Rust edit distance routines accelerated using SIMD. Supports fast Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance calculations and string search.



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Rust edit distance routines accelerated using SIMD. Supports fast Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance calculations and string search.

Although vectorized SIMD code allows for up to 20-30x speedups over their scalar counterparts, the difficulty of handling platform-dependent SIMD code makes SIMD routines less attractive. The goal of this library is to provide an easy-to-use abstraction over SIMD edit distance routines that fall back to scalar routines if the target CPU architecture is not supported. Additionally, all limitations and tradeoffs of the edit distance routines should be provided upfront so the user knows exactly what to expect. Finally, this library should lead to performance boosts on both short and longer strings, so it can be used for a variety of tasks, from bioinformatics to natural language processing. triple_accel is very lightweight: it only has dependencies on other crates for benchmarking. It can be built on machines without CPUs that have AVX2 or SSE4.1 support. It can also run on machines without SIMD support by automatically using scalar alternatives.



triple_accel = "*"

to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml. This library is available here on

Alternatively, you can clone this repository and run

cargo build --release

In general, for maximum efficiency, use RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" if portability is not an issue.


You can run tests with

cargo test

after cloning the repository.

Continuous integration is used to ensure that the code passes all tests on the latest Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms. Additionally, crate feature flags like jewel-sse, jewel-avx, jewel-8bit, jewel-16bit, and jewel-32bit are used to override the default automatic detection of CPU features, so all features can be thoroughly tested in continuous integration. The debug feature flag is specified, so the exact underlying vector type that is used is printed.


Benchmarks can be ran with

cargo bench


The docs are available here. To build them on your machine, run

cargo doc


This library provides routines for both searching for some needle string in a haystack string and calculating the edit distance between two strings. Hamming distance (mismatches only), Levenshtein distance (mismatches + gaps), and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein distance (transpositions + mismatches + gaps) are supported, along with arbitrary edit costs. This library provides a simple interface, in addition to powerful lower-level control over the edit distance calculations.

At runtime, the implementation for a certain algorithm is selected based on CPU support, going down the list:

  1. Vectorized implementation with 256-bit AVX vectors, if AVX2 is supported.
  2. Vectorized implementation with 128-bit SSE vectors, if SSE4.1 is supported.
  3. Scalar implementation.

Currently, vectorized SIMD implementations are only available for x86 or x86-64 CPUs. However, after compiling this library on a machine that supports those SIMD intrinsics, the library can be used on other machines. Additionally, the internal data structure for storing vectors and the bit width of the values in the vectors are selected at runtime for maximum efficiency and accuracy, given the lengths of the input strings.


Due to the use of SIMD intrinsics, only binary strings that are represented with u8 bytes are supported. Unicode strings are not currently supported.


triple_accel provides a very simple and easy to use framework for common edit distance operations. Calculating the Hamming distance (number of mismatches) between two strings is extremely simple:

use triple_accel::*;

let a = b"abcd";
let b = b"abcc";

let dist = hamming(a, b);
assert!(dist == 1);

By default, SIMD will be used if possible. Similarly, we can easily calculate the Levenshtein distance (character mismatches and gaps all have a cost of 1) between two strings with the following code:

use triple_accel::*;

let a = b"abc";
let b = b"abcd";

let dist = levenshtein_exp(a, b);
assert!(dist == 1);

This uses exponential search to estimate the number of edits between a and b, which makes it more efficient than the alternative levenshtein function when the number of edits between a and b is low.

In addition to edit distance routines, triple_accel also provides search routines. These routines return an iterator over matches that indicate where the needle string matches the haystack string. triple_accel will attempt to maximize the length of matches that end at the same position and remove shorter matches when some matches fully overlap.

use triple_accel::*;

let needle = b"helllo";
let haystack = b"hello world";

let matches: Vec<Match> = levenshtein_search(needle, haystack).collect();
// note: start index is inclusive, end index is exclusive!
assert!(matches == vec![Match{start: 0, end: 5, k: 1}]);

Sometimes, it is necessary to use the slightly lower level, but also more powerful routines that triple_accel provides. For example, it is possible to allow transpositions (character swaps) that have a cost of 1, in addition to mismatches and gaps:

use triple_accel::levenshtein::*;

let a = b"abcd";
let b = b"abdc";
let k = 2; // upper bound on allowed cost
let trace_on = false; // return edit traceback?

let dist = levenshtein_simd_k_with_opts(a, b, k, trace_on, RDAMERAU_COSTS);
// note: dist may be None if a and b do not match within a cost of k
assert!(dist.unwrap().0 == 1);

Don't let the name of the function fool you! levenshtein_simd_k_with_opts will still fall back to the scalar implementation if AVX2 or SSE4.1 support is not available. It just prefers to use SIMD where possible.

For most common cases, the re-exported functions are enough, and the low level functions do not have to be used directly.




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Why the name "triple_accel"?

Because "Time Altar - Triple Accel" is a magical ability used by Kiritsugu Emiya to boost his speed and reaction time in Fate/Zero. There are also some other references to the Fate series...

