implementation of the QUIC transport protocol undergoing standardization by
🥧 Savoury implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3
quiche is an implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3 as specified by the IETF. It provides a low level API for processing QUIC packet
rpcx microservice framework in Rust
rpcx-rs Rust library for rpcx rpc/microservice framework. Use the simplest style to explore Rust function as cross-platform rpc services. If you can w
Docker daemon API in Rust
Bollard: an asynchronous rust client library for the docker API Bollard leverages the latest Hyper and Tokio improvements for an asynchronous API cont
A Constrained Application Protocol(CoAP) library implemented in Rust.
coap-rs A fast and stable Constrained Application Protocol(CoAP) library implemented in Rust. Features: CoAP core protocol RFC 7252 CoAP Observe optio
Rust zeromq bindings.
Rust ZeroMQ bindings. Documentation Release Notes About The zmq crate provides bindings for the libzmq library from the ZeroMQ project. The API expose
A µTP (Micro/uTorrent Transport Library) library implemented in Rust
rust-utp A Micro Transport Protocol library implemented in Rust. API documentation Overview The Micro Transport Protocol is a reliable transport proto
A STOMP client in Rust. Compatible with RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ.
stomp-rs stomp-rs provides a full STOMP 1.2 client implementation for the Rust programming language. This allows programs written in Rust to interact
Rust bindings for libssh2
ssh2-rs Documentation Rust bindings to libssh2, an ssh client library. Usage # Cargo.toml [dependencies] ssh2 = "0.9" Building on OSX 10.10+ This libr
POP3 client for Rust
rust-pop3 POP3 Client for Rust This client has SSL support. SSL is configured using an SSLContext that is passed into the connect method of a POP3Stre
NNTP client for Rust
rust-nntp NNTP Client for Rust Usage extern crate nntp; use nntp::{Article, NNTPStream}; fn main() { let mut nntp_stream = match NNTPStream::connec
Nanomsg library for Rust
Nanomsg Documentation Nanomsg is a modern messaging library that is the successor to ZeroMQ, written in C by Martin Sustrik and colleagues. The nanoms
Actor framework for Rust.
Actix Actor framework for Rust Documentation User Guide API Documentation API Documentation (master branch) Features Async and sync actors Actor commu
Easy protocol definitions in Rust
protocol Documentation Easy protocol definitions in Rust. This crate adds a custom derive that can be added to types, allowing structured data to be s
A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
Tokio A runtime for writing reliable, asynchronous, and slim applications with the Rust programming language. It is: Fast: Tokio's zero-cost abstracti
Cross-platform, low level networking using the Rust programming language.
libpnet Linux ∪ OS X Build Status: Windows Build Status: Discussion and support: #libpnet on freenode / #rust-networking on irc.mozilla.org / #rust on
Network simulation in Rust
netsim - A Rust library for network simulation and testing (currently linux-only). netsim is a crate for simulating networks for the sake of testing n
A library to work with CIDRs in rust
ipnetwork This is a library to work with IPv4 and IPv6 CIDRs in Rust Run Clippy by doing rustup component add clippy cargo clippy Installation This c
The gRPC library for Rust built on C Core library and futures
gRPC-rs gRPC-rs is a Rust wrapper of gRPC Core. gRPC is a high performance, open source universal RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first. Sta
FTP client for Rust
rust-ftp FTP client for Rust Documentation rust-ftp Installation Usage License Contribution Development environment Installation FTPS support is achie
Rust crate for scraping URLs from HTML pages
url-scraper Rust crate for scraping URLs from HTML pages. Example extern crate url_scraper; use url_scraper::UrlScraper; fn main() { let director
Rust crate for configurable parallel web crawling, designed to crawl for content
url-crawler A configurable parallel web crawler, designed to crawl a website for content. Changelog Docs.rs Example extern crate url_crawler; use std:
Android / iOS app with shared Rust logic
Rust core for native Android and iOS apps [TODO iOS badge] This is an example that shows how to use a shared Rust core in native Android and iOS apps.
rust on pebble - functional with limited capabilities
Pebble.rs Pebble.rs is a crate that allows rust to be used to develop Pebble applications. It is compatible with SDK 3.0 and is known to work on the a
Using Rust to create an iOS static library
ObjCrust A modified ObjCrust which uses Rust cross-compiler. Cross-compiler needs to be built first (note: it is on a separate branch now, so don't fo
Cargo subcommand to automatically create universal libraries for iOS.
cargo lipo Provides a cargo lipo subcommand which automatically creates a universal library for use with your iOS application. Maintenance Status Plea
Glue between Rust and Android
deprecated in favor of https://github.com/rust-windowing/android-ndk-rs which works with winit master Android Glue Usage With Docker The easiest way t
Language Integrated Query in Rust.
Linq in Rust Language Integrated Query in Rust (created by declarative macros). Inspired by LINQ in .NET. What's LINQ This project is under developmen
Macro for Python-esque comprehensions in Rust
Cute Macro for Python-esque list comprehensions in Rust. The c! macro implements list and hashmap comprehensions similar to those found in Python, all
Application level tracing for Rust.
Website | Chat | Documentation (master branch) Overview tracing is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diag
A highly configurable logging framework for Rust
log4rs log4rs is a highly configurable logging framework modeled after Java's Logback and log4j libraries. Warning If you are using the file rotation
Structured, contextual, extensible, composable logging for Rust
Getting started Introduction FAQ Crate list slog-rs - The Logging for Rust Introduction (please read) slog is an ecosystem of reusable components for
Logging implementation for Rust
log A Rust library providing a lightweight logging facade. log documentation A logging facade provides a single logging API that abstracts over the ac
A pretty, easy-to-use logger for Rust.
pretty-env-logger A simple logger built on top of env_logger. It is configured via an environment variable and writes to standard error with nice colo
A simple steganography library written in rust
steganography A stable steganography library written in rust Crates.io Usage Add the following to the Cargo.toml in your project: [dependencies] stega
Rust bindings for OpenCV 3 & 4
Rust OpenCV bindings Experimental Rust bindings for OpenCV 3 and 4. The API is usable, but unstable and not very battle-tested; use at your own risk.
Image processing operations
imageproc An image processing library, based on the image library. There may initially be overlap between the functions in this library and those in i
Encoding and decoding images in Rust
Image Maintainers: @HeroicKatora, @fintelia How to contribute An Image Processing Library This crate provides basic image processing functions and met
A Rust library for calculating perceptual hash values of images
img_hash Now builds on stable Rust! (But needs nightly to bench.) A library for getting perceptual hash values of images. Thanks to Dr. Neal Krawetz f
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend.
TAURI Tauri Apps footprint: minuscule performance: ludicrous flexibility: gymnastic security: hardened Current Releases Component Descrip
Truly cross platform, truly native. multiple backend GUI for rust
WIP: Sauron-native a rust UI library that conquers all platforms ranging from desktop to mobile devices. An attempt to create a truly native, truly cr
A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
Iced A cross-platform GUI library for Rust focused on simplicity and type-safety. Inspired by Elm. Features Simple, easy-to-use, batteries-included AP
Rust bindings for Sciter
Rust bindings for Sciter Check this page for other language bindings (Delphi / D / Go / .NET / Python / Rust). Introduction Sciter is an embeddable mu
QML (Qt Quick) bindings for Rust language
QML-rust - bindings for Qt Quick Bindings are based on DOtherSide C bindings for QML Library is mostly feature-compliant with other bindings based on
Qt5 binding for rust language. (stalled)
Qt5 binding for Rust language. qt.rs This project provides bindings that allow the QT Gui toolkit to be used from the Rust Programming language. Compi