  • add &str support

    add &str support

    If am no totally wrong, &str can be supported quite easily. As the algorithm only ever checks for equality, the input type can be any T: PartialEq.

    opened by s3bk 7
  • Implement Jaccard index?

    Implement Jaccard index?

    Hi @Daniel-Liu-c0deb0t!

    I didn't dig down too much into the codebase, but I wonder if there is interest in adding a Jaccard index function (as described in Faster Population Counts Using AVX2 Instructions. The implementation from the paper is at and while it is a bit heavy on the macros I think it could be translated using the infra you already have in triple_accel?

    (This would be incredibly useful for me, so I can start looking deeper into it if you're also interested =])

    opened by luizirber 5
  • Disable Debug Output

    Disable Debug Output

    Hi, I'm pretty new to Rust so I'm not sure if there is a general way, but is it possible to disable the debug output (e.g. "Debug: Levenshtein Jewel vector type Avx1x32x8 for target "avx2".")? I want to still debug other parts of the code, but the I don't need the debug output of this library each time I use it.

    Best, Nicolas

    opened by ncioj10 4
  • Feature request: bounded hamming distance

    Feature request: bounded hamming distance

    I'm working on an application in which I'll be computing the hamming distance between two strings but only care if it's below $k$. There's a bounded Levenshtein method but no corresponding Hamming function. Is it possible to get a bounded Hamming distance?

    opened by Benjamin-Lee 2
  • Custom comparison function

    Custom comparison function

    Forgive me if this is a silly question, but do you think it would be possible to provide an alternate hamming distance function that can take a custom comparison function?

    For instance, in bioinformatics, if I want the hamming distance between two sequences, but I want to ignore Ns.

    For example

    fn hamming(a: &[u8], b: &[u8], f: &dyn Fn(u8, u8) -> u64) -> u64 {
        a.iter().zip(b).fold(0, |acc, (x, y)| acc + f(*x, *y))
    fn main() {
        let s1 = b"ACGT";
        let s2 = b"ANCT";
        fn dist(a: u8, b: u8) -> u64 { (a != b'N' && b != b'N' && a != b) as u64 }
        assert_eq!(dist(s1[2], s2[2]), 1);
        assert_eq!(dist(s1[0], s2[0]), 0);
        assert_eq!(dist(s1[1], s2[1]), 0);
        assert_eq!(hamming(s1, s2, &dist), 1);
    opened by mbhall88 2
  • Could not compile `triple_accel`

    Could not compile `triple_accel`

    System information:

    Linux tianyi-optiplex3070 5.6.15-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 27 20:38:56 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Cargo version:

    cargo 1.48.0-nightly (875e01232 2020-09-08)

    Error message:

    error: attribute should be applied to a function
        --> /home/tianyi/.cargo/registry/src/
    1499 | /                 unsafe {
    1500 | |                     #![target_feature(enable = "sse4.1")]
         | |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    1501 | |                     write!(f, "[")?;
    1502 | |
    ...    |
    1528 | |                     write!(f, "]")
    1529 | |                 }
         | |_________________- not a function
    1540 |   create_sse_nx16x8!(Sse16x16x8, 16);
         |   ----------------------------------- in this macro invocation
         = note: this error originates in a macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    error: aborting due to 13 previous errors
    error: could not compile `triple_accel`
    Caused by:
      process didn't exit successfully: `rustc --crate-name triple_accel --edition=2018 /home/tianyi/.cargo/registry/src/ --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C embed-bitcode=no -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="jewel-16bit"' --cfg 'feature="jewel-32bit"' --cfg 'feature="jewel-8bit"' --cfg 'feature="jewel-avx"' --cfg 'feature="jewel-sse"' -C metadata=ea803cb5cc9b7c41 -C extra-filename=-ea803cb5cc9b7c41 --out-dir /home/tianyi/a/target/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/tianyi/a/target/debug/deps --cap-lints allow` (exit code: 1)

    (multiples errors of the same kind, all saying attribute should be applied to a function)

    opened by TianyiShi2001 2
  • Add exponential search with options

    Add exponential search with options

    This allows doing exponential search for cost models other than levenshtein, and allows returns a trace from the exponential search version.

    Also includes:

    • auto formatting
    • some small cleanups / simplifications. Let me know if I should revert those
    opened by RagnarGrootKoerkamp 1
  • Traceback inaccurate with gap open costs

    Traceback inaccurate with gap open costs

    Need to keep track of traceback for the gap matrices (whether continuing or opening a gap). Currently, following gap transitions just end up on an entry in the dp matrix (not the gap matrices) even if its continuing a gap.

    opened by Daniel-Liu-c0deb0t 0
  • Include benchmarks in

    Include benchmarks in

    It would be helpful to include sample benchmark results (probably as X times speedup at each size, maybe in graph format?) in the README so that users could have context for what performance gains can be expected (and whether everything performs as expected).

    If I have time, I can compile some results, but I don't know if there's a convenient criterion API to generate such a table automatically (it does produce JSON files, which could be tablulated using a script).

    opened by philippeitis 0
Daniel Liu
1st yr cs boi at @ucla, incoming @10xgenomics, prev @ucsd @openmined
Daniel Liu
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